8 research outputs found
Stimulacija zemljiŔne mikrobioloŔke aktivnosti sa klinoptilolitom - uticaj na rast biljke
Zeolites can mitigate ammonium losses to the environment by taking up the ions from sources such as farmyard manure and ammonium-bearing fertilizers. This ability can improve nitrogen fertilizing practice given that ammonium ions loaded onto zeolite are available for plant uptake. The main goal of this study was to assess the influence of zeolite (clinoptilolite) and ammonia-loaded clinoptilolite on growth and yield of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), as well as their influence on the microbial dynamics in soil. Plants sown in pots were cut four times, and dry matter yield (DM) of each harvest was weighed. The number of culturable bacteria, moulds, ammonifiers, Azotobacter sp. and actinomycetes was determined at the beginning of the experiment, and after each harvest. Two control treatments (soil without fertilizer and soil supplemented with mineral fertilizer - CAN) were included in the study. The application of ammonia-loaded clinoptilolite positively and significantly affected the microbial activity and provided higher yields (from 4.9 g/pot in ammonia-loaded clinoptilolite treatment to 4.3 g/pot in soil with zeolite treatment). Our results suggest that the addition of clinoptilolite to organic fertilizers (manure, composts) could be recommended. The increase of microbial communitiesā abundances and their activity represented the key benefit from clinoptilolite application.Zeoliti mogu ublažiti otpuÅ”tanje amonijaka u prirodu preko uzimanja jona iz izvora kao Å”to su stajnjak i Äubriva bogata amonijakom. Ova sposobnost može unaprediti Äubrenje azotom preko zeolitom usvojenih amonijum jona koji bi tako postali dostupni za usvajanje biljkama. Cilj ovih ispitivanja je bio procena uticaja zeolita (klinoptilolita) i zeolita obogaÄenog amonijakom na rast i prinos crvene deteline (Trifolium pratense L.), kao i na njihovu ulogu u mikrobioloÅ”koj dinamici zemljiÅ”ta. Biljke sejane u sudovima su koÅ”ene Äetiri puta i meren je prinos suve materije (SM) svakog otkosa. Broj bakterija, plesni, amonifikatora, Azotobacter sp. i aktinomiceta je utvrÄen na poÄetku ogleda i nakon svakog koÅ”enja. U istraživanja su ukljuÄena dva kontrolna tretmana (zemljiÅ”te bez Äubriva i zemljiÅ”te sa dodatim mineralnim Äubrivom - KAN). Primena klinoptilolita obogaÄenog sa amonijakom je pozitivno i znaÄajno uticala na mikrobioloÅ”ku aktivnost i poveÄala je prinos (od 4,9 g po sudu kod tretmana sa klinoptilolitom obogaÄenim amonijakom do 4,3 g po sudu u zemljiÅ”tu sa zemljiÅ”tem i zeolitom zajedno). NaÅ”a istraživanja sugeriÅ”u da se može preporuÄiti dodavanje klinoptilolita organskim Äubrivima (stajnjaku, kompostu). KljuÄna dobit od primene klinoptilolita bi se ogledala u poveÄanju zastupljenosti mikrobioloÅ”kih zajednica i njihove aktivnosti
The effect of different subanesthetic doses of ketamine on BDNF levels in different brain structures in the mouse model of depression
Major depressive disorder (MDD) affects over 300 million people worldwide. The administration of the sub-anaesthetic dose of ketamine, an NMDAr antagonist, was recently approved as highly effective antidepressant whose therapeutic effects are associated with an increase in BDNF levels in the brain. However, lowering the effective dose of ketamine because of its adverse effects is an important goal. We assessed the changes in BDNF levels after the single administration of two subanesthetic doses of ketamine (6mg/kg, Ket6 and 10mg/kg, Ket10) in the chronic unpredictable stress (CUS) mouse model of depression-like behavior in different brain structures. Male C57BL/6J mice exposed to CUS were treated at the postnatal day 70 with either vehicle, Ket6, or Ket10. Following tail suspension test (TST), to assess depressive phenotype at 2- and 7-days post-treatment, animals were sacrificed and the prefrontal cortex (PFC), hippocampus, and striatum were isolated and processed for Western blot analyses. Statistical significance was determined by 1-way ANOVA. Only Ket6 achieved an antidepressant effect that was extinguished at 7 days. Both doses caused a significant increase in BDNF levels in the striatum while neither dose was able to induce BDNF levels in the hippocampus. The increase in BDNF levels in the PFC was observed only 7 days after the treatment and only with Ket10. The increase in BDNF levels was the greatest in the striatum when it correlated with the antidepressive effects of ketamine. Although this increase was sustained for 7 days it did not correlate with the antidepressive behavior which was already extinguished.Poster Session: Brain Metabolism & Dietary Intervention
Chronic unpredictable stress in adolescence causes disruption of colon morphology that is associated with depressive phenotype in adult mice
Adolescence is a critical period for neurodevelopment, and exposure to chronic stress during this stage can have long-lasting effects on physiological systems and mental health, particularly on depression. Recent studies report that stress affects the gutbrain axis, leading to changes in gut morphology and motility, nutrient absorption, and gut microbiome, which can be associated with development of depression. We investigated the impact of chronic unpredictable stress (CUS) in adolescence on depressive-like behavior and colon in adult mice. Male C57BL/6 mice were exposed to CUS, including different daily stressors such as social isolation, forced swim, and restraint stress, and others, during postnatal days 28-40. Control mice were housed under standard conditions. Behavioral assessments were conducted during adulthood (postnatal day 70), to evaluate depressive-like behavior. Alterations in mice colon were assessed by histopathological analysis. Our results revealed that mice exposed to CUS during adolescence have disrupted colon, including loss of colonic crypts and significantly increased presence of mucosa and submucosa in respect to controls. Changes in colon were associated with increased depressive-like behavior in CUS-mice compared to control mice. These findings suggest that CUS experienced in adolescence can disrupt colon morphology that is associated with depressive phenotype in adult mice, highlighting the importance of understanding the long-term consequences of chronic stress during this critical period of development as a potential risk for development of depression. Further research is needed to elucidate the underlying mechanisms and potential therapeutic interventions to mitigate the effects of stress on mental health and gut functionPoster Session: Brain Metabolism & Dietary Intervention
The role of gut microbiota in depressive behavior and the effects of antidepressants
There is accumulating evidence demonstrating effects of gastrointestinal microbiota on brain function and behavior, including depressive behavior. We have demonstrated that antidepressants, the main drugs used for alleviating depression, affect gut microbiota composition as well, and in this way partly contribute to improvement of depressive symptoms. Specifically, our results showed that several types of antidepressants reduced abundance of bacterial genera Ruminococcus, while supplementation with R. flavefaciens diminished antidepressant-induced decrease of depressive behavior. Treatment with R. flavefaciens affected cortical gene networks, up-regulating genes involved in mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, while down-regulating genes involved in neuronal plasticity, suggesting a mechanism for microbial regulation of antidepressant treatment efficiency. In further studies, we are aiming to delineate the role of gut microbiota in conveying the long-term effects of adolescent stress on development of anxiety and depressive behavior
Upotreba iznaÄaj prirodnog zeolita u poljoprivredi
Zeolites are natural microporous crystals that are formed by the elements from the earthās core: silicon, aluminium and oxygen, Natural zeolite deposits were formed millions of years ago from volcanic ash, There are about 50 types of natural zeolites, Zeolites can be used for various applications in industry, agriculture, environment protection. Application of natural zeolites in agriculture is based on their ability to bind other substances through mechanisms of ion change or adsorption, The zeolites exhibit affinity for the binding (removal) of ammonia from aqueous solutions, This enables their use in agriculture and horticulture: zeolites are used as nitrogen fertilizers, since they can adsorb ammonium ions from manure, Their application in purification of wastewaters from agriculture is also possible, As soil additives, they can reduce the acceptance of mercury and other heavy metals by plants, thus preventing their entrance in the food chains, The most commonly used natural zeolite is clinoptilolite, due to its high dehydrating capacity, high adsorption and ion exchange capacities and catalytic activities. This paper presents a literature review on the use of natural zeolites in agriculture; with special emphasis on the application of clinoptilolite as adsorbent of ammonia and as a carrier of fertilizers of pastures and meadows.Zeoliti su prirodni mikroporozni kristali koji se sastoje od elemenata iz Zemljine kore: silicijuma, aluminijuma i kiseonika. Prirodni zeolitski depoziti nastali su pre viÅ”e miliona godina od vulkanskog pepela. Postoji oko 50 vrsta prirodnih zeolita. Zeoliti se koriste za razliÄite primene: u industriji, poljoprivredi, zaÅ”titi okoline. Primena prirodnih zeolita u poljoprivredi bazira se na njihovoj sposobnosti za vezivanje drugih susptanci mehanizmom jonske izmene ili adsorpcijom. Zeoliti pokazuju afinitet za vezivanje (uklanjanje) amonijaka iz vodenih rastvora. Ovo omoguÄava njihovu primenu u poljoprivredi i hortikulturi. Kako mogu da vrÅ”e adsorpciju amonijum jona iz stajnjaka zeoliti se u smesi sa stajnjakom mogu koristiti kao azotna organomineralna Äubriva,. TakoÄe je moguÄa njihova primena u preÄiÅ”Äavanju otpadnih poljoprivrednih voda. Kao dodaci zemljiÅ”tu, mogu da redukuju prihvatanje žive i ostalih teÅ”kih metala od strane biljaka, i tako spreÄe njihov ulazak u lance ishrane. NajÄeÅ”Äe koriÅ”Äen prirodni zeolit je klinoptilolit, zbog svog visokog adsorpcionog kapaciteta, moguÄnosti jonske izmene i primene kao katalizatora, kao i zbog visokog dehidratacionog kapaciteta. Ovaj rad donosi pregled literaturnih rezultata na temu koriÅ”Äenja prirodnih zeolita u poljoprivredi; sa posebnim osvrtom na upotrebu klinoptilolita kao adsorbenta amonijaka i moguÄnost njegovog koriÅ”Äenja kao nosaÄa za Äubrenje livada i paÅ”njaka
Upotreba iznaÄaj prirodnog zeolita u poljoprivredi
Zeolites are natural microporous crystals that are formed by the elements from the earthās core: silicon, aluminium and oxygen, Natural zeolite deposits were formed millions of years ago from volcanic ash, There are about 50 types of natural zeolites, Zeolites can be used for various applications in industry, agriculture, environment protection. Application of natural zeolites in agriculture is based on their ability to bind other substances through mechanisms of ion change or adsorption, The zeolites exhibit affinity for the binding (removal) of ammonia from aqueous solutions, This enables their use in agriculture and horticulture: zeolites are used as nitrogen fertilizers, since they can adsorb ammonium ions from manure, Their application in purification of wastewaters from agriculture is also possible, As soil additives, they can reduce the acceptance of mercury and other heavy metals by plants, thus preventing their entrance in the food chains, The most commonly used natural zeolite is clinoptilolite, due to its high dehydrating capacity, high adsorption and ion exchange capacities and catalytic activities. This paper presents a literature review on the use of natural zeolites in agriculture; with special emphasis on the application of clinoptilolite as adsorbent of ammonia and as a carrier of fertilizers of pastures and meadows.Zeoliti su prirodni mikroporozni kristali koji se sastoje od elemenata iz Zemljine kore: silicijuma, aluminijuma i kiseonika. Prirodni zeolitski depoziti nastali su pre viÅ”e miliona godina od vulkanskog pepela. Postoji oko 50 vrsta prirodnih zeolita. Zeoliti se koriste za razliÄite primene: u industriji, poljoprivredi, zaÅ”titi okoline. Primena prirodnih zeolita u poljoprivredi bazira se na njihovoj sposobnosti za vezivanje drugih susptanci mehanizmom jonske izmene ili adsorpcijom. Zeoliti pokazuju afinitet za vezivanje (uklanjanje) amonijaka iz vodenih rastvora. Ovo omoguÄava njihovu primenu u poljoprivredi i hortikulturi. Kako mogu da vrÅ”e adsorpciju amonijum jona iz stajnjaka zeoliti se u smesi sa stajnjakom mogu koristiti kao azotna organomineralna Äubriva,. TakoÄe je moguÄa njihova primena u preÄiÅ”Äavanju otpadnih poljoprivrednih voda. Kao dodaci zemljiÅ”tu, mogu da redukuju prihvatanje žive i ostalih teÅ”kih metala od strane biljaka, i tako spreÄe njihov ulazak u lance ishrane. NajÄeÅ”Äe koriÅ”Äen prirodni zeolit je klinoptilolit, zbog svog visokog adsorpcionog kapaciteta, moguÄnosti jonske izmene i primene kao katalizatora, kao i zbog visokog dehidratacionog kapaciteta. Ovaj rad donosi pregled literaturnih rezultata na temu koriÅ”Äenja prirodnih zeolita u poljoprivredi; sa posebnim osvrtom na upotrebu klinoptilolita kao adsorbenta amonijaka i moguÄnost njegovog koriÅ”Äenja kao nosaÄa za Äubrenje livada i paÅ”njaka
Primena organomineralnih Äubriva sa dodatim klinoptilolitom u proizvodnji kabaste stoÄne hrane
The zeolitic tuff (Zlatokop deposit, Vranjska Banja, Serbia) containing 70% of clinoptilolite was used as a manure additive in this work. Clinoptilolite as a binding agent can be ācarrierā of ammonia ion. In the present study, cattle manure enriched with clinoptilolite was applied as an organomineral fertilizer. The experiment was carried out on a natural pasture in period 2012-14 in Western Serbia. It included five different treatments: a) control without fertilizer; b) pure fermented cattle manure (30 t ha-1); c) organomineral fertilizer (30 t ha-1 cattle manure +10 wt.% zeolite); d) pure zeolite (3 t ha-1); and e) nitrogen application by mineral fertilizer, 50 kg ha-1 N in the first year and 30 kg ha-1 N in the second year. The fertilizers were applied in autumn, except mineral fertilizer which was applied in spring. The dry matter (DM) contents and the botanical compositions of forage were estimated for two years. Treatments with manure, organomineral fertilizer and mineral N application gave higher DM yield compared to control plots, and changes have been reflected on pasture composition, which affected forage quality.U radu je koriÅ”Äen prirodni zeolitski tuf (sa kopa Zlatokop, Vranjska Banja, koji sadrži 70% zeolita klinoptilolita) kao dodatak svežem stajnjaku. Klinoptilolit se zbog velikog afiniteta za vezivanje amonijaka može koristiti kao njegov ānosaÄā. Po dodavanju zeolitskog tufa svežem stajnjaku i posle fermentacije (zrenja) ovog kompleksa dobijeno je organomineralno Äubrivo koje je tokom ispitivanja (2012-2014) primenjivano na paÅ”njaku u zapadnoj Srbiji. Primenjeno je 5 tretmana: kontrola bez Äubrenja, zeolit u koliÄini 3 t ha-1, zreo stajnjak u kolicini od 30 t ha-1 i zreo stajnjak izmeÅ”an sa zeolitom u kolicini 30 t ha- !+10% zeolit, kao i mineralno azotno Äubrivo KAN u koliÄini od 50 kg N ha-1 prve godine i 30 kg N ha-1 druge godine. Äubrenje je obavljeno u jesen, a prihrana mineralnim Äubrivom u proleÄe. PraÄen je prinos i botaniÄki sastav naredne dve vegatacione sezone. Prinos krme je rastao u odnosu na kontrolu pri Äubrenju stajnjakom, stajnjakom sa zeolitom i KAN-om; a promene su se odrazile i na botaniÄki sastav paÅ”njaka, Å”to je uticalo na kvalitet dobijene krme
Primena organomineralnih Äubriva sa dodatim klinoptilolitom u proizvodnji kabaste stoÄne hrane
The zeolitic tuff (Zlatokop deposit, Vranjska Banja, Serbia) containing 70% of clinoptilolite was used as a manure additive in this work. Clinoptilolite as a binding agent can be ācarrierā of ammonia ion. In the present study, cattle manure enriched with clinoptilolite was applied as an organomineral fertilizer. The experiment was carried out on a natural pasture in period 2012-14 in Western Serbia. It included five different treatments: a) control without fertilizer; b) pure fermented cattle manure (30 t ha-1); c) organomineral fertilizer (30 t ha-1 cattle manure +10 wt.% zeolite); d) pure zeolite (3 t ha-1); and e) nitrogen application by mineral fertilizer, 50 kg ha-1 N in the first year and 30 kg ha-1 N in the second year. The fertilizers were applied in autumn, except mineral fertilizer which was applied in spring. The dry matter (DM) contents and the botanical compositions of forage were estimated for two years. Treatments with manure, organomineral fertilizer and mineral N application gave higher DM yield compared to control plots, and changes have been reflected on pasture composition, which affected forage quality.U radu je koriÅ”Äen prirodni zeolitski tuf (sa kopa Zlatokop, Vranjska Banja, koji sadrži 70% zeolita klinoptilolita) kao dodatak svežem stajnjaku. Klinoptilolit se zbog velikog afiniteta za vezivanje amonijaka može koristiti kao njegov ānosaÄā. Po dodavanju zeolitskog tufa svežem stajnjaku i posle fermentacije (zrenja) ovog kompleksa dobijeno je organomineralno Äubrivo koje je tokom ispitivanja (2012-2014) primenjivano na paÅ”njaku u zapadnoj Srbiji. Primenjeno je 5 tretmana: kontrola bez Äubrenja, zeolit u koliÄini 3 t ha-1, zreo stajnjak u kolicini od 30 t ha-1 i zreo stajnjak izmeÅ”an sa zeolitom u kolicini 30 t ha- !+10% zeolit, kao i mineralno azotno Äubrivo KAN u koliÄini od 50 kg N ha-1 prve godine i 30 kg N ha-1 druge godine. Äubrenje je obavljeno u jesen, a prihrana mineralnim Äubrivom u proleÄe. PraÄen je prinos i botaniÄki sastav naredne dve vegatacione sezone. Prinos krme je rastao u odnosu na kontrolu pri Äubrenju stajnjakom, stajnjakom sa zeolitom i KAN-om; a promene su se odrazile i na botaniÄki sastav paÅ”njaka, Å”to je uticalo na kvalitet dobijene krme