142 research outputs found

    The technological, nutritional and medical aspects of wheat proteins

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    Pšenica je jedna od najvažnijih biljnih kultura koja se koristi u ishrani ljudi kao glavni izvor energije, proteina i dijetalnih vlakana. Uprkos relativno ni-skom sadržaju proteina hranljivu vrednost proteina pšenice ne bi trebalo potcenjivati. Kvalitet brašna, reološke i funkcionalne karakteristike testa i pekarskih proizvoda umnogome zavise od proteina pšenice. Proteini pše-ničnog zrna pokazuju visoku kompleksnost i različit međusobni stepen interakcije zbog čega je njihova karakterizacija teška. Uprkos njihovom ključnom uticaju na kvalitet testa i tehnološki kvalitet različitih proizvoda, glutenski proteini mogu uticati na zdravlje genetski podložnih osoba.Wheat is one of the most important cereal crops worldwide and it is a major source of energy, protein, and dietary fi bre in human nutrition. Despite its relatively low protein content the nutritional importance of wheat proteins should not be underestimated. Wheat fl our quality, rheological and tech-nological properties of dough and bakery products are largely determined by the proteins. Wheat proteins show high complexity and diff erent interac-tions with each other, thus making them diffi cult to characterise. Despite from their key role in dough quality, gluten proteins can aff ect health in ge-netically susceptible individuals

    Efekti uslova čuvanja na nutritivne karakteristike sojinog zrna i sojinih proizvoda

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    There are many reasons causing changes of chemical properties of both, fresh soya bean grain and soya bean products during storage. Fresh soya bean grain, stored upon harvest, should be considered as a living system in which numerous physiological processes continuously occur all the way to death causing different biochemical changes, the gradual loss of viability, as well as, the decrease of nutritive quality. Due to disturbance of natural forms of nutritive constituents of soya bean grain under impacts of temperatures during technological treatments of processing, biochemical processes in soya bean products can be more intensive during storage and can result in even more significant deterioration of nutritive quality, but also in the formation of compounds with a beneficial, antioxidative function. This study presents results of biochemical changes occurring in fresh soya bean grain and soya bean products stored at the temperature of 20oC for five months.Brojni su razlozi koji dovode do promena hemijskih karakteristika kako sirovog sojinog zrna tako i sojinih proizvoda tokom čuvanja. Sirovo sojino zrno, koje se čuva nakon žetve, treba posmatrati kao živ sistem u kome se neprekidno, sve do smrti, odigravaju brojni fiziološki procesi koji prouzrokuju različite biohemijske promene, postepen gubitak životne sposobnosti, kao i smanjenje nutritivog kvaliteta. Usled narušavanja prirodnih formi nutritivnih konstituenata sojinog zrna pod uticajem temperature tokom tehnoloških tretmana prerade, biohemijski procesi u sojinim proizvodima tokom čuvanja mogu biti još intenzivniji i dovesti do još značajnijeg pogoršanja nutritivnog kvaliteta ali, recimo, i do formiranja jedinjenja sa korisnom, antioksidativnom funkcijom. U ovim radu prikazani su rezultati biohemijskih promene nastalih nakon čuvanja pet meseci na temperaturi od 20oC sirovog sojinog zrna i sojinih proizvoda

    The importance of maize hybrids production for providing sustainable food and feed resources in modern crisis conditions

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    The twenty-first century has brought about numerous challenges and obstacles for humankind, and the modern crisis conditions are continuously escalating. Having in mind the depletion of traditional fuel sources, the geopolitical turmoil, the COVID-19, and other possible future pandemics, basic needs such as sufficient food and feed sources are currently under question. The predominant cereal crops such as wheat, maize, and rice, as well as legumes, such as soybean, represent staple food and feed sources that need to be produced to satisfy the needs for the everyday diet of people and animals. There are numerous issues regarding the agri-food sector that need to be tackled to secure the future food and feed market. The sustainable production of cereals and legumes is among them. Nevertheless, a number of ZP maize hybrids from Serbia, tolerant to drought and pests represent a high-quality starting material for food and feed production

    Crveni ZP hibridi kukuruza

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    The following three red kernel maize genotypes were observed: the variety ZP Rumenka and two commercial hybrids ZPH-1 red (FAO 350) and ZPH-2 red (FAO 600). The aim of the study was to determine possible superiority of commercial red maize hybrids over the variety Rumenka in order to produce functional food, i.e. specific flour from red maize. The hybrid ZPH-1 red was the best in the trial with the highest antioxidant activity and anthocyaninins content, as well as, with the highest grain yield. Therefore this hybrid is very suitable for the production of maize for special purposes.U radu su ispitivana tri genotipa kukuruza crvenog zrna: sorta ZP Rumenka i dva komercijalna hibrida, ZPH-1 crveni (FAO 350) i ZPH-2 crveni (FAO 600). Svrha je bila utvrđivanje eventualne superiornosti komercijalnih crvenih hibrida u odnosu na sortu crvenog zrna za dobijanje tzv. funkcionalne hrane, odnosno specifičnog brašna od crvenog kukuruza. Kao najpogodniji genotip pokazao se ZPH-1 crveni, sa daleko najvećom antioksidativnom aktivnošću i sadržajem antocijaninina, kao i najvećim prinosom zrna. Stoga je on veoma pogodan za proizvodnju kukuruza za specifične namene

    Upotreba kukuruznog oklaska kao prirodnog, biodegradibilnog proizvoda za uklanjanje izlivene nafte, motornog ulja i mazuta sa vodenih površina

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    The original technological procedure of maize cob processing into lignocellulose granulates, CELGRAN® A, B and C products, was developed at the Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje. These products are particles of different sizes and different physical and chemical compositions, and are intended for a direct use or could be processed into products not available in the domestic market and very demanded in the international markets. Absorption and adsorption powers were used as a measure or a parameter of the utilisable value of the maize cob in environmental protection via cleaning of water surfaces from spilt crude oil, engine oil and fuel oil. This power was established by determining of the liquid amount that was absorbed or adsorbed under exactly defined conditions by a certain amount of the observed CELGRAN® product. Absorbability of crude oil was determined after two, four and six hours, while the power of binding of engine oil and fuel oil by all observed CELGRAN® products was determined after two hours. Depending on the particle size of observed fractions, CELGRAN® products can absorb over three times the weight of crude oil in regard to their own initial weight - for instance, in order to clean 1 ton of crude oil, 300 kg of CELGRAN® C is needed. The power of binding of all tested products was considerably uniform and ranged from 186.62% for the fraction A to 213.16% for the fraction C.Kukuruzni oklasak ili kočanka predstavlja veoma značajan nusproizvod pri proizvodnji kukuruznog zrna. Na svaku tonu kukuruznog zrna dobija se 180 do 200 kg oklaska. Godišnje se u našoj zemlji dobija oko 1,2 do 1,5 miliona tona ove sekundarne sirovine. Tradicionalna upotreba oklaska u poljoprivredi, kao ogreva ili grube celulozne hrane za životinje, danas je znatno proširena na industriju. U Institutu za kukuruz razvijen je originalni tehnološki postupak prerade kukuruznog oklaska kojim se dobijaju lignocelulozni granulati različite veličine čestica i različitog fizičko-hemijskog sastava, koji nalaze direktnu primenu ili se mogu preraditi u proizvode kojih nema na domaćem tržištu, a veoma su traženi i na inostranom tržištu. Različit hemijski sastav i fizičko-hemijske karakteristike ovih ZP proizvoda - CELGRAN® A, B i C, a pre svega visoka moć apsorpcije i vezivanja tečnosti, naročito vode, nafte i ulja opredeljuju njihovu upotrebu kao medijuma za odmašćivanje i sušenje. Zahvaljujući baš ovim karakteristikama lignocelulozni granulati mogu da se koriste i za "pranje vode", odnosno uklanjanje izlivene nafte, motornog ulja i mazuta sa vodenih površina

    Nutritivna vrednost zrna sorti soje bez Kunitz-tripsin inhibitora u zrnu

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    Utilization of the raw beans for food and feed is prohibited by the presence of protease inhibitors. Breeding soybean cultivars for reduced amount of anti nutritional factors at Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje resulted in development of two new Kunitz-free cultivars - Lana and Laura. Feeding trials with pigs in different growth stages were conducted to compare the response of growing and finishing pigs to diets containing either raw or extruded standard and KTI-free (Kunitz trypsin inhibitor-free) soybean cultivars. The greatest improvement in growth performance was noted for the group fed extruded KTIfree soybean. This group achieved highest daily weight gain and gain per feed unit. Growth parameters for group of pigs fed raw soybean Kunitz-free cultivar were slightly reduced.Upotreba zrnastih mahunarki u sirovom stanju u ishrani ljudi i domaćih životinja ograničena je prisustvom inhibitora proteaza u zrnu. Oplemenjivanje soje na smanjen sadržaj antihranljivih materija u Institutu za kukuruz Zemun Polje rezultiralo je stvaranjem dve nove sorte soje bez Kunitz tripsin inhibitora - Lana i Laura. U cilju upoređivanja efekata ishrane koja sadrži sirovo ili ekstrudirano zrno soje standardnog kvaliteta zrna i soje bez Kunitz tripsin inhibitora, postavljeni su ishranbeni ogledi sa svinjama u različitim fazama tova. Najveći napredak u pogledu brzine porasta je ostvaren kod grupe hranjene ekstrudiranim zrnom soje bez Kunitz tripsin inhibitora. Ova grupa postigla je najveće vrednosti prosečnog dnevnog porasta i porasta po jedinici konzumiranog hraniva. Parametri rasta kod grupe svinja hranjene sirovim zrnom soje bez Kunitz tripsin inhibitora bili su blago umanjeni u odnosu na ostale ispitivane grupe

    Uticaj termičkih tretmana prerade na sadržaj masnih kiselina sojinog zrna i aktivnost lipoksigenaze

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    Effects of increased temperatures on the lipoxygenase activity and changes of soya bean fatty acids were observed in the present study. The kernels of soya bean cultivars Bosa and ZPS 015 were subjected to the treatments of extrusion, autoclaving, micronisation and microwave roasting. Depending on the technological processing procedure, the kernels were exposed to temperatures ranging from 60 to 150°C for 25 to 30 seconds during extrusion and for 30 minutes during autoclaving. The temperature that developed in the course of the microwave radiation and autoclaving did not cause statistically significant differences between oil content in heat treated and fresh kernels of soya bean. However, the oil content was higher in soya bean flakes (micronized kernels) and lower in grits than in fresh kernels. The heat treatments resulted in the significant decrease of the linolenic fatty acid content. Depending on the temperature and applied heat treatments, the content of linoleic and oleic fatty acid oscillated. High temperatures caused changes in unsaturated fatty acids with 18 carbon atoms resulting in relative increase of the stearic acid content. The lipoxygenase activity decreased in correlation with increased temperatures and the time of heating. The maximum drop of the activity was observed after kernel exposure to the extrusion and micronisation processes at the temperature of 100oC. However, a significant lipoxygenase activity increase was recorded in both studied cultivars after one-minute microwave heating, i.e. at the temperature about 60°C. A further temperature increase led to a gradual denaturation of the enzyme and therefore to its decreased activity.U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati promene aktivnosti lipoksigenaze 1 i sadržaja masnih kiselina u sojinom zrnu pod uticajem povišene temperature. Zrno soje sorte Bosa i ZPS 015 bilo je podvrgnuto tretmanima suve i vlažne ekstruzije, autoklaviranju, mikronizaciji i prženju u mikrotalasnoj peći. U zavisnosti od tehnološkog tretmana prerade zrno je bilo izloženo dejstvu povišene temperature od 60 do 150°C u trajanju od svega 25 do 30 sekundi pri ekstruziji do 30 minuta pri autoklaviranju. Povišena temperatura tokom mikrotalasnog prženja i autoklaviranja nije uticala na sadržaj ulja u sojinom zrnu. Međutim, u sojinim flekicama sadržaj ulja bio je viši, a u grizu niži od sadržaja u sirovom sojinom zrnu. Primenjeni termički tretmani prerade uticali su na značajno smanjenje sadržaja linolenske kiseline u ulju sojinog zrna. U zavisnosti od temperature, kao i vrste termičkog tretmana sadržaj linolne i oleinske kiseline u prerađenom sojinom zrnu je varirao. Povišena temperatura uslovila je promene nezasićenih masnih kiselina sa 18 ugljenikovih atoma rezultirajući povećanje sadržaja stearinske kiseline. Prema našim rezultatima aktivnost lipoksiganaze je opadala sa povećanjem temperature i produženjem tretmana prerade. Maksimalan pad aktivnosti lipoksigenaze utvrđen je već nakon izlaganja zrna temperaturi od 100oC tokom ekstruzije i mikronizacije. Međutim, nakom jednog minuta prženja zrna u mikrotalasnoj peći (60°C) aktivnost lipoksigenaze je bila viša u odnosu na aktivnost u sirovom zrnu. Daljim produženjem tretmana, a time i povećanjem temperature došlo je do postepene denaturacije enzima i smanjenja aktivnosti

    Genetička osnova korišćenja kukuruznog oklasaka kao vredne prirodnoobnovljive sirovine

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    The original technological method of the maize cob processing has been developed at the Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje, by which lignocellulose granules of different particle sizes are produced from the cob. Different chemical composition and physical and chemical properties of these fractions, and especially a great capacity of binding liquids particularly oil and water determine, their usage as degreasing and drying means. Due to their great hardness and abrasive capacity, products made from ground cobs are usable for polishing in the metal processing industry, while the composition of certain compounds (pento-san) are of a particular importance in the chemical industry for the pro duction of furfural and its derivates. As these products are inert, of neutral pH and free of heavy metals they are used as organic carriers in the pro duction of pesticides and agro-chemicals, as well as, in cosmetics and the pharmaceutical industry.U Institutu za kukuruz razvijen je originalni tehnološki postupak prerade kukuruznog oklaska kojim se dobijaju lignocelulozni granulati različite veličine čestica. Različit hemijski sastav i fizičkohemijske karakteristike ovih frakcija, pre svega visoka sposobnost vezivanja tečnosti, naročito ulja i vode opredeljuju njihovu upotrebu kao medijuma za odmašćivanje i sušenje. Velika tvrdoća i abrazivna sposobnost proizvoda dobijenih mlevenjem oklaska našla je primenu za poliranje u metaloprerađivačkoj industriji, a sadržaj nekih jedinjenja (pentozana) od posebnog je značaja u hemijskoj industriji za proizvodnju furfurola i njegovih derivata. Zbog svoje inertnosti, neutralne pH vrednosti i odsustva teških metala ovi proizvodi nalaze primenu kao organski nosači u proizvodnji pesticida i agrohemikalija kao i u kozmetici i farmaciji

    Termička inaktivacija izoenzima lipoksigenaze u sojinom zrnu

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    Effects of increased temperatures on the lipoxygenase activity and qualitative changes of soya bean oil were observed in the present study. Grain of soya bean cultivars ZPS 015 and ZPS Bosa was subjected to treatments of micronisation, wet extrusion and microwave roasting. Depending on a technological processing procedure, grain was exposed to temperatures of 60 to 150oC for 25 to 30 seconds during extrusion and for 5 minutes during microwave roasting. The loss in polyunsaturated fatty acids was essentially over increased temperatures. Depending on a genotype, the total lipoxygenase activity decreased over increased temperatures and duration of heating.U ovom radu proučavan je uticaj temperature na aktivnost izoenzima lipoksigenaze i promene kvaliteta sojinog ulja. Zrno soje sorti ZPS Bosa i ZPS 015 podvrgnuto je tretmanima mikronizacije, vlažne ekstruzije i mikrotalasnog prženja. U zavisnosti od termičkog tretmana prerade, zrno je izlagano temperaturi od 60 do 150oC u trajanju od 25 do 30 sekundi tokom ekstruzije, do 5 minuta tokom mikrotalasnog prženja. Gubitak polinezasićenih masnih kiselina bio je značajan sa povećanjem temperature, dok je, u zavisnosti od genotipa, ukupna aktivnost lipoksigenaze opadala sa povećanjem temperature i dužine vremena zagrevanja

    Određivanje tehnološke i upotrebne vrednosti ZP hibrida kukuruza i sorti soje

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    The evaluation of technological values of maize and soya bean grain is of a significant importance in grain trade, i.e. purchase and sale, then in processing and especially in studies performed with the aim to improve its utilisation. Physical and chemical properties are a principal criterion for technological quality of maize and soya bean grain. According to the evaluations of leading international experts within a field of seed quality technological values and processing, the value of maize and soya bean can be increased by conforming properties to requirements. Physical and chemical properties of 12 ZP maize hybrids (test weight, 1000-kernel weight, kernel density, floatation index, milling response, portion of hard and soft endosperm fractions, water adsorption index, content of pericarp, content of germ, content of endosperm, as well as contents of starch, oil, protein and crude fibre) were observed in the present study. In addition to a standard chemical content, the activity of trypsin inhibitor, urease and isoenzyme lipoxygenase was also analysed in six different genotypes of soya bean. Grain physical and chemical properties of studied maize hybrids varied significantly. Such differences present a good basis and assumption for wide growth of maize hybrids. These and previous long-term results obtained by the analyses of these properties point out that the highest number of observed grain properties varied in dependence on genetic basis, i.e. on hybrid types, growing and environmental conditions. The analysed soya bean genotypes are characterised by a high nutritive value, while a decreased trypsin inhibitor content in the cultivar ZP L91-44042 (14.85mg g-1) provides the possibility to apply a lower temperature treatment in soya bean grain processing, and thereby maintenance of the essential nutritive constituents.Osnovni kriterijum tehnološkog kvaliteta zrna kukuruza i soje su fizička i hemijska svojstva. Prema procenama vodećih svetskih eksperata u oblasti kvaliteta zrna, tehnološke vrednosti i prerade, usaglašavanjem svojstava sa zahtevima upotrebe moguće je povećati vrednost kukuruza i soje. U ovom radu ispitivan je hemijski sastav i fizičke karakteristike zrna 12 ZP genotipova kukuruza (zapreminska masa, masa 1000 zrna, gustina, indeks flotacije otpornost na mlevenje, odnos tvrde i meke frakcije endosperma, indeks adsorpcije vode, sadržaj perikarpa, sadržaj klice i sadržaj endosperma, kao i sadržaj skroba, ulja, proteina, celuloze, pepela). Pored toga, određivan je standardni hemijski sastav, sadržaj iskoristljivog lizina, sadržaj tripsin inhibitora, aktivnost ureaze i izoenzima lipoksigenaze kod četiri ZP i dva USA genotipa soje. Hemijske i fizičke karakteristike zrna ispitivanih hibrida kukuruza kretale su se u širokom opsegu. Ovakve razlike u ispitivanim karakteristikama su dobra osnova i pretpostavka za široku primenu hibrida kukuruza. Analizirani genotipovi soje odlikuju se visokom nutritivnom vrednošću, a genotip ZP L91-44042 i smanjenim sadržajem tripsin inhibitora (14,85 mg/g) što omogućava primenu niže temperature pri preradi sojinog zrna, a time i očuvanje bitnih nutritivnih konstituenata