28 research outputs found

    Effect of ageing process on fungiform papillae density

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    Received: 2017-01-09 | Accepted: 2017-02-24 | Available online: 2017-06-20http://dx.doi.org/10.15414/afz.2017.20.01.31-35Ageing is accompanied by physiological changes in the human oral cavity. These include potential reduction of the fungiform papillae (FP) density which has been associated with impaired taste acuity. Because the studies have demonstrated either contrary or non-significant evidences, we decided to verify the hypothesis about FP reduction and ageing. Total of 150 human living subjects aged 19–87 years participated in the study. The tongues were stained with blue food dye, quantification area with 10 mm diameter was defined, and images of the tongues were captured with digital camera. The number of FP has been scored on each photo by five individual scorers according to a decision tree. The scoring was accomplished in ImageJ open source program using a cell counter plugin. The mean FP density value within all subjects was 18.02 ±15.95 FP per cm-2, the lowest and the highest values were 0.25 ±0.57 FP per cm-2 and 65.00 ±1.66 FP per cm-2 of the tongue tip, respectively. Based on age, the subjects were divided into categories with 6.0 increasing step, in order access effect of ageing on FP densities. Age categories were significantly different in mean FP densities as determined by Welch's F (8, 22.04) = 28.81, P < 0.01). The Games-Howell post hoc test revealed that participants aged 18–24 years had significantly higher FP densities than subjects aged more than 48 years. High degree of intra-groups variance was observed, which could reflect in non-significant differences between the other age groups. Nevertheless, the results were sufficient to support the hypothesis that FP quantity diminish with age.Keywords: fungiform papillae, density, tongue, ageingReferences ADDINSOFT. (2016) XLSTAT: Analyse de données et statistique avec MS Excel. 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    Comparison and assessment of leptin receptor expression by the following Origami aetheroleum study at broiler chickens COBB 500

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    The recently discovered protein, leptin, is a 16 kD protein consisting of 146 amino acids which is synthesized primarily by adipose tissue and is secreted into the bloodstream after cleavage of the 21 amino acids signal peptide. Leptin impacts feed intake, the neuroendocrine-axis, metabolism and immunological processes. Leptin was first identified as the gene product found deficient in the obese ob/ob mouse. The hypothalamus appears to be the primary site of action, since leptin receptors are located within hypothalamic areas associated with control of appetite, reproduction and growth. Using herbs and essential oils depends on their antimicrobial activity. Most plants have favorable multifunctional properties, which are the specific content of bioactive components. Some authors characterize phytogenic substance such as natural substances plant origin, which leave no residues in animal products and is not necessary to keep the trade period before slaughter animals. Analyzes suggest that the structural function of the receptor exists as a dimer constructively in the plasma membrane. Each receptor dimer pair is reversibly bound to one molecule of leptin. When bound, signaling pathways are responsible for beginning the activation receptor associated Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) and tyrosine phosphorylation of two key residues in the intracellular part of receptor. The aim of our experiment was to optimize the methodology for monitoring the expression of the leptin receptor extracellular avian model. We used samples of internal organs and abdominal fat chickens that were fed spirit and also fat and organ samples from broiler chickens from the control group. In heard tissue, spleen, liver at a relatively high concentration of total cDNA in the sample length leptin receptor extracellular fragment located in the expected quantities


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    The object of the research was to investigate the quality of vegetable oils for cooking food. The analysis used two types of oils - oil Fritol and Promienna. Both oils were purchased commercially. Oil changes were observed at frying French fries. At the same changes were observed oil stored at room temperature and the temperature in the refrigerator. The determined parameters included the measurement of polar materials in oil with electronic device Testo 265 for measuring the quality of cooking oil. Determination of change in the texture of oil during the oil deterioration by device Texturometer TA.XT Plus and determination the peroxide value by STN EN ISO 3960:2007. The work is also evaluating the results of the studied parameters. In all compared cases based on the content of the TPM showed higher heat resistance oil Fritol and sample of oil stored in the refrigerator.https://doi.org/10.5219/21

    Analysis of gene expression in rabbit muscle

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     Increasing consumer knowledge of the link between diet and health has raised the demand for high quality food. Meat and meat products may be considered as irreplaceable in human nutrition. Breeding livestock to higher content of lean meat and the use of modern hybrids entails problems with the quality of meat. Analysing of livestock genomes could get us a great deal of important information, which may significantly affect the improvement process. Domestic animals are invaluable resources for study of the molecular architecture of complex traits. Although the mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) responsible for economically important traits in domestic animals has achieved remarkable results in recent decades, not all of the genetic variation in the complex traits has been captured because of the low density of markers used in QTL mapping studies. The genome wide association study (GWAS), which utilizes high-density single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), provides a new way to tackle this issue. New technologies now allow producing microarrays containing thousands of hybridization probes on a single membrane or other solid support. We used microarray analysis to study gene expression in rabbit muscle during different developmental age stages. The outputs from GeneSpring GX sotware are presented in this work. After the evaluation of gene expression in rabbits, will be selected genes of interest in relation to meat quality parameters and will be further analyzed by the available methods of molecular biology and genetics

    Phytoestrogens dietary intake and health status of retiree from middle-north Slovakia region

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    Phytoestrogens found in foods of plant origin presents chemical substances that possess a wide range of biochemical benefits. It has been found that they contribute in different health related problems. A wide range of commonly consumed foods contain appreciable amounts of phytoestrogens. Consumption of diet rich to phytoestrogen acts as a protective factor against many diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, post-menopausal symptoms in the context of osteoporosis, cancerous illnesses of colon, prostate and breast. Three main classes of phytoestrogens covers: isoflavones, lignans and coumestans. Selected nine major phytoestrogens had been analyzed simultaneously in the same foods. Questionnaire designed to determine intake frequency as well as amount of selected foods and the most common diseases presented in the population has been used to find relationships between dietary habits and health status. Evaluation of selected goals in the present study has been realized in cooperation with 140 respondents in retired age (divided into Males - covered by 34 individuals and Females - 106 individuals), comming from middle-north Slovakia region. On the base of collected data it can be concluded, that evaluated population is presented by high values of lignans intake and particularly secoisolariciresinol, mainly caused by relative high proportion of cereals and linseed in the diet. Furthermore, the relationship between phytoestrogens intake and eating habits as well as its contribution in protection against selected diseases was demonstrated

    Evaluation of elisa method to detection of cow β-lactoglobulin in sheep milk and sheep milk products

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    The aim of work was to optimalize the ELISA method to detect the adulteration of sheep milk and sheep milk products by cow milk in the laboratory. We have focused on laboratory testing of ELISA kit (β-Lactoglobulin ELISA Set, SEDIUM R&amp;D) for detection of cow β-Lg in sheep milk order to obtain high-quality, reliable and economically advantageous method suitable for routine use in practice. The results shown that for the quality of adulteration determination  it is necessary to verify the sensitivity of applied kit by the samples dilution in accordance with the producer declared quantification range contained in the manual ELISA kit. The starting point for obtaining of relevant data was to create separate regression curves with high deter­mination coefficient, which allowed to quickly and easily detect the cow milk additions in sheep milk, cloddish sheep and Slovak sheep cheese

    Comparison of phytoestrogens dietary intake from vegetables and fruit in selected population in Slovakia

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    Phytoestrogens are compounds that are naturally present in almost all plant foods to a varying degree. They include several different classes of chemical compounds known as isoflavones, coumestans and lignans. In our work we analyzed intake of phytoestrogens is based upon our answer questionaries' in different ages. Evaluating health effects of phytoestrogens is difficult and depends on numerous factors, including the kind and dose (amount) of phytoestrogens eaten and the age, gender, and health of the person. We are exposed daily to highly variable amounts of phytoestrogens. While adults are eating a vegetarian diet or those taking dietary supplements containing phytoestrogens have high levels of exposure, infants drinking soy-based formula have the highest exposure levels by far. Accurate information about dietary phytoestrogens is therefore important but there is very limited data concerning food contents. In this study, we analyzed the phytoestrogen content in fresh and processed fruits and vegetables. The comprehensive database of phytoestrogen content determined simultaneously in vegetables and fruits foods has been developed. The important source of phytoestrogens in Slovak men and women is garlic. Phytoestrogen intake of fruits in men as an in woman is very low. Slovak populations consume a lot of fruits but the total intake is low due to the lower content of phytoestrogens

    Nutrigenomics analyze of expression of extracellular leptin receptor by the following essential oil monitoring at the avian models

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    Leptin gene was identified in 1994 by positional cloning. His mutation is considered extreme obesity surface phenotype and infertility in ob/ob mice. Most of the research, which followed the discovery of this hormone, focused on the role of leptin in regulating body weight,  in order to clarify the pathophysiology of obesity. Many research results show that leptin is not only important in regulating food intake and energy balance, but also performs functions such as metabolic and neuroendocrine hormone. Using herbs and essential oils depends on their antimicrobial activity. Most plants have favorable multifunctional properties, which are the specific content of bioactive components. Some authors characterize fytogénne substance such as natural substancese plant origin, which leave no residues in animal products and is not necessary to keep the trade period before slaughter animals. Analyses suggest that the structural function of the receptor exists as a dimer constructively in the plasma membrane. Each receptor dimer pair is reversibly bound to one molecule of leptin. When bound, signaling pathways are responsible for beginning the activation receptor associated Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) and tyrosine phosphorylation of two key residues in the intracellular part of receptor

    Optimalisation of species identification of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) using SYBR® green I real-time PCRmethod

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    European Union Member States, together with a number of countries around the world, places great emphasis on ensuring the protection of consumers as a potential food allergic from food allergies. to inform consumers that their product may contain any of the risk of allergenic ingredients. For species identification of fish and fish products as a potential food allergens are used by many analytical methods as well as their authentication. We are in our work applied the method of SYBR® Green I. Real-Time PCR. We focused on pre-designed molecular - genetic marker of common carp (Cyprinus carpio), which comes from the mtDNA control D - loop area. We analyzed its presence in DNA isolates from the 5 kinds of freshwater fish, diluted to 10 % concentration. Results of using the optimized SYBR ® Green I Real-Time PCR method for species identification common carp (Cyprinus carpio) indicate to its suitability

    Research And Practice: Quantification Of Raw And Heat-Treated Cow Milk in Sheep Milk, Cheese And Bryndza By ELISA Method

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    The aim of this study was to test the reliability of commercial ELISA tests (RC-bovino) within raw and heat treated cow milk detection in sheep milk and cheese in order to obtain a high-quality, reliable and economically beneficial method suitable for routine application in practice. These tests were subsequently used for quantification of cow milk in commercial "Bryndza". Raw sheep milk, cow milk and heat-treated cow milk (pasteurisation at 72 °C for 15 sec or at 85 °C for 3 sec) were mixed in precisely defined proportions (0 - 100% cow milk in sheep milk). The milk mixtures were sampled to detect adulteration and subsequently cheese was made. By ELISA tests was possible to determine these amounts of raw cow milk in sheep milk: 0.5% (0.2%), 5 % (4.81%), 50% (42.08%) and 75% (56.52%). The pasteurized samples in different combinations gave lower optical density responses than those prepared from raw milk (by approximately 60%). In context with the above mentioned, the relationship between the real and detected amount of cow milk (%) in different production stages (milk, cheese) using a regression analysis was examined. However, a lower reliability of the detection was indicated by R2 values, which ranged from 0.4058 (cheese) to 0.5175 (milk). In practice this means that although individual percentage (%) of cow milk in the sample can be detected, but in the unknown sample it can not be clearly confirm whether the cow milk was raw or heat-treated. In this context, the results can be inaccurate and may not correspond to the real situation. Within monitoring phase of this research, 9 samples of bryndza were analysed with the results of detected cow milk ranged from 11.56% to 14.3%. The obtained results confirm that the appropriate selection of ELISA tests can become an important factor in the setting of analytical capabilities for the detection of milk and cheese adulteration