45 research outputs found


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    The new rural development paradigm was developed as a response to the inefficiency of the old development model. The expansion of the EU to the Mediterranean countries (Greece 1981, Portugal and Spain 1986) has pointed out large regional disparities, especially in rural regions. Thus, common agricultural policy was developed between 1957 and 1962 when it finally came into force in the EU. The agricultural sector and the farmers were in the forefront as the carriers of the agricultural activity. The aim was to increase food production to the maximum and strengthen the competitiveness of the production. The old paradigm was in contradiction with the free trade principles, due to the use of refunds, which protected the EU producers against their competition. Under pressure of the developed countries, the EU decided to adopt a new development model. Leader programmes (started in 1991/1992) and Agenda 2000 (declared 1997) set the foundations for the new rural development paradigm, which became global in 2006. They followed the examples of good practice. Exogenous rural policy model was substituted for the endogenous one. The new development paradigm considers the rural area as an integral space. Development initiatives are generated in the local environment. The ideas are being networked which includes policies by different economic sectors on a multiinstitutional level. Awareness and recognition of rural values, ecological, cultural and social ones, is the main motivational factor in local communities when setting up development projects. The key requirements for success are: flexibility, competences, efficiency and synergy, which leads to a deviation from unilateral sectorial dependency to broad intersectoral cooperation and integral approach to the rural area. The main interest in our research was how these new approaches influenced the changes in Slovenian agriculture, which was studied by way of studying the changes in land usage in the Prekmurje region (NUTS 3). The chosen region is an atypical Slovenian region, the least economically developed, largely rural, with relatively low forestation level and poor traffic accessibility. The relief of the landscape and composition of the soil are suitable for agricultural activities. Simultaneously, we were identifying changes in the usage of space and evaluated the influence of the new development paradigm on development of agriculture and the rural area. The influence of the new rural development paradigm on changes in land use in the period 2000 – 2012 was evaluated by the analysis of spatial changes. We analysed the areas of receding field surfaces in connection with the areas of receding arable surfaces. We were interested in the influence of these changes on the newly built-up surfaces in the area of Pomurje, as a positive indicator of the new development paradigm, in newly-created overgrowing areas, as the factor of efficient land usage, which proves that the development initiatives in the environment are insufficient. By way of analysing changes in ageing of the population we confirmed the assumption that the changes in land use are co-dependent on introducing the new rural development paradigm.Nova razvojna paradigma razvoja ruralnog prostora razvila se kao odgovor na neučinkovitost starog razvojnog modela. Proširenje EU na mediteranske države upozorilo je na velike regionalne razlike. Tako se u EU oblikovala zajednička poljoprivredna politika. U prvom se planu nalazila poljoprivreda te poljoprivrednici kao nositelji poljoprivredne djelatnosti. Cilj je bio što veća proizvodnja hrane te poticanje konkurentnosti proizvodnje. Stara paradigma bila je oprečna načelu slobodne trgovine zbog korištenja nadoknada koje su štitile proizvođaće EU pred konkurencijom. Pod pritiskom se razvijenih država EU na institucionalnoj razini odlučila za novi razvojni model. S Agendom 2000 i Leader programima postavljeni su temelji nove razvojne paradigme ruralnog prostora, a koja je 2006 postala globalnom. Ti su temelji slijedili primjere dobre prakse. Eksogeni model poljoprivredne politike zamjenjen je endogenim. Ruralno se područje s novom razvojnom paradigmom tretira kao cijeloviti prostor. Razvojne inicijative nastaju u lokalnoj sredini. Dolazi do umrežavanja ideja koje uključuju politike različitih gospodarskih resora na multiinstitucionalnoj razini. Svijest, te prepoznavanje ruralnih vrijednosti, ekoloških, kulturnih kao i socijalnih, glavni je motivacijski faktor lokalnih zajednica pri pripremi razvojnih projekata. Ključni uvjeti za uspjeh su: fleksibilnost, kompetentnost, učinkovitost i sinergija. Ti se uvjeti odmiću od jednostrane sektorske ovisnosti, a vode ka širokoj međusektorskoj suradnji te integralnom pristupu ruralnom prostoru. U našem nas je istraživanju zanimalo, kako su ti novi pristupi utjecali na promjene u slovenskoj poljoprivredi. Težište je istraživanja bilo na promjenama u korištenju tla u Prekmurskoj regiji (NUTS 3). Istovremeno smo primjećivali promjene u korištenju prostora te vrednovali utjecaj nove paradigme na razvoj poljoprivrede i ruralnog prostora

    Climate Change in Slovenia – Using the Examples of Ljubljana and Maribor

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    V članku so prikazani trendi temperatur, padavin, evapotranspiracije in vodne bilance za meteorološki postaji Ljubljana (1865-2010) in Maribor (1876-2010). Analizirane so spremembe mesečnih, sezonskih in letnih povprečij v opazovalnih nizih. Obravnavana je tudi dinamika sprememb trendov v opazovalnem obdobju, tudi v povezavi z aktivnostjo Sonca.U članku su prikazani trendovi kretanja temperatura, padalina, evapotranspiracije i vodne bilance, u meteorološkim postajama Ljubljana (od 1876. do 2010.) i Maribor (od 1876. do 2010.). Analizirane su promjene mjesečnih, sezonskih i ljetnih prosjeka u promatranom nizu. Također je objašnjena i dinamika tih promjena, a u skladu s promjenama u aktivnosti Sunca.The paper presents the trends in the change of temperatures, precipitations, evapo-transpirations and water balance in metrological stations in Ljubljana (from 1876 until 2010) and Maribor (from 1876 until 2010). It analyses the changes in monthly, seasonal and summer average values within the observed range. It also explains the dynamics of these changes in accordance with the changes in the activities of the Sun

    Climate Change in Slovenia – Using the Examples of Ljubljana and Maribor

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    V članku so prikazani trendi temperatur, padavin, evapotranspiracije in vodne bilance za meteorološki postaji Ljubljana (1865-2010) in Maribor (1876-2010). Analizirane so spremembe mesečnih, sezonskih in letnih povprečij v opazovalnih nizih. Obravnavana je tudi dinamika sprememb trendov v opazovalnem obdobju, tudi v povezavi z aktivnostjo Sonca.U članku su prikazani trendovi kretanja temperatura, padalina, evapotranspiracije i vodne bilance, u meteorološkim postajama Ljubljana (od 1876. do 2010.) i Maribor (od 1876. do 2010.). Analizirane su promjene mjesečnih, sezonskih i ljetnih prosjeka u promatranom nizu. Također je objašnjena i dinamika tih promjena, a u skladu s promjenama u aktivnosti Sunca.The paper presents the trends in the change of temperatures, precipitations, evapo-transpirations and water balance in metrological stations in Ljubljana (from 1876 until 2010) and Maribor (from 1876 until 2010). It analyses the changes in monthly, seasonal and summer average values within the observed range. It also explains the dynamics of these changes in accordance with the changes in the activities of the Sun

    The correlation between demographic development and land-use changes in Slovenia

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    The paper focuses on determining the degree of correlation between land-use changes and demographic development in Slovenia. The authors conclude that there is still insufficient evidence in the literature for a correlation between these two processes, because quantitative studies addressing these links are very rare and mostly cover small and specific areas. In the case of Slovenia, Spearman’s correlation coefficients are quite low, which confirms that land-use change processes are complex and not dependent solely on individual demographic and socioeconomic factors. Despite the low correlation coefficients, our findings indicate that changes in land use are significantly influenced by changes in age structure and population growth. In areas with population growth the share of arable land is shrinking, whereas in areas with depopulation and a rising aging index the share of partially overgrown land is growing. In the following analysis, the authors focus their analysis on a case study of the Mura and Central Slovenia statistical regions, which lie on opposite poles with regard to development, and thus show differing trends in land-use changes

    The Influence of Relief and Topoclimatic Characteristics on the Land Use in The Region of the West of Haloze

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    Raba tal v pokrajini je odsev naravnih ter historično in ekonomsko geografskih dejavnikov. Med naravnimi dejavniki v gričevnati pokrajini igrajo zelo pomembno vlogo relief in topoklimatske značilnosti. Med nje štejemo tiste klimatske elemente, ki so modificirane zaradi vpliva reliefa. Ta podnevi oblikuje lokalno podnebje predvsem zaradi vpliva naklona in ekspozicije pobočij, ki vplivata na direktno sončno obsevanje in s tem na temperaturo tal in zraka. Ponoči je pomembnejši vpliv relativne višine. Zaradi stekanja hladnega zraka na dna dolin so ta hladnejša od termalnega pasu, ki se pojavlja nekaj deset metrov višje. Med naravnimi dejavniki sta pomebna še prst in litološka zgradba. V prispevku smo analizirali vplive reliefa in, tipov prsti na rabo tal v Zahodnih Halozah, ki velja za eno najbolj razgibanih gričevnatih pokrajin v Severovzhodni Sloveniji.The land use in the region is a reflection of natural, as well as historically and economically geographical factors. Among the natural factors in a hilly region, a relief and topoclimatic characteristics play an important role, to which belong those climatic elements, that are modified because of the relief influence. By day this one forms local climate, primarily owing to the influence of inclination and slope exposition, which have influence on a direct solar radiation and herewith on soil and air temperature. By night the influence of relative hight is more important. Owing to the flowing of cold air to the valley grounds they are colder than thermal zone, which appears some ten meters higher. Among the natural factors soft soil and lithological structure are also important. In the contribution we have analyzed the influences of the relief and soft soil types on the land use in the Western Haloze, which is considered to be one of the most interesting hilly regions in the northeastern Slovenia

    Change of Land Use in the Area of Radgonsko-Kapelske Gorice, with Special Reference to Viticulture

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    Radgonsko-Kapelske gorice so že v srednjem veku slovele kot vinogradniška pokrajina. Vinogradi so pomenili pomembno tržno blago, gričevju pa so dajali značilno veduto. Delež vinogradniških površin je bil med najvišjimi v severovzhodni Sloveniji, le v Vzhodnih Ljutomersko-Ormoških goricah je bil višji. Na velik delež vinogradniških površin so vplivale tudi ugodne naravno-geografske razmere, predvsem primerno lokalno podnebje, ugodne lege in kakovostne prsti. Delež vinogradov se je do danes sicer znižal, vendar za razliko od ostalih vinogradniških pokrajin v severovzhodni Sloveniji (Haloze, Svečinske gorice, Mariborske gorice) bistveno manj.Radgonsko-Kapelske gorice was already known as a wine-growing region in the Middle Ages. Vineyards were an important market commodity, and the hills were given a characteristic veduta. The share of vineyards was among the highest in northeastern Slovenia, only in Vzhodne Ljutomersko-Ormoške gorice it was higher. A large share of vineyards was also influenced by favorable natural and geographical conditions, especially the suitable local climate, favorable locations and quality soils. The share of vineyards has decreased to date, but unlike other wine-growing regions in northeastern Slovenia (Haloze, Svečinske gorice, Mariborske gorice) significantly less

    European Agricultural Policy and Structural Changes in Agricultural Holdings in Podravje between 2002 – 2012

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    Namen članka je predstaviti evolucijo evropske kmetijske politike kot odgovor na vedno nove izzive razvoja podeželja. S premoščanjem velikih regionalnih razlik v razvitosti podeželja se je EU pričela institucionalno ukvarjati v osemdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja. Spremembe v paradigmi razvoja podeželja v Evropski skupnosti so posledica učinkov deindustrializacije in širitve EU na območje Sredozemlja. Prišlo je do premika od sektorske politike do teritorialne politike, ki vključuje politike različnih gospodarskih sektorjev na nacionalni, regionalni in lokalni ravni. Eksogeni model kmetijske politike, usmerjen na kmetijski sektor in kmete kot nosilce je zamenjal endogeni model. Podeželje se z novo skupno kmetijsko politiko obravnava kot celoviti prostor. Razvojne pobude nastajajo v lokalnem okolju. Prihaja do mreženja idej, ki vključuje politike različnih gospodarskih sektorjev na multiinstitucionalni ravni. Zavedanje in prepoznavanje kmečkih vrednot (rural values), tako ekoloških, kulturnih kot socialnih je glavni motivacijski faktor lokalnih skupnosti pri pripravi razvojnih projektov. V naši raziskavi nas je zanimalo, kako so ti novi pristopi vplivali na strukturne spremembe kmetijskih gospodarstev Podravja. Zajeli smo Podravsko in Koroško statistično regijo (NUTS 3).Rural and agricultural development is one of the priorities of the European Union policy. Rural areas represent the majority of the territory of the member states and are becoming increasingly important from both, the standpoint of healthy food production as well as the habitat, alike. The agriculture in the EU is regulated in accordance with the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) which is a system framework for provision of funding for more equal rural and regional development in the enlarged Union. In the context of CAP, Leader programmes were created. Each new version of the programme included new approaches. The awareness of the fact that paying attention to agriculture as an economic sector and using direct subsidies as a means to implement a policy were not sufficient, was the basis for the new development paradigm which, in addition to agriculture, included also the spatial dimension – rural area and multisectoral approach. The new approach is based on the bottom-up endogenous approach. Globalisation and fastgrowing disparities in development at both, national and regional levels, led the OECD to prepare a new rural development paradigm in 2006 which redefined the key subjects at the decision-making level as well as the level of measures aimed at facilitating substantial rural development. Changes previously applied in the production sector served as an example of good practice. Based on the search of ways to overcoming global economic crisis, and the Europa 2020 guidelines, the new CAP reform proposals from 2011 were founded on two pillars. The first one comprises of measures for strengthening competitiveness of the agricultural sector, measures to facilitate innovation and entrepreneurship, whereas the second pillar aims at tackling climate changes, and strives for environment protection, biodiversity, and efforts to maintain and provide new jobs and economic growth in the rural area. Any substantial reduction in agricultural activity in the European Union would contribute to lowering the GDP and loss of jobsin related economic sectors. This pertains mainlytothe agricultural- and food supply chain which depends on the primary agricultural sector as well as to the related non‑food sectors, such as tourism, transport, and the scope of local and public services. The effects of this would reflect in desolation of the space, accelerated depopulationof rural areas, which would result in important environmental and social consequences. Main focus of modern agricultural activity lies on provision of healthy food, self-sufficiency in food, and environmental protection. North-eastern Slovenia is most definitely one of the areas with the highest food production potential, with Podravje and Pomurje whose relief-, climate-and pedology factors are favourable for arable farming and agriculture in general. Conveying the analysis, the focus was on Podravje which corresponds well to two NUTS 3 regions: Koroška SI013 and Podravska SI012 region. Koroška and Podravska regions (hereinafter referred to as Podravje) cover two geographically very different landscapes, namely the Subalpine and sub-Pannonian north-eastern Slovenia. The Subalpine part of Podravje is marked by the hilly relief of Pohorje, the Kozjak with Košenjak, the Strojna and Uršlja gora which, with Peca in the west already make transition into a real Alpine landscape. The results are manifested in relief features but more distinctively in climate- and pedogenetic features. In this area, forest is the predominant type of soil use. Arable areas can be found only in the plain bottoms of the Meža, Mislinja and Drava valleys, and also in some places in the hills where individual farms have been emerging since the Middle Ages due to high-altitude colonisation. The sub-Pannonian part of Podravje comprises of hilly landscapes (Dravinjske gorice, Haloze, Slovenske gorice) and the intermediary alluvial plains (Dravsko polje, Ptujsko polje and Središko polje). In terms of the climate, this is a landscape with a lower level of precipitation and higher temperatures, which is favourable for agriculture and growing some special cultures (viticulture, fruit-growing). It is the sub-Pannonian Slovenia, in addition to Pomurje, which is one of the regions with the highest food-production potential in Slovenia. The fundamental reasons for the retreat of arable land can be identified in building up new areas with service activities (shopping and service centres), building motorways and the associated infrastructure, dispersed individual building and transition of arable areas into overgrowth or forests. Some of the causes for overgrowing arable areas are: unfavourable agricultural policy, abandoning the land due to market conditions and unfavourable age structure of the agricultural population. The positive results of introducing the new common agricultural policy are the changes in average size of agricultural holdings. The number of middle-size and large agricultural holdings is increasing. Introduction of knowledge and new forms of farming helps to improve the quality and the quantity of the products. At the same time, farms are becoming multifunctional and are introducing additional, non-farming activities, which increases their income and affects improvement of living conditions in the rural area. This trend is also shown in the increasing number of farms with known ownership. The crisis in other economic sectors in urban centres affects the migration of population to the rural areas, primarily those with formed infrastructure and good accessibility to urban centres. The conditions vary from one municipality to another. Municipalities which have adapted to changes and were able to take advantage of their human capital as well as their natural resources, experienced fewer negative demographic changes, which also reflected in their respective land use, development and integration between sectors and improved public services. The problems obstructing faster development of Slovenian rural areas are: lack of adequate knowledge, lack of examples of good practice and lack of political will. When it comes to knowledge, the most problematic issue is the insufficient role of geographers and lack of their inclusion in local action groups which are one of the important instruments to implementing the common European agricultural policy

    A spatial decision support system for traffic accident prevention in different weather conditions

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    Natural conditions play an important role as determinants and cocreators of the spatiotemporal road traffic accident Hot Spot footprint; however, none of the modern commercial, or open-source, navigation systems currently provides it for the driver. Our findings, based on a spatiotemporal database recording 11 years of traffic accidents in Slovenia, proved that different weather conditions yield distinct spatial patterns of dangerous road segments. All potentially dangerous road segments were identified and incorporated into a mobile spatial decision support system (SLOCrashInfo), which raises awareness among drivers who are entering or leaving the predefined danger zones on the street network. It is expected that such systems could potentially increase road traffic safety in the future