3 research outputs found

    Application of polymers in mechanical engineering

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    U radu je navedena podjela polimernih materijala i kratko su opisani plastomeri, duromeri i elastomeri. Predstavljena su mehanička, kemijska, triboloÅ”ka i toplinsko-mehanička svojstva polimera te je objaÅ”njeno kako ona djeluju na izbor polimernog materijala za određene namjene. Primjena polimernih materijala za izradu elemenata konstrukcija obrađena je kroz niz primjera. Također su navedeni i opisani suvremeni polimerni materijali posebnih svojstava. Cilj rada je bio prikazati značaj primjene polimernih materijala u strojarstvu za izradu različitih elemenata konstrukcija.In this paper the classification of polymers is listed and thermoplastics, thermosets and elastomers are briefly described. The mechanical, chemical, tribological and thermo-mechanical properties of polymers are presented and it is explained how they affect the selection of polymeric material for certain purposes. The application of polymeric materials for structural components has been processed through a number of examples. Modern polymeric materials with special properties are also listed and described. The aim of this paper was to show the importance of the application of polymers in mechanical engineering for the production of various structural components