13 research outputs found

    Usporedba seroloških postupaka za dokazivanje zaraze bakterijom Chlamydophila sp. u goveda.

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    In order to diagnose chlamydiosis caused by bacteria Chlamydophila sp., the humoral immunity response in domestic bovines was examined. A possible difference in titre of specific antibodies between latently, acutely and chronically infected animals was also studied. At the same time we confirmed the applicability and reliability of complement-fixation tests (CFT) and enzyme–linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) on the basis of their specificity, sensitivity and comparativeness. Of 276 bovines examined, originating from 10 herds on Croatian territory, CFT revealed Chlamydophila sp. specific antibodies in 14.2% of sera samples, ELISA in 35.8%, and indirect immunofluorescent test (IIF) in 27.1% sera samples. These results suggest that CFT, ELISA and IIF can be used as reliable serological methods for diagnostics of chlamydiosis, being in accordance with Office International des Epizooties (OIE) recommendations.Radi postavljanja objektivne dijagnoze klamidioze, uzrokovane bakterijom Chlamydophila sp., istraživan je humoralni imunosni odgovor u goveda. Istražena je i moguća razlika u razini titra specifičnih protutijela između latentno, akutno i kronično inficiranih životinja. Istovremeno, utvrđena je primjenjivost i pouzdanost seroloških postupaka imunoenzimnog testa (ELISA) i reakcije vezanja komplementa (RVK) na temelju specifičnosti, osjetljivosti i reproducibilnosti. U 276 goveda, koja su potjecala iz 10 različitih uzgoja s područja Hrvatske, nalaz protutijela za bakterije Chlamydophila sp. utvrđen je u 14,2% uzoraka seruma postupkom RVK, u 35,8% postupkom ELISA, a u 27,1% uzoraka postupkom neizravne imunofluorescencije (IIF). Ove bi spoznaje mogle poslužiti kao smjernice za uvođenje najpouzdanijeg od uporabljenih seroloških postupaka u dijagnostici klamidioze u Hrvatskoj

    Teški oblik papilomatoze goveda: nalaz papilomavirusa u tumorskom tkivu i učinkovitost liječenja autogenom vakcinom i imunomodulatorom

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    Two cases of severe bovine papillomatosis occurred in northwest Croatia during 2000 are described. Diagnosis was based on presented clinical signs, histopathological findings, and detection of the papillomavirus by transmission electron microscopy. Animals successfully recovered following treatment with the autogenous (non-purified) vaccine and a parammunity inducer. For the first time in Croatia we report the detection of papillomavirus by electron microscopy.U radu su opisana dva slučaja generalizirane papilomatoze u goveda ustanovljena u sjeveroistočnom području Republike Hrvatske tijekom 2000. godine. U oba slučaja dijagnoza je postavljena na osnovi kliničke slike, histopatološke pretrage tumorskog tkiva i nalaza papilomavirusa goveda u homogenizatu tumorskog tkiva elektronskom mikroskopijom. Životinje su liječene autogenom vakcinom i imunomodulatorom (Baypamun®, Bayer Pharma, Leverkusen, Germany), a tumorozne promjene u potpunosti su iščezle nakon 6 tjedana od početka liječenja. U radu je po prvi put u Republici Hrvatskoj opisan nalaz papilomavirusa goveda u tumorskom tkivu elektronskom mikroskopijom

    Protutijela za viruse humane influence u prokazivačkih pataka u ornitološkom rezervatu Kopački rit.

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    Direct transmission of avian influenza viruses to humans has been confifi rmed and ever since it has been the main topic of influenza virus research. The opposite form of virus transmission is still unclear. In our study we used duck flocks as sentinels for surveillance of wild birds for influenza viruses and the possibility of bird infections with human influenza A viruses. Tested sera were collected from ducks in a free breeding system on a fish pond in the ornithological reserve Kopački rit (Croatia). Ducks were bred in an isolated unit for the first three weeks, and this was followed by four weeks breeding on the fifi sh pond without contact with humans. Sera were tested by haemagglutination inhibition (HI) test using human influenza viruses A/New Caledonia/20/99/ VR-116 (H1N1), A/Panama/2007/99 (RESVIR - 17) (H3N2), B/Hong Kong/330/01 and B/Sichuana/379/99 as antigens. To determine the time of infection, sera were collected twice during the period of isolation (day 0 and day 21) and at the end of breeding (day 49). Sera collected during the period of isolation were negative to influenza A and influenza B viruses. The high titer of influenza A specific antibodies in the serum samples at the end of breeding confirmed infection during exposure on the fish pond. As ducks on the fish pond had no contact with humans and were only in close contact with wild migratory birds these results confirmed that wild migratory birds were a source of infection and present a reservoir of influenza viruses. Very high seroprevalence in sentinel ducks with a high HI titers in some animals was determined at the end of breeding. The results of this study indicate that sentinel ducks were infected with influenza A virus strains closely related to the human strains used as an antigen. Also this study confirmed that sentinel ducks could be successfully used in influenza monitoring in wild birds.Mogućnost prijenosa ljudskih sojeva virusa influence izravno s ljudi na ptice još uvijek nije dovoljno istražena. U ovom radu prikazana je uporaba domaćih pataka kao modela prokazivačkih (engl. sentinel) životinja za promatranje širenja influence u divljih ptica, te je pomoću njih istražena infekcije ptica virusima influence antigenski bliskim humanim sojevima. Pretraživani su uzorci seruma pataka slobodno držanih na ribnjaku u ornitološkom rezervatu Kopački Rit. Patke su prva tri tjedna bile uzgajane u zatvorenom objektu, a potom su sljedeća četiri tjedna bile uzgajane na ribnjaku bez dodira s ljudima. Serumi su bili uzorkovani nultoga i 21. dana u zatvorenom objektu te 49. dana, tj. nakon završetka uzgoja na ribnjaku. Svi uzorci seruma bili su pretraženi inhibicijom hemaglutinacije, a kao antigeni bili su rabljeni humani sojevi virusa influence A/New Caledonia/20/99/VR-116 (H1N1) i A/Panama/2007/99 (RESVIR - 17) (H3N2), te humani sojevi virusa nfluence B/Hong Kong/330/01 i B/Sichuana/379/99. Svi pretraženi uzorci seruma uzeti u zatvorenom objektu nultog i 21. dana uzgajanja bili su negativni, dok su u uzorcima seruma uzetima na kraju uzgoja na ribnjaku (49. dana) ustanovljena specifična protutijela za viruse influence tipa A. Ovi rezultati potvrđuju infekciju pataka tijekom boravka na ribnjaku bez kontakta s ljudima što dokazuje da su divlje ptice bile izvor zaraze. Visoka seroprevalencija, te poglavito visoki titri specifičnih protutijela u pojedinih životinja dokaz su infekcije virusima influence antigenski srodnima humanim sojevima rabljenima u testu inhibicije hemaglutinacije. Postignuti rezultati potvrđuju mogućnost uporabe jata domaćih pataka kao prokazivačkih životinja za promatranje širenja influence u divljih ptica, te upućuju na nužnost daljnjega istraživanja mogućnosti infekcije ptica humanim sojevima virusa influence

    Teški oblik papilomatoze goveda: nalaz papilomavirusa u tumorskom tkivu i učinkovitost liječenja autogenom vakcinom i imunomodulatorom

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    Two cases of severe bovine papillomatosis occurred in northwest Croatia during 2000 are described. Diagnosis was based on presented clinical signs, histopathological findings, and detection of the papillomavirus by transmission electron microscopy. Animals successfully recovered following treatment with the autogenous (non-purified) vaccine and a parammunity inducer. For the first time in Croatia we report the detection of papillomavirus by electron microscopy.U radu su opisana dva slučaja generalizirane papilomatoze u goveda ustanovljena u sjeveroistočnom području Republike Hrvatske tijekom 2000. godine. U oba slučaja dijagnoza je postavljena na osnovi kliničke slike, histopatološke pretrage tumorskog tkiva i nalaza papilomavirusa goveda u homogenizatu tumorskog tkiva elektronskom mikroskopijom. Životinje su liječene autogenom vakcinom i imunomodulatorom (Baypamun®, Bayer Pharma, Leverkusen, Germany), a tumorozne promjene u potpunosti su iščezle nakon 6 tjedana od početka liječenja. U radu je po prvi put u Republici Hrvatskoj opisan nalaz papilomavirusa goveda u tumorskom tkivu elektronskom mikroskopijom

    Protutijela za viruse humane influence u prokazivačkih pataka u ornitološkom rezervatu Kopački rit.

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    Direct transmission of avian influenza viruses to humans has been confifi rmed and ever since it has been the main topic of influenza virus research. The opposite form of virus transmission is still unclear. In our study we used duck flocks as sentinels for surveillance of wild birds for influenza viruses and the possibility of bird infections with human influenza A viruses. Tested sera were collected from ducks in a free breeding system on a fish pond in the ornithological reserve Kopački rit (Croatia). Ducks were bred in an isolated unit for the first three weeks, and this was followed by four weeks breeding on the fifi sh pond without contact with humans. Sera were tested by haemagglutination inhibition (HI) test using human influenza viruses A/New Caledonia/20/99/ VR-116 (H1N1), A/Panama/2007/99 (RESVIR - 17) (H3N2), B/Hong Kong/330/01 and B/Sichuana/379/99 as antigens. To determine the time of infection, sera were collected twice during the period of isolation (day 0 and day 21) and at the end of breeding (day 49). Sera collected during the period of isolation were negative to influenza A and influenza B viruses. The high titer of influenza A specific antibodies in the serum samples at the end of breeding confirmed infection during exposure on the fish pond. As ducks on the fish pond had no contact with humans and were only in close contact with wild migratory birds these results confirmed that wild migratory birds were a source of infection and present a reservoir of influenza viruses. Very high seroprevalence in sentinel ducks with a high HI titers in some animals was determined at the end of breeding. The results of this study indicate that sentinel ducks were infected with influenza A virus strains closely related to the human strains used as an antigen. Also this study confirmed that sentinel ducks could be successfully used in influenza monitoring in wild birds.Mogućnost prijenosa ljudskih sojeva virusa influence izravno s ljudi na ptice još uvijek nije dovoljno istražena. U ovom radu prikazana je uporaba domaćih pataka kao modela prokazivačkih (engl. sentinel) životinja za promatranje širenja influence u divljih ptica, te je pomoću njih istražena infekcije ptica virusima influence antigenski bliskim humanim sojevima. Pretraživani su uzorci seruma pataka slobodno držanih na ribnjaku u ornitološkom rezervatu Kopački Rit. Patke su prva tri tjedna bile uzgajane u zatvorenom objektu, a potom su sljedeća četiri tjedna bile uzgajane na ribnjaku bez dodira s ljudima. Serumi su bili uzorkovani nultoga i 21. dana u zatvorenom objektu te 49. dana, tj. nakon završetka uzgoja na ribnjaku. Svi uzorci seruma bili su pretraženi inhibicijom hemaglutinacije, a kao antigeni bili su rabljeni humani sojevi virusa influence A/New Caledonia/20/99/VR-116 (H1N1) i A/Panama/2007/99 (RESVIR - 17) (H3N2), te humani sojevi virusa nfluence B/Hong Kong/330/01 i B/Sichuana/379/99. Svi pretraženi uzorci seruma uzeti u zatvorenom objektu nultog i 21. dana uzgajanja bili su negativni, dok su u uzorcima seruma uzetima na kraju uzgoja na ribnjaku (49. dana) ustanovljena specifična protutijela za viruse influence tipa A. Ovi rezultati potvrđuju infekciju pataka tijekom boravka na ribnjaku bez kontakta s ljudima što dokazuje da su divlje ptice bile izvor zaraze. Visoka seroprevalencija, te poglavito visoki titri specifičnih protutijela u pojedinih životinja dokaz su infekcije virusima influence antigenski srodnima humanim sojevima rabljenima u testu inhibicije hemaglutinacije. Postignuti rezultati potvrđuju mogućnost uporabe jata domaćih pataka kao prokazivačkih životinja za promatranje širenja influence u divljih ptica, te upućuju na nužnost daljnjega istraživanja mogućnosti infekcije ptica humanim sojevima virusa influence

    The Relationships between Self-Esteem, Emotional Reactions and Quality of Life in Pediatric Locomotory Trauma Patients

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    The main aim of this study was to establish the relationships between several psychosocial characteristics in children and adolescents differently treated for isolated long tubular bones’ fractures. Examined variables were: self-esteem, basic emotional reactions toward illness or injury including depression and anxiety, as well as perception of quality of life and social support during the treatment. Whole sample comprehends 135 patients, both gender, 10–18 years of age, treated for mentioned fractures in period 2003–2005 at the Departments of Pediatric Surgery of 3 hospitals: University Hospital Centre in Rijeka and Clinical Children’s Hospital in Zagreb, both in Croatia and University Hospital in Mostar, BiH. 73 patients were treated conservatively (CT), 40 of them underwent Elastic Stable Intramedullary Nailing (ESIN) and 22 of them underwent other surgical techniques (OST). Basic methods of work were: interview to collect data for half-structured socio-demographical questionnaire, evaluation of medical records and self-reported questionnaires including: Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (RSS), Children Depression Inventory (CDI), Spielberg State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), Short Form 36 Health Survey (SF-36) and Test of Perception of Social Support (TPSS). RSS, CDI and STAI were administered to the patients at baseline and after 6 months of the trauma, while SF-36 and TPSS after 1 month of the trauma. Results of this study point to close and strong relationships between examined variables, mostly statistically significant at level p<0.01 in all patients with fractures, regardless of the type of the treatment. There were also statistically significant differences in all variables between first and second measure; self-esteem increased and depression and anxiety decreased during the time in all patients (with different dynamics regarding the type of treatment); higher perception of social support enhanced that effect. Perception of quality of life in whole sample in summary measures was statistically significant at level p<0.01 correlated positively with self-esteem and negatively with depression and anxiety, thus connection with perception of social support was statistically significant only in sibdomain of physical pain. There was also statistically significant difference in self-perception of quality of life related to psychosocial variables according to the type of treatment (F=3.27; p=0.01). Results of this study suggest that there are strong connections between physical trauma and different psychosocial variables in patients which point at need of understanding locomotory trauma in children in wider context including physical state and social functioning of the patient as well as the choice of type of treatment of fractures which influences complete process of healing

    The Relationships between Self-Esteem, Emotional Reactions and Quality of Life in Pediatric Locomotory Trauma Patients

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    The main aim of this study was to establish the relationships between several psychosocial characteristics in children and adolescents differently treated for isolated long tubular bones’ fractures. Examined variables were: self-esteem, basic emotional reactions toward illness or injury including depression and anxiety, as well as perception of quality of life and social support during the treatment. Whole sample comprehends 135 patients, both gender, 10–18 years of age, treated for mentioned fractures in period 2003–2005 at the Departments of Pediatric Surgery of 3 hospitals: University Hospital Centre in Rijeka and Clinical Children’s Hospital in Zagreb, both in Croatia and University Hospital in Mostar, BiH. 73 patients were treated conservatively (CT), 40 of them underwent Elastic Stable Intramedullary Nailing (ESIN) and 22 of them underwent other surgical techniques (OST). Basic methods of work were: interview to collect data for half-structured socio-demographical questionnaire, evaluation of medical records and self-reported questionnaires including: Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (RSS), Children Depression Inventory (CDI), Spielberg State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), Short Form 36 Health Survey (SF-36) and Test of Perception of Social Support (TPSS). RSS, CDI and STAI were administered to the patients at baseline and after 6 months of the trauma, while SF-36 and TPSS after 1 month of the trauma. Results of this study point to close and strong relationships between examined variables, mostly statistically significant at level p<0.01 in all patients with fractures, regardless of the type of the treatment. There were also statistically significant differences in all variables between first and second measure; self-esteem increased and depression and anxiety decreased during the time in all patients (with different dynamics regarding the type of treatment); higher perception of social support enhanced that effect. Perception of quality of life in whole sample in summary measures was statistically significant at level p<0.01 correlated positively with self-esteem and negatively with depression and anxiety, thus connection with perception of social support was statistically significant only in sibdomain of physical pain. There was also statistically significant difference in self-perception of quality of life related to psychosocial variables according to the type of treatment (F=3.27; p=0.01). Results of this study suggest that there are strong connections between physical trauma and different psychosocial variables in patients which point at need of understanding locomotory trauma in children in wider context including physical state and social functioning of the patient as well as the choice of type of treatment of fractures which influences complete process of healing

    Round-table "The village in transition" Institute for Social Research of Zagreb, April 19th, 2001

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    Okrugli stol Selo u tranziciji održan je 19. travnja 2001. godine u organizaciji Instituta za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu, tj. tima istraživača na istraživačkoj temi Selo u tranziciji: mogućnosti razvoja seoskih područja, projektu koji se izvodi u sklopu programa trajne istraživačke djelatnosti Društvene promjene i razvoj Hrvatske, a financira ga Ministarstvo znanosti i tehnologije Republike Hrvatske. Podloga za diskusiju bio je tematski dvobroj časopisa »Sociologija sela« 1-2 (147-148) / 2000. naslovljen Selo u tranziciji, odnosno zbornik radova članova rečenoga istraživačkog tima. Za okruglim stolom sudjelovali su mahom sociolozi, ali i predstavnici drugih struka - iz znanosti, politike, planiranja i prakse. Osnovna izlaganja iznijeli su uvodničari Milan Župančić i Alija Hodžić, a »pozvani diskutanti« bili su Maja Štambuk, Vlado Puljiz, Stipe Šuvar, Željko Mataga, Josip Defilippis i Ivan Cifrić. U raspravi su sudjelovali i Ivan Magdalenić, Antun Petak, Dušica Seferagić, Svetozar Livada, Nataša Lončar Butić, Zrnka Novak i Jasenka Kranjčević. U uvodnom izlaganju (članku) Modernizacija sela Milan Župančić govori o bitnim modernizacijskim procesima u protekli h pedeset godina, te o tranzicijskim perspektivama hrvatskoga sela. Autor analizira proces deagrarizacije potpomognutog politikom socijalizma prema industrijalizaciji i urbanizaciji, kao ciljevima modernizacije društva. Učinci na selo su uglavnom bili negativni: depopulacija, egzodus, poseljačenje sela, njegovo propadanje. Danas, Strategijom prostornog uređenja Hrvatske iz 1997. godine, teži se uravnoteženom razvoju mreže naselja i policentričnosti , ali bez adekvatnih mehanizama provođenja. Alija Hodžiću izlaganju (članku) Selo kao izbor? postavlja pitanje može li selo biti izbor, a ne prisila? Odgovor na ovaj upit, prema autoru, nalaže historijsku analizu razvoja društva i položaja sela u njemu, polazeći čak od srednjeg vijeka. Selo i seljaštvo nastaju onda kada nastaje šire društvo, tj. globalna zajednica. Tradicionalna relativna autonomija sela uzmiče pred modernim društvom koje, preko grada, nad selom uspostavlja višestruku nadmoć. Promjenom vrijednosti i orijentacija na rad , marljivost, produktivnost, dužnost, socijalnu regulaciju odozgo, selo nužno ulazi u sistem i podređuje mu se. Modernizacija se u Hrvatskoj dogodila vrlo kasno, ali i ubrzano u kratkom razdoblju socijalizma. Selo postaje izvor resursa za grad i društvo, te gubi svoju složenost. Nova složenost sela (rekompozicija) tek je na samom početku. Pozitivna strana globalizacije jest smanjenje tenzija i razlika između sela i grada, a povećanjem komunikacijske gustoće raste mogućnost da selo postane mjestom izbora. Zasada, samo kao mogućnost! Maja Štambuk u svom članku Zašto smo tu gdje jesmo? objašnjava, kroz povijesnu perspektivu, zašto se hrvatsko selo našlo u nezavidnom položaju prema ukupnim modernizacijskim procesima u društvu, u gradu napose. Sve počinje položajem Hrvatske kao »periferije poluperiferije« unutar Austro-Ugarske kada je Monarhija diktirala i dozirala modernizaciju h1vatskog sela po svojim potrebama. Usporena, zakašnjela i nepotpuna modernizacija obilježila je hrvatsko selo. Do dvadesetih godina 20. stoljeća hrvatsko je selo u fazi kompozicije, da bi potom počeli procesi urbanizacije, industrijalizacije i promjene društvenih i političkih ustroja. Selo se poseljačuje zahvaljujući državnoj politici prema tipu razvoja društva, po kojoj selo gubi svoju važnost. U započetoj fazi rekompozicije selu je neophodna proruralna politika koje, kritički obrazlaže autorica, nema. Političko-administrativna decentralizacija omogućila je premreženje cijeloga prostora, ali se ono ne provodi, te selo tište veliki problemi koje ne može riješiti ni ono samo a niti uz pomoć aktualne politike. Vlado Puljiz u izlaganju Kratko dvadeseto stoljeće u selu govori o nekoliko modernizacija H1vatske. U 20-om stoljeću seljaštvo je doživjelo burne turbulencije: od politizacije između dva rata, služenja gradu i industriji u socijalizmu, ali pri kraju stoljeća razvijajući se prema poduzetništvu, farmerskoj poljoprivredi, urbanizaciji sela. U zadnjih deset godina selo se unazadilo zbog propadanja velikih kombinata, povećanja nejednakosti, te konkurencije vanjskog tržišta. No, prema Puljizu, selo još uvijek ima neke prednosti objektivnoga karaktera, te stoga ima i šanse za razvoj. Stipe Šuvar zalaže se za tipologiju naselja kao instrument prostornog planiranja, te za definiranje minimalnih kriterija za urbanizaciju nerazvijenih podn1čja. Željko Mataga analizira agrarnu strukturu u zadnjem desetljeću i drži da je ona bila dobro pripremljena za tranziciju, jer je zadržala privatni seljački posjed, jer se pojavio određen broj vitalnih gospodarstava, a i zadruge i kombinati su dobro funkcionirali, održavajući mješovitost. Međutim , procesi pretvorbe uništili su početne prednosti i vratili selo na početak. Mataga se zalaže za ciljeve pozitivne agrarne politike, te ističe važnost ekonomske, socijalne i ekološke komponente, kao i regionalni pristup, integralni multidisciplinarni pristup i obnovu zadruga. ]osip Defilippis kritizira stanje istraživanja sela u Hrvatskoj, te predlaže veliko sveobuhvatno istraživanje sela. Analizira državne dokumente (Zakon o poljoprivredi, Strategija razvoja poljoprivrede) i kritički se odnosi prema deklarativnom interesu za selo, ali i nedostatku operativnih rješenja. Ivan Cifrić u diskusiji (članku) Pristupi istraživanju sela bavi se trima temama: nekim pretpostavkama za razgovor o temi »Selo u tranziciji«, dominantnim pristupima u istraživanjima, te nekim temama od znanstvenog i društvenog značaja. Smatra da treba odrediti pristup, sadržaj i metodologiju istraživanja, paradigmu rasta zamijeniti paradigmom održivog razvoja, te izučavati »ekološki kompleks« i »ruralni metabolizam«. U diskusiji nakon većih izlaganja dotaknute su i mnoge iste ali i druge teme poput: poduzetništvo seljaka (Ivan Magdalenić), mladi u selu (Antun Petak), obrazovanje mladih »Za selo« (I. Magdalenić, A. Petak), budućnost seljaka s obzirom na negativne promjene (Ivan Cifrić), kako živi narod (Svetozar Livada, Alija Hodžić) , utjecaj rata na selo (I. Cifrić , S. Livada, Zrnka Novak), utjecaj globalizacije na selo (S. Livada, A. Hodžić) , koncept decentralizacije prostora i mreže naselja (Dušica Seferagić, Nataša Lončar Butić, Milan Župančić, A. Hodžić, Maja Štambuk, Stipe Šuvar), važnost mješovitosti za rekompoziciju sela (Vlado Puljiz, A. Hodžić, M. Štambuk), promjene izazvane tranzicijom (svi diskutanti), odnos znanosti, planiranja i provedbe (N. Lončar Butić, Jasenka Kranjčević) , te pregled nekih europskih institucija i njihovih deklaracija, povelja i planova o europskom selu (J. Kranjčević) . Premda su izlaganja naoko vrlo različita , a rasprava šarolika, kroz sve se provlači: povijesni pristup koji jedini može objasniti promjene u selu; oštra kritika socijalističke i tranzicijske politike prema selu; negativna ocjena položaja sela danas, ali i traženje nekih »Optimističkih « indikatora mogućem razvoju sela; prijedlozi za proruralnu politiku, njezinu operacionalizaciju i primjenu. Također je važno učiti , a ne imitirati, od stranih zemalja i europskih dokumenata o razvoju sela. Zato i preporučamo zaključke okruglog stola Selo u tranziciji aktualnim donositeljima odluka o selu!The round-table The village in transition was held on April 19th 2001, organized by the Institute of Social Research Zagreb. The team members are financed by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Croatia through the project The village in transition: possibilities of developing rural areas, which is part of a continuous program of reasearch into Social changes and the development of Croatia. The basis of discussion was a thematic double issue journal Sociologija sela (Rural Sociology) 1-2 (147-148) / 2000. The Croatian village in transition, i.e. a collection of articles by the said research team. Round-table participants were mainly sociologists, but also representatives of other professions: from sciences, politics, planning and practice. Introductory presentations were given by Milan Župančić and Alija Hodžić. »Invited participants« were Maja Štambuk, Vlado Puljiz, Stipe Šuvar, Željko Mataga, Josip Defilippis and Ivan Cifrić. Other speakers were Ivan Magdalenić, Antun Petak, Dušica Seferagić, Svetozar Livada, Nataša Lončar Butić, Zrnka Novak and Jasenka Kranjčević. In the introductory article Village modernization Milan Župančić outlines the essential modernizing processes of the last fifty years and speaks of the transitional perspectives for the Croatian village. He analyses the process of deagrarization (rural disintegration), supported by the socialist politics towards industrialization and urbanization as aims of modernising the society. Effects on the village are mostly negative: depopulation, exodus, ruralisation of the village, and its degradation. The strategy of space planning in Croatia (1997) aims towards a balanced development of a network of settlements and towards polycentricity, but without adequate implementation mechanisms. In his article The village as a choice? Alija Hodzic questions whether the village can be a choice rather than coercion. According to the author the answer can be found in historical analysis of the development of society and the position of the village in it, beginning from the Middle Ages. The village and the peasantry begin with the wider society, i.e. the global community. The traditional, relative autonomy of the village recedes (withdraws) before a modern society that establishes manifold supremacy over the village. Through the changes in values and the emphasis on work, diligence, productivity, duty, and by way of social regulation from above, the village of necessity enters the system and becomes subordinated. Modernisation in Croatia occures rather late, but also quickly, in a short period of socialism. The village furnishes resources for the town and society, and it loses its composition. The recomposition of the village is at the very beginning. A positive aspect of globalisation is the reduction in tensions and differences between village and town , while with the increase of communication density, there also grows the possibility for the village to become a matter of choice. For the present, it is only a possibility. In her article Why are we where we\u27re at? Maja Štambuk explains, through a hystorical perspective, the reasons why the Croatian village found itself in the inferior position in relation to total modernising processes in society and in towns in particular. It all stems from its position of the »periphery of periphery« (Austro-Hungaiy), when the Monarchy dictated the manner and pace of village modernization in Croatia, according to its own needs. The slow and late modernization in its incomplete form thus marked the Croatian village. Until the 1920\u27s the village is in the stage of composition, which is then followed by processes of urbanisation, industrialisation, and changes in the social and political organization. The village is ruralised as a result of government politics relating to the type of development of society in which the village loses importance. The recomposition stage of the village that has begun essentially requires rurally oriented politics, which is absent as the author critically explains. Political and administrative decentralisation has encompassed the whole area, but is not being implemented, so that the village is burdened with great problems. It is not able to solve them on its own nor with the assistance of current politics. Vlado Puljiz in his article The short 20th century into village speaks of several modernizations of Croatia. In the 20th century the peasantly underwent turbulent changes; it became politically aware in the period between the two wars, serviced the town and industry in socialism, but towards the end developed in the direction of enterprise, farming agriculture (larger holdings), and urbanisation of the village. In the last decade, the village regressed through the foundering of big socialist enterprises, the rise of inequality and competition of foreign markets. However, according to V. Puljiz, the village still has some objective advantages and has chances to develop. Stipe Šuvar speaks in favour of types of settlement as an instrument of space planning, and for defining minimal critera for urbanising undeveloped areas. Željko Mataga analyses agrarian structure in the last decade and maintains that it was well prepared for transition, since private rural property was retained, there emerged a certain number of vital rural estates and because cooperatives and enterprises functioned well, maintaining variety. The processes of transformation destroyed initial advantages and returned the village to the beginning. Mataga speaks in favour of aims of positive agrarian politics, emphasizing the importance of economic, social, and ecological components, the regional approach, integrated multidisciplinary approach and reestablishment of cooperatives. ]osip Defilippis criticizes village research policy in Croatia and proposes the undertaking of one major scientific research project. He analyses state documents (The Agriculture Law, The Strategy of Development of Agriculture) and critically views declaratory interest in the village and also the lack of practical solutions. Ivan Cifrić in his article The approacbes to village researcb speaks about three themes: some assumptions for discussing »the village in transition«, the dominant approaches in research, and certain topics of scientific and social significance. He maintains that it is important to define the approach, content and metodology of research, to replace paradigm of growth with that of sustainable development and to study »the ecological complex« and »rural metabolism«. Many identical and other topics were discussed after major presentations: business orientation of the population (Ivan Magdalenić), the village youth (Antun Petak), educating the young »for the village« (I. Magdalenić, A. Petak), the future of the country population in view of negative changes (Ivan Cifrić), how people live (Svetozar Livada, Alija Hodžić), the effect of war on the village (I. Cifrić, S. Livada, Zrnka Novak), the influence of globalization on the village (S. Livada, A. Hodžić), the concept of space decentralisation and settlement networks (Dušica Seferagić, Nataša Lončar Butić, Milan Župančić, A. Hodzic, Maja Štambuk, Stipe Šuvar), the significance of diversity for the recomposition of the village (Vlado Puljiz, A. Hodžic, M. Štambuk), changes clue to transition (all speakers), the relationship of science, planning and implementation (N. Lončar Butić, Jasenka Kranjčević), a survey of some European institutions and their declarations, charters, and plans for the European village (J. Kranjčević). Although, at first impression, the presentations seemed different and discussions varied, they had this in common: only a historical approach can explain changes; sharp criticism of socialist and transition politics regarding the village; negative evaluation of the position of the village today but also searching for some »Optimistic« indicators of possibilities of development, suggestions for rurally orie nted politics, its implementation and application. It is also important not to imitate, but learn from foreign countries and from European documents about the development of villages. We recomend the conclusions of this round-table The village in transition to all decision makers