23 research outputs found

    Learning economics: content analysis of textbooks for lower grades of elementary school

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    According to Viviana Zelizer’s theory, child has in the last hundred years gone from economically beneficial to the economically useless and emotionally priceless child. Child is, therefore, protected from labor and profit, and learning economic concepts is mainly conceived as a second rate issue. Generally accepted value is the financial dependence of children on adults, and this dependence continues into adolescence, but also into post-adolescence. This paper presents results of content analysis of textbooks for lower grades of elementary school (Croatian language, mathematics and nature and society). The aim of the research was to examine the relationship between the educational system and the social transfer of the economic knowledge. The presentation of basic economic concepts such as money and labor, as well as described economic activities were determined and socio-cultural context was taken into account in the interpretation. The research showed the absence of some economic concepts and social values typical of market economies, such as entrepreneurship, inovation or initiative. Child labor was depicted as domestic and unpaid

    Marketinška revizija proizvoda

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    Jedan od glavnih zadataka marketinških stručnjaka jest raspoznavanje, mjerenje i predviđanje reakcija pojedinaca s kojima ulaze u razmjene s razine makro i mikro okruženja sa svrhom što kvalitetnijeg upravljanja poslovanjem. Marketing je područje ekonomije koje je osnovano na razmjeni, odnosno transferu opipljivih i neopipljivih vrijednosti između dviju ili više uključenih strana. Kao predmet marketinga javljaju se proizvodi, usluge, organizacije, događaji, osobe, mjesta, imovine, iskustva i ideje. Orijentacijom na potrošača marketinški tim uz ostale stručnjake, uzimajući u obzir funkcionalnost i kvalitetu određenog proizvoda ili usluge stavlja isti taj proizvod ili uslugu na tržište. Razvojem novog proizvoda podrazumijeva se novi proizvod, modifikacija proizvoda i nove marke proizvoda koje neko poduzeće razvija za određeno tržište. Proizvod koji se nalazi na tržištu prolazi kroz svoj životni ciklus koji se sastoji od tri do šest faza, sa početnom fazom uvođenja i fazom odumiranja kao završetkom. Marketinška revizija je sustavna i periodička kontrola poduzeća, njenih ciljeva, strategija i aktivnosti kako bi se otkrila područja u kojima postoje problemi i prilike. Svrha marketing strategije je pružiti uvid u trenutačnu marketing situaciju istraživanjem mikro i makro okruženja s ciljem prikupljanja podataka o vlastitim i konkurentnim proizvodima, kanalima distribucije, tržištu i konkurentnim poduzećima.One of the main tasks of marketing experts is the recognition, measurement and prediction of responses from individuals who enter the exchange with the level of macro and micro environment for the purpose of a quality business management. Marketing is an area of the economy which is founded on an exchange or transfer of tangible and intangible values between two or more parties involved. As a matter of marketing there are products, services, organizations, events, people, places, assets, experience and ideas. Oriented to consumer marketing team along with other experts, taking into account the functionality and quality of a product or service puts the same product or service to market. The development of a new product includes the new product, the modification of the product and a brand of new product that a company develops for a particular market. A product that is on the market goes through its life cycle that can include three to six phases, with starting phase of introduction and phase of dying as ending. The marketing audit is a systematic and periodic control of the company, its objectives, strategies and activities in order to detect areas where there are problems and opportunities. The purpose of the marketing strategy is to provide insight into the current situation of marketing research micro and macro environment in order to collect data on their own and competitive products, distribution channels, market and competitive businesses

    From Management To Student: Three Perspectives on Human Rights in Higher Education

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    The paper presents the results of research on human rights conducted during 2018 and 2019 at faculties of teacher education and studies of psychology, pedagogy, and social work in Croatia. The aim of the research was to examine the representation of human rights learning outcomes in these studies, with a special emphasis on children\u27s rights, children\u27s participation, and the concept of the child as an active citizen, common in the discourse of the contemporary childhood paradigm. The research was conducted by using the mixed methods approach. Triangulation with three different sources of respondents was applied: a survey with university teachers, interviews with representatives of study programs, and a survey with students, where all types of data in the analysis were treated as equal. Different types of data showed unequal perspectives between institutional actors, but also similarities of the university population with other levels of the education system

    Politička apatija, sofisticirana političnost ili pluralizacija političke participacije studenata?

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    Studies in Croatia confirm that political engagement of the youth is changing. Although the youth’s interest in politics and political affairs in Croatia saw an increase between 1999 and 2004, it was still weaker than it was in the period of socialism (Ilišin, 2011), while at the same time their political engagement is on decline. Research has found that young people are more skeptical of the forms of traditional politics and are more open to expressing their political engagement through new media. This research addresses the very foundation of the opposing diagnoses as well as the thesis on the pluralization of the youth’s political engagement, based on a study conducted among the students enrolled in eight components of the University of Rijeka in 2015 (N = 635). The paper analyzes traditional forms (political party membership, elections,) and new political forms (forms of political engagement on social networks) of the students. The results are compared with the political engagement of the youth/students in European and Croatian research. The results point to the existence of hybrid politics, which includes a high readiness to vote in elections, signing paper petitions, and “liking” political initiatives on the Internet, but at the same time reveals the students’ very modest engagement in either traditional or new forms of political action.Istraživanja u Hrvatskoj potvrđuju da se političnost mladih mijenja. Iako interes mladih za politiku i politička zbivanja u Hrvatskoj između 1999. i 2004. godine raste, još je uvijek manji nego što je bio u razdoblju socijalizma (Ilišin, 2011), dok istodobno, politička participacija mladih opada. Istraživanja nalaze da su mladi sve skeptičniji prema oblicima tradicionalne političnosti, a otvoreniji prema iskazivanju političnosti kroz nove medije. Rad problematizira utemeljenost oprečnih dijagnoza, kao i teze o pluralizaciji političnost mladih, na temelju istraživanja provedenog među studentima osam sastavnica Sveučilišta u Rijeci 2015. godine (N=635). U radu se analiziraju oblici tradicionalne (članstvo u političkim strankama; izlazak na izbore) i nove političnosti (oblici političkog angažmana na društvenim mrežama) studenata. Rezultati se uspoređuju s političnošću mladih/studenata u europskim i hrvatskim istraživanjima. Rezultati govore o postojanju hibridne političnosti koja uključuje visoku spremnost glasovanja na izborima, potpisivanje peticija na štandu i lajkanje političkih inicijativa na internetu, ali, istovremeno, ukazuju i na vrlo skromni angažman studenta u ostalim, bilo tradicionalnim bilo novim, oblicima političke akcije

    Razvoj znanstvene pismenosti u vrtiću: izazov za roditelje

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    Kriza prirodoznanstvenog područja u našem društvu vidljiva je u smanjenju interesa za upis u prirodoslovno-matematičke gimnazije i prirodoslovne fakultete. U novoj strategiji MZOS-a vidljiv je naglasak na jačanju ovog područja - pa se kao cilj postavlja ‘poticanje zanimanja učenika za studije iz polja prirodnih, tehničkih i biotehničkih znanosti’ (MZOS Strategija, 2012:12). U tom kontekstu, projekt ‘Može li biti drugačije?! Kako to istražuju djeca?’ izuzetno je zanimljiv jer je usmjeren na dosad zanemarenu populaciju djece rane i predškolske dobi i na uvođenje novih metoda buđenja interesa za prirodoznanstveno područje

    Od uprave do studenta: tri perspektive o ljudskim pravima u visokom obrazovanju

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    U radu su predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja o ljudskim pravima provedenog tijekom 2018. i 2019. na učiteljskim fakultetima te studijima psihologije, pedagogije i socijalnog rada u Hrvatskoj. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati zastupljenost ishoda učenja o ljudskim pravima na navedenim studijima s posebnim osvrtom na dječja prava, dječju participaciju te koncept djeteta kao aktivnoga građanina, uobičajenima u diskursu suvremene paradigme djetinjstva. Istraživanje je provedeno mješovitom metodom te je primijenjena triangulacija s trima različitim izvorima ispitanika: anketa sa sveučilišnim nastavnicima, intervjui s predstavnicima studijskih programa te anketa sa studentima, pri čemu su se svi tipovi podataka u analizi tretirali kao ravnopravni. Različiti tipovi podataka pokazali su neujednačene perspektive između institucionalnih aktera, ali i sličnosti sveučilišne populacije s drugim razinama obrazovnog sustava

    Building the profession: professional ethics and preschool teacher’s education

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    Profesionalna etika je područje u kojoj se odgajatelji ne osjećaju sigurno. Da bi nužno ojačala svoj društveni status, odgajateljska profesija mora jačati i područje profesionalne etike. Iako formalno obrazovanje ne postoji, dijelovi profesionalne etike mogu se pronaći u ishodima učenja i kompetencijama pojedinih kolegija na Učiteljskim fakultetima u Hrvatskoj. Istraživanje je provedeno u akademskoj godini 2012/2013 među 33 odagajteljica upisanih u prvi semestar prve godine diplomskog studija Ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja pri Učiteljskom fakultetu u Rijeci. Glavni ciljevi istraživanja bili su ispitati stavove odgajatelja o profesionalnoj etici, kao i da utvrditi da li edukacija o profesionalnoj etici može utjecati na razvoj svijesti o istoj. Pripremljeni upitnik korišten je u u dva mjerna ciklusa, prije i poslije edukacije, dok je t-test za zavisne uzorke korišten za usporedbu rezultata mjerenja. Kvalitativni podaci prikupljeni su otvorenim pitanjima.Professional ethics is an area in which teachers do not feel confident. It is necessary to develop the status of the teacher profession in the society, which cannot be done without strengthening the ethics. Formal education on professional ethics does not exist, but its fragments can be interpreted in terms of the learning outcomes and competency courses at the Faculties of Teacher Education in Croatia. This research was conducted in the academic year 2012/2013 among 33 female preschool teachers enrolled in the first semester of the first year of graduate studies of Early and Preschool Education at the Faculty of Teacher Education in Rijeka. The main aims of the research were to investigate the attitudes of preschool teachers on professional ethics, as well as to determine whether the teaching course could raise awareness on professional ethics among preschool teachers. A questionnaire was prepared and two measuring cycles were conducted, one before and one after the teaching course, while the t-test for paired samples was used to compare the results of the measuring. Qualitative data were also gathered through open-ended questions

    Društveni status i profesionalni razvoj profesije odgajatelja rane i predškolske dobi

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    This paper theoretically and empirically deals with the relationship between the concepts of social status and professional development of early childhood and preschool teachers\u27 profession, while discussing the possibility of complementing two dominantly sociological and pedagogical traditions from which they derived. Low social status of early childhood and preschool teacher profession has not been significantly improved, neither in the context of continuous emerging of new professions in the late modernity, neither in the context of flourishing of different approaches to professional development. For this reason, we were interested in determining the attitudes of early childhood and preschool teachers about the position and relevance of their profession in our society, as well as whether there is a connection between the mentioned attitudes and early childhood and preschool teachers’ attitudes to professional development. We conducted a survey in December 2013 on the sample of N=270 early childhood and preschool teachers in the area of Zagreb and Rijeka. The results showed that early childhood and preschool teachers believe they perform an extremely responsible job which is professionally and materially undermined in our society. However, the results also showed that there is a certain connection between positive cultures of educational institutions, professional development of early childhood and preschool teachers and their positive perception of the social status of early childhood and preschool teacher profession. This connection should be  explored further since it opens a space for discussion about the possibilities in shifting the social status of the profession by implementing the action from below, in a micro-context.Rad se na teorijskoj i empirijskoj razini bavi odnosom koncepata društvenog statusa i profesionalnog razvoja odgajateljske profesije. Problematizira se mogućnost dopunjavanja dominantno sociološke i pedagoške tradicije iz kojih su proistekli. Nizak društveni status odgajateljske profesije nije bitno poboljšan ni u kontekstu neprestanog nastajanja novih profesija u društvu kasne modernosti, ni u kontekstu bujanja različitih pristupa profesionalnom razvoju. Zato nas je zanimalo kakvi su stavovi odgajatelja o položaju i ugledu njihove profesije u našem društvu te postoji li povezanost navedenih stavova s odnosom odgajatelja prema profesionalnom razvoju. U prosincu 2013. godine metodom ankete provedeno je istraživanje na uzorku od N=270 odgajatelja ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja na području Zagreba i Rijeke. Rezultati su pokazali da odgajatelji smatraju da obavljaju iznimno odgovoran posao koji je profesionalno, statusno i materijalno podcijenjen u našem društvu. Međutim, iz rezultata proizlazi da postoji i određena povezanost između pozitivnih kultura odgojno-obrazovnih ustanova, profesionalnog razvoja odgajatelja i njegove pozitivnije percepcije društvenog statusa odgajateljske profesije. Ta bi povezanost trebala biti dodatno istražena budući da otvara prostor za raspravu o mogućnostima promjene društvenog statusa profesije djelovanjem odozdo, u mikrokontekstu

    Le competenze interculturali delle educatrici e la distanza sociale

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    Rad istražuje vezu između samoprocjene interkulturalnih kompetencija i socijalne distance među odgojiteljicama. U uvodnom dijelu rada pojašnjavaju se osnovni pojmovi istraživanja i njihovi međusobni odnosi. Drugi dio teksta predstavlja rezultate empirijskog istraživanja čiji su sudionice bile odgojiteljice u vrtićima na riječkom području (N=225). Ustvrđeno je da su sadržaji interkulturalnog odgoja i obrazovanja nedovoljno prisutni u formalnom obrazovanju odgojiteljica te da se svega trećina smatra osposobljenima za njihovu primjenu u praksi. Ispitanice pokazuju veći stupanj socijalne distance prema skupinama koje doživljavaju kulturno različitim u više dimenzija: Albancima i Romima. Zabilježena je i pojava odbijanja ispunjavanja modifi cirane Bogardusove skale socijalne distance, što je pokazatelj nedovoljne senzibilnosti dijela ispitanica za ove teme. Ustvrđena je relativno slaba povezanost između samoprocjene interkulturalnih kompetencija i iskazivanja socijalne distance, što pripisujemo nedostacima dosadašnjeg interkulturalnog obrazovanja.The article examines the connection between self-evaluation of intercultural competence and social distance among kindergarten teachers. The basic concepts of the research and their relationships are explained in the introduction. The second part presents the results of an empirical study conducted among kindergarten teachers in the Rijeka region (N=225). The results show that the contents of intercultural education are insuffi ciently present in the formal education of kindergarten teachers and that merely one third of teachers consider themselves qualifi ed for their application in practice. Respondents showed a greater degree of social distance toward the groups which they perceived as culturally different in several dimensions: Albanians and Roma. Some of the respondents refused to complete the modifi ed Bogardus social distance scale, which is an indication of the lack of sensibility among some of the kindergarten teachers for this topic. There was a relatively weak connection between self-evaluation of intercultural competence and social distance, which is ascribed to shortcomings of previous intercultural education.Il presente articolo analizza il legame tra l’autovalutazione delle competenze interculturali e la distanza sociale tra le educatrici. Nella parte introduttiva vengono spiegati i punti chiave della ricerca e le loro dinamiche interne. La seconda parte del testo presenta i risultati della ricerca empirica tra le educatrci negli asili nido sul territorio fi umano (N= 225). I risultati dimostrano che i contenuti ell’educazione e della formazione interculturale non sono suffi cientemente presenti nella formazione delle educatrici e che solamente un terzo di loro si considera abilitato per la loro applicazione nella pratica. Le educatrici interrogate dimostrano un grado di distanza sociale più elevato verso i gruppi che percepiscono culturalmente diversi in più aspetti: Albanesi e i Rom. È stato registrato anche il fenomeno di rifi uto nella compilazione della scala di Bogardus modifi cata riguardante la distanca sociale il che rivela una sensibilità insuffi ciente di una parte delle educatrici rispetto ai temi in questione. È stata altresì registrata una relazione debole tra l’autovalutazione delle competenze interculturali e l’espressione della distanza sociale, il che va ricondotto alla mancanza dell’educazione interculturale pregressa

    Informal and Formal Religious Socialization in Early Childhood: Ties and Paradoxes

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    U tekstu se problematizira nesklad između većinski raširenoga obiteljskog religijskog ozračja u hrvatskom društvu i skromnoga uključivanja djece u program odgoja u vjeri (POUV) u dječjim vrtićima. Polazi se od klasične teorije socijalizacije koja primjerenije objašnjava inicijaciju djeteta u religijsku zajednicu od teorija religijskog kapitala (Iannaccone) i religijskih sklonosti (Sherkat). Provedeno je terensko anketiranje na uzorku od 257 roditelja djece koja polaze vrtiće na području Grada Rijeke. Uzorak je uključivao dvije skupine ispitanika: roditelje čija djeca polaze redoviti program te roditelje čija djeca polaze POUV. Istraživane su razlike između dviju skupina roditelja u: općim indikatorima religioznosti; iskustvu religijske socijalizacije u njihovu djetinjstvu; religijskoj socijalizaciji vlastite djece; obiteljskom religijskom ozračju; motivima upisa i zadovoljstvu POUV-om, odnosno interesu da se djecu uključi u njega; te prihvatljivom načinu institucionalizacije POUV-a. Uočena je većinska raširenost indikatora opće religioznosti i religijske obiteljske socijalizacije u objema skupinama. Roditelji čija su djeca uključena u POUV u svim su indikatorima religiozniji, a ključni prediktor upisa u program jest redovito prisustvovanje crkvenim obredima. Istraživanje je otkrilo četiri paradoksa prisutna u istraživanoj populaciji. Prvi je suprotnost između većinski proširenih pokazatelja religioznosti i relativno skromne participacije djece u POUV-u. Drugi je suprotnost između većinske religijske obiteljske socijalizacije djece i manjinske spremnosti roditelja da ih uključe u POUV. Treći, i najveći paradoks, jest promjena roditeljskog stava pri upisu izbornog predmeta vjeronauka u osnovnoj školi. Četvrti se odnosi na (ne)dosljednost transmisije religijske socijalizacije. Zaključak je da je dio roditelja zainteresiran za formalnu religijsku socijalizaciju svoje djece, ali većina ispitanika u predodžbu formalne religijske socijalizacije svoje djece ne uključuje POUV u vrtićima.The article deals with the discrepancy between the widespread family religious environment in Croatian society and the modest enrolment of children in the education-in-faith programme (EIFP) in kindergartens. The classical theory of socialization is applied since it is more suitable for explanation of the initiation of a child in a religious community than the theories of religious capital (Iannaccone) and religious preferences (Sherkat). A field survey was conducted on a sample of 257 parents of children who attend kindergartens in the area of the City of Rijeka. The sample included two groups of respondents: parents whose children attended regular programmes, and parents whose children attended EIFP. Differences between the two groups of parents were explored in: general indicators of religiosity; experience of religious socialization in their childhood; religious socialization of their children; the family religious environment; motives for enrolment and satisfaction with EIFP, or interest in enrolment; and, the acceptable way of institutionalization of EIFP. A prevalence of indicators of general religiosity and religious socialization in the family has been identified in both groups. Parents whose children are enrolled in EIFP are more religious by all indicators, and the key predictor of enrolment in the programme is regular attendance at religious services. Research found four paradoxes in the studied population. The first one is the contrast between prevailing indicators of religiosity and the relatively modest participation of children in EIFP. The second one is the contrast between prevailing religious socialization of children in the family and the minority readiness of parents to enrol them in EIFP. The third and major paradox is the change in parental attitudes when enrolling children in the extracurricular subject of catechism in elementary school. The fourth one refers to (in)consistency in transmission of religious socialization. The conclusion is that some parents are interested in formal religious socialization for their children, but most of the respondents do not include EIFP in kindergartens in their idea of formal religious socialization of their children