31 research outputs found

    Powszechny niedobór witaminy D u dorosłych z województwa pomorskiego po miesiącach niskiego i wysokiego promieniowania UVB

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    Introduction: Widespread vitamin D deficiency has been reported worldwide and evidence of its deleterious effects on health has been accumulating. There is insufficient data concerning vitamin D status among the Polish adult population. The aim of the study was to determine vitamin D status and factors influencing it — UVB exposure, supplementation, and diet — among adults in northern Poland following months of low and high natural UVB radiation. Material and methods: Adults were recruited in an outpatient clinic. All were examined twice in 2012: in winter (in February, March and the first half of April), and autumn (between 25 September and 8 November). Questionnaire examinations were performed, and serum concentrations of 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (25(OH)D), calcium, phosphorus, parathyroid hormone (PTH), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were determined. Results: 40 men and 69 women participated in the study (age 48.4 ± 15 years, body mass index (BMI) 25.9 ± 4.3 kg/m2, mean ± SD). Mean 25(OH)D serum level in winter was 13.3 ± 6.6 ng/mL, 81.1% of participants were vitamin D-deficient. Mean 25(OH)D concentration in autumn was 22.8 ± 7.9 ng/mL (42.2% of subjects were vitamin D-deficient). Median 25(OH)D and PTH concentrations between the two examination periods differed significantly (11.9 vs. 22.1 ng/mL, and 46.3 vs. 32.2 pg/mL, respectively). In autumn, negative correlations were found between: 25(OH)D and PTH serum levels, 25(OH)D and BMI values. When compared to respective counterparts, participants declaring vitamin D supplementation, and sunbed use had significantly higher median 25(OH)D concentrations. Conclusions: UV exposure during the summer was insufficient to provide adequate vitamin D status for almost half of the participants by as soon as the early autumn. Our results suggest all-year-round vitamin D supplementation should be widely implemented. Wstęp: Liczne doniesienia naukowe mówią o powszechnym niedoborze witaminy D na całym świecie i jego negatywnych skutkach zdrowotnych. Dane dotyczące stanu zaopatrzenia w witaminę D wśród dorosłych Polaków są niewystarczające. Celem pracy było określenie stanu zaopatrzenia w witaminę D i czynniki nań wpływające — ekspozycję na promieniowanie UVB, suplementację i dietę — u dorosłych z województwa pomorskiego po miesiącach niskiego i wysokiego promieniowania UVB. Materiały i metody: Dorosłych probantów zrekrutowano w przychodni. Wszystkich przebadano dwukrotnie w 2012. roku: zimą (od lutego do połowy kwietnia) i jesienią (od 25. września do 8. listopada). Przeprowadzono badania ankietowe; określono stężenia surowicze 25-hydroksywitaminy D (25(OH)D), wapnia, fosforu, parathormonu (PTH) i fosfatazy alkalicznej (ALP). Wyniki: 40 mężczyzn i 69 kobiet wzięło udział w badaniu (wiek 48,4 ± 15 lat, indeks masy ciała (BMI) 25,9 ± 4,3 kg/m2, śr. ± odchylenie standardowe). Średnie stężenie 25(OH)D w zimie wyniosło 13,3 ± 6,6 ng/ml, 81,1% badanych miało niedobór witaminy D. Średnie stężenie 25(OH)D jesienią wyniosło 22,8 ± 7,9 ng/ml (42,2% badanych miało hipowitaminozę D). Uzyskano istotne różnice median stężeń 25(OH)D i PTH między okresami badań (odpowiednio 11,9 wobec 22,1 ng/ml oraz 46,3 wobec 32,2 pg/ml). Jesienią uzyskano ujemne korelacje między stężeniami 25(OH)D i PTH oraz 25(OH)D i wartościami BMI. Wyższą medianę stężeń 25(OH)D odnotowano u osób deklarujących suplementację (wobec tych negujących) oraz korzystanie z solarium (porównując z niekorzystającymi). Wnioski: Ekspozycja na promienie UV w lecie była niewystarczająca by zapewnić odpowiedni poziom witaminy D już wczesną jesienią u niemal połowy badanych. Wyniki wskazują na konieczność wprowadzenia powszechnej całorocznej suplementacji witaminy D u dorosłych

    Niedobór witaminy D w przeważająco miejskiej populacji dorosłych z Województwa Pomorskiego w miesiącach zimowych

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    Introduction: Vitamin D is vital in the regulation of the calcium-phosphate metabolism, has a direct impact on the musculoskeletal system, and also affects numerous other systems. Widespread vitamin D deficiency and its detrimental effect on health have been reported globally. Data concerning vitamin D status in Polish adult population is scarce.Material and methods: Ambulatory patients of an outpatient clinic in Gdańsk were included in the study. Serum concentrations of 25(OH) D, parathyroid hormone (PTH), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), calcium and phosphorus were determined. In a questionnaire declared UVB exposure, dietary vitamin D and calcium intake, and health status of the subjects were assessed. Non- and parametric tests, logistic regression and population attributable risk were applied in data analysis.Results: 448 adults were examined from February to mid-April 2012, 305 women and 143 men, aged 19 to 86 (mean 46.3 ± 14.9 years). Mean 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration was 14.3 ± 6.6 ng/mL. 84.4% of subjects were vitamin D deficient (25(OH)D < 20 ng/mL); 13.2% presented insufficient (20–30 ng/mL), and 2.5% (or 11 subjects) sufficient 25(OH)D concentrations. Significantly higher 25(OH)D concentrations were found in subjects who reported more UVB exposure, supplemented vitamin D orally and those who declared more physical activity. 21% of subjects had elevated serum PTH concentration (i.e. > 62 pg/mL); mean parathormone was 48.6 ± 25.2 pg/mL. A linear correlation was found between the logarithm of PTH and logarithm of 25(OH)D concentrations (r = –0.21, p < 0.001).Conclusions: Results obtained here demonstrate the necessity of implementing a monitoring and prophylaxis programme of vitamin D deficiency in Poland. (Endokrynol Pol 2014; 65 (2): 105–113)Wstęp: Witamina D pełni ważną funkcję w regulacji gospodarki wapniowo-fosforanowej, ma bezpośredni wpływ na układ mięśniowo-szkieletowy, a także oddziałuje na liczne, inne układy organizmu. Niedobór witaminy D i jego negatywny wpływ na stan zdrowia były i są wykazywane na całym świecie. Niewiele jest danych mówiących o stanie zaopatrzenia w witaminę D osób dorosłych z populacji polskiej.Materiał i metody: Do badania zrekrutowano osoby korzystające z ambulatoryjnych usług zakładu opieki zdrowotnej w Gdańsku, u których oznaczono surowicze stężenia 25(OH)D, parathormonu (PTH), fosfatazy alkalicznej (ALP), wapnia i fosforu. W kwestionariuszu oceniono ekspozycję na UVB, nawyki dietetyczne w zakresie podaży witaminy D i wapnia oraz stan zdrowia. Dane przeanalizowano za pomocą parametrycznych i nieparametrycznych testów statystycznych, logistycznej regresji i ryzyka przypisanego populacji (population attributable risk).Wyniki: Od lutego do połowy kwietnia 2012 roku przebadano 448 dorosłych: 305 kobiet i 143 mężczyzn w wieku 19–86 lat (średnia 46,3 ± 14,9 lat). Średnie stężenie 25-hydroksy-witaminy D wyniosło 14,3 ± 6,6 ng/ml; 84,4% badanych miało niedobór witaminy D (25(OH) D < 20 ng/ml); 13,2% niedostateczne stężenie (20–30 ng/ml), a 2,5% (tj. 11 probantów) prawidłowe stężenie 25(OH)D. Istotnie wyższe stężenia 25(OH)D wykazano dla uczestników, którzy: przyjmowali preparaty witaminy D, mieli większą ekspozycję na promieniowanie UVB (opalanie na słońcu lub w solarium), a także podawali większą aktywność fizyczną. 21% probantów miało podwyższone (> 62 pg/ml) stężenie PTH przy wartości średniej dla wszystkich badanych 48.6 ± 25.2 pg/ml. Stwierdzono liniową zależność między logarytmem parathormonu a logarytmem 25(OH)D (r = –0.21, p < 0,001).Wnioski: Otrzymane wyniki wskazują na konieczność opracowania programu monitoringu i profilaktyki hipowitaminozy D w Polsce. (Endokrynol Pol 2014; 65 (2): 105–113

    Vitamin D status including 3-epi-25(OH)D3 among adult patients with thyroid disorders during summer months

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    Introduction: In the context of pleiotropic vitamin D effects, its role has also been investigated in thyroid pathology, in particular autoimmune thyroid diseases (AITD). However, available data concerning vitamin D status in Polish patients with thyroid disorders are inconclusive. In the study we investigated vitamin D status and adequacy of supplementation, as well as sunlight exposure during summer months among adult patients with thyroid diseases.Material and methods: Adults with diagnosed or suspected thyroid disease were recruited almost entirely in an ambulatory setting between June and September in Northern Poland. Questionnaire examinations were performed, and serum concentrations of 25(OH)D2, 25(OH)D3, 3-epi-25(OH)D3, and 24,25(OH)2D3 were determined by LC-MS/MS.Results: Thirty men and 194 women participated in the study, mean age ± standard deviation (SD): 42 ± 15 years, mean ± SD body mass index (BMI) 26 ± 6 kg/m2. Among the participants, 133 declared L-thyroxine treatment, 44 — Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, 40 — nodular goitre, and 20 — hyperthyroidism and/or Graves’ disease. Mean ± SD 25(OH)D level was 26.9 ± 8.2 ng/ml, and deficiency (< 20 ng/ml) was stated in 12%, insufficiency (20 ≤ 25(OH)D < 30 ng/ml) in 50.4% of study participants. Calcidiol was significantly higher in subjects who declared supplementation, mean ± SD: 29.4 ± 7.5 vs. 25.2 ± 8 ng/ml. Among participants without vitamin D supplementation sunlight exposure correlated with 25(OH)D. The C3 epimer of 25(OH)D3 was detected in all subjects; its concentration correlated strongly with that of 25(OH)D3. 24,25(OH)2D3 levels also strongly correlated with those of 25(OH)D3.Conclusions: To our knowledge, the current study is the first in Poland to analyse vitamin D status in summer months among patients with thyroid diseases, as well as serum 3-epi-25(OH)D3 and 24,25(OH)2D3 concentrations. The data presented here indicate that vitamin D sufficiency is not attained even in summer months in patients with thyroid diseases

    Match running performance is influenced by possession and team formation in an English Premier League team

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    The aim of this study was to examine the possession (very low, low, high, and very high), team formation (3-5-2 and 4-3-3) and position (centre-backs, full-backs, centre midfielders, attacking midfielders, and centre forwards) on match load across two consecutive seasons in elite soccer. Twenty-seven English Premier League outfield players were recruited. Data was monitored through an 18 Hz Global Positioning System and a 25 Hz semi-automated camera tracking system, respectively, and all variables were analysed per minute. Main effects for formation on total distance (TD) (p = 0.006; η2 = 0.010), high-speed running (HSR) (p = 0.009; η2 = 0.009), number of high metabolic load (HML) efforts (p = 0.004; η2 = 0.011) were observed. In addition, there were significant interaction effects with formation×possession on TD (p < 0.001; η2 = 0.043), HSR (p = 0.006; η2 = 0.018), sprinting (p < 0.001; η2 = 0.030), HML efforts (p < 0.001; η2 = 0.035), accelerations (p < 0.001; η2 = 0.025). From the position specific analysis, only the running performance of centre-backs was affected by formation or positional factors. These results indicate that formation and possession can have a significant impact on TD, HSR, and HML distance. Furthermore, players performed more high intensity efforts in 3-5-2 than 4-3-3 formation. These findings suggest that coaches can evaluate running performance in the context of formation and possession and tailor tactical strategies to optimise physical performance

    Practical guidelines for the supplementation of vitamin D and the treatment of deficits in Central Europe — recommended vitamin D intakes in the general population and groups at risk of vitamin D deficiency

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    Wstęp: Wyniki badań z ostatnich lat dokumentują wiele korzyści wynikających z działania witaminy D na organizm człowieka na wszystkichetapach jego życia. Większość badań epidemiologicznych sugeruje, że niedobór witaminy D jest powszechny wśród mieszkańców EuropyŚrodkowej. Naturalną konsekwencją tej sytuacji jest konieczność ciągłego uświadamiania społeczeństwu oraz środowisku medycznemu,jaką rolę odgrywa witamina D w rozwoju i funkcjonowaniu organizmu ludzkiego.Metody: Na podstawie przeglądu danych literaturowych Polski Zespół Wielodyscyplinarny opracował tezy dotyczące zasad suplementacjiwitaminą D, które przesłano do członków Komitetu Naukowego konferencji „Witamina D — minimum, maksimum, optimum”,19–20 Październik, 2012, Warszawa. W trakcie powyższej konferencji z udziałem 550 delegatów oraz Ekspertów różnych dziedzin medycynyomówiono i przedyskutowano propozycje wytycznych suplementacji witaminą D populacji Europy Środkowej.Wyniki: W efekcie przeprowadzonych dyskusji Zespół Ekspertów opracował wytyczne suplementacji witaminą D dla wszystkich grupwiekowych populacji Europy Środkowej. Określono również kryteria diagnostyczne charakteryzujące stan zaopatrzenia organizmu w witaminę D: deficyt witaminy D ustalono jako stężenie 25(OH)D &lt; 20 ng/mL (&lt; 50 nmol/L)], suboptymalne zaopatrzenie jako stężenie25(OH)D wynoszące 20–30 ng/mL (50–75 nmol/L), a stężenie 30–50 ng/mL (75–125 nmol/L) uznano za docelowe dla zapewnienia efektuplejotropowego witaminy D.Wnioski: Poprawa obecnego stanu zaopatrzenia witaminy D w grupach dzieci, młodzieży, osób aktywnych zawodowo i seniorówpowinna zostać włączona do priorytetów polityki zdrowotnej społeczeństw Europy Środkowej.Introduction: Adequate Vitamin D intake and its concentration in serum are important for bone health and calcium–phosphate metabolismas well as for optimal function of many organs and tissues. Documented trends in lifestyle, nutritional habits and physical activityappear to be associated with moderate or severe Vitamin D deficits resulting in health problems. Most epidemiological studies suggest thatVitamin D deficiency is prevalent among Central European populations. Concern about this problem led to the organising of a conferencefocused on overcoming Vitamin D deficiency.Methods: After reviewing the epidemiological evidence and relevant literature, a Polish multidisciplinary group formulated theses onrecommendations for Vitamin D screening and supplementation in the general population. These theses were subsequently sent to ScientificCommittee members of the ‘Vitamin D — minimum, maximum, optimum’ conference for evaluation based on a ten-point scale.With 550 international attendees, the meeting ‘Vitamin D — minimum, maximum, optimum’ was held on October 19–20, 2012 in Warsaw(Poland). Most recent scientific evidence of both skeletal and non-skeletal effects of Vitamin D as well as the results of panellists’ votingwere reviewed and discussed during eight plenary sessions and two workshops.Results: Based on many polemical discussions, including post-conference networking, the key opinion leaders established ranges ofserum 25-hydroxyVitamin D concentration indicating Vitamin D deficiency [&lt; 20 ng/mL (&lt; 50 nmol/L)], suboptimal status [20–30 ng/mL(50–75 nmol/L)], and target concentration for optimal Vitamin D effects [30–50 ng/mL (75–125 nmol/L)]. General practical guidelines regardingsupplementation and updated recommendations for prophylactic Vitamin D intakes in Central European neonates, infants, childrenand adolescents as well as in adults (including recommendations for pregnant and breastfeeding women and the elderly) were developed.Conclusions: Improving the Vitamin D status of children, adolescents, adults and the elderly must be included in the priorities of physicians,healthcare professionals and healthcare regulating bodies. The present paper offers elaborated consensus on supplementationguidance and population strategies for Vitamin D in Central Europe

    Using artificial intelligence for exercise prescription in personalised health promotion: A critical evaluation of OpenAI’s GPT-4 model

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    The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) applications in healthcare provides new possibilities for personalized health management. AI-based fitness applications are becoming more common, facilitating the opportunity for individualised exercise prescription. However, the use of AI carries the risk of inadequate expert supervision, and the efficacy and validity of such applications have not been thoroughly investigated, particularly in the context of diverse health conditions. The aim of the study was to critically assess the efficacy of exercise prescriptions generated by OpenAI’s Generative Pre-Trained Transformer 4 (GPT-4) model for five example patient profiles with diverse health conditions and fitness goals. Our focus was to assess the model’s ability to generate exercise prescriptions based on a singular, initial interaction, akin to a typical user experience. The evaluation was conducted by leading experts in the field of exercise prescription. Five distinct scenarios were formulated, each representing a hypothetical individual with a specific health condition and fitness objective. Upon receiving details of each individual, the GPT-4 model was tasked with generating a 30-day exercise program. These AI-derived exercise programs were subsequently subjected to a thorough evaluation by experts in exercise prescription. The evaluation encompassed adherence to established principles of frequency, intensity, time, and exercise type; integration of perceived exertion levels; consideration for medication intake and the respective medical condition; and the extent of program individualization tailored to each hypothetical profile. The AI model could create general safety-conscious exercise programs for various scenarios. However, the AI-generated exercise prescriptions lacked precision in addressing individual health conditions and goals, often prioritizing excessive safety over the effectiveness of training. The AI-based approach aimed to ensure patient improvement through gradual increases in training load and intensity, but the model’s potential to fine-tune its recommendations through ongoing interaction was not fully satisfying. AI technologies, in their current state, can serve as supplemental tools in exercise prescription, particularly in enhancing accessibility for individuals unable to access, often costly, professional advice. However, AI technologies are not yet recommended as a substitute for personalized, progressive, and health condition specific prescriptions provided by healthcare and fitness professionals. Further research is needed to explore more interactive use of AI models and integration of real-time physiological feedback

    Zmniejszenie ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego wśród nieaktywnych fizycznie kobiet w okresie pomenopauzalnym podczas zorganizowanej aktywności fizycznej

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    Background: Cardiovascular (CV) diseases are a major cause of death in elderly women. Aerobic training improves component CV risk factors. Long-term, higher-intensity, group-based and home-based exercise training has been shown to improve exer­cise performance. However, it is not clear if short-term, group-based or home-based training with an educational programme permanently improves cardiometabolic parameters in elderly women. Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of organised physical activity programmes dedicated to elderly, sedentary women. Methods: Thirty-five sedentary women, aged &gt; 55 years (mean 65.4 ± 7.3 years) were enrolled in a two-week group-based physical training programme of moderate intensity (2.5–5.0 METs) followed by three months of organised, home-based physical activity targeting all major muscle groups with special emphasis on postural muscles, combined with an educational programme about physical activity and CV risk. Eighteen months of self-guided physical activity was the final stage of training. Medical examination and blood samples were collected at baseline and after each step of exercises. Results: Each step of training resulted in a reduction of systolic and diastolic blood pressure (p &lt; 0.05), body mass index (p &lt; 0.05), waist to hip ratio (p &lt; 0.02), and low-density lipoprotein (p &lt; 0.05) as compared to baseline. The time of exercise (p &lt; 0.01), maximal tolerated load, and maximal oxygen consumption (p &lt; 0.001) were significantly improved after two-weeks of training, as well as the high-density lipoprotein (p &lt; 0.001). These changes remained significant after three months. Finally, the 10-year risk of fatal CV disease reduced significantly (p &lt; 0.05). After 18 months 2/3 of subjects continued physical activity at a sufficient level to achieve additional health benefits according to the World Health Organisation. Conclusions: Organised, group-based exercise followed by home-based training and self-guided physical activities constantly improves cardiometabolic parameters and reduces CV risk.Wstęp: Choroby układu sercowo-naczyniowego (CV) są główną przyczyną zgonów wśród starszych kobiet. Trening aerobowy poprawia składowe czynniki ryzyka CV. Wykazano, że długotrwały, grupowy trening fizyczny o dużej intensywności w warunkach domowych poprawia wydolność fizyczną. Nie jest jednak jasne, czy krótkotrwałe, grupowe szkolenia i trening w warunkach domowych z dodatkowym programem edukacyjnym trwale poprawiają parametry kardio-metaboliczne u starszych kobiet. Cel: Celem pracy była ocena wpływu krótkotrwałego programu aktywności fizycznej przeznaczonego dla nieaktywnych fizycznie kobiet w okresie pomenopauzalnym na czynniki ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego. Metody: U 35 nieaktywnych fizycznie kobiet w wieku ponad 65 lat (średnia 65,4 ± 7,3 roku) zastosowano 2-tygodniowy trening fizyczny o umiarkowanej intensywności (2,5–5,0 METs), następnie przeprowadzono 3-miesięczną, zorganizowaną, domową aktywność fizyczną, nacelowaną na główne grupy mięśniowe, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem mięśni posturalnych, połączoną z programem edukacyjnym dotyczącym aktywności fizycznej i ryzyka CV. Samodzielnie prowadzona, 18-miesięczna aktywność fizyczna była ostatnim etapem szkolenia. Badanie lekarskie i próbki krwi zebrano na początku badania i po każdym etapie ćwiczeń. Wyniki: W wyniku każdego etapu ćwiczeń obserwowano obniżenie wartości skurczowego i rozkurczowego ciśnienia tętniczego (p &lt; 0,05), wskaźnika masy ciała (BMI; p &lt; 0,05), wskaźnika talia-biodra (p &lt; 0,02) oraz lipoprotein o niskiej gęstości (LDL; p &lt; 0,05) w stosunku do wartości wyjściowych. Po 2-tygodniowym treningu znamiennie wydłużył się czas wykonywania wysiłku (p &lt; 0,01), maksymalne tolerowane obciążenie (VO2max; p &lt; 0,001) oraz stężenie lipoprotein o wysokiej gęstości (HDL; p &lt; 0,001). Te zmiany utrzymały znamienność statystyczną po okresie 3-miesięcznej domowej aktywności fizycznej. Ponadto 10-letnie ryzyko zgonu z przyczyn kardiologicznych istotnie się obniżyło (p &lt; 0,05). Po 18 miesiącach od zakończe­nia programu 2/3 uczestniczek kontynuowało aktywność fizyczną na poziomie wystarczającym do osiągniecia dodatkowych korzyści zdrowotnych wg Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia. Wnioski: Zorganizowany, krótkotrwały, grupowy trening z następowym domowym programem ćwiczeń fizycznych i samodzielnie prowadzona aktywność fizyczna trwale poprawiają parametry sercowo-metaboliczne oraz zmniejszają ryzyko sercowo-naczyniowe

    Diet, Sun, Physical Activity and Vitamin D Status in Children with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    In the course of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) malabsorption may lead to a vitamin D deficiency and calcium&ndash;phosphate misbalance. However, the reports on the vitamin D status in children with IBD are few and ambiguous. Here, we are presenting complex analyses of multiple factors influencing 25OHD levels in IBD children (N = 62; Crohn&rsquo;s disease n = 34, ulcerative colitis n = 28, mean age 14.4 &plusmn; 3.01 years, F/M 23/39) and controls (n = 47, mean age 13.97 &plusmn; 2.57, F/M 23/24). Additionally, calcium&ndash;phosphate balance parameters and inflammatory markers were obtained. In children with IBD disease, activity and location were defined. Information about therapy, presence of fractures and abdominal surgery were obtained from medical records. All subjects were surveyed on the frequency and extent of exposure to sunlight (forearms, partially legs for at least 30 min a day), physical activity (at least 30 min a day) and diet (3 days diary was analyzed with the program DIETA 5). The mean 25OHD level was higher in IBD patients compared to controls (18.1 ng/mL vs. 15.5 ng/mL; p = 0.03). Only 9.7% of IBD patients and 4.25% of controls had the optimal vitamin D level (30&ndash;50 ng/mL). Despite the higher level of 25OHD, young IBD patients showed lower calcium levels in comparison to healthy controls. There was no correlation between the vitamin D level and disease activity or location of gastrointestinal tract lesions. Steroid therapy didn&rsquo;t have much influence on the vitamin D level while vitamin D was supplemented. Regular sun exposure was significantly more common in the control group compared to the IBD group. We found the highest concentration of vitamin D (24.55 ng/mL) with daily sun exposure. There was no significant correlation between the vitamin D level and frequency of physical activity. The analysis of dietary diaries showed low daily intake of vitamin D in both the IBD and the control group (79.63 vs. 85.14 IU/day). Pediatric patients, both IBD and healthy individuals, require regular monitoring of serum vitamin D level and its adequate supplementation

    The Effect of Vitamin D3 Supplementation on Hepcidin, Iron, and IL-6 Responses after a 100 km Ultra-Marathon

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    Deficiencies in iron and vitamin D are frequently observed in athletes. Therefore, we examined whether different baseline vitamin D3_{3} levels have any impact on post-exercise serum hepcidin, IL-6 and iron responses in ultra-marathon runners. In this randomized control trial, the subjects (20 male, amateur runners, mean age 40.75 ± 7.15 years) were divided into two groups: experimental (VD) and control (CON). The VD group received vitamin D3_{3} (10,000 UI/day) and the CON group received a placebo for two weeks before the run. Venous blood samples were collected on three occasions-before the run, after the 100 km ultra-marathon and 12 h after the run-to measure iron metabolism indicators, hepcidin, and IL-6 concentration. After two weeks of supplementation, the intervention group demonstrated a higher level of serum 25(OH)D than the CON group (27.82 ± 5.8 ng/mL vs. 20.41 ± 4.67 ng/mL; p < 0.05). There were no differences between the groups before and after the run in the circulating hepcidin and IL-6 levels. The decrease in iron concentration immediately after the 100-km ultra-marathon was smaller in the VD group than CON (p < 0.05). These data show that various vitamin D3_{3} status can affect the post-exercise metabolism of serum iron