16 research outputs found

    Environmental quality management in hospitality industry on the example of Marriott Hotel in Warsaw (Poland)

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    Environmental management and sustainability have been recent important issues in the hospitality industry. The hotel industry, as a main sector of the hospitality industry, has benefited from environmental initiatives through improving corporate image and increasing resource and energy efficiency. Among various environmental issues that have been addressed in the hotel industry, managerial influence on environmental management is rarely investigated. The purpose of this paper was to examine the current state of environmental management in the Marriott Hotel in Warsaw. Further, this paper also determined a relationship between TQEM managers’ personal environmental attitudes and organizational involvement in environmental management practices from the Marriott Hotel Warsaw. To achieve the purpose, the work examined currently adopted green practices, environmental attitudes


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    Iako su zemlje Europske unije (EU) među najvažnijim turističkim destinacijama na svijetu, njihov je razvoj funkcije turizma različit. Stoga nam se čini interesantnim usporediti razinu razvoja funkcije turizma u zemljama EU-a. U ovom se članku pokušava odrediti vrijednost sintetičke mjere razina razvoja funkcije turizma zemalja EU-a, uzimajući u obzir osam najčešće korištenih indikatora. U istraživanju se koristila Mjera opće udaljenosti (MOU) prema M. Walesiaku gdje je normalizacija varijabli provedena za razdoblje od 2007. do 2016. godine korištenjem formule temeljene na medijanu. Empirijsko istraživanje provedeno je za prosječne podatke i vremenske nizove, što je omogućilo usporedbu promjena u vremenskoj dimenziji analiziranih pojava. Na osnovu rezultata autori su rangirali zemlje EU-a prema stupnjevima razvoja funkcije turizma i klasifi cirali ih u tri skupine. Prema razini razvoja 2016. godine vodila je Malta. Srednje visok stupanj razvoja funkcije turizma zabilježen je u skupini zapadno-europskih zemalja dok su na srednje niskom stupnju razvoja bile srednjoeuropske i skandinavske zemlje te neke u Zapadnoj Europi. Dobiveni bi rezultati mogli poslužiti kao osnova za ispravnije upravljanje turizmom u zemljama EU-a i kompetentnije odlučivanje o alokaciji europskih sredstava.European Union countries are the most signifi cant tourist destinations around the world. However, the level of development of tourist function is not the same in all European Union countries. It seems interesting to compare the level of tourist function development of European Union countries. The article attempts to determine the value of the synthetic measure of levels of development of the tourist function of European Union countries, taking into consideration the eight most frequently utilised indicators. The study applies M. Walesiak’s General Distance Measure (GDM), where the normalisation of variables was undertaken during 2007-2016 with the application of a median-based formula. The empirical research was conducted, using the dynamic approach (for cross-sectional and tidal data) thus, enabling the comparison of changes observed in the analysed phenomenon tidally. The research findings enabled the authors to rank EU countries in terms of their tourist function development levels and to classify them into three groups. In 2016, the leader regarding the level of development of tourist function was Malta. The majority of Western European countries have medium-high levels of development of in tourist function, whereas the group of countries with medium-low levels included countries from East-Central Europe, Scandinavian countries and several Western Europe countries. The obtained results can lay the foundation for the proper management of tourism in EU countries and for proper decision-making regarding the allocation of EU funds

    Analiza projektu „Europejskie miasto sportu” i jego wpływu na rozwój aktywności turystycznej na przykładzie wybranych miast słowackich

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    W artykule została omówiona kwestia rozwoju aktywności sportowej na przykładzie projektu pod nazwą Europejskie Miasto Sportu. W wybranych miastach Słowacji (Koszycach, Bańskiej Bystrzycy i Nitrze) przeprowadzono analizę działań mających na celu rozwój tych miejscowości oraz wspieranie turystyki poprzez organizację międzynarodowych imprez sportowych. Dzięki zastosowaniu kilku metod, zwłaszcza komparatywnej, można porównać wybrane przedsięwzięcia i związane z nimi problemy. Wspomniane wydarzenia i inne prowadzone czynności wsparły nie tylko rozwój sportu, ale również turystyki w badanych miastach. Przegląd literatury pozwala ocenić główne założenia oraz znaczenie popularnego projektu pod nazwą Europejskie Miasto Sportu. Analiza porównawcza pokazuje intensywność działań w każdym z trzech wspomnianych słowackich miast

    An analysis of the "European City of Sports" project and its impact on the development of tourist activity: The example of selected Slovakian cities

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    The paper presents the issue of sports activity development in the context of the European City of Sports project in selected Slovakian cities: Košice, Banská Bystrica and Nitra. It is an analytical overview aiming at the development of these cities for tourism through the organisation of international sporting events. Using several methods, especially comparison, the authors analyse certain activities and other sports-related issues. The events and activities not only contributed to the development of sport but also supported tourism in the region. A review of the literature on the subject demonstrates the importance and basic assumptions of the European City of Sports as a popular project. The comparative analysis has enabled the authors to present its results in each of the three Slovakian cities


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    Autorica kroz provedbu ideje javno-privatnog partnerstva (JPP) predstavlja pitanja povezana s turističkim gospodarstvom Podkarpatske regije u Poljskoj. Rasprava se temelji na rezultatima istraživanja provedenog 2008. godine. Istraživanje se odnosilo na perspektive korištenja formule JPP-a za razvoj turizma u Poljskoj, koristeći primjer Podkarpatske regije i to uglavnom njezinih najprivlačnijih dijelova. Dan je opći pregled atrakcija Podkarpatske regije te su predstavljeni dokumenti koji se bave pitanjima turističkog gospodarstva.The author presents issues connected with the tourism economy of the Podkarpacie region, Poland, through the implementation of the public-private partnership (PPP) idea. The discussion is based on the results of research conducted in 2008. The research concerned perspectives of using the PPP formula to develop tourism in Poland, using the example of the Podkarpacie region and mainly its most attractive districts. An outline of the attractions of the Podkarpacie region as well as documents raising tourism economy issues are presented


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    Opracowanie jest II częścią większej liczby doniesień związanych z nasilającym się turystycznym ruchem pielgrzymkowym. Artykuł ukazuje dziedzictwo chrześcijańskiej kultury materialnej, jakie przetrwało w Wiślicy. Opracowanie opiera się o wiarygodne źródła, których zbiór zgromadzono w zamieszczonej na końcu pracy bibliografii. Artykuł skierowany jest do pielgrzymów i studentów turystyki.The paper is the second part of bigger number of reports concerning increasing pilgrimage tourist movement. The article presents heritage of Christian material culture that survived in Wiślica. The narrative is based on reliable sources, which collection is presented in the end of the work, i.e. in bibliography. The paper is directed to pilgrims and students of tourism


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    Structure of students’ personality and their tourist preferences and behaviours

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    Celem pracy było ukazanie możliwych powiązań pomiędzy strukturą osobowości respondentów a ich preferencjami turystycznymi. W tym celu przebadano studentów Turystyki i Rekreacji z Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Badania zostały poddane analizie i ukazane w formie tabel. W niniejszej pracy wykorzystano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego z zastosowaniem dwóch kwestionariuszy ankietowych.The aim of this study was to show possible links between the structure of the respondents personality and their tourist preferences. Therefore, the students of Tourism and Recreation at the University of Rzeszów were taken as the respondents. The research has been reviewed and presented in the form of tables. In this study the authors used the method of diagnostic survey using two survey questionnaires


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    Celem artykułu jest przygotowanie informacji dla turystów udających się z pielgrzymką do sanktuariów zlokalizowanych w kościołach, które powstały w stylu romańskim. Opracowanie poszerza wiedzę dotycząca głównych cech wspomnianej architektury. Narracja powstała w wyniku analizy dostępnych źródeł i opracowań. Opis problemu wzmacniają dobrane tematycznie fotografie z zasobów Narodowego Archiwum Cyfrowego.The main aim of the paper is to present information for tourists going on pilgrimage to sanctuaries located in churches, that were built in Roman style. The elaboration broadens knowledge concerning main features of the architecture mentioned above. The narration is based on an analysis of accessible sources and elaborations. The description of the problem is weighted by thematically attuned photographs from the National Digital Archive

    The Use of Prospect Theory for Energy Sustainable Industry 4.0

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    Industry 4.0 challenges facilities entrepreneurs to be competitive in the market in terms of energy by rational decision making. The goal of the paper is aimed at introducing Prospect Theory (PT) in Industry 4.0 for making decisions in order to select an optimal energy technology. To reach this goal, an approach for decision making on energy investment has been developed. In this paper, the authors have also provided a new opportunity to apply the new decision making method for strengthening Industry 4.0 by addressing energy concerns based on which rational decisions have been made. The study uses a fuzzy analytical hierarchy process for weighting the evaluation sub-criteria of energy technologies and a modified PT for making decisions related to the selection of one of the investigated technologies. The results show that it is possible to implement PT in Industry 4.0 via a decision making model for energy sustainability. Decision probability was achieved using a behavioral approach akin to Cumulative Prospect Theory (CPT) for the considered technology options. More specifically, the probability has created the same threshold-based decision possibilities. The authors used the case study method based on a company located in North America which produces hardwood lumber. The company uses a heating system containing natural gas-fired boilers. This study has also contributed to the literature on energy sustainable Industry 4.0 by demonstrating a new phenomenon/paradigm for energy sustainability-based Industry 4.0 through using PT. In this context, the main motivation of writing the article has been to promote energy sustainability via complex mechanisms and systems that involve interrelated functions