35 research outputs found

    Impact of the -174G/C interleukin-6 (IL-6) gene polymorphism on the risk of paediatric ischemic stroke, its symptoms and outcome

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    Ischemic stroke remains one of the top ten causes of death in children. There is evidence for the role of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-6 and the -174G>C promoter polymorphism of the IL-6 gene, in the occurrence and outcome of stroke in adults. The aim of the present study was to determine a possible association between the -174G>C IL-6 polymorphism and occurrence of paediatric stroke, its symptoms and outcome. The study group consisted of 340 individuals: 80 stroke children, 122 parents of patients and 138 controls. The -174G/C polymorphism was genotyped using the RFLP method. For the analysis of the relationship between genotypes and stroke we used two alternative methods: the case-control model and the transmission test for linkage disequilibrium using data from families. We observed no differences in the transmission of alleles from parents to children. We also did not find any statistical differences in distribution of genotypes and alleles between patients and controls. However, the analysis showed that post-stroke epilepsy was genotype-dependent. All children with epilepsy were G allele carriers and none of them was a CC homozygote whereas about 25% of children without epilepsy had the CC genotype. Our study did not show any associations between the IL-6 -174 G>C polymorphism and the occurrence of stroke but we observed a relation between post-stroke epilepsy and the G allele carrier-state

    Polimorfizm C242T genu kodującego cytochrom b-245 alfa nie jest związany z udarem niedokrwiennym mózgu u dzieci : analiza wewnątrzrodzinna i badanie kliniczno-kontrolne

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    Background and purpose: Reactive oxygen species play an important role in the physiology and pathology of cerebral arteries, including ischaemic stroke. The cytochrome b-245 alpha gene (CYBA) encodes cytochrome b-245 alpha light chain (p22phox peptide), a critical element of NAD(P)H oxidases, the most important source of superoxide anion in the cerebral arteries. To search for genetic factors associated with paediatric ischaemic stroke, the possible association between CYBA gene C242T polymorphism and the disease was evaluated. Material and methods: The study group consisted of 238 in - dividuals: children with ischaemic stroke (n = 70), their biological parents (n = 118) and children without any symptoms of stroke (n = 50). The C242T polymorphism was genotyped using polymerase chain reaction – restriction fragment length methodology. To evaluate the possible association between polymorphism and stroke, the transmission disequilibrium test and the case-control method were applied. Results: The C242 allele was transmitted more frequently than 242T (62.2% vs. 37.8%) but observed frequencies did not differ significantly from expected (p = 0.10). There were also no significant differences in allele and genotype distribution between patients and control subjects (patients: CC – 50.0%, CT – 38.6%, TT – 11.4% vs. controls: CC – 52.0%, CT – 36.0%, TT – 12.0%). Conclusions: The study did not show that the C242T polymorphism of the CYBA gene is a risk factor of ischaemic stroke in childre

    Polimorfizm C242T genu kodującego cytohrom b-245 alfa nie jest związany z udarem niedokrwiennym mózgu u dzieci: analiza wewnątrzrodzinna i badanie kliniczno-kontrolne

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    Background and purpose Reactive oxygen species play an important role in the physiology and pathology of cerebral arteries, including ischaemic stroke. The cytochrome b-245 alpha gene (CYBA) encodes cytochrome b-245 alpha light chain (p22phox peptide), a critical element of NAD(P)H oxidases, the most important source of superoxide anion in the cerebral arteries. To search for genetic factors associated with paediatric ischaemic stroke, the possible association between CYBA gene C242T polymorphism and the disease was evaluated. Material and methods The study group consisted of 238 individuals: children with ischaemic stroke (n = 70), their biological parents (n = 118) and children without any symptoms of stroke (n = 50). The C242T polymorphism was genotyped using polymerase chain reaction – restriction fragment length methodology. To evaluate the possible association between polymorphism and stroke, the transmission disequilibrium test and the case-control method were applied. Results The C242 allele was transmitted more frequently than 242T (62.2% vs. 37.8%) but observed frequencies did not differ significantly from expected (p = 0.10). There were also no significant differences in allele and genotype distribution between patients and control subjects (patients: CC – 50.0%, CT – 38.6%, TT – 11.4% vs. controls: CC – 52.0%, CT – 36.0%, TT – 12.0%). Conclusions The study did not show that the C242T polymorphism of the CYBA gene is a risk factor of ischaemic stroke in children.Wstęp i cel pracy Reaktywne formy tlenu pełnią istotną funkcję zarówno w fizjologii, jak i patologii tętnic mózgowych, także w patogenezie udaru niedokrwiennego mózgu. Gen cytochromu b-245 alfa (gen CYBA) koduje lekki łańcuch cytochromu b-245 (białko p22phox), kluczowy składnik oksydaz NAD(P)H, najważniejszego źródła anionorodnika ponadtlenkowego w obrębie tętnic mózgowych. W niniejszej pracy, poszukując genetycznych czynników ryzyka predysponujących do udaru mózgu u dzieci, oceniano możliwe związki pomiędzy polimorfizmem C242T genu CYBA i chorobą. Materiał i metody W badaniu wzięło udział 238 osób: 70 dzieci z udarem niedokrwiennym mózgu, 118 ich biologicznych rodziców oraz 50 dzieci bez żadnych objawów udaru. Polimorfizm C242T genu CYBA genotypowano metodą polimorfizmu długości fragmentów restrykcyjnych w reakcji łańcuchowej polimerazy. Do oceny możliwych związków pomiędzy polimorfizmem i udarem zastosowano dwie niezależne metody: wewnątrzrodzinny test transmisji i badanie kliniczno-kontrolne. Wyniki Allel C242 był częściej przekazywany chorym dzieciom przez heterozygotycznych rodziców niż allel 242T (62,2% w porównaniu z 37,8%), jednak obserwowane częstości nie odbiegały znamiennie od oczekiwanych (p = 0,10). Nie wykazano także znaczących różnic w rozkładzie alleli i genotypów pomiędzy pacjentami i dziećmi z grupy kontrolnej (pacjenci: CC – 50,0%, CT – 38,6%, TT – 11,4%; grupa kontrolna: CC – 52,0%, CT – 36,0%, TT – 12,0%). Wnioski Wyniki badań nie wykazały, aby polimorfizm C242T genu CYBA był czynnikiem ryzyka udaru niedokrwiennego u dzieci

    Selectin glycoprotein ligands.

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    Lectin selectins and their counter-receptors participate in discontinuous cell-cell interactions concurrent with leukocyte tethering and rolling on endothelium, which, in consequence, leads to leukocyte penetration to lymphatic organs and generation of inflammation sites. Counter-receptors are glycoproteins in which carbohydrate units, the direct selectin ligands, are built into the polypeptide framework. In this review, the distribution, structure and function of the main ligands and counter-receptors for P-, L- and E-selectins known so far, have been discussed. The common biosynthetic pathway of sialyl-Lewis x and sulpho-sialyl-Lewis x determinants of selectin ligands has been described

    Composition of proteoglycans from rabbit aorta in the experimentally induced atherosclerosis

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    Role of the cholesterol 7α- hydroxylase and CYP7A1 gene in human physiology and pathology

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    Cholesterol 7α- hydroxylase (CYP7A1) belongs to the big family of cytochrome p450. Biological significance of cholesterol 7α- hydroxylase is associated with beginning of cholesterol transformation to the bile acids. CYP7A1 affinity to the cholesterol is determined by its unique protein structure, different from the other proteins of cytochrome p450 family. CYP7A1 enzyme is enoded by CYP7A1 gene localized in short arm of chromosome 8. Expression of CYP7A1 gene could be regulated by farnesoid X receptor (FXR) or by kinases, which modulate nuclear receptor`s binding abilities to the gene promoter. Polymorphic variants and mutations present in the promoter region impact on the quality properties of the enzyme. CYP7A1 gene, encoding key enzyme of the cholesterol catabolic pathway is a main candidate to the research of its association with changes of serum lipids levels. Presence of genetic variants can be associated with changed levels of total cholesterol, triglycerides and Low- density lipoproteins (LDL). Promoter polymorphism of CYP7A1 is also main candidate for the research of association with such disease entities as gallbladder stone formation, colon cancer, gallbladder cancer or atherogenic- based diseases.7α- hydroksylaza cholesterolu (CYP7A1) jest enzymem należącym do dużej rodziny cytochromu p450. Znaczenie biologiczne 7α- hydroksylazy cholesterolu związane jest z rozpoczęciem szeregu przemian cholesterolu do kwasów żółciowych. Powinowactwo CYP7A1 do cholesterolu determinowane jest unikalną budową białka, odmienną od reszty białek rodziny cytochromu p450. Enzym ten kodowany jest przez gen CYP7A1, którego locus znajduje się na ramieniu krótkim chromosomu ósmego. Ekspresja tego genu może być regulowana przy udziale farnezylowego receptora X (FXR), bądź zachodzić poprzez szereg kinaz białkowych, modulujących zdolność przyłączania się swoistych receptorów jądrowych do promotora CYP7A1. Warianty polimorficzne i mutacje, występujące w regionie promotorowym, wpływają na właściwości jakościowe enzymu. Gen CYP7A1, kodując kluczowy enzym w katabolizmie cholesterolu, jest głównym kandydatem do badań jego związku ze zmianami w osoczowym poziomie lipoprotein. Obecność wariantów genetycznych w promotorze genu CYP7A1 może być związana ze zmienionym poziomem cholesterolu całkowitego, triacylogliceroli czy LDL (Low- Density Lipoprotein). Polimorfizm promotora genu kodującego kluczowy enzym szlaku syntezy kwasów żółciowych i usuwania cholesterolu z organizmu jest głównym kandydatem do badań asocjacyjnych z takimi jednostkami chorobowymi, jak kamica żółciowa, nowotwory jelita grubego i woreczka żółciowego czy choroby o podłożu miażdżycowym