12 research outputs found

    Testing the impact of waste from anaerobic digestion (enriched with an organic component on the quality of agricultural land)

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    Waste from anaerobic digestion is considered as a mineral fertilizer and it is usually applied to agricultural land. The aim of our attempt was to enrich this waste from anaerobic digestion (digestate) with an organic component (in our case represented by haylage). For this purpose, we made different mixtures of digestate and haylage in different weight ratios. In the field trial, the effect of these mixtures on the soil, under standard agricultural conditions, was monitored. Selected accessible nutrients (P, K, Mg, Mn, Ca) and the amount of carbon and nitrogen in the soil were monitored. The results of the laboratory tests confirmed that the areas where the sowing and digestate mixtures were applied showed greater amounts of macro- and micronutrients in plant-accessible forms than the surface fertilized only with digestate or areas fertilized only with standard fertilizers

    Změny v druhovém složení měkkýšů v hornické krajině na příkladu území zaniklého rybničního systému

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    The development of the industry in last two centuries, and especially intensive coal mining activities definitely changed the local landscape character. It led to the destruction of indigenous biotopes with natural flora and fauna communities. Many ecological studies use a group of molluscs as indicators of changes in the landscape. The advantage of this group is a relatively small number of taxa, relatively simple determination and very good knowledge of ecological requirements and distribution of individual species. The territory of Loucké ponds represents an interesting area in the industrial landscape of Karvinsko, where based on the above aspects of malacocenosis, it is possible to use and compare historical data of their incidence as well as to compare the data with current research. The pond system affected by the declension has an important function in the landscape today. The first malacological researches in the Loucké ponds territory were conducted in 1954 and 1955 (Brabenec, 1954, Ložek, 1964). Detailed survey was conducted by Macha (1978, 1979) who found 29 aquatic species (12 Bivalvia and 17 Gastropoda) and 19 land species of molluscs. This research was followed by the authors' survey in 2006, 2007 and 2013 which confirmed the presence of 48 molluscs species altogether (42 Gastropoda and 6 Bivalvia), from which 21 species were aquatic molluscs and 27 species were land molluscs.Vývoj průmyslu v posledních dvou stoletích, především pak intenzivní těžba uhlí, definitivně změnil místní krajinný systém. To vedlo k destrukci původních biotopů s přirozenými společenstvy rostlin a živočichů. V mnoha ekologických studiích se jako indikátory změn v krajině používá skupina měkkýšů. Výhodou této skupiny je poměrně nízký počet taxonů, poměrně jednoduchá determinacene a velmi dobré znalosti ekologických nároků a rozšíření jednotlivých druhů. Území Louckých rybníků představuje zajímavou oblast v průmyslové krajině Karvinska, kde lze uvedených vlastností malakofauny využít a také srovnat historická data o jejich výskytu a srovnat je se současnými průzkumy. První malakologické výzkumy na Louckých rybnících byly provedeny v roce 1954 a 1955 (Brabenec, 1954, Ložek, 1964). Podrobný průzkum provedl Mácha (1978, 1979), který nalezl 29 druhů vodních (12 druhů mlžů a 17 druhů plžů) a 19 druhů suchozemských měkkýšů. Na tento výzkum, navazuje práce autorů v letech 2006, 2007 a 2013, která potvrdila přítomnost 48 druhů měkkýšů (42 Gastropoda, 6 Bivalvia), z toho 21 vodních druhů a 27 suchozemských druhů

    Seed Rain of Selected Subsidence Basins in Karviná Region – Preliminary Results

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    Overall amount and quality of seeds reaching the area is an important factor in the development of plant communities in each habitat. It can be a significant source of diversity in anthropogenically disturbed areas. This study is focused on the survey of seed rain in habitats of waterlogged subsidence basins of the Karviná region, induced by deformations of overlying rocks in the area of deep coal mining. The density, species composition and dispersal strategies of captured seeds were monitored using funnel traps with a 35 cm diameter, fixed at a height of 0.5 m. A vegetation study was conducted to compare seed rain with above-ground vegetation using the Jaccard similarity index. Over 11 000 seeds of 27 plant species were captured in total. Seed rain was dominated by Salix alba species. Seed density varied significantly within individual sampling plots (7–12380 seeds/m2) with the average richness of four species. The diversity of above-ground vegetation was also low, with an average of 15 species per plot (100 m2). Similarity between seed rain and above-ground vegetation of subsidence basins is 27.6 % and 52 % within the woody species community. It is evident that the seed rain of waterlogged subsidence basins contains species of floodplain forests and wetland vegetation. On the other hand, invasive and expansive species identified both in seed rain and above-ground vegetation can potentially endanger the development of the succession of these habitats. The analysis of seed dispersal also shows a significant proportion of species of arid and mesic habitats

    Soil Seed Bank of Upper Silesia Postmining Landscape.

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    Tématem studie je hodnocení nadzemní vegetace a půdní semenné banky posttěžební krajiny reprezentované černouhelnými odvaly Odra, Stachanov a komplexem odvalů Ema – Terezie – Petr Bezruč nacházejících se v ostravské části bývalého Ostravsko – karvinského revíru (OKR). V rámci 46 fytocenologických snímků bylo provedeno 94 odběrů půdní semenné banky, každý odběr sestával z 5 dílčích vzorků. Hodnocení probíhala v rámci jednotlivých odvalů a dle příslušnosti daného snímku (odběru) k biotopům les – bezlesí, svah – plošina, rekultivace – sukcese. Ve fytocenologických snímcích bylo nalezeno 178 druhů a 2 rody, 24 druhů invazních a 7 druhů chráněných. Diverzita nadzemní vegetace zjišťovaná Shannon – Wienerovým indexem byla statisticky vyšší v případě rekultivovaných ploch a v lesních biotopech. Ekvitabilita E druhů nadzemní vegetace nevykazovala statisticky významnou odlišnost. Závislost složení vegetace na vývoji, tedy sukcesi nebo rekultivaci prokázala rovněž přímá gradientová analýza, jako „téměř“ signifikantní se ukázal vliv JZ expozice. Hodnocení půdní semenné banky bylo provedeno extrakční metodou. V odběrech půdní semenné banky na zkoumaných odvalech bylo nalezeno 12 704 semen, která byla určena do 72 druhů a 9 rodů. Dominantním druhem půdní semenné banky byla Betula pendula. V půdní semenné bance bylo nalezeno 9 invazních druhů, semena Robinia pseudoacacia se vyskytovala na všech sledovaných odvalech. Dva druhy půdní semenné banky jsou chráněné. Diverzita druhů půdní semenné banky vyjádřená Shannon - Wienerovým indexem nepřesáhla hodnotu 1,7. Nebyl prokázán statisticky signifikantní rozdíl v H´ ani ekvitabilitě E sledovaných biotopů, ekvitabilita druhů jednotlivých odvalů se statisticky lišila pravděpodobně v důsledku výrazné převahy semen břízy na určitých biotopech. Podobnost nadzemní vegetace a půdní semenné banky vyjádřená Jaccardovým indexem byla nízká, maximální hodnota nepřesáhla 20%. Multikriteriální analýza dat prokázala statistický vliv pokryvnosti stromového patra na složení půdní semenné banky. Projevila se i vnitřní vazba druhů na sklon a vývoj, druhy „otevřenějších“ ploch patřili spíše na sklonité a sukcesní biotopy, druhy „lesnatějších“ ploch na mírnější svahy a rekultivované plochy.The study is focused on evaluation of the above-ground vegetation and soil seed bank on black coal heaps Odra, Stachanov and Ema-Terezie-Petr Bezruč , that are located in the Ostrava-Karviná Coal District (OKR). Within the framework of 46 phytosociological relevés 94 samples of soil seed bank were took, each sampling consisted of 5 partial samples. The evaluation took place within individual heaps and according to the respective matrix biotopes : forest - forest-free, slope - plateau, reclamation - succession. A total of 178 species and 2 genera were found in phytosociological relevés, 24 species of invasive species and 7 species protected. The diversity of above-ground vegetation establish by the Shannon-Wiener index H´ was statistically higher for reclaimed areas and forest habitats. The evenness E species of above-ground vegetation did not show any significant difference. The dependence of vegetation composition on development = succession or reclamation, was also demonstrated by direct gradient analysis. The effect of SW exposure was shown as "nearly" significant. The soil seed bank was evaluated by extraction method. In the sampling of the soil seed bank at monitored heaps, 12 704 seeds were found, which were determined 72 species and 9 genera. The dominant species of soil seed bank was Betula pendula. 9 invasive species were found in the soil seed bank, Robinia pseudoacacia seeds were found in all monitored heaps. The two species of soil seed bank are protected. There was no statistically significant difference in H 'or equivalence of E of the observed habitats; evenness of species of individual dumps differed statistically as a result of the strong dominance of birch seeds. The similarity of above-ground vegetation and soil seed bank expressed by the Jaccard index was low, the maximum value did not exceed 20%. Multicriterial data analysis showed a statistical effect of tree cover on the composition of the soil seed bank. There was also an essential link between species and inclination and development; species of “more open” areas belonged to sloping and succession habitats, species of “wooder” areas to milder slopes and reclaimed areas.546 - Katedra environmentálního inženýrstvívyhově

    Changes in Mollusc Species Composition in the Mining Landscape on the Exemple of the Extinct Pond System Territory / Změny V Druhovém Složení Měkkýšů V Hornické Krajině Na Příkladu Území Zaniklého Rybničního Systému

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    Vývoj průmyslu v posledních dvou stoletích, především pak intenzivní těžba uhlí, definitivně změnil místní krajinný systém. To vedlo k destrukci původních biotopů s přirozenými společenstvy rostlin a živočichů. V mnoha ekologických studiích se jako indikátory změn v krajině používá skupina měkkýšů. Výhodou této skupiny je poměrně nízký počet taxonů, poměrně jednoduchá determinacene a velmi dobré znalosti ekologických nároků a rozšíření jednotlivých druhů. Území Louckých rybníků představuje zajímavou oblast v průmyslové krajině Karvinska, kde lze uvedených vlastností malakofauny využít a také srovnat historická data o jejich výskytu a srovnat je se současnými průzkumy. První malakologické výzkumy na Louckých rybnících byly provedeny v roce 1954 a 1955 (Brabenec, 1954, Ložek, 1964). Podrobný průzkum provedl Mácha (1978, 1979), který nalezl 29 druhů vodních (12 druhů mlžů a 17 druhů plžů) a 19 druhů suchozemských měkkýšů. Na tento výzkum, navazuje práce autorů v letech 2006, 2007 a 2013, která potvrdila přítomnost 48 druhů měkkýšů (42 Gastropoda, 6 Bivalvia), z toho 21 vodních druhů a 27 suchozemských druhů

    Selected environmental issues of the landscape of shale (Nízký Jeseník Mt., Czechia) – preliminary results

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    The area of the Nízký Jeseník Mts. is, among other things, well known for its shale roofing tiles since the 18th century. In places where shale was intensively or extensively exploited until 1945, abandoned areas after mining works remained. In general, every mining is perceived as a activity of landscape degradation by the public. However, these indelible traces of shale mining in the form of various mining-related objects (e.g. abandoned quarries, quarry ponds, shafts, drains etc.) are also gradually becoming places that are colonised by unique plant and animal communities. There are very interesting species bond to specific environmental conditions of post-mining landscape, with frequent rare and endangered species. People have also become ‘new’ colonisers in the case of the shale landscape.Obszar gór Niskiego Jesionika znany jest od XVIII wieku, m.in. z łupków dachówkowych. W miejscach, w których łupek był intensywnie lub ekstensywnie eksploatowany do 1945 r., pozostały wyrobiska górnicze. Generalnie, każda działalność wydobywcza jest postrzegana przez społeczeństwo jako działanie degradujące krajobraz. Jednak te nieusuwalne ślady wydobycia łupków ilastych, w postaci różnych obiektów związanych z górnictwem, np. opuszczone kamieniołomy, stawy kamieniołomowe, szyby, dreny itp., również stopniowo stają się miejscami kolonizowanymi przez unikalne ugrupowania roślin i zwierząt. Interesujące gatunki wiążą się ze specyficznymi warunkami środowiskowymi krajobrazu pogórniczego, a często występują tam gatunki rzadkie i zagrożone. W przypadku krajobrazu łupkowego, także sami ludzie stali się „nowymi” kolonizatorami

    The Distribution of Macro- and Micronutrients in Maize Within Separated Digestate Fertilizing (Digestate Fibre and Digestate Luquor): Field Trial

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    Along with the current increase in the number of biogas plants, huge amounts of digestate, i.e. waste products, are being generated. The common practice in the Czech Republic is to plough the digestate into the land. In our field trial, we compared the fertilizing effects of standard fertilizers applied in the Czech Republic with digestate as the only fertilizer (e.g. digestate fibre and digestate liquor) in real agricultural conditions to find out whether a comparable amount of nitrogen is used in accordance with European legislation. The impact of separated digestate fibre and separated liquor on the soil fertility and quality was observed on the basis of the distribution of macro- and micronutrients in maize. The evaluation of growth increments in maize suggests that the fertilizing effects of digestate liquor or digestate fibre do not match the standard fertilizer in agriculture, but especially digestate liquor is comparable with other mineral fertilizers. Our field trial also shows that digestate liquor is a better fertilizer than digestate fibre, which may be explained by more appropriate ratios of available nutrients in digestate liquor. Digestate fibre may be recommended mainly for the aeration of clayey soil, but is not sustainable as fertilizer

    Testing the Impact of Waste from Anaerobic Digestion (Enriched with an Organic Component) on the Quality of Agricultural Land

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    Waste from anaerobic digestion is considered as a mineral fertilizer and it is usually applied to agricultural land. The aim of our attempt was to enrich this waste from anaerobic digestion (digestate) with an organic component (in our case represented by haylage). For this purpose, we made different mixtures of digestate and haylage in different weight ratios. In the field trial, the effect of these mixtures on the soil, under standard agricultural conditions, was monitored. Selected accessible nutrients (P, K, Mg, Mn, Ca) and the amount of carbon and nitrogen in the soil were monitored. The results of the laboratory tests confirmed that the areas where the sowing and digestate mixtures were applied showed greater amounts of macro- and micronutrients in plant-accessible forms than the surface fertilized only with digestate or areas fertilized only with standard fertilizers

    The distribution of macro and micronutrients in the maize within separated digestate fertilizing: field trial

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    Along with the current increase in the number of biogas plants, huge amounts of digestate, i.e. waste products, are being generated. The common practice in the Czech Republic is to plough the digestate into the land. In our field trial, we compared the fertilizing effects of standard fertilizers applied in the Czech Republic with digestate as the only fertilizer (e.g. digestate fibre and digestate liquor) in real agricultural conditions to find out whether a comparable amount of nitrogen is used in accordance with European legislation. The impact of separated digestate fibre and separated liquor on the soil fertility and quality was observed on the basis of the distribution of macro- and micronutrients in maize. The evaluation of growth increments in maize suggests that the fertilizing effects of digestate liquor or digestate fibre do not match the standard fertilizer in agriculture, but especially digestate liquor is comparable with other mineral fertilizers. Our field trial also shows that digestate liquor is a better fertilizer than digestate fibre, which may be explained by more appropriate ratios of available nutrients in digestate liquor. Digestate fibre may be recommended mainly for the aeration of clayey soil, but is not sustainable as fertilizer

    The behaviour of phosphorus in an old parallel channel Slaňáky in the Poodří (Czech Republic)

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    Within the Poodří nature reserve and the Odra River old parallel channel, Slaňáky, various forms of phosphorus were investigated due to increased high concentrations of total phosphorus (Ptot) in the surface water. Surface water samples were subjected to chemical analyses using absorption spectrophotometry (Ptot and P-PO4 3-) and accompanying parameters (t, O2, pH, Cond, TSS ) were measured. Next, grain size analysis of the sediment and sediment analyses using X-ray fluorescence were carried out (P, Fe, Al, Ca, Si, K, Mn, S, etc.). The seasonality of Ptot concentrations in the water was not confirmed, the reservoir behaved as a pool. The concentrations of the dissolved inorganic form P- PO4 3- were low when compared to Ptot, thus suspended phosphorus prevailed. This may be related to the low depth of the given water body, where stratification does not occur in contrast to deep water bodies. However, sediment resuspension is frequent, and phosphorus largely accumulates. The concentrations of Ptot in the sediment ranged around 4900 mg/kg, where the inorganic form prevailed (87.24 – 93.73 %) over the organic (6.27 – 12.76 %). At the same time, the sediment samples were abundant for sand fractions (2 – 0.03 mm), 47.86 – 60.89 %, and finest silt and clay (< 0.063 mm), 33.07 – 44.60 %.Web of Science17220519