5 research outputs found

    Riadenie robota na báze inerciálneho systému

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    The structure of manufactured robots is not unified. There are a lot of conceptual and con-structional solutions of robots resulting from the expected utilization. A robotic system can be divid-ed into a mechanical and control subsystem irrespective of their solution. The motion of working organs of a robot is provided by mechanical parts. The activity of all the parts of the robot and pro-graming of its expected activity are enabled by the control subsystem.Štruktúra vyrábaných robotov nie je unifikovaná. Existuje množstvo koncepčných a konštrukčných riešení robotov vyplývajúcich z predpokladaného použitia. Bez ohľadu na ich riešenie sa dá robotický systém rozdeliť na mechanický a riadiaci podsystém. Analýza vlastností inercial-neho navigačného systému na báze elektronických gyroskopov naznačuje možnosti ich využitia v robotickom systéme

    Simulácie a modelovanie absorpčnej chladiacej jednotky pomocou Peltierovho modulu

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    Article refers to function of absorption cooling unit simulated by means of Peltier module. Although, this system works on entirely different physical principle, it is necessary to use it as equiv-alent of absorption cooling what is proved in more detail in article.Článok poukazuje na činnosť absorpčnej chladiacej jednotky simulovanej pomocou Peltierovho modulu. Hoci tento systém pracuje na úplne odlišnom fyzikálnom princípe, je možné ho použiť ako ekvivalent absorpčného chladenia, čo je bližšie dokázané v článku

    Závislosť digitálneho obrazu textúry materiálu od vlnovej dĺžky svetelného zdroja

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    The article deals with methodology of measuring the influence of light source spectre on digital image of material texture. Special original measurement system was used for creating special texture images at various lighting conditions. Structure and principle of functioning of the system are described in the article. In the conclusion a relation between the lighting and wave length on the texture quality is examined using a correlation method.Článok sa zaoberá metodikou merania vplyvu spektra svetelného zdroja na digitálny obraz textúry materiálu. Na tvorbu špeciálnych obrazov textúry pri rôznych podmienkach osvetlenia bol použitý pôvodný merací systém. Štruktúra a princíp činnosti tohto systému sú v článku popísané. Záverom je korelačnou analýzou skúmaný vzťah intenzity osvetlenia a vlnovej dĺžky na kvalitu textúry

    Simulations and Modelling of Absorption Cooling Unit by Means of Peltier Module

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    Article refers to function of absorption cooling unit simulated by means of Peltier module. Although, this system works on entirely different physical principle, it is necessary to use it as equivalent of absorption cooling what is proved in more detail in article

    Controlling Robot on the Inertial Basis

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    The structure of manufactured robots is not unified. There are a lot of conceptual and constructional solutions of robots resulting from the expected utilization. A robotic system can be divided into a mechanical and control subsystem irrespective of their solution. The motion of working organs of a robot is provided by mechanical parts. The activity of all the parts of the robot and programing of its expected activity are enabled by the control subsystem