19 research outputs found

    Land management in slovenian context: urban redevelopment projects

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    Real Estate Valuation Model for Categorised Roads for the Purposes of Legal Transactions

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    The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia has found that the unregulated state in the land-register of the land on which classified roads had been constructed was brought about by the ineffective implementation of land acquisition procedures. Such encroachment upon constitutionally guaranteed property rights shall be treated as expropriation, and the expropriation obligor shall in general be entitled to a refund or compensation in kind for the expropriated real estate. In the particular case dealt with herein, concerning real estate compensation, the provisions of the Spatial Planning Act (ZUreP-1) shall apply, according to which the compensation shall amount to a real estate value which is to be determined by taking into account the actual use of the real estate in question as well as the extra expenses incurred through expropriation. It has been shown that, taking into account the International Agreement and the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, the value of this particular real estate may be represented by its market value only. Concerning this particular case of real estate compensation, this paper analyses in detail all the elements of compensation, in particular, the decreased value of the remaining land. Based on these foundations and having selected an appropriate method, the real estate valuation model for classified roads has been created for the purposes of legal transactions. The difference method selected has been proven appropriate for the implementation of the valuation of classified roads for the purposes of legal transactions, however, for the implementation of valuation within the land acquisition procedure in the entire Republic of Slovenia, certain additional conditions need to be complied

    Informacijske podlage za posamično vrednotenje nepremičnin : Information Required For Single Real Estate Valuation

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    Si: Članek analizira potrebne informacijske podlage za posamično tržno vrednotenje nepremičnin. Republika Slovenija na področju tovrstnih informacijskih podlag nima tradicije. V zadnjih letih je vzpostavila oziroma posodobila evidence in registre za namen množičnega vrednotenja nepremičnin. Podatki, zbrani za namene množičnega vrednotenja nepremičnin, niso primerni za oblikovanje ustreznih informacijskih podlag za posamično vrednotenje nepremičnin. Ustrezne informacijske podlage bi pripomogle k večji objektivnosti, nepristranskosti in neodvisnosti pri poročanju o tržni vrednosti nepremičnine. Analizirani so pojmi »objektivnost«, »nepristranskost« in »neodvisnost« ter njihova povezanost z informacijskimi podlagami. Prikazani so najpogostejši viri, ki jih cenilci uporabljajo pri svojem delu, ter potrebne informacijske podlage pri posameznih metodah ocenjevanja tržne vrednosti nepremičnin. Prikazana sta metodološki pristop k oblikovanju ustreznih informacijskih podlag v Republiki Sloveniji in konkreten primer oblikovanja sistema povprečnih stroškov gradnje za tipične objekte kot podlaga za ocenjevanje tržne vrednosti nepremičnine po metodi stroškov. EN: This article analyses the information required for a single real estate valuation. The Republic of Slovenia has no tradition for this type of information. Only recently, the records and registers required for the mass real estate valuation were set up or updated. The existing data collected for the mass real estate valuation were inadequate for gathering the information required for the single real estate valuation. More adequate information would contribute to greater objectivity, neutrality and independence of reporting on the market value of a particular real estate. The terms of “objectivity”, “neutrality” and “independence” are analysed as well as their links to adequate information. The most frequent sources used by valuers in their work and the information required for the particular methods of assessing the market value of real estate are presented. The article shows the methodological approach to gathering adequate information in the Republic of Slovenia and presents a concrete example of creating a system of mean construction costs for typical buildings as a basis for assessing the market value of a single real estate item by the cost method

    How the state legitimizes national development projects: The Third Development Axis case study, Slovenia

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    We analyzed planning mechanisms and evaluated their performance in achieving legitimacy in infrastructure planning in Slovenia. Planning mechanisms were divided according to the concept of input, throughput and output legitimacy. We conducted a document analysis and interviews to assess their effectiveness in achieving legitimate decisions. Although the analyzed decision-making process declaratively promoted democratic principles, the mechanisms failed to satisfactorily enhance the legitimacy of decisions. The study revealed inadequate communication approaches, both in the decision-makers' relationship with the public and within the expert discourse. Accordingly, the study argues for more genuine communication with the public and within academia to address legitimacy challenges in increasingly conflictual decision-making processes.V prispevku smo analizirali postopek načrtovanja infrastrukturnega projekta v Sloveniji in ocenili uspešnost uporabljenih pristopov za doseganje legitimnosti odločitev. Pristopi k načrtovanju so bili razdeljeni v tri sklope, glede na uveljavljen koncept vhodne, postopkovne in izhodne legitimnosti. Legitimnost uporabljenih prostorsko-načrtovalskih pristopov smo ugotavljali s pomočjo kvalitativnih metod, natančneje z analizo dokumentov in intervjuji. Raziskava je pokazala, da je največji legitimacijski primanjkljaj na področju komunikacije, ne le med odločevalci in javnostjo temveč tudi med posameznimi strokami. Iz tega sledi, da bi morali za večjo družbeno sprejemljivost v bodočih, čedalje bolj konfliktnih postopkih odločanja, prostorski načrtovalci nameniti več pozornosti kakovosti komunikacije in sporazumevanju med akterji

    Urban land value maps - a methodological approach

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    Land value maps are generally used in mass appraisal for\ud the determination of property taxes. In view of the complex\ud nature of property management processes, land value maps\ud may also serve a variety of purposes which are not dictated\ud by legal requirements. This study proposes a concept for the\ud development of a land value map which may be applied for\ud non-tax purposes. The proposed map was developed with the\ud use of statistical and geostatistical methods. A reference layer\ud corresponding to a representative property was developed,\ud and statistical models were used to determine coefficients that\ud adjust property value in view of its non-spatial attributes.\ud A theoretical concept was presented, and it was used to\ud develop a land value map for the city of Olsztyn in northeastern\ud Poland

    Konkretizacija pojma trajnostnega prostorskega razvoja za oceno osveščenosti otrok in mladostnikov

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    Prispevek je usmerjen k celovitemu sooblikovanju pogojev za tvorno izobraževanje o učinkovitih, konkretnih prispevkih k trajnostni razvojni usmeritvi, s poudarkom na grajenem okolju oziroma arhitekturi. Opredeljuje vlogo izobraževanja o grajenem okolju oziroma arhitekturi v konceptu trajnostnega razvoja; določa izhodišča za prilagajanje načinov posredovanja arhitekturnih vsebin ter opredeljuje izobraževalne vsebine in njihove predstavitve glede na razvojne sposobnosti ciljne publike. Predstavlja torej razmislek o opredmetenju pojma trajnostni prostorski razvoj za oceno osveščenosti otrok in mladostnikov o »trajnostnih arhitekturnih« temah ter tudi za ugotavljanje usposobljenost vzgojiteljev in učiteljev za posredovanje znanja s področja grajenega okolja v povezavi s trajnostnim razvojem. Konkretizacija pomeni izbor in vizualizacijo aktualnih konkretnih pojavov v prostoru za izbrano ciljno publiko – v prispevku so prikazani vzorčni primeri. Prispeva k razvoju »kulturne« dimenzije trajnosti prostorskega razvoja. Prizadevanja vodijo k razvoju sistema vseživljenjskega učenja o arhitekturi ter njenem vplivu na naš vsakdan in naš jutri

    The concretization of the term sustainable spatial development for the assessment of child and juvenile awareness

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    The following article is targeted at the comprehensive co-shaping of the conditions required for the active education on the effective and concrete contributions to sustainable development, with the emphasis based on the built environment or architecture. It defines the role of education on the built environment or architecture within the concept of sustainable development, determines the grounds for adjusting the methods of delivering architectural contents and defines the educational contents along with their presentations with regards to the developmental abilities of the public, which is targeted. It presents the deliberation on objectifying the term sustainable spatial development, for the assessment of child and juvenile awareness of “sustainable architecture” topics as well as determining childcare workers and teachers adequate qualifications to provide the knowledge in the field of the built environment, in relation to sustainable environment. Concretisation signifies the selection and visualisation of actual topical occurrences in physical space for a specific targeted public (the article provides representative models). It also contributes to the development of “cultural” dimension of spatial development sustainability. The efforts made to strive towards the lifelong learning of architecture and its influence on our everyday lives and our future

    Spatial data quality impacts on the efficiency of the property tax system: The case of construction land fees

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    Spatial data are directly linked to spatial planning, and to spatial management in general, including the property tax system. Spatial data quality impacts the efficiency of the property tax system, as well as its equity and reasonability. This article presents a methodological approach to analysing the quality of spatial databases managed by municipalities for assessing construction land fees. Adjusted Jaccard and Czekanowski indices were defined and applied for data quality analysis because they are applicable in cases in which differences between the data compared amount to less than 5%. The indices were used to establish the level of matching for areas of buildings and the unbuilt construction land in the municipal construction land fee assessment databases and in the real estate register. Based on an analysis of the completeness, logical consistency, and thematic accuracy of municipal construction land fee assessment databases, municipal databases were updated. Modifications to the municipal databases were analysed following updating in terms of the number of persons subject to construction land fee payment and the construction land fee amount payable. The results of the first study of this type have been obtained on a small sample, but the methodology is also applicable for analysis on a large sample or in all Slovenian municipalities. As such, the analysis may be of help to experts at municipal offices, spatial planners, and decision-makers in taxation policies

    Vpliv kakovosti prostorskih podatkov na učinkovitost sistema obdavčenja nepremičnin: primer nadomestila za uporabo stavbnega zemljišča

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    Prostorski podatki niso neposredno povezani le s prostorskim načrtovanjem, temveč z urejanjem prostora na splošno in s tem tudi s sistemom obdavčenja nepremičnin. Kakovost prostorskih podatkov vpliva na učinkovitost sistema obdavčenja nepremičnin, njegovo izdatnost, pravičnost in racionalnost. V članku je opredeljen metodološki pristop k analizi kakovosti prostorskih podatkovnih nizov zbirk podatkov, ki jih občine upravljajo za odmero nadomestila za uporabo stavbnega zemljišča. Za analizo kakovosti podatkov sta za raziskavo opredeljena in uporabljena prilagojena Jaccardov in Czekanowskijev koeficient, ki sta uporabna, kadar so razlike med primerjanima podatkoma manjše od 5 %. S tema koeficientoma se ugotovi raven ujemanja površin stavb in nezazidanega stavbnega zemljišča iz občinskih zbirk podatkov za odmero nadomestila za uporabo stavbnega zemljišča in iz registra nepremičnin. Na podlagi analize popolnosti, logične usklajenosti in tematske natančnosti občinskih zbirk podatkov za odmero nadomestila za uporabo stavbnega zemljišča je izvedena posodobitev občinskih zbirk podatkov. Analizirane so spremembe v občinski zbirki podatkov po posodobitvi, in sicer glede števila zavezancev za plačilo nadomestila za uporabo stavbnega zemljišča in odmere nadomestila za uporabo stavbnega zemljišča. Rezultati prve tovrstne raziskave so dobljeni na manjšem vzorcu, vendar je metodologija uporabna tudi za izvedbo analize na večjem vzorcu oziroma v vseh občinah v Sloveniji. Poleg tega je lahko v podporo strokovnjakom na občinah, prostorskim načrtovalcem in odločevalcem na področju davčne politike

    Information Required For Single Real Estate Valuation : Informacijske podlage za posamično vrednotenje nepremičnin

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    Članek analizira potrebne informacijske podlage za posamično tržno vrednotenje nepremičnin. Republika Slovenija na področju tovrstnih informacijskih podlag nima tradicije. V zadnjih letih je vzpostavila oziroma posodobila evidence in registre za namen množičnega vrednotenja nepremičnin. Podatki, zbrani za namene množičnega vrednotenja nepremičnin, niso primerni za oblikovanje ustreznih informacijskih podlag za posamično vrednotenje nepremičnin. Ustrezne informacijske podlage bi pripomogle k večji objektivnosti, nepristranskosti in neodvisnosti pri poročanju o tržni vrednosti nepremičnine. Analizirani so pojmi »objektivnost«, »nepristranskost« in »neodvisnost« ter njihova povezanost z informacijskimi podlagami. Prikazani so najpogostejši viri, ki jih cenilci uporabljajo pri svojem delu, ter potrebne informacijske podlage pri posameznih metodah ocenjevanja tržne vrednosti nepremičnin. Prikazana sta metodološki pristop k oblikovanju ustreznih informacijskih podlag v Republiki Sloveniji in konkreten primer oblikovanja sistema povprečnih stroškov gradnje za tipične objekte kot podlaga za ocenjevanje tržne vrednosti nepremičnine po metodi stroškov. This article analyses the information required for a single real estate valuation. The Republic of Slovenia has no tradition for this type of information. Only recently, the records and registers required for the mass real estate valuation were set up or updated. The existing data collected for the mass real estate valuation were inadequate for gathering the information required for the single real estate valuation. More adequate information would contribute to greater objectivity, neutrality and independence of reporting on the market value of a particular real estate. The terms of “objectivity”, “neutrality” and “independence” are analysed as well as their links to adequate information. The most frequent sources used by valuers in their work and the information required for the particular methods of assessing the market value of real estate are presented. The article shows the methodological approach to gathering adequate information in the Republic of Slovenia and presents a concrete example of creating a system of mean construction costs for typical buildings as a basis for assessing the market value of a single real estate item by the cost method