3 research outputs found

    Influence of sexually transmitted infections in a horse breeding

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    The most frequent problems in horses reproduction are generally divided into those of infectious and non infectious etiology. Common causes of infectious diseases are usual­ly viruses and bacteria, and less frequently protozoa, mykoplasma and fungi. In this work there are presented the most important fact about sexually transmitted diseases, their clinical picture, risk factors, preventive measures as well as measures to prevent and eradicate the diseases. The biggest risk factor for sexually transmitted diseases in horses are breeding stallions, both in natural mating and in artificial insemination. Therefore, in order to prevent genital infections in horses, it is essential that the stallions used for breeding are healthy (non-infected). That can be determined with certainty only if the stallions are examined (tested) just before the breeding season on most frequent sexually transmitted diseases (CEM,EAV). It is well known that in most cases the clinical picture of sexually transmitted diseses is not manifested on genitals. As well, variations in clinical picture can be expected also in mares, depending on the stage of the disease and its etiology. Harms arising from sexually transmitted diseases can be divided into direct and indirect. Direct damage occurs in the form of endometritis, miscarriage, stillbirths and births of weak foals, and indirect in restricting the traffic of infected and suspicios animals, isolation of the infected ones as well as medical treatment and interrupting mating

    Equine viral arteritis

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    Equine viral arteritis (EVA) is a contagious disease of equids caused by equine artheritis virus (EAV), widespread in most countries in the world, where patients are diagnosed. The infection usually starts asymptomatic. Clinical signs indicate respiratory infection of different intensity and also abortions are present at different stages of gestation. Large prevalence of this disease in the world has become a growing economic problem. The disease is specific to a particular kind of animals, and it affects only equids (horses, donkeys, mules, mule and zebras). In countries where the infection has been confirmed, the percentage of positive animals differ. Likewise, there is difference in percentage among certain animal kinds. The highest percentage of positive animals has been found in totters and the lowest in cold-blooded

    Vitrification using soy lecithin and sucrose

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    A challenge in freezing semen for short and long-term availability is avoiding damage to intact spermatozoa caused by the freezing process. Vitrification protocols provide better results through less manipulation of semen and shorter freezing time compared to slow freezing techniques. Our research was aimed at improving vitrification methods for canine semen. Semen quality was determined in 20 ejaculates after collection. Each ejaculate was divided into eight aliquots, each with a dfferent extender. The control extender contained TRIS, citric acid, fructose, and antibiotics. Soy lecithin and sucrose were added to the control extender at different concentrations to make up the test extenders and final concentration of 50 X 10[sup]6 spermatozoa/mL. From each group, a 33 [micro]L (1.65 X 10[sup]6 spermatozoa) suspension of spermatozoa was dropped directly into liquid nitrogen and devitrified at least one week later and evaluated as before. Soy lecithin at 1% and 0.25 M sucrose added to the base vitrification media effectively preserved all sperm qualities. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods. Vitrification media containing sucrose and soy lecithin cause a minimal decline in quality of canine semen after devitrification. Furthermore, extenders used in our research did not contain egg yolk, which was replaced by soy lecithin, thus allowing for ease of shipping to other countries with strict requirements