3 research outputs found

    Climate changes in North Africa and the possibilities of adapting to it with ecosystem approaches

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    The article deals with geographical characteristics of North Africa with the focus on climate changes which are reflected in particular by the increase in the average temperatures and decrease of precipitation. These conditions have a direct impact on the reduction of agriculture and on the changes in land use. Further on, this has a direct impact on the way of life of people. The use of ecosystem technologies (imitation of nature) can be an easy and effective way to contain water in the region. Water also has a significant role in survival. Therefore, the use of ecoremediation (imitation of nature) in North Africa could mitigate climate changes


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    Egipt, Libijo, Alžirijo, Tunizijo, Maroko, Zahodno Saharo in Sudan uvrščamo v skupno regijo, Severno Afriko. Povezujejo jih skupne fizično in družbeno geografske značilnosti. Cilj magistrskega dela Regionalnogeografska analiza Severne Afrike je bil prikazati nova spoznanja o fizično- in družbenogeografskih značilnostih držav Severne Afrike s pomočjo analize različnih statističnih in strokovnih virov. Državam so skupni pomanjkanje padavin, izpostavljenost visokim temperaturam in preobremenjeni viri sladke vode. Rast števila prebivalstva povzroča povečan vpliv na okolje in okoljske probleme. Na rodovitnih obalnih območjih vsak kos zemlje izkoristijo za obdelovalno površino, ki jo širijo tudi na nerodovitna puščavska tla. Delež obdelovalnih površin se tako povečuje, s tem pa se povečuje tudi izkoriščanje vodnih virov za namakanje prsti. Dostop do vodnih virov pa je v marsikateri državi tudi vzrok za nemire in spopade. Glavni vzroki za politične spopade in Arabsko pomlad so med drugim tudi gospodarska izkoriščanja, socialni problemi in velika brezposelnost. Skupne izbrane fizično- in družbenogeografske značilnosti držav Severne Afrike smo kartografsko predstavili ter izdelali tipizacijo držav Severne Afrike glede na skupne značilnosti. Na osnovi spoznanj smo predstavili nova spoznanja in napovedali prihodnji razvoj držav Severne Afrike. V zaključnem delu smo pridobljene podatke in nova spoznanja prenesli na pedagoško raven ter s pomočjo iger in učenčevega lastnega aktivnega spoznavanja držav Severne Afrike predvideli učno uro z naslovom Geografski potep po državah Severne Afrike.Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Western Sahara and Sudan belong to a common region, i.e. Northern Africa. They are connected by shared characteristics belonging to physical and human geography. The objective of the master\u27s thesis titled Regional geographical analysis of Northern Africa is to show new findings about the physical and human geographical characteristics of North African countries through the analysis of various statistical and technical sources. Common characteristics of the countries include a lack of precipitation, exposure to high temperatures and overwhelmed freshwater resources. Population growth causes an increased impact on the environment and environmental problems. Each piece of land in fertile coastal areas is used as cultivable land, which is also expanded to include barren desert ground. Consequently, the proportion of cultivable land is increasing, and therefore the exploitation of water resources for irrigation of the soil is also on the rise. Access to water resources is also a cause for riots and conflicts in many countries. Main causes of political conflict and the Arab Spring include economic exploitations, social problems and high unemployment rate. Selected common physical and human geographical characteristics of North African countries are presented in the form of cartographic material. We also created the typification of North African countries based on their common characteristics. Based on the findings, we have presented new insights and predicted future development of North African countries. In the final section, we applied the obtained data and new findings on the pedagogical level, and we have created a potential lesson titled Geographical wander through the countries of Northern Africa with the help of games and the pupil\u27s own active learning about countries of Northern Africa


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    Številni avtorji medkulturnost opredeljujejo kot sobivanje, sodelovanje, sovplivanje in dopolnjevanje različnih kultur, narodov, spolov ter verstev. Spoštovanje in razumevanje narodne ter kulturne drugačnosti je potrebno poudarjati na narodno mešanih območjih in izven njih. Potrebno je premagovati stereotipe in predsodke do drugačnih ter z njimi vzpostavljati interakcijo in komunikacijo. Takšen odnos bogati posameznike in družbo ter razvija pozitiven pogled na druge narode in kulture. Na vse to pomembno vpliva tudi šola s svojimi programi, delavnicami in usposobljenimi učitelji. V empiričnem delu so nas zanimali učenčevo razumevanje in odnos do medkulturnosti, praktično udejstvovanje medkulturnih vsebin in kompetenc ter vpliv ostalih subjektov izobraževanja na vpletanje medkulturnosti v šolski prostor in izven njega. V raziskavi smo se osredotočili na narodno mešana območja Prekmurja in slovenske Istre ter na območje izven narodno mešanega območja Slovenije, Maribor. Podatke smo zbrali s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, na vzorcu 336 učencev. Rezultati so pokazali, da so učenci bolj navezani na Slovenijo kot na Evropo. Učenci se, ne glede na šolski okoliš, v različnih okoliščinah najpogosteje sporazumevajo v slovenščini, v učenju tujih jezikov pa vidijo možnost za boljšo prihodnost, boljši študij in boljšo zaposlitev. Raziskava je v nadaljevanju pokazala, da imajo anketirani učenci po lastnih navedbah štiri prijatelje ali več, ki so druge narodnosti ali kulture, ter se z njimi družijo na različne načine. Na koncu smo pozornost namenili tudi stališču učencev do odnosa šole, učiteljev in staršev do medkulturnosti. Stališča nekaterih učencev so pokazala statistično pomembne razlike.Many authors define it as coexistence, cooperation, interaction and complementarity of different cultures, nations, genders and religions. Respect and understanding of ethnic and cultural diversity has to be emphasized in ethnically diverse areas and also elsewhere. It is necessary to overcome stereotypes and prejudices towards ‘different’ people, and to establish interaction and communication with them. Such an attitude enriches individuals and society, and also helps develop a positive view of other nations and cultures. Other important factors include schools with their programs, workshops and qualified teachers. In the empirical section we explored pupil’s understanding and attitude toward interculturality, practical implementation of intercultural content and competences, as well as the impact of other entities of education on inclusion of interculturalism in and outside schools. In this study we focused on the nation\u27s ethnically diverse areas of Prekmurje and Slovenian Istra, as well as the area outside the ethnically diverse area of Slovenia, the city of Maribor. The data was collected with a questionnaire and a sample of 336 pupils. The results showed that pupils have a greater affinity for Slovenia than Europe. Pupils most commonly communicate in Slovenian language, regardless of their school district, and under different circumstances, and perceive learning foreign languages as an opportunity for a better future, better education and better employment. The study also showed that the pupils who participated in the survey have four friends or more, according to their own answers, who have a different nationality or culture, and they socialise with them in different ways. Finally, we also paid attention to the pupils’ point of view regarding the schools\u27, teachers\u27 and parents\u27 attitudes toward interculturalism. The views of some pupils have shown statistically significant differences