18 research outputs found
Choice of Locations for Wind Energy Utilization With GIS Tools
Using of renewable energy sources, among which we can classify, wind energy, meet the requirements of environmental acceptable. The renewable energy sources have significant role in meeting the targets of Kyoto Protocol and they have very important role in the field of local and regional development and employment. Potential builder of wind plant have to take to consideration many different factors. Power of wind is one of these factors. Wind power can be estimate from measured data at the climatologically stations and airports. Choice of potential locality is by influenced many others factor, such as quantity and parameters obstacles, elevation, accessibility location for building machines, distance from connection of high voltage, etc. For examination locality we can use the GIS tools
Three dimensional visualisation chosen part of Košice city
With development of informatization and internetization in Slovakia go up interest cities and central villages to present themselves by way of web portal. Creation of the virtual cities is a modern trend in the foreign countries. This paper makes possible navigation potential visitors along the significant cultural and historical seightseens. It’s opening possibilities for creation of the virtual shopping centre. It could be interested for business in the city. In the first phase of solution it is creating the digital model of Main Street in Košice city, which is situated in the centre of city, and it is one of the most frequent place in the city. We use GIS tools for creation of 3D model. The basis is creation of the digital model of house buildings. Buildings are described by a simplification like 3D object regular shaped. We use an aerial photograph and photos buildings for creation complex of the digital model of the city
Digital technical map of Košice city
The digital map of a city is comprised complex of the map. Process of creation of the digital map of a city is time consuming and financially demanding. The digital map is created as co-operation of the local authority, technology network administrator, companies, and local government. The exact and current digital map of the city utilizable for multilateral applications is the result of this co-operation. The digital map of city catch all important phenomenon and objects which are needed for making decisions and planning to all grades controlling the local authority. The Geographic information systems tools make possible updating digital map, analyses and syntheses spatial phenomena and theirs relationships. The digital map of city is created step by step. The digital technical map of city is one of very important part of the digital map. Illustration of the part digital technical map of Košice is showed in the Fig. 1
Analýza znečisťujúcich látok vo vybraných monitorovacích staniciach mesta Košice za obdobie 2008-2010
In general, air quality is determined from the concentrations of pollutants in ambient air. Air quality criteria (limit and target values, margin of tolerances, upper and lower assessment thresholds) are based on the current legislative framework. In Slovakia, the air quality criteria are imposed by Decree No 360/2010 Coll, on air quality, of the Ministry of Environment [1]. In relation to the implemented measurements, it is necessary to choose effective tools needed for the pre-processing and post-processing of overall air quality assessment. The article aims at applying suitable GIS tools in the assessment process of air quality in the Košice agglomeration for the selected period 2008-2010. In the overall assessment of the area in question, the processing of information on emissions declared as particulate matter (PM) was considered in terms of a conservative approach to the assessment of air quality for PM10. For the assessment, the yearbooks and reports on air quality in Slovakia in 2008-2010 of the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMI) and professional publications were used.Vo všeobecnosti kvalita ovzdušia je stanovená z obsahu znečisťujúcich látok vo vonkajšom ovzduší. Kritériá kvality ovzdušia (limitné a cieľové hodnoty, medze tolerancie, horné a dolné medze na hodnotenie) vychádzajú z platného legislatívneho rámca. V podmienkach SR kritéria kvality ovzdušia vyplývajú z vyhlášky MŽP SR č. 360/2010 Z.z. o kvalite ovzdušia [1]. V nadväznosti na realizované merania je potrebné zvoliť efektívne nástroje potrebné pre preprocesing a postprocesing procesu plošného hodnotenia kvality ovzdušia. Príspevok si kladie za cieľ aplikovať vhodné nástroje GIS do hodnotiaceho procesu kvality ovzdušia v aglomerácií Košice za vybrané obdobie rokov 2008 - 2010. Pri celkovom zhodnotení predmetnej oblasti bolo uvažované so spracovaním informácií o emisiách deklarovaných ako tuhé znečisťujúce látky (TZL) v zmysle konzervatívneho prístupu k hodnoteniu kvality ovzdušia za PM10. Pre posudzovanie boli použité ročenky a správy pre kvalitu ovzdušia v SR za rok 2008 - 2010 z SHMÚ a odborné publikácie
Alternatives and implication in process of environmental impact assessment
EIA is an interactive, rule-based expert system for the environmental impact assessment. It is designed for a screening level assessment of development projects at a pre-feasibility stage. Typical problems for the evaluation include: resettlement; watershed degradation; encroachment upon precious ecosystems; encroachment on historical/cultural values; watershed erosion; reservoir siltation; impairment of navigation; changes in groundwater hydrology, waterlogging; seepage and evaporation losses; migration of valuable fish species; inundation of mineral resources/forests; other inundation losses and adverse effects. It is important to prevent environmental pollution when carrying out large-scale development projects, such as artificial change of landscapes and building of certain structures that may cause a tremendous impact on the environment. In accordance with Cities Environmental Impact Assessment Departments it is necessary to provide project organisers with a necessary advice and instructions concerning the environmental impact assessment a survey to predict and evaluate environmental impact to be conducted by project organisers. Prior to offering the advice and instructions, cities need to hear the opinions of residents of the areas concerned, mayors of related municipalities and other opinion leaders, including specialists, to reflect their views in the environmental preservation. The first aspect in any quality assessment is to determine the representativeness of data both in terms of physical siting and data collected. It must be recognised the environment is a dynamic fluid; quality therefore varies over space and time. There will be locations in any community that experience poorer quality than recorded at a monitoring station. Likewise other sites will have a better quality. Most communities have only a single monitoring site. Therefore, the air quality monitors are sited to provide a representative estimate of the community exposure to contaminants
Visualisation and analysis of the urban built-up area with VRML
The Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML) is a file format for describing interactive 3D objects and worlds. VRML is designed to be used on the Internet, intranets, and local client systems. VRML is also intended to be a universal interchange format for integrated 3D graphics and multimedia. VRML may be used in a variety of application areas such as engineering and scientific visualization, multimedia presentations, entertainment and educational titles, web pages, and shared virtual worlds.VRML is capable of representing static and animated dynamic 3D and multimedia objects with hyperlinks to other media such as text, sounds, movies, and images. VRML browsers, as well as authoring tools for the creation of VRML files, are widely available for many different platforms. VRML supports an extensibility model that allows new dynamic 3D objects to be defined allowing application communities to develop interoperable extensions to the base standard. There are mappings between VRML objects and commonly used 3D application programmer interface (API) features.VRML is useful for a variety of applications, including data visualization , financial analysis, entertainment, education, distributed simulatio, computer-aided design, product marketing, virtual malls, user interfaces to information, scientific visualization.Data visualization turns numbers into a 3D VRML world. It takes a complex database with lots of numerical information and turns it into a three-dimensional environment, which may have a time dimension. Even interactive features and sound can represent information.Financial analysis can use data visualization to visualize financial data, such as stock prices or corporate financial accounts. Anomalies and opportunities can be detected by highlighted areas in the data set.Entertainment is a potential goldmine for VRML developers, since VRML allows for interactive, 3D movies. VRML allows customized, dynamically-generated camera angles with alternate scenarios possible.Education with VRML can give people a chance to learn something in a new way, or learn a real-life job without the dangers of physical machinery.Distributed Simulation can use multi-user VRML worlds over networks to simulate military exercises or industrial courses.Computer-Aided Design is an area where designers could collaborate on designing industrial parts or other 3D objects in a shared multi-user space. Or alternatively, they can e-mail parts back and forth to each other, or put drafts up on Web servers for comments.Product Marketing often tries to reach buyers at an emotional level. VRML is great way to do this, for the same reasons that it will be successful in entertainment applications. In addition, marketers selling 3-dimensional products like clothes can give buyers an impression of the object before they purchase it.As User Interfaces to Information, VRML can help bring some sense to the confusing hypermedia world of the Web, and to massive databases packed with more information than can be easily represented textually.In Scientific Visualization, researchers or students can observe a 3D protein hovering in space and click on parts of it to learn about the function of the parts of the protein through hyperlinks to a database. In fact, Aereal Inc. is currently working on this for the Genetic Information Bank of Japan's Institute of Physical and Chemical Sciences
The Evaluation of Selected Air Pollutants in Košice for the Period 2008-2010 / Analýza Znečisťujúcich Látok Vo Vybraných Monitorovacích Staniciach Mesta Košice Za Obdobie 2008 - 2010
Vo všeobecnosti kvalita ovzdušia je stanovená z obsahu znečisťujúcich látok vo vonkajšom ovzduší. Kritériá kvality ovzdušia (limitné a cieľové hodnoty, medze tolerancie, horné a dolné medze na hodnotenie) vychádzajú z platného legislatívneho rámca. V podmienkach SR kritéria kvality ovzdušia vyplývajú z vyhlášky MŽP SR č. 360/2010 Z.z. o kvalite ovzdušia [1]. V nadväznosti na realizované merania je potrebné zvoliť efektívne nástroje potrebné pre preprocesing a postprocesing procesu plošného hodnotenia kvality ovzdušia. Príspevok si kladie za cieľ aplikovať vhodné nástroje GIS do hodnotiaceho procesu kvality ovzdušia v aglomerácií Košice za vybrané obdobie rokov 2008 - 2010. Pri celkovom zhodnotení predmetnej oblasti bolo uvažované so spracovaním informácií o emisiách deklarovaných ako tuhé znečisťujúce látky (TZL) v zmysle konzervatívneho prístupu k hodnoteniu kvality ovzdušia za PM10. Pre posudzovanie boli použité ročenky a správy pre kvalitu ovzdušia v SR za rok 2008 - 2010 z SHMÚ a odborné publikáci
Application of GIS in hydrogeology and engineering geology
Hydrogeology as a specific science discipline has a multi spectral interest focused to officiating sources in drink water and utilization water and also in area aimed for pure mineral water sources. Although engineering geology works exercise with piece of knowledge, geosciences are focused to territorial planning, investment construction and protection environment. Application of GIS in appointed problems purvey possibility quality, quick and high special analysis appointed problems and take advantage all accessible quality and quantity related information of water focused to hydrogeology, as to occurrence varied basement soil, appropriate for building activity, possibly appointed for protection. Solution of this probleme is on first name terms definite interest area, as to adjudication sources focused economic significance state