10 research outputs found

    Oral praxis and stutterling

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    Mucanje predstavlja viÅ”edimenzionalni problem kako u dijagnostici tako i u terapiji. To je poremećaj fluentnosti govora koji pogađa približno 5% dece i 1% odraslih. Različiti faktori utiču na smanjenje učestalosti i težine mucanja, često tako Å”to smanjuju zahteve za motornom kontrolom govora i jezičkom formulacijom iskaza. Postoji veća verovatnoća za spontani oporavak ako su u pitanju osobe ženskog pola, osobe koje imaju dobre fonoloÅ”ke, jezičke i neverbalne sposobnosti, desnoruke su, imaju stabilniji motorni govorni sistem i adekvatno porodično okruženje. Tokom viÅ”egodiÅ”njeg rada sa decom i odraslima koji mucaju zapazili smo da veliki broj dece, ali i starijih pacijenata koji nam se obrate zbog problema mucanja pokazuju i druge govorne i/ili jezičke probleme. Zato smo želeli da ispitamo jedan od važnih segmenata govornog funkcionisanja, a to je oralna praksija, odnosno kinestetska i motorna kontrola pokreta miÅ”ića orofacijalne regije koji se, kombinovani, koriste i pri govoru. Subjekti su bili grupa od 10 pacijenata Zavoda za psihofizioloÅ”ke poremećaje i govornu patologiju ā€™ā€™Prof. Dr Cvetko Brajovićā€™ā€™, na tretmanu zbog mucanja, uzrasta 9-12 godina, i kontrolna grupa od 10-oro dece istog uzrasta i pola, koja ne mucaju niti imaju druge govorne ili jezičke probleme. KoriŔćen je Test oralne praksije autora Radičević i Stevanković. Rezultati ukazuju na značajnu razliku u sposobnosti izvođenja zadatih pokreta, u korist kontrolne grupe. S obzirom na mali uzorak planirano je opsežnije istraživanje na većem uzorku, kako bi se isključila slučajnost u dobijanju ovakvih rezultata. Međutim, imajući u vidu već pomenute nalaze različitih istraživanja koji potkrepljuju naÅ”e rezultate, smatramo da je i ovaj nalaz dovoljan da bi se u tretman mucanja dece ovog uzrasta uključile i vežbe za poboljÅ”anje sposobnosti oralne praksije.Stuttering is a multidimensional problem in diagnostics and in therapy. It is fluency disorder that affects aproximatelly 5% of children and 1% of adults. Different factors influence decrease in stuttering frequency and severity by reducing demands for motoric-speech control and language formulation. There is higher posibillity for spontaneous recovery amnog female individuals, individuals with adequate family environment, righthanded, who have good phonological, linguistic and non verbal skills, and have more stable motoric speech sistem. During years of working with children and adults who stutter, we noticed that large number of children, but also older patients who come to us for teatment of stuttering, show other speech and/or language problems as well. This was the reason for us to investigate status of oral praxia, as one of important segments of speech functioning, showing level of kinestetic and motor control of movements of orofacial muscles, wich are used during speech as well. Subjects were a group of 10 patients, aged 9-11, on therapy treatment for stuttering at the Institute for Psychophysiological Disorders and Speech Pathology ā€œProf. Dr Cvetko Brajovicā€ in Belgrade. Control group consisted of 10 children, age and gender matched, without stuttering or other speech or language disorder. We used the Test of oral praxia, by Radičević&Stevanković. Results show signifficant diference in performing in favour of non-stuttering children. Since we used small group in our research, we plan to repead it on considerably larger number of subjects, in order to exclude statistical coincidence/ incidental results. However, considering already mentioned results of other researches, we belive that even this finding is enough to include oral motor excercises into the treatment of stuttering among this age group

    Oral praxis and stutterling

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    Mucanje predstavlja viÅ”edimenzionalni problem kako u dijagnostici tako i u terapiji. To je poremećaj fluentnosti govora koji pogađa približno 5% dece i 1% odraslih. Različiti faktori utiču na smanjenje učestalosti i težine mucanja, često tako Å”to smanjuju zahteve za motornom kontrolom govora i jezičkom formulacijom iskaza. Postoji veća verovatnoća za spontani oporavak ako su u pitanju osobe ženskog pola, osobe koje imaju dobre fonoloÅ”ke, jezičke i neverbalne sposobnosti, desnoruke su, imaju stabilniji motorni govorni sistem i adekvatno porodično okruženje. Tokom viÅ”egodiÅ”njeg rada sa decom i odraslima koji mucaju zapazili smo da veliki broj dece, ali i starijih pacijenata koji nam se obrate zbog problema mucanja pokazuju i druge govorne i/ili jezičke probleme. Zato smo želeli da ispitamo jedan od važnih segmenata govornog funkcionisanja, a to je oralna praksija, odnosno kinestetska i motorna kontrola pokreta miÅ”ića orofacijalne regije koji se, kombinovani, koriste i pri govoru. Subjekti su bili grupa od 10 pacijenata Zavoda za psihofizioloÅ”ke poremećaje i govornu patologiju ā€™ā€™Prof. Dr Cvetko Brajovićā€™ā€™, na tretmanu zbog mucanja, uzrasta 9-12 godina, i kontrolna grupa od 10-oro dece istog uzrasta i pola, koja ne mucaju niti imaju druge govorne ili jezičke probleme. KoriŔćen je Test oralne praksije autora Radičević i Stevanković. Rezultati ukazuju na značajnu razliku u sposobnosti izvođenja zadatih pokreta, u korist kontrolne grupe. S obzirom na mali uzorak planirano je opsežnije istraživanje na većem uzorku, kako bi se isključila slučajnost u dobijanju ovakvih rezultata. Međutim, imajući u vidu već pomenute nalaze različitih istraživanja koji potkrepljuju naÅ”e rezultate, smatramo da je i ovaj nalaz dovoljan da bi se u tretman mucanja dece ovog uzrasta uključile i vežbe za poboljÅ”anje sposobnosti oralne praksije.Stuttering is a multidimensional problem in diagnostics and in therapy. It is fluency disorder that affects aproximatelly 5% of children and 1% of adults. Different factors influence decrease in stuttering frequency and severity by reducing demands for motoric-speech control and language formulation. There is higher posibillity for spontaneous recovery amnog female individuals, individuals with adequate family environment, righthanded, who have good phonological, linguistic and non verbal skills, and have more stable motoric speech sistem. During years of working with children and adults who stutter, we noticed that large number of children, but also older patients who come to us for teatment of stuttering, show other speech and/or language problems as well. This was the reason for us to investigate status of oral praxia, as one of important segments of speech functioning, showing level of kinestetic and motor control of movements of orofacial muscles, wich are used during speech as well. Subjects were a group of 10 patients, aged 9-11, on therapy treatment for stuttering at the Institute for Psychophysiological Disorders and Speech Pathology ā€œProf. Dr Cvetko Brajovicā€ in Belgrade. Control group consisted of 10 children, age and gender matched, without stuttering or other speech or language disorder. We used the Test of oral praxia, by Radičević&Stevanković. Results show signifficant diference in performing in favour of non-stuttering children. Since we used small group in our research, we plan to repead it on considerably larger number of subjects, in order to exclude statistical coincidence/ incidental results. However, considering already mentioned results of other researches, we belive that even this finding is enough to include oral motor excercises into the treatment of stuttering among this age group

    Characteristics of adult people with fluency disorder

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    The aim of this study is to test the thesis that adults who stutter differ from those without this disorder by lower birth weight and in terms of personality dimensions, as well as the assertion that prevalence of stuttering is far higher among males.Total sample consisted of 108 subjects, aged 18 - 50, whereby subsamples consisted of 54 subjects, equaled in gender and age. The Personality Inventory NEO PI_R (S/A form) was used to examine basic personality dimensions (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness). The correlation between the gender and stuttering has been established, but no differences have been found between the birth weights or in terms of basic personality characteristics. Further examinations are needed but such should be applied to larger representative samples, using more progressive data processing methodology. Key words: fluency disorders, stuttering, personality dimensions, gender, birth weigh

    Characteristics of voice with person who stutter in reading process

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    Mucanje je multikauzalno uslovljen govorni poremećaj, koji se multidimenzionalno manifestuje. Zbog toga mucanje iziskuje viÅ”edimenzionalna istraživanja. Epidemiologija mucanja od oko 2%, zahteva sveobuhvatniji pristup reÅ”avanju ovog teÅ”kog govornog poremećaja. Dobra dijagnostika je preduslov za adekvatan logopedski tretman mucanja. Jedna od savremenih metoda u dijagnostici mucanja je MDVP (multidimenzionalna analiza glasa), koja se danas sprovodi samo u specijalizovanim institucijama. Primenom ove metode možemo bolje sagledati karakteristike glasa osobe koja muca. Poznato je da osobe koje mucaju, mucaju u svim verbalnim ekspresijama, međutim mi smo želeli da sagledamo karakteristike glasa pri čitanju. U ovom radu smo ispitivali akustičke strukture glasa kod 9 adolescenata oba pola, koje su mucale pri čitanju. Oni su bili na početku logopedskog tretmana (druge faze). U radu smo koristili komjutersku analizu glasa ā€žKay Elemetrics Corp.Model 4337ā€œ. Na osnovu kompjuterske analize doÅ”li smo do značajnog broja patoloÅ”kih vrednosti pri čitanju.A stuttering is multy caused speech disorder, wich has multy dimensional manifestation. Like that, stuttering is in need of multi dimensional research. Epidemiology of stuttering, which is about 2%, request comprehensive approach in dissolving this serious speech disorder. A good diagnostic is prerequisite for suitable speech-language treatment of stuttering. One of recent method in stuttering diagnostic procedure is MDVP (multy dimensional voice analysis), which is held only in specialized institutions. By application of this method we can have better understanding of voice characteristics with person who stutter. Itā€™s well known that persons with stuttering do that in all kind of verbal expression. In this research we wanted to find out voice characteristics in reading process. In our research we examine acoustic structure of voice with 9 both gender adolescents, who stutter in reading process. They where on beginning of speech-language treatment. In our work we used computer analysis of voice ā€œKay Elemetrics Corp.model 4337ā€. By computer analysis we find out significant number of pathological findings in reading process

    Readness of regular school students to accept peers with developmental disability

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    Potreba da se bude deo zajednice i u njoj uspeÅ”no funkcioniÅ”e, jeste suÅ”tinska potreba koju čovek ostvaruje u socijalnoj komunikaciji. Pored ostalog, stepen i kvalitet socijalizacije u mnogome zavisi od obrazovnog statusa. Ipak, to nije slučaj sa osobama sa smetnjama u razvoju. Nije retka pojava da ove osobe nemaju uvek uslove da se Å”koluju u skladu sa svojim potrebama i mogućnostima. Pored fizičkih barijera i neprilagođenih nastavnih planova i programa, stavovi osoba tipičnog razvoja često predstavljaju prepreku za uključivanje dece sa smetnjama u razvoju u sistem redovnog predÅ”kolskog i Å”kolskog obrazovanja. NajčeŔće, negativni stavovi Å”kolskog osoblja, nastavnika, vrÅ”njaka i njihovih roditelja prema deci sa smetnjama u razvoju i dalje predstavljaju značajnu prepreku. Cilj ovog istraživanja jeste procena stavova učenika redovne osnovne Å”kole prema deci sa smetnjama u razvoju. Uzorak je činilo 65 učenika petog i osmog razreda osnovne Å”kole. Stavovi učenika, dobijeni upitnikom posebno konstruisanim za potrebe ovog istraživanja, kvantitativno i kvalitativno su analizirani, i komparirani u odnosu na uzrast i pol. Poznato je da vrÅ”njačke grupe nekada mogu da budu veoma surove prema, na bilo koji način drugačijem detetu. S obzirom da jedan od faktora koji bitno utiče na socijalni (i emocionalni) razvoj deteta jesu vrÅ”njački odnosi u Å”koli i van nje, ovim istraživanjem smo želeli da dobijemo odgovor na pitanje kako učenici tipičnog razvoja prihvataju decu sa smetnjama u razvoju.The need to be a part of community and to function appropriately within it is the essential need which humans seek to realize by social communication. Level and quality of socialization depends very much on educational level. However, it is not uncommon that people with disability donā€™t always have the capacity to educate themselves according to their needs and possibilities. Next to physical barriers and inappropriate educational plans and programs, the attitudes of people without disabilities often pose an obstacle to involving children with developmental disabilities in pre-school and school educational systems. The negative attitudes of school staff, teachers, peers and parents towards children with developmental disabilities still represent a notable obstacle. The goal of this research is the attitude evaluation of regular school students towards children with developmental disabilities. The sample was made of 65 students of 5th and 8th grade from elementary school. Students attitudes, obtained by a questionnaire specially developed for the purposes of this research, were quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed and compared according to age and sex criteria. It is well-established that sometimes same age groups can be very cruel towards children who are developmentally ā€˜differentā€™. One of factors that has a major influence on social (and emotional) development of children is peer relationships in and out of school. In this research we sought to answer the question ā€˜how will the child with developmental disabilities be accepted among the normal developed classmates?ā€™

    Readness of regular school students to accept peers with developmental disability

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    Potreba da se bude deo zajednice i u njoj uspeÅ”no funkcioniÅ”e, jeste suÅ”tinska potreba koju čovek ostvaruje u socijalnoj komunikaciji. Pored ostalog, stepen i kvalitet socijalizacije u mnogome zavisi od obrazovnog statusa. Ipak, to nije slučaj sa osobama sa smetnjama u razvoju. Nije retka pojava da ove osobe nemaju uvek uslove da se Å”koluju u skladu sa svojim potrebama i mogućnostima. Pored fizičkih barijera i neprilagođenih nastavnih planova i programa, stavovi osoba tipičnog razvoja često predstavljaju prepreku za uključivanje dece sa smetnjama u razvoju u sistem redovnog predÅ”kolskog i Å”kolskog obrazovanja. NajčeŔće, negativni stavovi Å”kolskog osoblja, nastavnika, vrÅ”njaka i njihovih roditelja prema deci sa smetnjama u razvoju i dalje predstavljaju značajnu prepreku. Cilj ovog istraživanja jeste procena stavova učenika redovne osnovne Å”kole prema deci sa smetnjama u razvoju. Uzorak je činilo 65 učenika petog i osmog razreda osnovne Å”kole. Stavovi učenika, dobijeni upitnikom posebno konstruisanim za potrebe ovog istraživanja, kvantitativno i kvalitativno su analizirani, i komparirani u odnosu na uzrast i pol. Poznato je da vrÅ”njačke grupe nekada mogu da budu veoma surove prema, na bilo koji način drugačijem detetu. S obzirom da jedan od faktora koji bitno utiče na socijalni (i emocionalni) razvoj deteta jesu vrÅ”njački odnosi u Å”koli i van nje, ovim istraživanjem smo želeli da dobijemo odgovor na pitanje kako učenici tipičnog razvoja prihvataju decu sa smetnjama u razvoju.The need to be a part of community and to function appropriately within it is the essential need which humans seek to realize by social communication. Level and quality of socialization depends very much on educational level. However, it is not uncommon that people with disability donā€™t always have the capacity to educate themselves according to their needs and possibilities. Next to physical barriers and inappropriate educational plans and programs, the attitudes of people without disabilities often pose an obstacle to involving children with developmental disabilities in pre-school and school educational systems. The negative attitudes of school staff, teachers, peers and parents towards children with developmental disabilities still represent a notable obstacle. The goal of this research is the attitude evaluation of regular school students towards children with developmental disabilities. The sample was made of 65 students of 5th and 8th grade from elementary school. Students attitudes, obtained by a questionnaire specially developed for the purposes of this research, were quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed and compared according to age and sex criteria. It is well-established that sometimes same age groups can be very cruel towards children who are developmentally ā€˜differentā€™. One of factors that has a major influence on social (and emotional) development of children is peer relationships in and out of school. In this research we sought to answer the question ā€˜how will the child with developmental disabilities be accepted among the normal developed classmates?ā€™

    Characteristics of voice with person who stutter in reading process

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    Mucanje je multikauzalno uslovljen govorni poremećaj, koji se multidimenzionalno manifestuje. Zbog toga mucanje iziskuje viÅ”edimenzionalna istraživanja. Epidemiologija mucanja od oko 2%, zahteva sveobuhvatniji pristup reÅ”avanju ovog teÅ”kog govornog poremećaja. Dobra dijagnostika je preduslov za adekvatan logopedski tretman mucanja. Jedna od savremenih metoda u dijagnostici mucanja je MDVP (multidimenzionalna analiza glasa), koja se danas sprovodi samo u specijalizovanim institucijama. Primenom ove metode možemo bolje sagledati karakteristike glasa osobe koja muca. Poznato je da osobe koje mucaju, mucaju u svim verbalnim ekspresijama, međutim mi smo želeli da sagledamo karakteristike glasa pri čitanju. U ovom radu smo ispitivali akustičke strukture glasa kod 9 adolescenata oba pola, koje su mucale pri čitanju. Oni su bili na početku logopedskog tretmana (druge faze). U radu smo koristili komjutersku analizu glasa ā€žKay Elemetrics Corp.Model 4337ā€œ. Na osnovu kompjuterske analize doÅ”li smo do značajnog broja patoloÅ”kih vrednosti pri čitanju.A stuttering is multy caused speech disorder, wich has multy dimensional manifestation. Like that, stuttering is in need of multi dimensional research. Epidemiology of stuttering, which is about 2%, request comprehensive approach in dissolving this serious speech disorder. A good diagnostic is prerequisite for suitable speech-language treatment of stuttering. One of recent method in stuttering diagnostic procedure is MDVP (multy dimensional voice analysis), which is held only in specialized institutions. By application of this method we can have better understanding of voice characteristics with person who stutter. Itā€™s well known that persons with stuttering do that in all kind of verbal expression. In this research we wanted to find out voice characteristics in reading process. In our research we examine acoustic structure of voice with 9 both gender adolescents, who stutter in reading process. They where on beginning of speech-language treatment. In our work we used computer analysis of voice ā€œKay Elemetrics Corp.model 4337ā€. By computer analysis we find out significant number of pathological findings in reading process

    Odnos socijalnog okruženja prema osobama koje mucaju

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    Communication, as an integral part of everyday life, presents primary means of socialization, transmission and exchange of information. Communication disorders (speech and language disorders) can greatly aggravate the functioning of individuals in a social environment. Stuttering, as a disorder that impedes fluency of speech, leads to a reduction of effective communication both within the family and the wider community. In addition to an intrapersonal problem that a person who stutters has due to this communication disorder, attitudes and prejudices of the environment also represent an extremely important aggravating factor. The aim of this paper is to synthesize data from the available literature, which would indicate the multidimensional view of attitudes toward people who stutter. In recent years the importance of the social aspect of stuttering has been emphasized. Negative attitudes of social and family environment significantly affect the formation of negative self-image of people who stutter. However, recent research in this field opens a new perspective and provides possible solutions for changing the existing trend, both individually and as a part of important social structures.Komunikacija, kao neizostavan deo čovekove svakodnevice, osnovno je sredstvo kojim se ostvaruje socijalizacija, kao i prenos i razmena informacija. Stoga, komunikacija predstavlja esencijalni deo druÅ”tvenog života. Jedan od poremećaja koji u mnogome može otežati neometeno funkcionisanje jedinke u druÅ”tvenoj sredini jeste poremećaj komunikacije (ili govorno-jezički poremećaj). Mucanje, kao poremećaj koji otežava fluentnost govora, dovodi do smanjenja efektivne komunikacije, kako u porodičnom tako i u Å”irem druÅ”tvenom okruženju. Pored intrapersonalnih problema koje osoba ima usled ovog poremećaja komunikacije, izuzetno bitan, otežavajući faktor predstavljaju stavovi i često predrasude okoline. Cilj ovog rada usmeren je ka tome, da se na osnovu pregleda dostupne literature napravi sinteza podataka koja bi ukazivala na multidimenzionalni prikaz stavova o osobama koje mucaju. U poslednje vreme naglaÅ”ava se važnost socijalnog aspekta problematike mucanja. Negativni stavovi porodice i Å”ireg druÅ”tvenog okruženja utiču na formiranje negativne slike o sebi osoba koje mucaju Å”to otežava njihovo lično i profesionalno funkcionisanje. Najnovija istraživanja intenzivno se bave iznalaženjem strategija i tehnika u procesu menjanja negativnih stavova, kako u Å”iroj populaciji tako i stavova stručnjaka

    Model of the group treatment of stuttering adolescents according to the method conscious synthesis of development

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    Govor je druÅ”tvena tvorevina i najviÅ”i oblik ljudske komunikacije, te bilo kakav problem u govoru postaje problem druÅ”tva, a ne usamljene individue. Mucanje je jedan od govornih problema koji je multidimenzionalan u svom ispoljavanju, te mu je stoga neophodno pristupiti na takav način, kako u dijagnostici tako i u terapiji. U Zavodu za psihofizioloÅ”ke poremećaje i govornu patologijuā€ Prof. Dr C. Brajovićā€œ u Beogradu sprovodi se Metoda Svesne Sinteze Razvoja čiji je autor Prof. Dr C.Brajović, koja pruža tu multidimenzionalnost u terapiji mucanja. Ova metoda ima tri faze u okviru kojih se pored vežbi za korekciju govornih smetnji sprovode i elementi kognitivnobihejvioralnog dela programa koji služe za redukciju govorne anksioznosti, kao i vežbe za uspostavljanje emocionalne stabilnosti i razvijanje socijalne kompetencije. S obzirom da se problem mucanja pojavljuje u trenutcima druÅ”tvenog kontakta, razumljiv je značaj sprovođenja ne samo individualnog već i grupnog tretmana osoba koje mucaju. U ovom radu biće predstavljen model dvonedeljnog intenzivnog grupnog stacionarnog tretmana adolescenata koji mucajuSpeech is a characteristic of human race and it represents the highest level of human communication. This is why any problem in speaking is not the problem of the individual, but of society as a whole. Stuttering is one of the speech problems that is multidimensional in itsā€™ expression, and it is necessary to address it in the same way in the process of diagnosis as well as in its treatment. At the Institute for Psychophysiological Disorders and Speech Pathology ā€œProf. Dr Cvetko Brajovicā€ in Belgrade this multi-dimensionality is provided by the method called Conscious Synthesis of Development. This method has three phases that include fluency shaping techniques, elements of cognitive-behavioural therapy that addresses speech anxiety, and the exercises for establishing emotional stability and development of social competence. Having in mind that problem of stuttering occurs in the moments of social contacts, it is important that not only individual, but the group treatment is attempted. In this paper the model of a two-week intensive group treatment of adolescents who stutter will be presented

    Model of the group treatment of stuttering adolescents according to the method conscious synthesis of development

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    Govor je druÅ”tvena tvorevina i najviÅ”i oblik ljudske komunikacije, te bilo kakav problem u govoru postaje problem druÅ”tva, a ne usamljene individue. Mucanje je jedan od govornih problema koji je multidimenzionalan u svom ispoljavanju, te mu je stoga neophodno pristupiti na takav način, kako u dijagnostici tako i u terapiji. U Zavodu za psihofizioloÅ”ke poremećaje i govornu patologijuā€ Prof. Dr C. Brajovićā€œ u Beogradu sprovodi se Metoda Svesne Sinteze Razvoja čiji je autor Prof. Dr C.Brajović, koja pruža tu multidimenzionalnost u terapiji mucanja. Ova metoda ima tri faze u okviru kojih se pored vežbi za korekciju govornih smetnji sprovode i elementi kognitivnobihejvioralnog dela programa koji služe za redukciju govorne anksioznosti, kao i vežbe za uspostavljanje emocionalne stabilnosti i razvijanje socijalne kompetencije. S obzirom da se problem mucanja pojavljuje u trenutcima druÅ”tvenog kontakta, razumljiv je značaj sprovođenja ne samo individualnog već i grupnog tretmana osoba koje mucaju. U ovom radu biće predstavljen model dvonedeljnog intenzivnog grupnog stacionarnog tretmana adolescenata koji mucajuSpeech is a characteristic of human race and it represents the highest level of human communication. This is why any problem in speaking is not the problem of the individual, but of society as a whole. Stuttering is one of the speech problems that is multidimensional in itsā€™ expression, and it is necessary to address it in the same way in the process of diagnosis as well as in its treatment. At the Institute for Psychophysiological Disorders and Speech Pathology ā€œProf. Dr Cvetko Brajovicā€ in Belgrade this multi-dimensionality is provided by the method called Conscious Synthesis of Development. This method has three phases that include fluency shaping techniques, elements of cognitive-behavioural therapy that addresses speech anxiety, and the exercises for establishing emotional stability and development of social competence. Having in mind that problem of stuttering occurs in the moments of social contacts, it is important that not only individual, but the group treatment is attempted. In this paper the model of a two-week intensive group treatment of adolescents who stutter will be presented