130 research outputs found

    Dijetarni lipidi i kardiovaskularna oboljenja

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    Disbalans lipida krvi u pravcu povećanja koncentracije LDL i VLDL holesterola, triacilglicerola i lipoproteina (a) i smanjenje koncentracije HDL holesterola, predstavlja važan faktor rizika za razvoj ateroskleroze i kardiovaskularih oboljenja. Masti hrane spadaju u faktore čijom je modifikacijom moguće značajno uticati na status lipida krvi, te je dijetarna modifikacija uključena u prevenciju i dijetoterapiju kardiovaskularnih oboljenja. Dijetarni lipidi mogu imati protektivno delovanje i tu spadaju polinezasićene masne kiseline i mononezasićene masne kiseline i biljni steroli. U lipide čiji je unos povezan sa povećanim rizikom od kardiovaskularnih oboljenja spadaju zasićene masne kiseline, trans izomeri masnih kiselina i holesterol

    Dodaci hrani - potreba ili moda

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    In Europe food supplements are defined as foodstuffs the purpose of which is to supplement the normal diet and which are concentrated sources of nutrients or other substances with a nutritional or physiological effect, alone or in combination, marketed in dose form, designed to be taken in measured small unit quantities. There is an increasing number of these products and their popularity is growing steadily. Products that are used to supplement regular diet patterns improve so-called 'nutritive density' of diet. The use of supplements for medical reasons is based on the increasing evidence that there is a link between the ingestion of certain nutrients or dietary supplements and the prevention of chronic diseases. Rational use of dietary supplements needs good cooperation between user/patient and health worker. Previous to starting supplemental regimen the advice for healthy and adequate dietary pattern should be given, as well as to make an evaluation of individual's dietary and life habits, physiological and health status. .Suplementi se u Evropi definiÅ”u kao namirnice čija je svrha da dopunjuju normalnu ishranu, a predstavljaju koncentrisane izvore nutrimenata ili drugih supstanci sa nutritivnim ili fizioloÅ”kim efektima, proizvedene u doziranim oblicima i namenjene da se koriste u merljivim malim količinama. U većini razvijenih zemalja suplementi predstavljaju veoma popularnu grupu proizvoda, čija prodaja i promet beleže porast iz godine u godinu. Suplementi koji se koriste kao dopuna svakodnevnoj ishrani imaju za cilj da povećaju nutritivnu gustinu ishrane. KoriŔćenje suplemenata (ili obogaćenih/fortifikovanih namirnica) omogućuje pojedincima da zadovolje svoje individualne nutritivne potrebe ukoliko one nisu zadovoljene uobičajenom ishranom. KoriŔćenje suplemenata u medicinske svrhe povezano je sa različitim fizioloÅ”kim stanjima i bolestima, a zasnovano je na brojnim rezultatima naučnih ispitivanja, prema kojima pojedini sastojci hrane i druge fizioloÅ”ki aktivne supstance, unete u organizam u adekvatnim količinama, pokazuju povoljne zdravstvene efekte. Pre uvođenja suplemenata u ishranu racionalno je proceniti da li je suplementacija opravdana. Za ovakvu procenu neophodna je saradnja pacijenta/korisnika sa zdravstvenim radnikom, koji u svim situacijama mora posebnu pažnju da posveti, pre svega, savetima o kvalitetnom i pravilnom načinu ishrane, nakon čega je moguće doneti odluku o eventualnom započinjanju suplementacije, a u cilju da postizanja maksimuma pozitivnih efekata i smanjenja eventualnih negativnih efekata do kojih može doći nekontrolisanom i neracionalnom upotrebom ovih proizvoda.

    Značaj unosa pojedinih nutrimenata u cilju unapređenja zdravlja žena u menopauzi

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    The human life cycle can be divided into different unequal stages. The types of nutrients needed in each of this stages are the same, but the quantities of nutrients relative to age and sex are different. Each stage has its own set of nutritional problems. After the reproductive phase of life ends, around the age of fifty, a period of menopause occurs. Menopause is an important time in a woman's life. This is a natural step in the ageing process. Common dietary deficiencies affecting menopausal and post menopausal women include protein, vitamin C, vitamin D, folic acid, calcium and iron. It is very important to provide good nutrition to improve health in this period of life.Od rođenja do kraja životnog ciklusa čovek prolazi kroz različite, nejednake periode. U svakom od ovih perioda, da bi organizam pravilno funkcionisao i da bi se obezbedilo dobro zdravlje, potrebno je unositi sve iste hranljive materije, ali količine unosa treba da budu prilagođene potrebama određenog životnog doba. Svaki period u životu čoveka je praćen određenim nutritivnim potrebama i određenim nutritivnim problemima. Menopauza nastupa po zavrÅ”etku reproduktivnog ciklusa žene i predstavlja prirodni korak u procesu starenja. U tom periodu, kao i periodu posle menopaze, posebnu pažnju je potrebno posvetiti unosu određenih nutrimenata, do čijeg deficita najčeŔće dolazi a koji je povezan sa pojavom određenih, karakterističnih bolesti. NajčeŔći dijetarni deficit, žena u menopauzi i posle, odnosi se na deficit proteina, vitamina C, vitamina D, kalcijuma, magnezijuma, cinka, folne kiseline i gvozda, a najčeŔći zdravstveni problemi, koji se javljaju u tom periodu su kardiovaskularne bolesti i osteoporoza. Prilagođeni unos pojedinih nutrimenata, dobro balinsiranim dijetama, dijetetskim suplementima i funkcionalnom hranom doprinosi unapređenju zdravlja žena u menopauzi

    Lipidni profil i zdravstveni značaj najčeŔće konzumiranih rečnih i morskih riba u populaciji Srbije

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    Background/Aim. Dietary intake of n-3 long-chain polyun-saturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) is important in prevention and treatment of different diseases. In general population, the average intake of n-3 LC-PUFA is often significantly lower than recom-mended levels. Fish lipids are rich sources of these fatty acids, of which the most important are eicosapentaenoic (20:5 n-3, EPA) and docosahexaenoic (22:6 n-3, DHA) fatty acids. This study was designed to determine and compare fat, fatty acids and lipid qual-ity indices in 10 commercial fish species available on the Serbian market, as well as relation between their price and nutritional val-ue. Methods. Freshwater fish originated from the Danube River in the Belgrade Region, while seawater fish were mostly from the Adriatic Sea. A gas chromatography method was used to define fatty acids in 40 fish samples after lipid extraction. Cost-minimization analysis was conducted to assess the economic util-ity. Results. Seawater fish had a significantly higher value of flash lipid quality compared to the freshwater fish (p < 0.05). Value of Background/Aim. Dietary intake of n-3 long-chain polyun-saturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) is important in prevention and treatment of different diseases. In general population, the average intake of n-3 LC-PUFA is often significantly lower than recom-mended levels. Fish lipids are rich sources of these fatty acids, of which the most important are eicosapentaenoic (20:5 n-3, EPA) and docosahexaenoic (22:6 n-3, DHA) fatty acids. This study was designed to determine and compare fat, fatty acids and lipid qual-ity indices in 10 commercial fish species available on the Serbian market, as well as relation between their price and nutritional val-ue. Methods. Freshwater fish originated from the Danube River in the Belgrade Region, while seawater fish were mostly from the Adriatic Sea. A gas chromatography method was used to define fatty acids in 40 fish samples after lipid extraction. Cost-minimization analysis was conducted to assess the economic util-ity. Results. Seawater fish had a significantly higher value of flash lipid quality compared to the freshwater fish (p < 0.05). Value of Background/Aim. Dietary intake of n-3 long-chain polyun-saturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) is important in prevention and treatment of different diseases. In general population, the average intake of n-3 LC-PUFA is often significantly lower than recom-mended levels. Fish lipids are rich sources of these fatty acids, of which the most important are eicosapentaenoic (20:5 n-3, EPA) and docosahexaenoic (22:6 n-3, DHA) fatty acids. This study was designed to determine and compare fat, fatty acids and lipid qual-ity indices in 10 commercial fish species available on the Serbian market, as well as relation between their price and nutritional val-ue. Methods. Freshwater fish originated from the Danube River in the Belgrade Region, while seawater fish were mostly from the Adriatic Sea. A gas chromatography method was used to define fatty acids in 40 fish samples after lipid extraction. Cost-minimization analysis was conducted to assess the economic util-ity. Results. Seawater fish had a significantly higher value of flash lipid quality compared to the freshwater fish (p < 0.05). Value of hypercholesterolaemic fatty acids (OFA) for the freshwater group was 18.70 (17.40ā€’21.30) while the seawater group had a similar range of values 18.90 (17.55ā€’22.75). Hypocholesterol-aemic fatty acids (DFA) also showed similar ranges for both groups: 68.80 (66ā€’70.20) for freshwater and 68.40 (64.85ā€’73.05) for seawater group. The ratio of DHA/EPA ranged from 1.8 for sardine samples and up to 10 for tuna samples, indicating that the amount of DHA in natural samples exceeds the amount of EPA in many cases. The values of ath-erogenic (AI) and thrombogenic index (TI) were lower than 1 for all analysed samples. Conclusion. Sardine and mackerel had the highest content of n-3 LC-PUFA and presented the least expensive sources of EPA and DHA. The low values of AI and TI obtained from studied fish indicate its benefits from a health point of view.Uvod/Cilj. Unos n-3 polinezasićenih masnih kiselina (PMK) je od velike važnosti u prevenciji i tretmanu različitih oboljen-ja. Generalno posmatrajući, prosečan unos n-3 PMK je obično značajno niži od utvrđenih preporuka. Lipidi riba sadrže masne kiseline n-3 serije od kojih su najvažnije ei-kozapentaenska (20:5 n-3, EPA) i dokozaheksaenska (20:6 n-3, DHA) masna kiselina. Cilj ove studije bio je odrediti i uporediti lipidni profil i lipidne indekse u 10 različitih vrsta riba dostupnih na tržiÅ”tu Srbije. Takođe, određen je odnos cene i nutritivne vrednosti odabranih vrsta. Metode. Ispiti-vane su rečne ribe Dunava iz Beogradskog regiona, dok su morske ribe uglavnom vodile poreklo iz Jadranskog mora. Gasna hromatografija sa jonskim detektorom je koriŔćena za određivanje masnih kiselina u 40 uzoraka nakon lipidne ekstrakcije. Cost-minimization analiza je koriŔćena za procenu ekonomske koristi. Rezultati. Morske ribe su imale značajno veće vrednosti za parametar flash lipid quality u odnosu na rečne ribe (p < 0,05). Vrednosti hiperholesterolemijskih mas-nih kiselina za grupu rečnih riba [18,70 (17,40ā€’21,30)] bile su slične vrednostima dobijenim za morske ribe [18,90 (17,55ā€’22,75)]. Hipoholesterolemijske masne kiseline su takođe pokazale sličan raspon vrednosti za rečne [68.80 (66ā€“70.20)] i morske ribe [68.40 (64.85ā€“73.05)]. Odnos DHA/EPA kretao se od 1,8 za uzorke sardine, do 10 za uzorke tune, Å”to potvrđuje činjenicu da DHA prevazilazi vrednosti za EPA u svim ispitivanim uzorcima. Vrednosti za aterogeni i trombogeni indeks su bile niže od 1 za sve ana-lizirane uzorke. Zaključak. Sardine i skuÅ”a su imale najveći sadržaj n-3 PMK i predstavljale su najekonomičniji izvor EPA i DHA. Niske vrednosti za aterogeni i trombogeni in-deks ukazuju na potencijalno povoljan zdravstveni efekat ispitivanih vrsta

    Efekti uslova čuvanja na nutritivne karakteristike sojinog zrna i sojinih proizvoda

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    There are many reasons causing changes of chemical properties of both, fresh soya bean grain and soya bean products during storage. Fresh soya bean grain, stored upon harvest, should be considered as a living system in which numerous physiological processes continuously occur all the way to death causing different biochemical changes, the gradual loss of viability, as well as, the decrease of nutritive quality. Due to disturbance of natural forms of nutritive constituents of soya bean grain under impacts of temperatures during technological treatments of processing, biochemical processes in soya bean products can be more intensive during storage and can result in even more significant deterioration of nutritive quality, but also in the formation of compounds with a beneficial, antioxidative function. This study presents results of biochemical changes occurring in fresh soya bean grain and soya bean products stored at the temperature of 20oC for five months.Brojni su razlozi koji dovode do promena hemijskih karakteristika kako sirovog sojinog zrna tako i sojinih proizvoda tokom čuvanja. Sirovo sojino zrno, koje se čuva nakon žetve, treba posmatrati kao živ sistem u kome se neprekidno, sve do smrti, odigravaju brojni fizioloŔki procesi koji prouzrokuju različite biohemijske promene, postepen gubitak životne sposobnosti, kao i smanjenje nutritivog kvaliteta. Usled naruŔavanja prirodnih formi nutritivnih konstituenata sojinog zrna pod uticajem temperature tokom tehnoloŔkih tretmana prerade, biohemijski procesi u sojinim proizvodima tokom čuvanja mogu biti joŔ intenzivniji i dovesti do joŔ značajnijeg pogorŔanja nutritivnog kvaliteta ali, recimo, i do formiranja jedinjenja sa korisnom, antioksidativnom funkcijom. U ovim radu prikazani su rezultati biohemijskih promene nastalih nakon čuvanja pet meseci na temperaturi od 20oC sirovog sojinog zrna i sojinih proizvoda

    Rezidualni sumpor-dioksid u uzorcima suvog voća sa beogradskog tržiÅ”ta

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    Sulphiting agents have been used in food production for centuries. Sulphites are added to food as antimicrobial, antibrowning agents or antioxidants. Their use became an issue of concern when certain sensitive individuals exhibited adverse reactions to sulphite residues in foods. Sulphites also exert a number of different anti-nutritive effects. Like other ingredients, sulfites must be declared in the ingredient statement. Among all sulphite-containing foods, the highest contributors to the dietary intake are dried fruits and wine. The aim of this work was to determine residual levels of total sulphur dioxide in dried fruit samples in order to examine the risk of exceeding the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) for sulphites by consuming this type of food. The other scope of the study was to investigate compliance with food labeling in order to insure consumer protection. The determination was performed on all samples by colorimetric para-rosaniline method, according to the official method of analysis of AOAC 963.20 (AOAC 2002).Twelve different samples of dried fruit were analyzed. Results showed that dried fruit is very rich source of sulphites. The range of residual sulphur-dioxide was very large, from nondetectable levels (in three samples) to 1847.3 mgSO2/kg. In ten of twelve samples SO2 levels were under national Maximum Permitted Level (MPL). SO2 content was above MPL in dried bananas sample and dried sweet coconut. Just eight of twelve fruit samples had label declarations of sulfite content but the determined levels of sulfites were significantly above the declared levels.Sulfiti se u različitim hemijskim formama koriste vekovima kao aditivi u proizvodnji hrane. Oni imaju antimikrobno delovanje, koriste se za sprečavanje enzimskog i neenzimskog tamnjenja namirnica i kao antioksidansi. Mogu se javiti i kao prirodni sastojci namirnica. Primenu sulfita kao aditiva ograničava činjenica da konzumiranje hrane koja sadrži sulfite kod određenog broja astmatičara dovodi do pogorÅ”anja simptoma. Veliki broj namirnica sadrži sulfite, ali se smatra da najveći doprinos dnevnom unosu daju vino i suvo voće. Cilj ovog rada je određivanje rezidualnog sumpor-dioksida u uzorcima suvog voća sa beogradskog tržiÅ”ta. Određivanje je urađeno oficijelnom kolorimetrijskom metodom sa p-rozanilin hidrohloridom AOAC 963.20 (AOAC 2002). Rezultati su pokazali da je suvo voće značajan izvor sulfita i nivo rezidualnog sulfita se kretao od nedektibilnih vrednosti do 1847.3 mg SO2/kg. U dva od analiziranih dvanaest uzoraka, nivo rezidualnog sumpor-dioksida prevazilazio je propisane MDK vrednosti za ove vrste uzoraka. Osam uzoraka suvog voća je imalo deklarisan sadržaj SO2 ali su nadene vrednosti bile znatno veće od deklarisanih. S obzirom na redovnu upotrebu sulfita u proizvodnji suvog voća, može se zaključiti da je neophodno da proizvođači hrane, posebno prerađevina od voća, imaju razvijen sistem kontrole nivoa sulfita u proizvodima koji ce se naći na tržiÅ”tu kao i obavezu da u saglasnosti sa važećim propisima, prisustvo sulfita bude deklarisano

    Funkcionalna hrana - uloga u unapređenju zdravlja

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    Functional foods are foods that may provide a health benefit beyond basic nutrition. Numerous scientifically proven pieces of evidence in many epidemiological studies indicate that nutrition abundant in certain foods (e.g. fruits and vegetables) is directly correlated with a decreased risk of degenerative diseases. Biologically active compounds in functional foods may impart health benefits or desirable physiological effects. Functional attributes of many traditional foods are being discovered, while new food products are being developed with beneficial components. These results are closely related to nutrition's potentials in preventing chronic diseases. Based on these facts the concept of functional foods has been developed. Rigorous scientific investigation has to confirm the positive physiological effects of these compounds upon health. Labeling claims that are used on functional foods are of two types: (1) structure and function claims, which describe effects on normal functioning of the body, but not claims that the food can treat, diagnose, prevent, or cure a disease (claims such as 'promotes regularity', 'helps maintain cardiovascular health', and 'supports the immune system' fit into this category); and (2) disease risk reduction claims, which imply a relationship between dietary components and a disease or health condition. Structure and function claims do not require preapproval by the FDA, and they require much less stringent scientific consensus than disease-risk reduction claims. Many biologically active compounds are unstable during treatments and storage. They undergo many common chemical reactions such as oxidation, hydrolysis, thermal degradation and Maillard reaction, contributing to the lowering of bioavailability. Anyhow, beneficial effect of bioactive compounds depends directly on the applied treatment in the production of foods.Funkcionalna hrana je hrana koja ima povoljan uticaj na ljudsko zdravlje mimo uobičajenih nutritivnih funkcija. BioloÅ”ki aktivna jedinjenja su nosioci povoljnog dejstva funkcionalne hrane. Brojni naučni dokazi govore u prilog tome da je ishrana bogata pojedinim namirnicama (kao Å”to su to na primer voće i povrće) direktno u vezi sa smanjenim rizikom od hroničnih, nezaraznih bolesti, tako da se na tim saznanjima razvio koncept funkcionalne hrane. Otkrivaju se funkcionalne osobine tradicionalnih namirnica, ali se dizajniraju i nove funkcionalne namirnice. Uobičajene izjave koje prate tu vrstu namirnica mogu se svrstati u dve kategorije: (1) izjave o odnosu strukture i funkcije (engl. Structure and function claims) moraju da budu istinite i da ne dovode u zabludu potroÅ”ača. Te izjave ne moraju da budu odobrene od strane FDA; (2) zdravstvene izjave (engl. Health claims ili disease-specific claims) moraju da budu autorizovane od strane FDA i da poseduju značajnu naučnu potvrdu (Hillovi kriterijumi). Neophodno je rangiranje dokaza različitih tipova studija koje podržavaju zdravstvenu izjavu. Veliki broj bioloÅ”ki aktivnih jedinjenja su nestabilna tokom tretmana i čuvanja. Ona podležu mnogobrojnim hemijskim reakcijama, kao Å”to su to oksidacija, hidroliza, termička degradacija i Maillardova reakcija, Å”to rezultira smanjenjem bioiskoristljivosti. Povoljan efekat bioloÅ”ki aktivnih jedinjenja direktno zavisi od primenjenog tretmana

    Zdravstveni efekti mleka i mlečnih proizvoda - istine i zablude

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    Milk product consumption has been associated with overall diet quality and adequacy of intake of many nutrients. The intake of milk products is especially important during childhood and adolescence. The effects of milk on populationā€™s health have been questioned in the second half of the 20th century. The main concerned points were cholesterol and saturated fatty acid presence in milk products, and their negative influence on blood pressure and risk of coronary disease. In last fifty years a large pool of controversial results has been collected and milk health effects were heavily debated. There is evidence that milk consumption has fallen over the last 20 years. Recent studies, however, have suggested that milk consumption may have a great role in prevention of metabolic syndrome risk, bone health, some vascular diseases, and no results were obtained in support of the hypothesis that milk consumption increases the risk of some cancers. Several effects of milk consumption, especially on body weight and weight loss, require further research. American Dietary Guidelines for healthy eating, recognizing the need for reversing current trend of decreased milk consumption, increased in 2005. recommendation for milk consumption from 2 to 3 cups per day of fat-free or low-fat milk or equivalent milk products, recognizing the nutritional benefits of milk and milk products.Mleko je od davnina bilo cenjeno kao namirnica velikog nutritivnog značaja posebno zbog visokog sadržaja punovrednih proteina i kalcijuma. Međutim pedesetih godina proÅ”log veka, nakon otkrivanja veze ishrane i nekih hroničnih degenerativnih oboljenja, posebno unosa holesterola i zasićenih masti sa rizikom od kardiovaskularnih oboljenja, mleko i mlečni proizvodi su na sebe skrenuli negativnu pažnju javnosti. Osamdesetih godina proÅ”log veka pojavili su se i prvi radovi koji su konzumiraje mleka i mlečnih proizvoda povezali sa povećanim rizikom od kardiovaskularnih oboljenja, a devedesetih sa povećanim rizikom od nekih vrsta kancera. Pregled rezultata deset najvećih kohort studija pokazuju da konzumiranje mleka čak smanjuje rizik od nekih srčanih oboljenja, a slični su rezultati dobijeni pri nedavnom ispitivanju povezanosti mleka sa rizikom od metaboličkog sindroma. Evaluacija najvećih istraživanja povezanosti konzumiranja mleka i raznih tipova kancera ne podržava hipotezu o mleku kao faktoru rizika

    Fibre and polyphenols of selected fruits, nuts and green leafy vegetables used in Serbian diet

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    Fruits and vegetables are known as good sources of numerous bioactive compounds among which polyphenols and dietary fibre are considered essential because of their protective health effects. The aim of this study was to characterize the quality of selected plant foods of Serbia regarding the amount of total phenols, fibres and ratio of certain fractions of fibre. Fifteen samples of plant foods (green leafy vegetables, fruits and nuts) were evaluated for their total antioxidant activity, total phenolic content, total, soluble and insoluble fibre and fractions of fibre: beta-glucans, arabinoxylan, cellulose and resistant starch. Generally, nuts were the richest sources of fibre and total phenols. However, when serving size was taken into consideration, it appeared that raspberry and blackberry were the richest in total, soluble fibre and cellulose. Furthermore, almonds and hazelnuts were particularly rich in insoluble fibre, while walnuts had the highest polyphenol content. The analyzed plant foods were poor sources of arabinoxylan and beta-glucan. Data on the presence of resistant starch in cashew nut was the first confirmation that resistant starch could be found in significant amount in some nuts. The results give rare insight into the quality of selected plant foods regarding dietary fibre and polyphenols from the nutritive point of view

    Suplementacija u ishrani svinja u brojlera kao način proizvodnje mesa obogaćenog selenom

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    Serbia is a selenium (Se) deficient area. In the food chain animals accumulate Se in tissues, thus meat is a good source of this microelement. The aim of the research is to study the effects of different forms and doses of dietary Se in pigs and broilers on muscle and liver tissue Se concentrations, as well as to assess the possibility of using selenized meat as a Se source in the Belgrade area. Pigs (24) were randomly assigned in 4 groups: control and groups supplemented with Na-selenite: 0.10, 0.30 mgSe/kg feed and selenized yeast 0.30 mgSe/kg. Chicks (42) were assigned in 7 groups supplemented with 0.05, 0.10 and 0.30 mgSe/kg feed as Na-selenite or selenized yeast. Se content in muscle and liver samples was determined by AAS. Serum Se content in 54 healthy adult subjects (13 from Barajevo and 41 from inner city area) was determined by AAS. In all supplemented broilers Se-yeast was more effective in raising muscle Se content than Na-selenite. The most efficient increase in tissue Se content in pigs was obtained with 0.30 mg Se/kg feed supplemented as Se-yeast. Plasma Se levels in man were low, being significantly lower in subjects from Barajevo compared with the inner city residents (p lt 0.05). The use of Se-enriched pork and poultry meat in quantities according to dietary habits would have beneficial health effects specially in Se deficient rural areas where home grown feedstuffs are commonly used.Teritorija Srbije je region sa deficitom selena (Se). U stanovniÅ”tvu su nivoi Se u serumu niski. Posmatrano kroz lanac ishrane, životinje akumuliraju Se u tkivima, tako da meso u ishrani predstavlja značajan izvor ovog mikroelementa. Cilj istraživanja je ispitivanje efekta različitih oblika i količina Se u ishrani svinja i brojlera na koncentraciju selena u jestivom mesu i jetri, kao i procena mogućnosti upotrebe takvog mesa u ishrani na teritorije Beograda. Uzorak od 24 svinje je podeljen u 4 grupe: kontrolnu i grupe kojima je doda-van Na-selenit u količini od 0,1 i 0,3 mg Se/kg hrane i 0,3 mg Se/kg hrane u obliku Se-kvasca. Ukupno 42 jednodnevnih pilića podeljeni su u 7 grupa: kontrolnu i grupe kojima je dodavano 0,05, 0,10 i 0,30 mg Se/kg Na-selenita ili Se-kvasca, tokom tova. Iz uzoraka miÅ”ica i jetre određivan je Se metodom atomske apsorpcione spektrofotometrije (AAS). Nivo Se u serumu određivan je AAS iz uzoraka krvi 54 zdravih odraslih ispitanika: 13 iz Barajeva i 41 iz centra Beograda. Se-kvasac je u svim dozama efikasniji u odnosu na Na-selenit u podizanju nivoa Se u miÅ”ićnom tkivu brojlera. Takođe se najefikasnije podizanje sadržaja Se u jetri i miÅ”ićima svinja postiže Se-kvascem u količini 0,3 mg Se/kg hrane. Nivoi selena u plazmi ispitanika su niski i značajno su niži kod ispitanika iz Barajeva u odnosu na ispitanike iz centra grada (p lt 0,01). KoriŔćenje svinjskog i pilećeg mesa obogaćenog selenom, u količinama uobičajenim domaćim dijetetskim navikama, omogućila bi pozitivne zdravstvene efekte u populaciji, značajne za ruralne regije sa deficitom Se gde se koriste pretežno prehrambeni proizvodi iz sopstvene proizvodnje
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