387 research outputs found

    Archery by the Apaches – implications of using the bow and arrow in hunter-gatherer communities

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    This review focuses on the technical and social details of production, training, and use of archery equipment by a Native American tribe, the Apaches. The study aims to understand the use of the bow in the Mesolithic and Early and Middle Neolithic societies of the Old World. The paper further describes arrow ballistics. An arrow and bow with similar dimensions and materials to those used by the Apaches was reconstructed and used in ballistic experiments. Shooting and the subsequent model calculation showed that the effective range of arrows made of reed and projected by a bow of medium strength (16–18kg) was not more than approx. 20m. Due to the initial flat part of the ballistic trajectory, such arrows were quite efficient in close-range contests. Within the model calculation, a regression procedure was introduced to determine the arrow air-drag parameters from an ensemble of shots.Članek podaja pregled o tehničnih in socioloških podrobnostih pri izdelavi, treningu in rabi lokostrelske opreme pri ameriškem domorodnem plemenu Apačev. Študija je namenjena razumevanju rabe loka in puščic v mezolitskih ter zgodnje in srednje neolitskih kulturah Starega sveta. Drugi del študije se ukvarja z balistiko puščice. Predmet balističnih preizkusov sta bila puščica in lok podobnih dimenzij in materialov, kot so jih uporabljali Apači. Streljanje in modelsko računanje sta pokazala, da uporabni doseg puščice, izdelane iz trstike in izstreljene z loka srednje moči (16–18 kg), ni večji od približno 20 metrov. Ker je balistična krivulja take puščice v prvem delu leta zelo položna, so bile puščice izredno učinkovite na kratko razdaljo. V modelskem računu smo uvedli nov postopek za določanje parametrov zračnega upora iz skupine strelov

    Magnetite and Maghemite as Gold-Supports for Catalyzed CO Oxidation at Low Temperature

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    A supported gold catalyst was prepared by the deposition-precipitation method from an aqueous solution of HAuCl4 ⋅ 3H2O on synthesized Fe3O4. Calcination at different temperatures caused transformations of Fe3O4 to γ-Fe2O3 and α-Fe2O3. CO oxidations over Au/Fe3O4 and Au/γ-Fe2O3 were superior compared to Au/α-Fe2O3


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    U pjesmi "U raznoglasju djevojačkog kora..." ("V raznogolosice devičeskogo hora...", 1916.) Osip Emiljevič Mandeljštam (1891. – 1939.), "najmlađi i najsvojeglaviji" akmeist (R. Lauer), u kremaljskim crkvama zapaža njihov talijanski karakter. Tako moskovska katedralna crkva Uzašašća, Uspenski sabor (rus. Uspenskij sobor), nazvana "nježnom" ("Uspen\u27e nežnoe"), u njegovoj vizuri postaje i dio Italije, grada-rodnog mjesta renesanse, toskanskoga grada u kojem je živio i Dante. Upravo je Dante – nimalo slučajno – ruskom pjesniku bio "izvorište iz kojeg je potekla cijela europska poezija", kao što mu je i Sredozemlje bilo "sveta zemlja", kako svjedoči u autobiografiji Mandeljštamova žena Nadežda, njegova tiha suradnica i suputnica iz doba najgorih staljinističkih progona.В стихотворении В разноголосицe девического хора ... (1916) "самый младший и самый упрямый" акмеист (Р. Лауэр) О. Э. Мандельштам (1891-1939) в кремлёвских соборах усматривает их итальянский характер. Так, "Успенье нежное" – Успенский собор Московского Кремля, главный храм Московского государства – для поэта становится частью Италии, частью тосканского города-родины Возрождения, в котором жил и Данте. Мандельштам не случайно выбрал Данте, для Осипа Эмильевича Данте – "источник, от которого пошла вся европейская поэзия", так в своей автобиографии свидетельствует супруга Мандельштама Надежда Яковлевна, его тихая сотрудница и спутница в эпоху страшнейших сталинских репрессий

    Analize poznoantičnega stekla s Tonovcovega gradu pri Kobaridu v arheološkem kontekstu

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    Archaeometric analyses were performed on glass vessels, beads and window glass from the late antique fortified hilltop settlement of Tonovcov grad near Kobarid in western Slovenia. Most of the analysed material belongs to the late Roman (4th–early 5th c. AD) and late antique (late 5th–early 7th c. AD) settlement phases of the settlement. The results showed that the majority of the 43 analysed samples were made of the Levantine I glass mass of Syro-Palestinian origin while a few were made using raw glass of different provenance. Despite the generally very autarkic character of late antique hilltop settlements, the results of the glass analyses indicate that at least, in some ways, they were well integrated into the Mediterranean trade routes.Z arheometričnimi metodami smo analizirali steklene posode, jagode in okensko steklo iz poznoantične utrjene višinske naselbine Tonovcov grad pri Kobaridu v zahodni Sloveniji. Večina analiziranega gradiva pripada poznorimski (od 4. do zgodnjega 5. st.) in poznoantični (od poznega 5. do zgodnjega 7. st.) fazi naselbine. Rezultati so pokazali, da je bila večina od 43 analiziranih vzorcev narejena iz steklene mase Levantine I, ki izvira iz sirsko-palestinskega prostora, nekaj pa jih je bilo narejenih iz stekla drugega izvora. Kljub načeloma zelo avtarkičnemu značaju poznoantičnih višinskih naselbin analize stekla nakazujejo, da so bile vsaj deloma dobro vključene v sredozemske tržne poti

    Bronhoskopija i bronhoalveolarna lavaža u pasa i mačaka

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    Diseases of the respiratory tract are widespread in small animal practice. Bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar lavage are valuable diagnostic techniques that allow visualisation of the lumen and mucosa of a large part of the airway, and enable sampling. The decision on the sampling method depends on the patient’s assessment and imaging. Bronchoalveolar lavage is a safe and simple procedure indicated for diffuse diseases of the bronchi, pulmonary interstitium or alveoli. It is performed by infusion of 0.9% saline solution into the selected regional bronchus through the working channel of a bronchoscope or as a “blind technique” and removed as quickly as possible. The samples obtained by bronchoalveolar lavage are suitable for cytology, bacteriology and fungal cultures or other diagnostic tests such as PCR or specific antigen tests. Bronchoscopy requires appropriate and expensive equipment, in addition to specialised training and experience of the physician performing the procedure. This review article provides an overview of the technique, equipment, most common indications, complications and interpretation of the results of bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar lavage in dogs and cats.Bolesti dišnih prohoda vrlo su česte u pasa i mačaka. Bronhoskopija i bronhoalveolarna lavaža korisne su dijagnostičke metode koje omogućuju vizualizaciju lumena i sluznice velikog dijela dišnog prohoda te uzimanje uzorka. Odluka o metodi uzorkovanja ovisi o procjeni stanja pacijenta i provedenoj slikovnoj dijagnostici. Bronhoalveolarna lavaža je siguran i jednostavan postupak indiciran u dijagnostici difuznih bolesti bronha, plućnog intersticija ili alveola; izvodi se aplikacijom 0,9 % fiziološke otopine u odabrani regionalni bronh kroz radni kanal bronhoskopa ili kao „slijepa tehnika“, potom se tekućina što je moguće brže uzorkuje. Uzorci dobiveni bronhoalveolarnom lavažom prikladni su za citološku pretragu, bakteriološku i mikološku pretragu ili druge dijagnostičke testove kao što su PCR ili specifični antigenski testovi. Bronhoskopija zahtijeva odgovarajuću opremu te specijaliziranu obuku i iskustvo veterinara koji izvodi zahvat. U ovom preglednom članku iznesen je prikaz osnovne tehnike, opreme, najčešćih indikacija, komplikacija i tumačenja rezultata bronhoskopije i bronhoalveolarne lavaže u pasa i mačaka

    Sledovi metalurške dejavnosti na keramičnih fragmentih

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    Fragments of two clay objects, supposedly used in early metallurgy, were examined by the method of X-ray fluoroscence and proton-inducted X-ray emission. The inner surface of one object was enriched in copper iron, sulphur, and traces of arsenic. According to these elements, the object may be related to the copper metallurgy based on sulphide ores.Kose dveh keramičnih predmetov, ki so jih domnevno uporabljali v zgodnji metalurgiji, smo pregledali z metodama rentgenske fluorescence in protonsko vzbujenih rentgenskih žarkov. Na notranji površini enega od predmetov smo našli povečane koncentracije bakra, železa, žvepla in sledove arzena. Ti elementi kažejo, da lahko predmet povežemo z metalurgijo bakra iz sulfidnih rud


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    The aim of this study was to determine the presence and nature of organic micropollutants in river overbank and floodplain sediments from the border between Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina following the catastrophic 2014 flood. The study involved ten sediment samples from the Sava and Bosna river floodplain. The volatile aromatic compounds, i.e. benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX), together with alkanes (the linear straight-chain alkanes and the branched alkanes, C10-C28) were determined by GC-MS method. Their estimated amounts were from <0.054 to 3.886 mg/kg, and from 10 to 406 mg/kg, respectively. Hereby, they were below allowed concentration limits for total hydrocarbons in agricultural soil of lighter texture (sandy/loam soil) which is 1000 mg/kg, whilst for heavier clayey soils the limit is 2000 mg/kg. However, their presence in itself in the investigated sediment indicates oil spill problems, whilst their possible sources might be local oil refining industries located in the local cities of Brod and Modriča in Bosnia and Herzegovina.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi prisutnost i prirodu organskih mikroonečišćenja u poplavnom riječnom sedimentu s manjeg područja uz granicu između Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine neposredno nakon katastrofalne poplave u proljeće 2014. Istraživanje je obavljeno na deset uzoraka poplavnog sedimenta rijeka Save i Bosne. Hlapivi aromatski spojevi, tj. benzen, toluen, etilbenzen, i ksilen (BTEX), te alkani (ravnolančani i razgranati od C10 do C28) određeni su pomoću GC-MS metode. Unatoč tome što su njihove procijenjene vrijednosti bile ispod dopuštenih koncentracija, potrebno je uzeti u obzir učinak njihova razrjeđenja u uvjetima goleme količine vode. Budući da te tvari ukazuju na problem izlijevanja mineralnih ulja, mogući izvori mikroorganskih onečišćenja zabilježenih u sedimentu vjerojatno su rafinerije nafte u gradovima Brod i Modriča u sjeverozapadnom dijelu Bosne i Hercegovine

    Results of hydrothermal treatment of the amorphous phases obtained by ball milling of zeolites A, X and synthetic mordenite

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    High-energy ball milling of zeolites A, X and synthetic mordenite for an appropriate time results in the formation of true amorphous aluminosilicate phases having the same chemical composition as the starting (unmilled) crystalline materials (zeolites). Since the solubility of thus prepared amorphous solids in hot alkaline solutions is considerably higher than the solubility of the starting zeolites under the same conditions, it can be expected that hydrothermal treatment of the amorphous solids would result in their transformation to more stable phases by solution-mediated processes. To evaluate this thesis, the X-ray amorphous solid phases obtained by high-energy ball milling of zeolites A, X and synthetic mordenite were hydrothermally treated at 80 degreesC by 2 M and 4 M NaOH solution, respectively, for 4 h. The products obtained (zeolites A, P and hydroxysodalite) were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction and particle size distribution measurements. It was concluded that the nuclei for zeolite crystallization originate from the residual nano-sized quasicrystalline particles (short-range ordering of Si and Al atoms inside amorphous regions that have not been completely destroyed during milling). Type(s) of the zeolite(s) (zeolite A, zeolite Pa) crystallized by the growth of the nuclei under the given conditions are determined by the chemical composition of the liquid phase (concentrations of Si and Al), and by the chemical composition of the precursor (determined by the type of mechanochemically amorphized zeolite) and the alkalinity of the system (NaOH concentration in the liquid phase), respectively. The results obtained are in agreement with the thermodynamic stabilities of the zeolite types that may be crystallized under the given conditions and at relative rates of crystallization