45 research outputs found

    Preparation and properties of self-reinforcing composite elastomeric fibers

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    Dobijanje in situ ojačanih kompozitnih vlakana od smeÅ”e dva delimično meÅ”ljiva polimera zasniva se na mikrofibrilizaciji jedne polimerne komponente u drugoj tokom ispredanja vlakana. U ovom radu odabran je sistem poliuretan-elastomer sa Biopolom kao ojačavajućom komponentom. Oba polimera se odlikuju sličnom temperaturom prerade i dobrom međusobnom meÅ”ljivoŔću. Bikomponentna elastomerna vlakna (sa 5%, 10% i 15% Biopola) su dobijena ispredanjem iz rastopa. Ispitivanjem morfoloÅ”kih karakteristika polaznih smeÅ”a i vlakana ustanovljeno je da dispergovana Biopol komponenta u toku ispredanja prelazi u formu mikrofibrila. Dobijena kompozitna vlakna ispoljavaju značajno povećanje prekidne jačine i pri najmanjim koncentracijama Biopola u odnosu na jednokomponentna poliuretanska vlakna. Yungov modul pri manjim koncentracijama Biopola ne raste značajnije Å”to ima za posledicu očuvanje mekoće kompozitnih vlakana.The in situ preparation of reinforced composite fibers from a blend of two partially miscible polymers is based on the microfibrillation of one polymer component within the other one during fiber spinning. The subject of this study was the system polyurethane-elastomer with Biopol as the reinforcing component. Both polymers are characterized by similar processing temperatures and good compatibility. Biocomponent elastomeric fibers (with 5%, 10% and 15% Biopol) were obtained by spinning from the melt. Study of the morphological characteristics of the initial blends and fibers indicated that dispersed Biopol component turns into microfibril form during fiber processing. Composite fibers obtained in this way show a significant increase of stress at break even for lowest Biopol concentrations, with respect to pure polyurethane-elastomer fibers. Young's modulus shows no significant increase for lower Biopol concentrations, which results in preserving the softness of the composite fibers


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    Alternativno reÅ”evanje sporov (ARS) je nesodno reÅ”evanje sporov, ki je znano in se uporablja v Evropi in svetu. V nekaterih državah, kjer imajo na tem področju dolgo tradicijo, so postopki ARS del vsakdanjika, v drugih se postopki Å”ele razvijajo in pridobivajo na veljavi. Sporom se ne bo možno nikoli povsem izogniti, zaradi česar so postopki ARS toliko bolj pomembni, saj je znano, da je večino sporov možno reÅ”iti tudi brez posredovanja sodiŔča. Pri mediaciji gre za izvensodni proces, v katerem stranke prostovoljno s pomočjo nevtralne tretje osebe (mediatorja) skuÅ”ajo doseči mirno reÅ”itev spora, ki izvira iz ali je v zvezi s pogodbenim ali drugim pravnim razmerjem. Je neformalen, neobvezujoč, zaupen in strukturiran postopek, v katerem mediator strankam z dogovarjanji, pogajanji ter posebnimi mediacijskimi tehnikami pomaga pri iskanju sporazumne reÅ”itve nastalega spora. Mediacija je v Sloveniji kot temeljni alternativni način reÅ”evanja sporov relativno nov institut, medtem ko je v angleÅ”kem sistemu mediacija oziroma konciliacija že dolgo uveljavljen in cenjen način reÅ”evanja sporov ā€“ predvsem delovnih. S sprejetjem Zakona o mediaciji v civilnih in gospodarskih zadevah in kasneje Å”e Zakona o alternativnem reÅ”evanju sodnih sporov je bil v Sloveniji položen temelj alternativnemu reÅ”evanju sporov, saj je ZARSS mediacijo uvedel kot redno poslovno funkcijo sodiŔč prve in druge stopnje. V prvem delu so predstavljene temeljne razlike med alternativnim reÅ”evanjem sporov in sodnim odločanjem ter zakonska ureditev instituta mediacije. V drugem delu so podrobneje predstavljene prednosti mediacijskega postopka ter prednosti, ki jih ima ureditev postopka mediacije v delovnih sporih pri delodajalcih, kateri bi v kolektivno pogodbo vnesli določbe, iz katerih bi izhajalo, da se v primeru nastalega spora med delavcem in delodajalcem le-ta prvotno poskuÅ”a reÅ”iti na miren način s pomočjo mediacije. Vodilo magistrske naloge je ugotavljanje razÅ”irjenosti ter uspeÅ”nosti mediacije pred in po sprejetju ZARSS, kakor tudi njena učinkovitost napram rednemu sodnemu postopku, katera je bila merjena v porabi časa, ki je potreben za reÅ”itev posamezne zadeve. Prav tako je bilo proučeno in raziskano razmerje stroÅ”kov pri postopku mediacjie (kjer se ne uporablja načelo uspeha postopka, temveč se običajno uporablja načelo delitve stroÅ”kov) napram sodnim stroÅ”kom. Tako kot porabljeni čas, ima tudi viÅ”ina stroÅ”kov zelo pomemben vpliv na učinkovitost posameznega postopka. Ker imajo postopki ARS zelo dolgo tradicijo v Angliji, sem v tretjem delu proučil ter primerjal njihovo ureditev z ureditvijo postopkov ARS pri nas, iz katere je razvidna prednost angleÅ”kega sistema predvsem zaradi dolgoletne tradicije reÅ”evanja delovnih sporov pri instituciji ACAS (Advisory Concilation and Arbitration Service). ACAS s svojim prizadevanjem, kakovostnim delom, izobraževanji in predvsem s stalno informiranostjo delavcev in delodajalcev o možnih načinih reÅ”evanja njihovih sporov pripomore k temu, da se večina nastalih sporov reÅ”i z njihovo pomočjo. Različen pravni sistem ter kulturne razlike so razlogi, zaradi katerih imata Slovenija in Anglija tako različen razvoj mediacije. Vendar je Slovenija s sprejetjem temeljnih zakonov, ki urejajo postopke ARS (mediacijo), na dobri poti, da se le-ta v prihodnosti uveljavi tudi pri nas. V zaključku magistrske naloge pa sem navedel predloge, ki bi morebiti pripomogli, da bi se postopki ARS (mediacija) v prihodnosti pri nas Å”e bolje uveljavili in bi tako ljudje spoznali, da so ti postopki napram sodnim učinkovitejÅ”i, manj stresni, cenovno ugodnejÅ”i, in kar je najpomembnejÅ”e, da uspeÅ”no zaključena mediacija pri delovnih sporih hkrati pomeni tudi obnovitev zaupanja med strankama, ki omogoča nadaljnjo medsebojno sodelovanje, katero po končanem sodnem postopku v večini primerov ni možno.Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is a non-judicial dispute resolution which is being used in Europe and worldwide. In some countries with a long tradition of ADR its procedures are part of everyday life, while in others those procedures are still developing and gaining validity. Disputes will never be completely avoidable making ADR procedures all the more important, because it is a fact that most disputes could be resolved without the intervention of the court. Mediation is a non-judicial process where parties are, with the help of a neutral third party (mediator), voluntarily trying to reach a peaceful settlement of the dispute arising from or being in connection with a contractual or any other legal relationship. It is an informal, non-binding, confidential and structured process in which the mediator helps parties with conciliation, negotiation and specific mediation techniques while seeking consensual solutions for the dispute. Mediation, as a fundamental alternative of dispute resolution, is a relatively new institution in Slovenia while the English mediation system or conciliation has a long-established and respected way of resolving disputes - mostly in the field of labor. By adopting Act on mediation in civil and commercial matters (ZMCGZ), and later Act on alternative resolving of disputes in court (ZARSS) the foundation for alternative dispute resolution has been laid as ZARSS introduced mediation as a regular business function in first and second degree courts of law. Fundamental differences between alternative dispute resolving and judicial decision-making as well as the legal regulation of the institute of mediation are presented in the first part. The second part introduces in detail the advantages of the mediation process as well as benefits of that process in labor disputes with employers who may enter a provision into a collective agreement which would result in potential disputes between workers and employers being initially resolved peacefully through mediation. The premise of this thesis is to establish the prevalence and effectiveness of mediation before and after the adoption of ZARSS as well as its effectiveness in comparison to regular court procedures measured by the time needed to resolve particular issues. The ratio of costs occurring in the mediation process (which does not apply the principle of the proceedingā€™s success but rather commonly uses the cost sharing principle) in comparison to legal costs has also been examined and studied. Like the time spent, the amount of the costs also has a significant influence on the effectiveness of the procedure. Because ADR procedures have a long tradition in England, I have examined and compared it to the regulations of ADR procedures in Slovenia in the third section of this thesis, where the apparent advantage of the English system, mainly due to their long tradition of resolving labor disputes at ACAS (Advisory Concilation and Arbitration Service) can be observed. With its efforts, quality of work, education and, especially, with permanent knowledge provided to both workers and employers about possible ways of resolving their disputes, ACAS contributes to resolving disputes with their assistance. Different legal systems and cultural differences are the reason of Sloveniaā€™s and Englandā€™s diverse development of mediation. However, by adopting the fundamental laws governing the operations of ADR (mediation), Slovenia is on the right path for its recognition in the near future. The conclusion of the thesis includes my suggestions which could possibly contribute to greater recognition of ADR processes (mediation) in the future with people realizing that these procedures are more efficient, less stressful and cheaper compared to judicial ones, and most importantly, that a successfully completed mediation in labor disputes also means restoring trust between the parties and enables further mutual cooperation which, after judicial proceedings, in most cases becomes impossible

    Svetski trendovi u proizvodnji i primeni vlakana

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    The paper gives an overview of the current state in the field of various natural and chemical fibers in the world and FR Yugoslavia, with emphasis on the renaissance of bats fibers, which started in the middle of 1990s, as well as future prospects of these fibers. World production and consumption of natural fibers were stabilized at certain level with small oscillation in the last few years. Wool production reaches average level at 1,4 mil. ton silk production at 0,08 mil. ton, cotton production at 19 mil. ton, flax production at 0,4 mil. ton and hemp production at 0,07 mil. ton. While there is a strong expansion of the synthetic fibers industry, chemical cellulose fibers have the same level of production at 2,4 mil. ton during the long period. In 2002 global production (in million metric tons) for the key fiber types was: polyester 21, olefin 5,9, nylon 3,9, and acrylic 2,7. Major changes in fiber technology will take place in the next ten years and will substantially influence quality and production costs. The total fiber consumption in year 2050 will be some 130 million tons. Cellulose fibers will again play a major role in the future due to growing market of hydrophilic fibers and tendency to develop production of natural, light renewable and biodegradable fibers. It is expected that cellulose fibers only for clothing, will be in demand up to 38 mil. ton/year in the year 2050.U ovom radu dat je prikaz sadaÅ”njeg stanja u oblasti prirodnih i hemijskih vlakana u svetu i kod nas, sa posebnim osvrtom na renesansu vlakana iz like koja je otpočela sredinom devedesetih godina XX veka, kao i očekivanja vezana za ova vlakna u XXI veku. Svetska proizvodnja i potroÅ”nja prirodnih vlakana se, u poslednjih nekoliko godina, stabilizovala na određenom nivou uz manje oscilacije. Proizvodnja vune dostigla je prosečni nivo od 1,4 mil. tona, svile 0,08 mil.tona, pamuka 19 mil.tona, lana 0,4 mil.tona, a konoplje oko 0,07 mil.tona. U poređenju sa ekspanzivnim razvojem sintetizovanih vlakana hemijska celulozna vlakna su duži niz godina ostala na istom nivou proizvodnje od oko 2,4 mil.tona. U 2002. godini nivo proizvodnje sintetizovanih vlakana u svetu, za četiri najvažnije grupe vlakana iznosio je: poliestarskih 21, olefinskih 5,9, poliamidnih 3,9 i akrilnih 2,7 miliona tona. Glavne promene u tehnologiji hemijskih vlakana dogodiće se u narednih deset godina i uticaće kako na kvalitet tako i na cenu vlakana. Očekuje se da će ukupna potroÅ”nja vlakana 2050. godine biti oko 130 mil.tona. Svoje mesto u budućnosti celulozna vlakna su obezbedila zahvaljujući rastućem tržiÅ”tu hidrofilnih vlakana i tendenciji ka razvoju proizvodnje lakih, prirodnih, obnovljivih i biorazgradivih vlakana. Očekuje se da će 2050. godine potrebe za ovim vlaknima dostići nivo od 38 mil. tona

    Contribution of textile technology to the development of modern compression bandages

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    Although compression therapy is a key factor in the successful treatment of some circulatory problems in lower limbs, this form of therapy includes some risks if used inappropriately. Based on deliberate application of pressure to a lower limb, using a variety of textile materials, elastic or rigid, in order to produce a desired clinical effects, modern compression therapy presents a good sample of successful penetration of textile technology into the phlebology field of medicine. However, although compression therapy has been in use for over 150 years, there exists a low awareness among practitioners and patients on product usage, application techniques and benefits of appropriate selection of bandages for determined types of leg venous diseases. Also, not all manufacturers of compression textile materials seem to be conscious of end -usersā€™ needs. Simultaneously, impressive developments in the field of elastan fibers and modern knitting and weaving technologies, offer chances for realization of completely new types of compression bandages, capable of making an important contribution to the management of venous disease. In this review, starting from the brief account of pathogenesis and the presentation of compression therapy principle, an account of the contribution of all sectors in the textile technological chain to a modern compression therapy is given

    Sirovinska baza za proizvodnju džinsa

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    In this paper, short history ofjeans are given, and tertile fibers used forjeans production and their most important properties are revievved.U radu je pored kratke istorije džins odeće, dat i pregled tekstilnih vlakana koja se koriste za proizvodnju džinsa, sa njihovim najznačajnijim svojstvima

    The Modeling of Insulin Controlled Release Process From Fibrous Artificial Store

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    In the past, insulin was frequently administered by hypodermic injection, as liquids forms. To avoid problems incurred through the utilization of the injectable route of insulin administration, new dosage forms containing the insulin were introduced. Therefore, insulin delivery systems were developed to optimize the therapeutic properties of drug products and render them safer, more effective, and more reliable. The aim of this article is to present the modeling of the controlled releasing process of insulin from a fibrous artificial store. The release of insulin has been evaluated in both a physiological solution and blood serum in vitro and on experimental animals (mice) in vivo. On the basis of experimental results a mathematical model of diffusion-mediated release of insulin from cation-exchange fiber has been developed and presented in this paper

    Celulozna vlakna na pragu XXI veka

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    The paper fives an overview of the current state in the field of various cellulosic fibres, such as cotton, flax, hemp, juta, viscosa and lyocell, as well as future prospects of these fibres. World production and consumption of atural and chemical cellulosic fibres were stabilized at certain level with small oscillation in the last few years. Cotton production reaches average level at 19 mil.ton, fax production at 0.4 mil.ton and hemp production at 0.07 mil.ton. While there is a strong expansion of the synthetic fibres industry, chemical cellulosic fibres have the same level of production at 2.4 mil.ton during the long period. Cellulosic fibres will again play a major role in the future due to growing market of hydrophylic fibres and tendency to develop production of natural, light, renewable and biodegradable fibres. It is expected that cellulosic fibres only for clothing, will be in demand up to 38 mil.ton/year in the year 2050

    Uticaj modifikovanja vlakana konoplje natrijumhidroksidom na njihov hemijski sastav i sorpciona svojstva

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    This paper discusses the effect of chemical modification of hemp fibres with NaOH on their physico-chemical properties. The modification of hemp fibres was carried out with 5% and 18% aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide, at room and boiling temperature, at different time intervals. The modification of hemp fibres with 18% aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide was carried out with free and stretched fibres. As result of this investigation which was directed towards obtaining hemp fibres of improved properties, finer hemp fibres with lower content of lignin, higher swelling degree and lower water retention have been obtained

    Povratak konoplje

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    The paper presents the use of hemp for different purposes through the history and today. Also, an overview of the current state in the field of hemp fibers, as well as future prospect of these fibers, are given.U ovom radu su prikazane različite oblasti primene konoplje kroz istoriju, s posebnim osvrtom na danaÅ”nje oblasti primene. Takođe, u radu je dat prikaz sadaÅ”njeg stanja u oblasti vlakana konoplje, kao i očekivanja vezana za ova vlakna u XXI veku

    Fibrous systems with programmed biological-activity and their application in medical practice

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    An effective two-stage method for obtaining both biologically activated fibres with antibacterial and anaesthetic activity and biologically activated complex fibres -insulin as an artificial store of insulin has been developed. The first stage involves the formation of reactive functional groups by chemical modification, followed by the second stage where the fibres are modified with chemotherapeutic agent solutions. This paper presents the results of obtaining biologically activated fibres with antibacterial and anaesthetic activity as well as an artificial store of insulin in the form of complex ion-exchanged fibre-insulin. The level of immobilisation of the drug in the antibacterial fibre amounts to 140 mg of gentamicin sulphate per 1 g of fibres, in the anaesthetic fibre 180 mg of procaine hydrochloride per 1 g of fibres, and in the fibrous store of insulin 800 mg of insulin per 1 g of fibres. 200