6 research outputs found

    Surface display of evasins and bepecin on the bacteria Lactococcus lactis NZ9000 and Lactobacillus salivarius ATCC 11741 and evaluation of their anti-inflammatory action

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    Kronična vnetna črevesna bolezen (KVČB) je vse večji zdravstveni problem, saj incidenca in prevalenca bolezni naraščata, obenem pa je zdravljenje z biološkimi zdravili drago in povzroča neželene stranske učinke, zato razvoj novih načinov zdravljenja predstavlja velik znanstveni izziv. Kemokini in citokini imajo ključno vlogo pri vnetnem odzivu v gastrointestinalnem traktu, zato predstavljajo možno novo tarčo zdravljenja vnetnih bolezni. Glavni namen doktorske disertacije je bil razvoj mlečnokislinskih bakterij (MKB) Lactococcus lactis NZ9000 in Lactobacillus salivarius ATCC 11741, ki bi imele na površini predstavljene ustrezne vezavne proteine, s katerimi bi bilo moč doseči protivnetno delovanje in izboljšati simptome vnetja. Potrdili smo, da so kemokin-vezavni klopni proteini evazini primerni za površinsko predstavitev na MKB Lactococcus lactis NZ9000 in Lactobacillus salivarius ATCC 11741. Kot alternativni način protivnetnega delovanja pri vnetnih črevesnih boleznih smo uspešno razvili dostavni sistem za protivnetni peptid bepecin (BPC-157) s pomočjo fuzije z ustreznim nosilnim površinskim proteinom. Nadzorovano sproščanja bepecina smo dosegli s pomočjo v črevesju prisotne proteaze tripsin ali s pomočjo signalnega peptida. Razvili smo tudi sistem spremljanja in kvantifikacije izločenega bepecina. Učinkovitost obeh novih pristopov k zdravljenju vnetnih črevesnih bolezni smo potrdili na celičnih modelih, in sicer smo zmožnost vezave kemokina CXCL8 potrdili na modelu črevesnega epitela, antioksidativno delovanje bepecina pa na celičnem modelu fibroblastov. Poleg vezave kemokinov bi lahko k zdravljenju vnetnih črevesnih bolezni pristopili tudi z vezavo citokinov. Zato smo na površini bakterije Lactococcus lactis NZ9000 predstavili neimunoglobulinske proteinske nosilce, pripravljene na osnovi albumin-vezavne domene, ki so sposobni vezati podenoto p19 človeškega IL-23 (ILP-vezavni proteini). Z vezavo bi lahko preprečili interakcijo med IL-23 in receptorjem ter tako zaustavili z IL-23 posredovano provnetno signaliziranje. Neimunoglobulinski proteinski nosilci predstavljajo alternativo protitelesom. S pregledom njihovih tarč smo izpostavili primerne vezavne proteine za predstavitev na MKB z namenom protivnetnega delovanja. Za učinkovito protivnetno delovanje je pomembna zadostna količina protivnetnih proteinov ali peptidov na mestu delovanja. Na količino izraženih proteinov lahko vplivamo z optimizacijo gostiteljskega seva MKB, pri katerem lahko z inaktivacijo ali utišanjem določenih genov vplivamo na povečano tvorbo rekombinantnih proteinov ali njihovo zmanjšano razgradnjo. Predhodno razviti plazmid pNZDual z dvema nizinskima promotorjema smo uporabili za razvoj enoplazmidnega inducibilnega sistema CRISPR-Cas9, ki omogoča inaktivacijo ali utišanje genov z uporabo tehnologij CRISPR in CRISPRi, in bo v nadaljevanju uporaben za inaktivacijo kandidatnih genov z namenom povečanja izražanja protivnetnih proteinov. Želeno protivnetno delovanje bakterij bi lahko izboljšali z uvedbo ustreznega dostavnega sistema, s katerim bi bakterije zaščitili in dostavili na mesto vnetja. Novejši dostavni sistem predstavljajo nanovlakna, ki bi lahko omogočala vgradnjo MKB in njihovo dostavo na ustno ali vaginalno sluznico, s čimer bi razširili možnosti zdravljenja vnetnih bolezni. V okviru doktorskega dela smo proučili vpliv procesnih parametrov elektrostatskega sukanja in parametrov polimerne raztopine na morfologijo nanovlaken ter sposobnost preživetja vgrajene modelne MKB Lactobacillus plantarum ATCC 8014. Učinkovita vgradnja probiotičnih bakterij v nanovlakna nam omogoča sočasno sušenje bakterij in pripravo bolniku prijaznega lokalnega dostavnega sistema z dolgim rokom uporabnosti in hitrim sproščanjem, s katerim bakterije zaščitimo ter dostavimo na mesto vnetja.Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a growing health problem, as incidence and prevalence of the disease are increasing, while treatment with biological agents is expensive and causes undesirable side effects. Therefore, the development of new treatments is a major scientific challenge. Chemokines and cytokines play a key role in the inflammatory response in the gastrointestinal tract, and hence represent a new target for the treatment of inflammatory diseases. The main aim of the doctoral dissertation was the development of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) Lactococcus lactis NZ9000 in Lactobacillus salivarius ATCC 11741 that would display on the surface appropriate binding proteins, which could achieve anti-inflammatory activity and improve the symptoms of inflammation. We have confirmed that the chemokine-binding proteins evasins from ticks are suitable for surface display on LAB Lactococcus lactis NZ9000 and Lactobacillus salivarius ATCC 11741. As an alternative approach to achieve anti-inflammatory activity in IBD, we successfully developed the delivery system for anti-inflammatory peptide bepecin (BPC-157) in fusion with a suitable surface carrier protein. Controlled release of bepecin was achieved with the help of intestinally located protease trypsin, or with the signal peptide. We also developed a system for monitoring and quantification of released bepecin. The effectiveness of both new approaches for the treatment of IBD was confirmed on cell models. The ability to bind chemokine CXCL8 was confirmed on a gut epithelial cell model, and the antioxidant activity of bepecin on a fibroblast cell model. In addition to the binding of chemokines, cytokine binding could also be used for the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases. Therefore, we displayed on the surface of Lactococcus lactis NZ9000 non-immunoglobulin protein scaffolds prepared from the albumin-binding domain and capable of binding the p19 subunit of human IL-23 (ILP-binding proteins). By binding of p19, the interaction between IL-23 and its receptor could be prevented, thereby blocking IL-23-mediated signaling. Non-immunoglobulin scaffolds are an alternative to antibodies. We have identified binding proteins with anti-inflammatory activity suitable for surface display on LAB by reviewing their possible targets. In every case, an adequate amount of anti-inflammatory proteins or peptides at their site of action is important for effective anti-inflammatory activity. The amount of expressed proteins can be influenced by the optimization of the LAB host strain, whereby the inactivation or silencing of certain genes can increase the expression of recombinant proteins or reduce their degradation. The pre-developed plasmid pNZDual with two nisin promoters was used to develop the single-plasmid inducible system CRISPR-Cas9, which enables the inactivation or silencing of genes using CRISPR and CRISPRi technologies, and will be used to inactivate candidate genes in order to increase the expression of anti-inflammatory proteins. The desired anti-inflammatory activity of bacteria can be improved by introducing an appropriate delivery system, by which the bacteria are protected and delivered to the site of inflammation. Nanofibers are a more recent delivery system that could enable the incorporation of LAB and their delivery to the oral or vaginal mucosa, thus expanding the possibilities of treating inflammatory diseases. Within the doctoral thesis, the influence of process parameters of electrospinning, and parameters of the polymer solution were studied, and their effect on the morphology of nanofibers and the viability of the model LAB Lactobacillus plantarum ATCC 8014 assessed. The incorporation of probiotic bacteria into nanofibers enables us to simultaneously dry the bacteria, incorporate them with high efficiency, and prepare a patient friendly local delivery system with long a shelf life and fast release that enables protection and delivery of bacteria to the site of inflammation

    Effects of electrospinning on the viability of ten species of lactic acid bacteria in poly(ethylene oxide) nanofibers

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    Lactic acid bacteria can have beneficial health effects and be used for the treatment of various diseases. However, there remains the challenge of encapsulating probiotics into delivery systems with a high viability and encapsulation efficacy. The electrospinning of bacteria is a novel and little-studied method, and further investigation of its promising potential is needed. Here, the morphology, zeta potential, hydrophobicity, average cell mass, and growth characteristics of nine different species of Lactobacillus and one of Lactococcus are characterized. The electrospinning of polymer solutions containing ~10 log colony forming units (CFU)/mL lactic acid bacteria enabled the successful incorporation of all bacterial species tested, from the smallest (0.74 µmLactococcus lactis) to the largest (10.82 µmLactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus), into poly(ethylene oxide) nanofibers with an average diameter of ~100 nm. All of these lactobacilli were viable after incorporation into nanofibers, with 0 to 3 log CFU/mg loss in viability, depending on the species. Viability correlated with the hydrophobicity and extreme length of lactic acid bacteria, whereas a horizonal or vertical electrospinning set-up did not have any role. Therefore, electrospinning represents a promising method for the incorporation of lactic acid bacteria into solid delivery systems, while drying the bacterial dispersion at the same time

    p19-Targeting ILP Protein Blockers of IL-23/Th-17 Pro-Inflammatory Axis Displayed on Engineered Bacteria of Food Origin

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    IL-23-mediated Th-17 cell activation and stimulation of IL-17-driven pro-inflammatory axis has been associated with autoimmunity disorders such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) or Crohn’s Disease (CD). Recently we developed a unique class of IL-23-specific protein blockers, called ILP binding proteins that inhibit binding of IL-23 to its cognate cell-surface receptor (IL-23R) and exhibit immunosuppressive effect on human primary blood leukocytes ex vivo. In this study, we aimed to generate a recombinant Lactococcus lactis strain which could serve as in vivo producer/secretor of IL-23 protein blockers into the gut. To achieve this goal, we introduced ILP030, ILP317 and ILP323 cDNA sequences into expression plasmid vector containing USP45 secretion signal, FLAG sequence consensus and LysM-containing cA surface anchor (AcmA) ensuring cell-surface peptidoglycan anchoring. We demonstrate that all ILP variants are expressed in L. lactis cells, efficiently transported and secreted from the cell and displayed on the bacterial surface. The binding function of AcmA-immobilized ILP proteins is documented by interaction with a recombinant p19 protein, alpha subunit of human IL-23, which was assembled in the form of a fusion with Thioredoxin A. ILP317 variant exhibits the best binding to the human IL-23 cytokine, as demonstrated for particular L.lactis-ILP recombinant variants by Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA). We conclude that novel recombinant ILP-secreting L. lactis strains were developed that might be useful for further in vivo studies of IL-23-mediated inflammation on animal model of experimentally-induced colitis