3 research outputs found

    Mexican Drug War in the context of modern concepts for conflict studies

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    Sodobno vojskovanje je sestavljeno iz različnih tipov in konceptov. Konflikti vsebujejo značilnosti asimetričnega, gverilskega, informacijskega in kibernetskega vojskovanja. Postali so bolj decentralizirani in brez opredeljenega bojišča, kar zamegljuje meje med vojno in politiko, konfliktom in mirom ter vojaki in civilisti. Mehiška vojna proti drogam je notranji konflikt, ki se je uradno začel 11. decembra 2006 z vojaško intervencijo v zvezni državi Michoacán. Gre za odločno ukrepanje mehiške vlade proti narkokartelom, ki predstavljajo grožnjo nacionalni varnosti in legitimnosti države. Narkokarteli imajo veliko moči in vpliva v mehiški družbi, kar je posledično privedlo do velike stopnje kriminala in politične korupcije. Mehiška vojna proti drogam je kompleksen sodobni konflikt, ker vsebuje različne koncepte in tipe vojskovanja, ter je nepredvidljiv zaradi svoje dinamike in intenzivnosti. Narkokarteli so se izkazali za prefinjenega nasprotnika, ker uporabljajo različne taktike in metode, podobne tistim, ki jih uporabljajo tuje teroristične ali uporniške skupine. Zasede, atentati, ugrabitve in usmrtitve so blagovna znamka mehiških narkokartelov. Prav tako kažejo določene družbene in politične ambicije, ki se širijo z narkokulturo in vplivanjem na državno politiko s podkupovanjem in z izsiljevanjem.Modern warfare consists of different types and concepts. Armed conflicts contain the characteristics of asymmetric, guerrilla, information and cyber warfare. They have become increasingly decentralized and without a defined battlefield, blurring the boundaries between war and politics, conflict and peace, and soldiers and civilians. The Mexican Drug War is an internal conflict that officially began on 11 December 2006 with the military intervention in the state of Michoacán. It is a decisive action by the Mexican government against drug cartels that pose a threat to national security and the legitimacy of the state. Drug cartels have a lot of power and influence in Mexican society, which has resulted in a high level of crime and political corruption. The Mexican Drug War is a complex modern conflict, because it contains various concepts and types of warfare, and is unpredictable due to its dynamics and intensity. Drug cartels have proved to be a sophisticated opponent because they use various tactics and methods which are similar to those used by foreign terrorist or insurgency groups. Ambushes, assassinations, kidnappings and executions are a trademark of Mexican drug cartels. They also show certain social and political ambitions that are spreading with narco-culture and influencing state politics through bribery and extortion

    Military dictionary by students of defence studies

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    The military dictionary by students of defense sciences was created during the course Slovenian language and Slovenian military idioms (2012/13 and 2013/14) at the Faculty of Social Sciences. It was created by second-year students under the supervision of Dr. Nataša Logar and Dr. Erik Kopač. The starting point for the selection of terms was the Military Doctrine (2006) and the Military Logistics Doctrine (2008). The dictionary consists of 192 terms with definitions and English equivalents. The dictionary is distributed in XML using the TBX (TermBase eXchange) standard for representing and exchanging information from termbases