10 research outputs found

    Early discovery of esophagus adenocarcinoma in Barret\u27s mucosa

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    Osnovna hipoteza ovoga rada je pokuÅ”aj da se jasno dokaže izražajnost mucinoznog glikoproteina MUC 2 i vaskularnog endotelijalnog faktora rasta (VEGF) na sluznici oboljelih od Barrettovog jednjaka, te pokuÅ”aj dokazivanja povezanosti s izražajnoŔću ovih antigena u sve čeŔćoj pojavnosti adenokarcinoma jednjaka na sluznici Barrettovog jednjaka. U izvornu je studiju uključeno 36 ispitanika s dijagnozom Barrettovog jednjaka, nakon prve ezofagogastroduodenoskopije, ali je nakon patoloÅ”ke analize bioptata ezofagogastričnog spoja u četvoro ispitanika dokazan adenokarcinom. Izražajnost MUC 2 i VEGF-a, određena je imunohistokemijskom analizom. MUC 2 bio je pozitivan u troje ispitanika s adenokarcinomom, a VEGF također u troje, Å”to daje naslutiti da angiogeneza ima važnu ulogu u zamjeni normalne sluznice jednjaka s Barrettovom sluznicom.The aim of this study was to evaluate the expression of Mucin 2 glycoprotein (MUC2) and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) in Barrettā€™s mucosa in association with higher risk for the development of adenocarcinoma (AC). The study included a group of 36 patients with diagnosis of BarrettŹ¹s esophagus (BE) after esophagogastroduodenoscopy, but the pathohistological analysis of esophagogastric junction (EGJ) mucosa showed adenocarcinoma in four patients. The expression of MUC2 and VEGF was performed with immunohistochemistry. MUC2 was expressed in three patients, and VEGF expression was present at three patients in the study, which suggested that angiogenesis could have an important role in replacing normal esophageal mucosa with Barrettā€™s mucosa

    Early discovery of esophagus adenocarcinoma in Barret\u27s mucosa

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    Osnovna hipoteza ovoga rada je pokuÅ”aj da se jasno dokaže izražajnost mucinoznog glikoproteina MUC 2 i vaskularnog endotelijalnog faktora rasta (VEGF) na sluznici oboljelih od Barrettovog jednjaka, te pokuÅ”aj dokazivanja povezanosti s izražajnoŔću ovih antigena u sve čeŔćoj pojavnosti adenokarcinoma jednjaka na sluznici Barrettovog jednjaka. U izvornu je studiju uključeno 36 ispitanika s dijagnozom Barrettovog jednjaka, nakon prve ezofagogastroduodenoskopije, ali je nakon patoloÅ”ke analize bioptata ezofagogastričnog spoja u četvoro ispitanika dokazan adenokarcinom. Izražajnost MUC 2 i VEGF-a, određena je imunohistokemijskom analizom. MUC 2 bio je pozitivan u troje ispitanika s adenokarcinomom, a VEGF također u troje, Å”to daje naslutiti da angiogeneza ima važnu ulogu u zamjeni normalne sluznice jednjaka s Barrettovom sluznicom.The aim of this study was to evaluate the expression of Mucin 2 glycoprotein (MUC2) and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) in Barrettā€™s mucosa in association with higher risk for the development of adenocarcinoma (AC). The study included a group of 36 patients with diagnosis of BarrettŹ¹s esophagus (BE) after esophagogastroduodenoscopy, but the pathohistological analysis of esophagogastric junction (EGJ) mucosa showed adenocarcinoma in four patients. The expression of MUC2 and VEGF was performed with immunohistochemistry. MUC2 was expressed in three patients, and VEGF expression was present at three patients in the study, which suggested that angiogenesis could have an important role in replacing normal esophageal mucosa with Barrettā€™s mucosa

    Giant Basal Cell Carcinoma of the Forehead: A Case Report

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    Giant basal cell carcinoma (GBCC) is defined as a tumor 5cm or greater in diameter. They present less than 1% of all basal cell carcinomas. We present a case of an 85-year-old male patient with a giant ulcerating tumor of the left forehead (measuring 7x6cm). Under local anesthesia tumor was surgically excised. No involvement of the underlying periostal or bone structure was noted. Pathohystological exam revealed the giant basal cell carcinoma, with free surgical margins. Giant basal cell carcinomas are rare tumors and are usually result of a long duration and patient neglect. In comparison to the ordinary basal cell carcinoma these tumors have a higher metastatic potential. Surgical resection with negative surgical margin is the best possible treatment option

    Prevalencija humanog papiloma virusa kod karcinoma larinksa, orofarinksa i usne Ŕupljine u Zadarskoj županiji

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    We present a retrospective research of HPV testing of tissue samples, by the polymerase chain reaction method (PCR), in patients that underwent surgery due to squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity, oropharynx or larynx in Zadar General Hospital in the period from 2007 to 2016. Out of 99 patients included in this study, 89 (89,9%) were men with median age of 62.3 years and ten (10,1 %) were women with median age of 66 years. According to the cancer site, the percentage of HPV positive carcinoma tissue samples of larynx carcinoma, oral cavity carcinoma and oropharyngeal carcinoma were 25.8%, 26.9% and 18,2 %, respectively. According to the HPV genotype, among all cancer sites, in 60% (n=15) HPV 16 were detected, and in 40% mixed HPV infection, that is, in 32% (n=8) HPV 16, 26, 34, 53 and in 8% (n=2) HPV 16, 18, 26, 34, 53. The presented research results support the need for stronger public health promotion of vaccines against HPV, and the selection of the best strategy for the implementation of vaccination to prevent cancer of the larynx, oropharynx and oral cavity among men.Radi se o retrospektivnom istraživanju HPV testiranja metodom lančane reakcije polimeraze (PCR) uzoraka tkiva pacijenata operiranih zbog karcinoma skvamoznih stanica usne Å”upljine, orofarinksa ili grkljana u Općoj bolnici Zadar u razdoblju od 2007. do 2016. godine. Od 99 pacijenata uključenih u ovu studiju, 89 (89,9%) bili su muÅ”karci s medijanom dobi od 62,3 godine i 10 (10,1%) su bile žene s medijanom dobi od 66 godina. Ukupno je u 25 (25,3%) uzoraka tkiva bolesnika otkrivena prisutnost HPV DNA. Prema mjestu raka, postotak uzoraka HPV pozitivnih karcinoma tkiva, karcinoma grkljana, karcinoma usne Å”upljine i karcinoma orofaringeusa bio je 25,8%, 26,9% odnosno 18,2%. Prema genotipu HPV-a, od svih sijela karcinoma, u 60% (n=15) otkriven je HPV 16, a u 40% mjeÅ”ovite HPV infekcije, i to u 32% (n=8) HPV 16, 26, 34, 53 te u 8% (n=2) HPV 16, 18, 26, 34, 53. Predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja podupiru potrebu jače javnozdravstvene promocije cjepiva protiv HPV-a, te odabir najbolje strategije za provedbu cijepljenja za prevenciju raka grkljana, orofarinksa i usne Å”upljine kod muÅ”karaca

    Među-laboratorijska podudarnost HER-2 pozitivnih karcinoma dojke

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    Accurate assessment of HER -2 status is essential for identifying patients who will benefit from HER -2 targeted therapy. The aim of the present study was to show results on the concordance between local and central laboratory testing results in HER -2 positive breast cancer patients. In cases with discordant findings, the immunohistochemical (IHC) and/or in situ hybridization (FISH/SISH) analysis was performed in central laboratories. A total of 104 out of 143 (72.72%) breast carcinoma cases were HER -2 positive (score 3+), while nearly 14% of tumors (20/43) showed weak (score 2+) and 12% (19/143) negative IHC staining (score 0 and 1+). After repeated IHC and ISH, 88% (126/143) were classified as HER -2 positive and 12% (17/143) as HER -2 negative cases. The results obtained are in agreement with many studies that confirmed similar discordance in HER -2 testing by IHC and/or FISH between local and central laboratory. Thus, our findings as well as those from other studies support the importance of regular quality assessment of the staining procedures performed and consistency of interpretation of HER -2 test results.Ispravna procjena HER -2 statusa je osnova za pronalaženje bolesnika kojima će koristiti HER -2 ciljana terapija. Cilj istraživanja je bio prikazati rezultate podudarnosti između testiranja HER -2 pozitivnih bolesnika oboljelih od raka dojke pri mjesnom i centralnom laboratoriju. U slučajevima nepodudarnih rezultata analize imunohistokemije (IH) i/ili in situ hibridizacije su se izvodile u centralnim laboratorijima. Ukupno 104 od 143 (72,72%) slučaja karcinoma dojke su bili HER -2 pozitivni (biljeg 3+), dok je skoro 14% tumora (20/43) prikazalo nisko (biljeg 2+) i 12% (19/143) negativno imunohistokemijsko bojenje (biljeg 0 i 1+). Nakon ponovljene analize IH i ISH 88% (126/143) se klasificiralo kao HER -2 pozitivni i 12% (17/143) kao HER -2 negativni slučajevi. Dobiveni rezultati su sukladni mnogim istraživanjima koja potvrđuju slične nepodudarnosti pri HER -2 testiranju imunohistokemijom i/ili FISH analizom između mjesnog i centralnog laboratorija. Prema tome, naÅ”i rezultati kao i rezultati drugih istraživanja podupiru značenje pravilnog procjenjivanja izvođenja protokola bojenja i dosljednosti interpretacija rezultata HER -2 testiranja

    Interlaboratory concordance in HER-2 positive breast cancer

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    Accurate assessment of HER-2 status is essential for identifying patients who will benefit from HER-2 targeted therapy. The aim of the present study was to show results on the concordance between local and central laboratory testing results in HER-2 positive breast cancer patients. In cases with discordant findings, the immunohistochemical (IHC) and/or in situ hybridization (FISH/SISH) analysis was performed in central laboratories. A total of 104 out of 143 (72.72%) breast carcinomas cases were HER-2 positive (score 3+), while nearly 14% of tumors (20/43) showed weak (score 2+) and 12% (19/143) negative IHC staining (score 0 and 1+). After repeated IHC and ISH, 88% (126/143) were classified as HER-2 positive and 12% (17/143) as HER-2 negative cases. The results obtained are in agreement with many studies that confirmed similar discordance in HER-2 testing by IHC and/or FISH between local and central laboratory. Thus, our findings as well as of other studies support the importance of regular quality assessment of the staining procedures performed and consistency of interpretation of HER-2 test results

    Prevalencija humanog papiloma virusa kod karcinoma larinksa, orofarinksa i usne Ŕupljine u Zadarskoj županiji

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    We present a retrospective research of HPV testing of tissue samples, by the polymerase chain reaction method (PCR), in patients that underwent surgery due to squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity, oropharynx or larynx in Zadar General Hospital in the period from 2007 to 2016. Out of 99 patients included in this study, 89 (89,9%) were men with median age of 62.3 years and ten (10,1 %) were women with median age of 66 years. According to the cancer site, the percentage of HPV positive carcinoma tissue samples of larynx carcinoma, oral cavity carcinoma and oropharyngeal carcinoma were 25.8%, 26.9% and 18,2 %, respectively. According to the HPV genotype, among all cancer sites, in 60% (n=15) HPV 16 were detected, and in 40% mixed HPV infection, that is, in 32% (n=8) HPV 16, 26, 34, 53 and in 8% (n=2) HPV 16, 18, 26, 34, 53. The presented research results support the need for stronger public health promotion of vaccines against HPV, and the selection of the best strategy for the implementation of vaccination to prevent cancer of the larynx, oropharynx and oral cavity among men.Radi se o retrospektivnom istraživanju HPV testiranja metodom lančane reakcije polimeraze (PCR) uzoraka tkiva pacijenata operiranih zbog karcinoma skvamoznih stanica usne Å”upljine, orofarinksa ili grkljana u Općoj bolnici Zadar u razdoblju od 2007. do 2016. godine. Od 99 pacijenata uključenih u ovu studiju, 89 (89,9%) bili su muÅ”karci s medijanom dobi od 62,3 godine i 10 (10,1%) su bile žene s medijanom dobi od 66 godina. Ukupno je u 25 (25,3%) uzoraka tkiva bolesnika otkrivena prisutnost HPV DNA. Prema mjestu raka, postotak uzoraka HPV pozitivnih karcinoma tkiva, karcinoma grkljana, karcinoma usne Å”upljine i karcinoma orofaringeusa bio je 25,8%, 26,9% odnosno 18,2%. Prema genotipu HPV-a, od svih sijela karcinoma, u 60% (n=15) otkriven je HPV 16, a u 40% mjeÅ”ovite HPV infekcije, i to u 32% (n=8) HPV 16, 26, 34, 53 te u 8% (n=2) HPV 16, 18, 26, 34, 53. Predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja podupiru potrebu jače javnozdravstvene promocije cjepiva protiv HPV-a, te odabir najbolje strategije za provedbu cijepljenja za prevenciju raka grkljana, orofarinksa i usne Å”upljine kod muÅ”karaca

    Interlaboratory concordance in HER-2 positive breast cancer

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    Accurate assessment of HER -2 status is essential for identifying patients who will benefit from HER -2 targeted therapy. The aim of the present study was to show results on the concordance between local and central laboratory testing results in HER -2 positive breast cancer patients. In cases with discordant findings, the immunohistochemical (IHC) and/or in situ hybridization (FISH/SISH) analysis was performed in central laboratories. A total of 104 out of 143 (72.72%) breast carcinoma cases were HER -2 positive (score 3+), while nearly 14% of tumors (20/43) showed weak (score 2+) and 12% (19/143) negative IHC staining (score 0 and 1+). After repeated IHC and ISH, 88% (126/143) were classified as HER -2 positive and 12% (17/143) as HER -2 negative cases. The results obtained are in agreement with many studies that confirmed similar discordance in HER -2 testing by IHC and/or FISH between local and central laboratory. Thus, our findings as well as those from other studies support the importance of regular quality assessment of the staining procedures performed and consistency of interpretation of HER -2 test results

    Među-laboratorijska podudarnost HER-2 pozitivnih karcinoma dojke

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    Accurate assessment of HER -2 status is essential for identifying patients who will benefit from HER -2 targeted therapy. The aim of the present study was to show results on the concordance between local and central laboratory testing results in HER -2 positive breast cancer patients. In cases with discordant findings, the immunohistochemical (IHC) and/or in situ hybridization (FISH/SISH) analysis was performed in central laboratories. A total of 104 out of 143 (72.72%) breast carcinoma cases were HER -2 positive (score 3+), while nearly 14% of tumors (20/43) showed weak (score 2+) and 12% (19/143) negative IHC staining (score 0 and 1+). After repeated IHC and ISH, 88% (126/143) were classified as HER -2 positive and 12% (17/143) as HER -2 negative cases. The results obtained are in agreement with many studies that confirmed similar discordance in HER -2 testing by IHC and/or FISH between local and central laboratory. Thus, our findings as well as those from other studies support the importance of regular quality assessment of the staining procedures performed and consistency of interpretation of HER -2 test results.Ispravna procjena HER -2 statusa je osnova za pronalaženje bolesnika kojima će koristiti HER -2 ciljana terapija. Cilj istraživanja je bio prikazati rezultate podudarnosti između testiranja HER -2 pozitivnih bolesnika oboljelih od raka dojke pri mjesnom i centralnom laboratoriju. U slučajevima nepodudarnih rezultata analize imunohistokemije (IH) i/ili in situ hibridizacije su se izvodile u centralnim laboratorijima. Ukupno 104 od 143 (72,72%) slučaja karcinoma dojke su bili HER -2 pozitivni (biljeg 3+), dok je skoro 14% tumora (20/43) prikazalo nisko (biljeg 2+) i 12% (19/143) negativno imunohistokemijsko bojenje (biljeg 0 i 1+). Nakon ponovljene analize IH i ISH 88% (126/143) se klasificiralo kao HER -2 pozitivni i 12% (17/143) kao HER -2 negativni slučajevi. Dobiveni rezultati su sukladni mnogim istraživanjima koja potvrđuju slične nepodudarnosti pri HER -2 testiranju imunohistokemijom i/ili FISH analizom između mjesnog i centralnog laboratorija. Prema tome, naÅ”i rezultati kao i rezultati drugih istraživanja podupiru značenje pravilnog procjenjivanja izvođenja protokola bojenja i dosljednosti interpretacija rezultata HER -2 testiranja