178 research outputs found

    Information Systems for Air Quality Monitoring

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    Sadržaj olova. mangana i kadmija u inhalabilnoj i respirabilnoj frakciji lebdećih čestica - prva istraživanja

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    This paper describes a pilot study of lead, manganese, and cadmium content in thoracic particle fraction and high-risk respirable fraction of airborne particles. Samples were collected at one measuring site in Zagreb during autumn 1998 and spring 1999. The results show that the total heavy metal content is found in the high-risk respirable particle fraction, and point to two main pollution sources, the first for lead and manganese and the other for cadmium.Prikazani su početni rezultati određivanja sadržaja olova, mangana i kadmija u inhalabilnoj i respirabilnoj frakciji lebdećih čestica mjerenih na jednome mjernom mjestu u Zagrebu tijekom jeseni 1998. i proljeća 1999. godine. Iz rezultata je vidljivo da se cjelokupan sadržaj istraživanih metala nalazi u respirabilnoj frakciji čestica. Dominiraju dva izvora onečišćenja, jedan za čestice, olovo i mangan te drugi za kadmij. Istraživanja se nastavljaju

    Influence of glue-bond on transverse diffusion of water in glued wood

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    In the wood-glue-wood system, the glue-bond presents an additional resistance,hindering the water transition. The increased resistance of the glued test pieces is the consequence of adhesive being present in the bond, soas of altered wood properties, mainly the increased density and locally decreased wood hygroscopicity, resulting as a consequence of wood exposed to the gluing conditions. Using an unsteady-state method, the diffusion coefficients were defined. The kinetics of absorption of the massive beech test pieces, glued test pieces (PVAc, UF, MUF, PRF and epoxy liquid adhesives and PF film were used), and parallel ones with no glue bonds but exposed to the gluing conditions, were compared. It was established that the thin glue bonds made by using liquid glues do not present a barrier, which could effectively hinder the transition of bound water into the glued piece. A higher resistance was presented just by FF glue film bonds. There exist statistically significant differences among diffusion coefficients, calculatedby analytical solutions and solutions of an equation of the first order model. Transverse diffusion of water vapour and bound water can be described as the first order system

    Mitološki motiv spusta v podzemlje v romanu Ristanc Julia Cortázarja

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    Twentieth-century literature frequently made use of classical mythology, and in Hispano-American literature especially Jorge Luis Borges and Octavio Paz come to mind in the regard, while Julio Cortázar also deserves mention. This paper aims to analyse from this perspective a few scenes from his novel Rayuela (Hopscotch). It will attempt to uncover the hidden meaning of seemingly quotidian events in the novel which, in addition to the direct and the superficial, contain an even deeper symbolic and archetypical meaning. Of primary interest are the motifs, actions, and characters in the novel which evoke the mythological theme of entering the underworld. This motif, which is closely linked with the motif of rising from the dead, is repeated in many classical myths and often appears in both older and contemporary literature. Relying on Carl Gustav Jung's theory, according to which mythological content represents innate and inherited forms of the human mind, the paper highlights those symbolic representations in Cortázar that are linked to mythological material and which are shown in a banal and trivial form in various chapters of the novel Hopscotch, especially in chapters 36 and 54. This is no coincidence, as it is precisely in these two places that the main protagonist, Cortázar's seeker, enters an initiation phase for development of his personality and with that commences the long journey to the other side which is in fact a Jungian journey to himself, to his own essence.En la novela Rayuela, definida por Luis Harss (81978, 269) como «una obra terapéutica», el autor, Julio Cortázar, pone en la boca de Traveler, el amigo y el segundo yo del protagonista Horacio Oliveira, el consejo siguiente:Lo malo en vos – dijo Traveler – es que cualquier problema lo retrotraés a la infancia. Ya estoy harto de decirte que leas un poco a Jung, che (41: 391)1.Uporaba antične mitologije je značilna za literaturo 20. stoletja, v hispanoameriški književnosti v zvezi s tem izpostavljajo predvsem Jorgeja Luisa Borgesa in Octavia Paza, omeniti pa velja tudi Julia Cortázarja. Namen prispevka je s tega zornega kota analizirati nekatere prizore iz njegovega romana Ristanc. Poskusili bomo odkriti skriti smisel na videz vsakdanjih dogodkov v romanu, ki poleg neposrednega in površinskega vsebujejo še globlji simbolični in arhetipski pomen. Zanimali nas bodo predvsem motivi, dejanja in osebe romana, ki evocirajo mitološko tematiko spusta v podzemlje. Ta motiv, ki je tesno povezan z motivom vstajenja od mrtvih, se ponavlja v številnih antičnih mitih in se večkrat pojavlja tako v starejši kot tudi sodobni književnosti. Opirali se bomo na teorijo Carla Gustava Junga, po kateri mitološke vsebine človeškemu duhu predstavljajo vrojene in vanj dedno vsajene oblike, ter poskusili izpostaviti tiste simbolične predstave pri Cortázarju, ki so povezane s to mitološko snovjo in prikazane v zbanalizirani in trivializirani obliki v različnih poglavjih romana Ristanc, predvsem v 36. in 54. poglavju. To ni slučaj, saj glavni junak, cortazarski iskalec, prav na teh dveh mestih v romanu vstopi v iniciacijsko fazo razvoja svoje osebnosti in s tem začne veliko potovanje na drugo stran, ki je v resnici jungovsko potovanje k samemu sebi, k svojemu lastnemu bistvu

    Sinteze de limba română / Synthesis of the Romanian Language

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    The study Synthesis of the Romanian Language capitalizes on recent theoretical findings on Romanian grammar and seeks to provide a parallel between traditional grammar and the modern theories expounded in the new Grammar of the Academy (GALR) and the Basic Grammar of the Romanian language (GBLR). Through this work, Silvia Stoian Krieb highlights the main differences in interpretation between the two types of description: the traditional and modern

    Ivan Koštiál – pozabljeni slovenski romanist

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    This article presents Ivan Koštiál’s research in Romance linguistics. Special attention is devoted to the contributions in which Koštiál—who, unfortunately, was somewhat overlooked by Romance linguistics in Slovenia—deals with language contact between Slovenian and the Romance languages.Prispevek predstavlja raziskovalno delo Ivana Koštiála na področju romanskega jezikoslovja, predvsem pa se posveča prispevkom, v katerih se je ta v slovenski romanistiki žal nekoliko spregledani avtor ukvarjal s slovensko-romanskimi jezikovnimi stiki


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    Za uspješan rad sa djecom važna je motivacija i poticaj. Kod djece je poželjna radoznanost i spontanost. Učenici dolaze u školu s velikom očekivanjima i željama. Uloga nastavnika je da im omogući i pomogne pri upoznavanju i otkrivanju novog gradiva kao i usvajanju istog. U nižim razredima osnovne škole većina učenika usvoji tehniku čitanja. Dalje tehniku čitanja nadograđujemo, budući je čitanje osnova svakog učenja. S različitim aktivnostima potičemo učenike na bolje i brže čitanje i razumijevanje pročitanoga

    Thoughts on Older Romance Elements in Slovenian and Other South Slavic Languages (Part 2)

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    Prispevek prinaša primerjavo romanskih predlog za starejše romanizme na makedonsko-bolgarskem govornem področju in v slovenščini, in poskuša pokazati, da na obeh jezikovnih področjih izposojenke, ki so bile prevzete še v praslovanski dobi, običajno spadajo v fond starejših romanizmov, ki jih poznajo tudi drugi južnoslovanski jeziki, večinoma pa tudi slovenščina.By comparing the etymological bases for early Romance borrowings in Macedonian and/or Bulgarian and Slovenian, languages spoken on the periphery of the South Slavic area, this article provides evidence that in both languages the loanwords that date back to as early as the Common Slavic period tend to comprise part of the stock of borrowings common to other South Slavic languages, including Slovenian in many cases