236 research outputs found

    Possibilities for using plant extracts added to ruminant feed aimed at improving production results

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    The use of plant extracts with the objective of improving production results and the quality of food articles of animal origin is an area which is acquiring increasing scientific importance. Numerous investigations carried out so far on ruminants and other species of domestic animals have been aimed at examining specific bioactive matter of plants. The results of these investigations have demonstrated a positive influence on the production results. A large number of data indicate that plant extracts added to animal feed contribute to increasing overall productivity. Furthermore, plant extracts as additives in animal feed have a positive effect also on the health condition of the animals. A large number of plants have characteristics which potentially improve consumption, digestibility and conversion of food, and also growth. Examinations have been performed of the effects of different plant extracts on food consumption, wool growth, growth and composition of the trunk, milk production, reproductive parameters, agents for wool shearing, preventing bloat, methane production, as well as the influence of plants on curbing nematode infestations of ruminants. This work presents a review of scientific investigations of different plant species and their effects on the production characteristics of ruminants.

    Mikotoksikoze živine prouzrokovane trihotecenima

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    Recent mycological and mycotoxicological analysis of many feed samples have shown that this problem is still present. It is approved that mouldy feed can contain various mycotoxins, but in our conditions among the most investigated and usually present are some trichotecenes. Based on laboratory feed inspection of samples sent to be analysed in the Institute of Veterinary Medicine of Serbia in Belgrade it was concluded that fungi and mycotoxins contamination are common. Although detected levels usually do not exceed limits layed by actual legislation, having on mind cumulative effects and possible chronical exposure of animals to their harmful influence, appropriate and competent approach is necessary. In fact, even when direct loses, as consequence of high mortality are not present, indirect loses due to drop of performances and production and higher incidence of other deseases must not be neglected.Fusarium plesni preovlađuju u našem regionu. Među mikotoksinima koje proizvode Fusarium plesni, živina je naročito osetljiva na T-2 toksin i DAS koji pripadaju grupi trihotecena. Mlada živina, uzgojna živina, patke i golubovi često su osetljiviji na efekte mikotoksina. Kombinacija više različitih vrsta mikotoksina može da dovede do težih efekata čineći problematičnijim definisanje sigurnih nivoa u hrani. U cilju prevencije problema u vezi sa prisustvom mikotoksina u hrani neophodno je pravilno skladištenje i rukovanje žitaricama i gotovom hranom kako bi se smanjio razvoj plesni i produkcija mikotoksina. Takođe, neophodno je vršiti i redovne analize za detekciju mikotoksina. Dodaci hrani za životinje mogu da se koriste za ublažavanje štetnih efekata nekih mikotoksina, ali treba da budu istraženi kako bi njihova aktivnost bila usmerena na mikotoksin od interesa

    Nutritive value of fodder mixes for nutrition of cattle in territory of Republic of Serbia

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    Over a period of five years (2005-2009), the laboratory of the Department for Nutrition and Botanic analyzed 22 samples of mixes from the territory of Serbia, intended for the diet of two categories of cattle (fattening calves I and dairy cows with over 20 liters of milk). The analysis was performed using standard methods, and the obtained results were compared with the quality conditions prescribed under the Regulations on quality and other requirements for animal feed (SRY Official Gazette numbers 20/00 and 38/01). Intensive breeding of cattle implies the use of concentrated mixes for all categories which are adapted to the age and purpose of maintenance of the animals. The mixes are products of the animal food industry, and they are obtained through an established technological procedure using the required raw materials. The inadequate quality of raw materials causes problems involving the quality of the finished products, so that strict adherence to the established recipes does not necessary result in a satisfactory quality of the mixes. All of the above imposes the need for the constant monitoring of the nutritive value of the mixes, and consequently also of their quality. On the grounds of the analysis of the presence of the elementary nutritive matter, no significant differences were established with regard to the prescribed quantity of nutritive matter, so that the use of the examined mixes in the diets of the respective categories of cattle can be expected to yield satisfactory production results.

    Role of minerals in animal health disorders

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    All mineral matter, essential or non-essential, can have a significant influence on production results and the health of animals, if large quantities of them are present in a feed ration. A maximally tolerant content depends on the animal specie and category. Many factors, such as physiological status (growth, lactation, etc.), nutritive status, content and ratio of nutritive matter in the ration, duration of exposure, and the biological level of utilization of elements, also affect the maximally tolerant content of mineral matter in feed. The content of certain mineral matter in plant feed significantly depends on the soil factor, as well as the content and level of utilization of mineral matter from the soil. Mn, Se and Mo can be present in plant feed in such quantities as to induce toxicosis. Industrial contaminants, Cd, Pb or F, can contaminate plants, in particular their leaves, in quantities which lead to the appearance of clinical signs of conventional toxicosis. Moreover, natural water can contain large quantities of S, F, Na, Mg, or Fe, and certain mineral matter can get into water through industrial waste. In addition to the above, it is possible to cause unwanted effects through the frequent, but primarily unprofessional use of mineral additives, since it is extremely important, besides meeting the mineral requirements of each individual element, to secure a ratio among the mineral matter themselves as well as with other nutritive matter. Mineral matter present in food are in mutual interference, and these relations can be synergistic or antagonistic. The sufficiency of a large number of mineral matter has a negative effect on the utilization of other matter (conditional and/or border deficiency), while certain elements cause the clinical appearance of toxic effects. The accidental intake of large quantities of certain mineral matter is revealed as clinical signs of acute toxicosis, which is very different from chronic effects caused by the intake of increased quantities of mineral matter over a longer time period

    Risk assessment and risk management of contaminants in the feed to food chain

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    In feed production processes, factories usually produce different mixtures within the same production line. Consequently, remainders of the first-produced feed can stay in the system and be mixed with the following feed charge. This type of transfer (carry-over) is unavoidable in the production systems currently used, and thus, non-medicated feed can be contaminated with veterinary drugs present in a previously manufactured charge of medicated feed. The carry-over of veterinary medicinal products is associated with the risk of residues remaining in the tissues of treated animals at the time of slaughter and poses a health hazard to consumers. Producing safe feed and food products is, first and foremost, a question of good management practices at each stage of the feed and food chain, from primary production to final processing. Primary responsibility for feed safety rests with the feed business operator, who must ensure that all stages of production, processing and distribution under their control are carried out in accordance with relevant legislation, good manufacturing practice and principles contained in the HACCP system. Concrete steps for feed manufacturers to prevent drug carry-over are using one or more approved cleanout procedures of manufacturing equipment, such as cleaning, flushing or sequencing

    Primena enzima u ishrani svinja

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    Development of biotechnology contributes to the appearance of natural alternatives that meet the high demands of the animal itself, the consumer lobby, new legislatives, and the movement for environment protection. In the area of alternative solutions, the most often mentioned are enzymes. The goals of using enzymes are enhancement of endogenous enzymes activity removing antinutrients from some feedstuffs, increasing energy and nutritive value due to increasing bioaviability of nutrients to resorption, as well as decreasing the output of indigestible nutrients in the environments. The innovative solutions and flexible alternatives of using enzymes are the choice option for gaining optimal performances and satisfactory health of intensively managed pigs. Besides those mentioned, this solution is based on natural mechanisms as a basis for the production of healthy and safe food for human nutrition. The use of enzymes in swine nutrition has to find its place primarily in the feed mill factory, but it has to be based on a high professional approach to choosing different kinds of enzymes related to target substrates.Razvoj biotehnologije doprineo je pojavi prirodnih alternativa koje ispunjavaju i zadovoljavaju visoko postavljene zahteve samog organizma potrošačkog lobija, novih zakonskih regulativa i pokreta za zaštitu životne sredine. U nizu alternativnih rešenja najčešće se pominju enzimi. Cilj dodavanja enzima je dopuna aktivnosti endogenih enzima svinja, otklanjanje antinutritivnih materija iz pojedinih hraniva (_-glukani, fitati), povećanje energetske i hranljive vrednost hraniva na osnovu veće dostupnosti pojedinih hranljivih materija za resorpciju, kao i smanjivanje izlučivanja neiskorišćenih hranljivih materija u spoljašnju sredinu. Primena enzima sa svojim inovativnim rešenjima i fleksibilnim alternativnima predstavlja mogućnost izbora postizanja optimalnih proizvodnih rezultata i zadovoljavajućeg zdravstvenog stanja u intezivnom uzgoju svinja koji se, u ovom slučaju, zasniva na prirodnim mehanizmima kao osnovi za proizvodnju zdrave i bezbedne hrane za ljude. Korišćenje enzima mora da nađe svoje mesto prvenstveno u pogonima za proizvodnju hrane za životinje, ali mora da se zasniva na visokom stručnom i profesionalnom pristupu pri izboru vrsta enzima u odnosu na ciljni supstrat

    Effect of different growth promoters on broiler performance and gut morphology

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    A total of 240 Hybro broilers was divided into 4 groups. These groups were fed a complete corn/soybean based diet with and without addition of antibiotic growth promoters (AGP, Flavomycin® 15 ppm, Intervet), direct feed microbials (DFM, All-Lac® 1kg/T, Alltech Inc. USA) and mannanoligosaccharide (MOS) (Bio-MOS® 2kg/T, Alltech Inc. USA). Chickens were introduced into the experiment after hatching. At day 42 of trial, all broilers were conventionaly sacrificed in a slaughter plant and slaughter performances were measured. Samples of intestines with its content from 6 average broilers (randomly selected) from each group (n=24) were taken for examination. At the end of the trial, body weight (BW) and body weight gain (BWG) of broilers fed the diet containing Bio-MOS® (1915.23 and 44.58 g), AGP (1869.40 and 43.50 g) and DFM (1855.50 and 43.17g) were significantly higher than in birds of the control group (1815.67 and 41.96 g). When compared with the control group (91.19 g), ADFI (average daily feed intake) was also significantly reduced when Bio-MOS® (81.84 g), DFM (83.50g) or AGP (86.16 g) were supplemented which lead to a lower feed conversion ratio (FCR), 2.17 vs. 1.83, 1.93 and 1.98 kg, respectively. A significantly lower pH of the intestinal content of intestines (duodenum, ileum, caecum) was observed in groups fed DFM (6.16, 6.46 and 6.72) and Bio-MOS® (6.25, 6.50 and 6.78), compared with the control (6.55, 6.81 and 7.21) and AGP (6.61, 6.87 and 7.14) group. The use of DFM and Bio-MOS® increased length and width of intestinal villa and decreased depth of crypts, while the number of goblet cells did not significantly differ among experimental groups. In conclusion, Bio-MOS® and DFM exhibited nutritional, pharmacological and economic advantages over antibiotic growth promoters

    Kontaminacija smeša za ishranu svinja i živine plesnima i mikotoksinima

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    During ten-year period (1995-2004), a total of 756 analyses of pig and poultry feed was performed. Standard methods were used for microbiological determination. Qualitative and quantitative analyze of mycotoxins was performed by TLC technique. Feed for young categories contained from 100 to 3,400,000 CFU/g of feed. In 35.71% of all samples the detected amount was above acceptable levels. Feed for adult categories contained from 800 to 8,000,000 CFU/g of feed. In only 7.54% of samples this amount was over the tolerable level. Species determination revealed great heterogeneity, with the most common findings of Penicillium spp. (28.38%), Aspregillus spp. (26.37%) Mucor spp. (24.67%), Fusarium spp. (11.33%) and Rhizopus spp. (9.22%). The amount and type of mycotoxin varied depending on the feed category as well as on year of detection, implicating a strong influence of climatic factors and average humidity of the specified year. In a total of 320 analyzed feeds for pigs and poultry the characteristic finding was a combined contamination with two or three mycotoxins. In 161 samples of feed for young animals the presence of AFB1, F-2 and OTA was detected in 36, 161 and 161 samples respectively, while in 33, 83 and 71 samples the detected amounts were above tolerable levels. In 159 samples of feed for adult animals the presence of AFB1, F-2 and OTA was detected in 32, 159 and 159 samples, respectively while in 31, 65 and 99 samples the detected amounts were above tolerable levels.Tokom desetogodišnjeg perioda (1995-2004) izvršeno je ukupno 756 analiza uzoraka stočne hrane namenjenih za ishranu živine i svinja. Za mikrobiološku analizu uzoraka korišćene su standardne metode, a kvalitativno i kvantitativno ispitivanje navedenih mikotoksina izvršeno je TLC metodom. Smeše za mlade životinje sadržale su od 100 do 3.400.000 plesni/gr, pri čemu je čak 35.71% ispitivanih uzoraka sadržalo nedozvoljen broj plesni. Smeše za odrasle životinje sadržale su od 800 do 8.000.000 plesni/gr, pri čemu je svega 7.54% ispitivanih uzoraka sadržalo nedozvoljen broj plesni. Vrste izolovanih rodova plesni pokazuju veliku heterogenost, a najčešće su detektovane Penicilium spp. (28.38%), Aspergillus spp. (26.37%), Mucor spp. (24.67%), Fusarium spp. (11.33%) i Rhisopus spp. (9.22%). Količina i vrsta mikotoksina varira u odnosu na vrstu smeše, kao i u odnosu na pojedine godine, što može da se dovede u direktnu vezu sa klimatskim faktorima, odnosno sa godišnjom vlažnošću. Ispitano je ukupno 320 smeša za ishranu svinja i živine, a karakteristično je da je velik broj smeša bio kontaminiran sa dva, odnosno tri mikotoksina. Od ukupno 161 uzorka hrane za mlade životinje prisustvo AFB1 F-2 i OTA utvrđeno je u 36, 161 i 161 uzorku, od čega je, istim redom, 33, 83 i 71 uzorak sadržao navedene mikotoksine iznad dozvoljene granice. Od ukupno 159 uzoraka hrane za odrasle životinje prisustvo AFB1, F-2 i OTA utvrđeno je u 32, 159 i 159 uzoraka, od čega je, istim redom, 31, 65 i 99 uzoraka sadržalo navedene mikotoksine iznad dozvoljene granice

    Application of aromatic plant extract apples in nutrition chinchillas (Chinchilla lanigera)

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    In this paper we studied the effect of apple aroma as a food additive in a concentration of 0.04% on performance and reduction of fur chewing and basic production parameters. During the experimental period (30 days), the experimental group of chinchillas that was fed with the pellet mixture with the addition of the aroma showed a statistically significant decrease in fur chewing (p<0.01) in comparison with the control group. Also, only 5% of the animals in the experimental group chewed fur out of the total number in that group (20 chinchillas), whereas the percentage of fur chewing with the control group with the same number of animals was 30%. The positive effects of aroma addition were noted for other examined factors as well, since the experimental group of chinchillas showed a bigger increase in body mass (1.36%), better growth (21.18%), increased food consumption (0.48%) and better conversion (17.13%) in comparison with the control group that was not fed with the aromatic additive

    Milk yield and composition, body condition, rumen characteristics, and blood metabolites of dairy cows fed diet supplemented with palm oil

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    Background: An addition of rumen-protected fat to the diet of cows may limit negative energy balance and/or shorten its duration, leading to increased milk production with reduced risk of metabolic disorders in dairy cows. The aim of the study was to test the effect of rumen-inert fat supplement of palm oil on milk production, milk composition, rumen characteristics, and metabolic variables of early lactating dairy cows. For this purpose, 24 Holstein-Friesian cows were divided into two equal groups and fed a corn silage-based diet, without palm oil supplementation (control) or with 300 g palm oil (Palm Fat 99, Noack & Co. GmbH, Vienna, Austria) per cow for 8 weeks starting from day 30 after parturition. Milk, rumen, and blood samples were taken three times during experiment at days 30, 58, and 86 of lactation. Body condition scores of cows were determined in the same time periods. Milk yields were measured at the morning and evening milking (6(00) and 18(00)). Milk samples were analyzed for milk fat and milk protein content. Rumen content was tested for electrochemical reaction. A native slide was prepared for microscopical examination of the rumen protozoa motility that was numerically estimated. Protozoa were counted in whole rumen contents by light microscopy. Blood samples were tested for total protein, albumin, urea, tryglicerides, cholesterol, total bilirubin, beta-hydroxybutyrate, Ca, and P. Results: Compared with the control, palm oil supplementation resulted in an increase of the average milk yield and milk fat content. The loss in body condition was significantly lower in the group fed palm oil than in the control group. Rumen pH, total number, and motility of protozoa in the group fed palm oil were significantly higher than those in the control group. Palm oil supplementation did not influence blood metabolite concentrations except for urea and glucose which were significantly lower and Ca and cholesterol which were significantly higher in the palm oil-supplemented group. Conclusions: Our results indicate that supplementation with palm oil in weeks 4 to 12 postpartum spared postpartum body weight loss, increased milk yield and milk fat content, and had positive effects on rumen characteristics