8 research outputs found

    TMSA: participatory sensing based on mobile phones in urban space

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    A design for a novel mobile sensing system, called Temperature Measurement System Architecture (TMSA), that uses people as mobile sensing nodes in a network to capture spatiotemporal properties of pedestrians in urban environments is presented in this paper. In this dynamic, microservices approach, real-time data and an open-source IoT platform are combined to provide weather conditions based on information generated by a fleet of mobile sensing platforms. TMSA also offers several advantages over traditional methods using participatory sensing or more recently crowd-sourced data from mobile devices, as it provides a framework in which citizens can bring to light data relevant to urban planning services or learn human behaviour patterns, aiming to change users’ attitudes or behaviors through social influence. In this paper, we motivate the need for and demonstrate the potential of such a sensing paradigm, which supports a host of new research and application developments, and illustrate this with a practical urban sensing example.This work has been supported by FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020. It has also been supported by na tional funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia through project ˆ UIDB/04728/2020

    Radiation-mediated induction of apoptotic cell death in rat hippocampus

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    Ionizing radiation is commonly used in the treatment of brain tumors but it can impair cognitive functions, such as learning and memory. Since cognitive dysfunctions are predominantly result of cell death by apoptosis in hippocampal cells, in this study we analyzed acute effects of cranial gamma-irradiation (10 Gy) on expression of proapoptotic molecules (p53, Bax) and antiapoptotic molecule Bcl-2, as well as caspase-3 activation and cytochrome c redistribution in the hippocampus of young rats. The selected regimen of irradiation resembles the established animal model for childhood prophylactic cranial radiotherapy. Our results demonstrated that p53 mRNA expression was unchanged after irradiation, while induction of p53 protein was rapid. In parallel, Bax mRNA and protein levels were also increased following irradiation, whereas Bcl-2 expression was not changed during the examined post-irradiation period. These changes were accompanied with early hallmarks of apoptosis, such as increased cytochrome c release and stimulated activation of caspase-3. Overall, this study demonstrates that cranial irradiation is associated with the augmented apoptotic pathway in the rat hippocampus, which could be related to the cognitive decline observed in patients after prophylactic cranial radiotherapy, but also opens perspective in finding radioprotectors that can mitigate radiation injury of normal brain tissue.Jonizujuće zračenje se često koristi u tretmanu tumora mozga ali ono može da ošteti kognitivne funkcije, kao što su učenje i pamćenje. Pošto je smanjenje kognitivnih funkcija većinom rezultat ćelijske smrti putem apoptoze u hipokampalnim ćelijama u ovoj studiji su analizirani efekti kranijalnog gama-zračenja (10 Gy) na ekspresiju proapoptotskih (p53, Bax) i antiapoptotskih molekula (Bcl-2), kao i na aktivaciju kaspaze-3 i redistribuciju citohroma c u hipokampusu mladih pacova. Odabrani režim zračenja odgovara uspostavljenom životinjskom modelu za dečiju profilaktičku kranijalnu radioterapiju. Naši rezultati pokazuju da je ekspresija p53 i RNK nepromenjena nakon zračenja, dok je indukcija p53 proteina veoma brza. Istovremeno Bax iRNK i protein su povećani nakon zračenja, dok je ekspresija Bcl-2 nepromenjena tokom ispitivanog perioda. Ove promene su praćene ranim znacima apoptoze, kao što su povećano oslobađanje citohroma c i aktivacija kaspaze-3. Generalno, ova studija pokazuje da je kranijalno zračenje povezano sa stimulisanim apoptotskim putem u hipokampusu pacova, što se može povezati sa kognitivnim oštećenjima uočenih kod pacijenata nakon profilaktičke kranijalne radioterapije, ali takođe otvara perspektive u pronalaženju radioprotektora koji smanjuju oštećenje normalnog nervnog tkiva nakon zračenja.nul

    Radiation-mediated induction of apoptotic cell death in rat hippocampus

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    Ionizing radiation is commonly used in the treatment of brain tumors but it can impair cognitive functions, such as learning and memory. Since cognitive dysfunctions are predominantly result of cell death by apoptosis in hippocampal cells, in this study we analyzed acute effects of cranial gamma-irradiation (10 Gy) on expression of proapoptotic molecules (p53, Bax) and antiapoptotic molecule Bcl-2, as well as caspase-3 activation and cytochrome c redistribution in the hippocampus of young rats. The selected regimen of irradiation resembles the established animal model for childhood prophylactic cranial radiotherapy. Our results demonstrated that p53 mRNA expression was unchanged after irradiation, while induction of p53 protein was rapid. In parallel, Bax mRNA and protein levels were also increased following irradiation, whereas Bcl-2 expression was not changed during the examined post-irradiation period. These changes were accompanied with early hallmarks of apoptosis, such as increased cytochrome c release and stimulated activation of caspase-3. Overall, this study demonstrates that cranial irradiation is associated with the augmented apoptotic pathway in the rat hippocampus, which could be related to the cognitive decline observed in patients after prophylactic cranial radiotherapy, but also opens perspective in finding radioprotectors that can mitigate radiation injury of normal brain tissue.Jonizujuće zračenje se često koristi u tretmanu tumora mozga ali ono može da ošteti kognitivne funkcije, kao što su učenje i pamćenje. Pošto je smanjenje kognitivnih funkcija većinom rezultat ćelijske smrti putem apoptoze u hipokampalnim ćelijama u ovoj studiji su analizirani efekti kranijalnog gama-zračenja (10 Gy) na ekspresiju proapoptotskih (p53, Bax) i antiapoptotskih molekula (Bcl-2), kao i na aktivaciju kaspaze-3 i redistribuciju citohroma c u hipokampusu mladih pacova. Odabrani režim zračenja odgovara uspostavljenom životinjskom modelu za dečiju profilaktičku kranijalnu radioterapiju. Naši rezultati pokazuju da je ekspresija p53 i RNK nepromenjena nakon zračenja, dok je indukcija p53 proteina veoma brza. Istovremeno Bax iRNK i protein su povećani nakon zračenja, dok je ekspresija Bcl-2 nepromenjena tokom ispitivanog perioda. Ove promene su praćene ranim znacima apoptoze, kao što su povećano oslobađanje citohroma c i aktivacija kaspaze-3. Generalno, ova studija pokazuje da je kranijalno zračenje povezano sa stimulisanim apoptotskim putem u hipokampusu pacova, što se može povezati sa kognitivnim oštećenjima uočenih kod pacijenata nakon profilaktičke kranijalne radioterapije, ali takođe otvara perspektive u pronalaženju radioprotektora koji smanjuju oštećenje normalnog nervnog tkiva nakon zračenja.nul

    Prediction of oily water separation efficiency by fiber beds using a new filter media property

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    Bed coalescers are compact, easy to install, automate, and maintain with the ability to achieve high separation efficiencies. They have been increasingly applied in the industry even though their design often requires pilot plant experiments. In this paper, a new wetting property of polymer fibers regarding polar mineral oils was established. This property can be important for selection of filter media for liquid-liquid separation in many industrial applications. Medical oil was selected as the new reference liquid that does not wet the investigated polymers. The lipophilic/lyophobic ratio (LLR) reached values ranging from 3.28 to 18.81 and increased with the increase of the mineral oil polarity measured by the oil neutralization number. The LLR values were in an excellent agreement with the results obtained from the separation efficiency of a steady-state bed coalescer. Thus, simple, fast and inexpensive experiments can replace pilot plant or at least laboratory testing aiming at selecting a polymer for oil separation from wastewater. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. 172022

    Separation of mineral oil droplets using polypropylene fibre bed coalescence

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    This paper investigates the separation possibilities of model emulsion oil-in-water using polypropylene fibre bed coalescence. Experiments were carried out over a wide range of physico-chemical characteristics of mineral oils, bed permeability and operating fluid velocities. The aim of this study was to analyse the influence of the dispersed oil phase nature and of the bed geometry on the separation efficiency. From the obtained results, it can be concluded that polypropylene fibres in the broadest studied range of bed permeabilities and fluid velocities, effectively separate oil that is highly polar. On the contrary, for the other two investigated oils at low values of bed permeability a region was detected in which the coalescer is incapable to operate. It has to be emphasized that the polypropylene fibres efficiently separate all three investigated oils at the highest studied bed permeability. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 172022

    Technological opportunities for sensing of the health effects of weather and climate change: a state-of-the-art-review

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