137 research outputs found

    Investigation of Causes of Scrap Occurrence in Thread Cutting on Steel Sleeves for Motorcar Industry

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    This paper studies causes of scrap occurrence, wear and breakage of cutters during thread cutting of steel sleeves poured in Al die castings of motor car engine components. It was concluded that the reason for occurrence of problems with thread cutting of sleeves most probably should be attributed to the fact whether hardness value reaches 200 HB or over 250 HB. The most probable reason for over wear and consequently to breakage of cutters and scrap occurrence, although castings display top quality, lies in the fact that the internal diameter of sleeves frequently falls down under minimally allowed tolerances for threaded sleeves

    Primjena genetičkih algoritma kod problema raspoređivanja tehnoloÅ”kih operacija

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    The basic enterprise task is to satisfy customer requirements: due date, price and quality. Based on experiences from engineers practice of work in Croatian enterprises it could be concluded that enterprises are not able to fulfil obligations to the customer in a way of due dates. One of the basic reasons lies in inappropriate scheduling model that has not had possibility to make plan variants. The paper shows how genetic algorithm could be successfully applied in scheduling model to solve the problem of plan variant. As a basic selection in the paper 3-tournament steady-state selection has been applied.Danas je osnovni zadatak poduzeća zadovoljiti kupčeva zahtjeve u pogledu roka isporuke, cijene i kvalitete. Na osnovi iskustava inženjerske prakse iz hrvatskih proizvodnih poduzeća može se zaključiti kako poduzeća nisu u mogućnosti ispuniti obveze prema krajnjem kupcu u pogledu roka isporuke. Jedan od osnovnih razloga za takva odstupanja leži u neadekvatnom modelu raspoređivanja koji nemaju mogućnost izrade varijanti planova. U radu je prikazana mogućnost primjene genetičkog algoritma kod problema raspoređivanja tehnoloÅ”kih operacija u svrhu dobivanje viÅ”evarijantnog raspoređivanja. Primijenjeni genetički algoritam baziran je na 3-turnirskoj eliminacijskoj selekciji bez duplikata

    The Development of the Croatian Competency Framework for Pharmacists

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    OBJECTIVE: To adjust and validate the Global Competency Framework (GbCF) to be relevant for Croatian community and hospital pharmacists. METHODS: A descriptive study was conducted in three steps: translation, consensus development, and validation by an expert panel and public consultation. Panel members were representatives from community pharmacies, hospital pharmacies, regulatory and professional bodies, academia, and industry. RESULTS: The adapted framework consists of 96 behavioral statements organized in four clusters: Pharmaceutical Public Health, Pharmaceutical Care, Organization and Management, and Personal and Professional Competencies. When mapped against the 100 statements listed in the GbCF, 27 matched, 39 were revised, 30 were introduced, and 24 were excluded from the original framework. CONCLUSIONS: The adaptation and validation proved that GbCF is adaptable to local needs, the Croatian Competency Framework that emerged from it being an example. Key amendments were made within Organization and Management and Pharmaceutical Care clusters, demonstrating that these issues can be country specific

    A case of severe lead encephalopathy in the adult treated with complexing agent

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    Opisan je tok i liječenje teÅ”ke olovne encefalopatije odraslog bolesnika, popraćene vrlo teÅ”kom kaheksijom i kvadriplegijom. Pojava simptoma i tok bolesti potpuno su odgovarali klasičnim opisima encefalopatije (kolike, klijenuti, encefalopatija). Liječenje poduzeto visokim dozama kompleksona EDTA pokazalo se vrlo uspjeÅ”nimThe course and treatment of severe lead encephalopathy in an adult, accompanied with cachexia and quadriplegia, are described. The appearance of symptoms and the course of disease were in accord with the classical picture of encephalopathy (colics, paralysis, encephalopathy). Treatment with large doses of the complexing agent EDTA proved very successful

    Investigation of Causes of Scrap Occurrence in Thread Cutting on Steel Sleeves for Motorcar Industry

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    This paper studies causes of scrap occurrence, wear and breakage of cutters during thread cutting of steel sleeves poured in Al die castings of motor car engine components. It was concluded that the reason for occurrence of problems with thread cutting of sleeves most probably should be attributed to the fact whether hardness value reaches 200 HB or over 250 HB. The most probable reason for over wear and consequently to breakage of cutters and scrap occurrence, although castings display top quality, lies in the fact that the internal diameter of sleeves frequently falls down under minimally allowed tolerances for threaded sleeves

    Primjena neuronskih mreža u planiranju održavanja metalurŔke opreme

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    Maintenance of metallurgical equipment is very complex and demanding job. Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) is used for complex and significant equipment. The paper shows element selection that will be used in CBM planning as a location on which will be applied neural network. The paper presents few different neural network algorithms that have been used for different prediction problems and review of achieved results. Data structure that has been used in researching problem is part of Information System and its Equipment Maintenance subsystem that was developed for enterprise Aluminij d.d. Mostar.Održavanje metalurÅ”kih postrojenja predstavlja složen i zahtjevan posao. Strategija održavanja po stanju predstavlja strategiju koja se primjenjuje za složeniju i značajniju opremu. U radu se daje jedan od pristupa odabira elementa za koji se provodi istraživanje s ciljem primjene neuronskih mreža u planiranju održavanja po stanju. Istraživano je nekoliko različitih algoritama neuronskih mreža za rjeÅ”avanje problema predikcije, te se u radu daje pregled ostvarenih rezultata istraživanja. Kao pretpostavka za istraživanje koriÅ”teni su podaci iz podsustava održavanja postrojenja Informacijskog sustava razvijenog za potrebe poduzeća Aluminij d.d. Mostar

    Clinical observations on the effect of lead on the kidney

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    lznesen je problem toksičkog djelovanja olova na bubrege s obzirom na dosadaÅ”nje podatke u literaturi. Prikazana su vlastita zapažanja kod 54 od 56 bolesnika otrovanih olovom, koji su liječeni u Odjelu za profesionalne bolesti Instituta za medicinska istraživanja. Trajne promjene na bubrezima u obliku kronične progredijentne difuzne nefropatije opažene su samo kod 2 bolesnika. Oba su bila u dugoj i vjerojatno visokoj ekspoziciji olovu (20, odnosno 35 godina), a imali su viÅ”ekratna manifestna otrovanja olovom. 28 bolesnika pokazivalo je oÅ”tećenja bubrežnih funkcija, koja su utvrđena pokusom koncentracije mokraće, PSP testom, Ucl testom i određivanjem ureje u krvi, a da kod toga u mokraći nije bilo patoloÅ”kih promjena. Autori su miÅ”ljenja, da su funkcionalna oÅ”tećenja uvjetovana poremećajima u intrarenalnoj cirkulaciji, odnosno spastičkim djelovanjem olova na krvne žile bubrega i direktnim toksičkim ili indirektnim hipoksičkim efektom olova na tubule. Poremećenja parcijalnih funkcija bubrega bila su u pravilu tranzitorna. Krvni tlak je bio poviÅ”en samo kod 6 bolesnika, od kojih su 2 imala pogredijentnu organsku nefropatiju. Najvjerojatnije je, da se kod tih bolesnika radi o hipertenziji nefrogenog karaktera. U jednom slučaju poviÅ”eni krvni tlak bio je tipa esencijalne hipertonije, pa se uzročna veza između otrovanja olovom i hipertonije ne može sa sigurnoŔću pretpostaviti. Kod ostala 3 bolesnika hipertonija je bila prolazna i prisutna samo u vrijeme akutne manifestacije otrovanja. Autori su primijetili, da je pri ispitivanju parcijalnih funkcija bubrega neobično važno vrijeme, kada se pojedine pretrage vrÅ”e. Pokazalo se, da se eventualne lezije mijenjaju u prirodnom toku bolesti. Ako se to izgubi iz vida, mogu se dobiti prividno divergentni i protuslovni rezultati. Na temelju spomenutih nalaza autori zaključuju, da ekspozicija olovu i otrovanje olovom mogu izazvati prolazna bubrežna oÅ”tećenja funkcionalne prirode. Čini se, da su u iznimnim slučajevima vrlo duge i visoke ekspozicije i opetovanih otrovanja moguće i organske lezije bubrega.The problem of the toxic effect of lead upon the kidney, in spite of numerous studies, has not as yet been fully solved. The report presented deals with the clinical observations of 54 lead poisoned patients. Lasting kidney changes in the form of chronic, progredient and diffuse nephropathy were observed in only 2 patients with an exposure to high lead concentrations during a period of 20 and 35 years respectively, and repeated lead poisonings. These two patients had no history of previous kidney disorders, and kidney injuries progressed with repealed lead poisonings. It may, therefore, be assumed that the lesions observed were due to lead action. 24 patients showed functional kidney alterations which were proved by the test of urine concentration, the phenolsulphthalein test, the urea clearance test, and the urea value in the blood. Urine showed no abnormality in these cases. In the authors\u27 opinion these functional changes mostly consist in altered intrarenal circulation due to the spastic effect of lead upon the blood vessels of the kidney and the direct toxic and indirect hypoxic effect of lead upon the tubules. The injuries of partial renal functions were as a rule reversible. In only 6 patients the blood pressure was increased. 2 patients with hypertension were those with progredient organic nephropaty. It seems most probable that in these two cases hypertension was nephrogenic in character. In one case high blood pressure was of the type of essential hypertension, but the relation between lead poisoning and hypertension in this case cannot be assumed with certainty. In other 3 patients hypertension was transitory in type, lasting only during the acute manifestations of lead poisoning. Functional kidney alterations tend to change according to the natural course of the disease. This is why it is not the same in which phase of the poisoning functional kidney tests are carried out. If this fact is neglected, divergent and contradictory results may be obtained. On the basis of these clinical findings the authors conclude that lead exposure and lead poisoning may cause kidney injuries. However, these changes are not uniform and cannot therefore be considered a clinical and nosologic entity usually called nephropathia saturnina. In the exceptional cases of a very long and high exposure to lead and repeated poisoning, progressive organic kidney changes may be expected. Otherwise, possible renal alterations and changes in the blood pressure are functional and reversible

    Potential health benefits of blueberry and raspberry pomace as functional food ingredients: Dietetic intervention study on healthy women volunteers

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    The fruit juice industry generates pomace as a valuable by-product especially rich in polyphenols, dietary fibers, vitamins, minerals, and unsaturated fatty acids. In the cookies used in this study, 30% of the gluten-free flour was replaced with dried and ground blueberry and raspberry pomace, rich source of polyphenols, dietary fibers, linoleic and alpha-linolenic acid. In order to examine whether the addition of blueberry and raspberry pomace in cookie formulation can have beneficial effects on certain blood parameters and anthropometric measurements, the designed cookies were tested in 20 healthy, normally fed female subjects, aged 30ā€“50 years (41.35 Ā± 8.58 years) over four-week dietetic intervention study. Significant changes in the composition of fatty acids serum phospholipids, decrease in LDL-cholesterol level (20.16%), increase in adiponectin level (25.52%) and decrease in ALT and AST values were observed, thus indicating that inclusion of cookies containing blueberry and raspberry dried and ground pomace to usual diet might have positive effects on certain cardiovascular risk factors and liver function indicators

    Effect of various therapeutic doses of complexing agents on clinical and laboratory symptoms of lead poisoning

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    Prikazani su podaci o rezultatima liječenja 19 bolesnika otrovanih olovom s kompleksonom EDTA (Na2Ca EDTA). Bolesnici su liječeni kompleksonom u dozama koje su varirale od 2,4 g pa do 24 g na dan, odnosno od ukupno 6 g pa do cca 150 g. Komplekson se davao u infuziji 5%-glukoze, a ukupna dnevna doza je uvijek dijeljena na dva jednaka dijela: jutarnju i popodnevnu. Izlučivanje olova mokraćom i kretanje nivoa olova u krvi u toku terapije različitim dozama EDTA nije potvrdilo pretpostavku o boljem terapijskom učinku većih doza kompleksona. Sudeći barem po laboratorijskim nalazima, nema potrebe da se EDTA primjenjuje u dnevnim dozama koje su veće od dosad uobičajenih {2,4-4,8 g). Å to seĀ· tiče frekvencije doziranja lijeka, dobiveni rezultati govore isto tako u prilog već objavljenim iskustvima, da je najbolje aplicirati EDTA u kurama od 2-3 dana sa stankama od 5-7 dana između pojedinih kura. U saopćenju je obrazložena zbog čega se pokuÅ”avala s primjenom velikih doza EDTA i istaknuto je kao značajno stečeno iskustvoĀ·o odsustvu bilo kakvih toksičkih popratnih pojava u toku primijenjene terapije. Pokazalo se čak da i znakovi za postojanje bubrežnih lezija prije početka liječenja - i u uvjetima visokog doziranja lijeka - nisu sami po sebi zapreka da se poduzme liječenje s EDTA.Data are presented on the results of the treatment of 19 lead poisoned patients with the complexing agent EDTA. The preparation Mosatil forte Bayer {Na2Ca EDTA) was used. Daily doses varied from 2.4 to 24 g or from 6 to cca 150 g in total. EDT A was given to all the patients in an infusion of 5% glucose diluted from 0.24 to 2.4 g %, in relation to the amount of each dose. The total daily dose was always divided into two equal parts: a morning and an afternoon dose In the course of therapy, in addition to clinical symptoms, the following factors were analysed: elimination of lead in urine, blood lead level, the count of basophilic stippled cells, and the concentration of coproporphyrin in urine. Special attention was paid to the possible occurrence of nephrotoxic side-effects in connection with the use of complexing agents. With all the doses applied the drug produced a favourable clinical effect by diminishing the symptoms of poisoning. The data obtained on the elimination of lead in urine and the blood lead level are in accord with observations from literature, i. e. that EDT A removes from the body very quickly and that only a small part of the drug is used for the formation of chelates with lead. In view of that there is no need for EDT A to be administered in larger daily doses than those used so far (2.4-4.8 g). As to the administration schedule the results obtained also confirm the reports from literature, viz. that the best way of administering EDTA is a treatment lasting 2-3 days with intervals of 5-7 days between each treatment. The analysis of coproporphyrin in the urine and the number of basophilic stippled cells proved a valuable indicator of the therapeutical effect. The gradual introduction of unusually large doses of EDTA is explained by the favourable experience gained with such large doses in the treatment of a patient with severe lead encephalopathy. Although there is no ground for the need of a larger daily EDTA dose - at least judging by laboratory data on lead elimination and lead blood values - the experience obtained concerning the absence of any toxic side-effects in the course of the applied therapy is of great significance. Moreover, it has been proved that not even the symptoms of the existence of kidney lesions before the beginning of treatment are a contraindication for the administration of EDTA
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