26 research outputs found

    Impact of innovativeness on business performance in Croatian companies

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    The purpose of the research was to examine the relationship between innovativeness and business performance in Croatian export companies. The research involved 303 Croatian companies from the fields of manufacturing industry and information and communication technology. The research was conducted through a survey method during the last three months of 2016. The sampling method used for the purpose of this research was stratified random sampling, while regression analysis was used for data analysis. The structure of correlation between individual responses and individual groups of responses was analysed by canonical analysis and cluster analysis. The results show that there is a positive relationship between innovativeness and business performance in Croatian companies. The research has practical implications for Croatian companies in the ability to increase their efficiency and innovativeness. The empirical contribution was achieved by defining the direction and impact of innovativeness on business performance. The results offer theoretical and managerial implications. In the context of this research, it is likely that innovativeness and business performance influence a company’s innovative activities, which can be positively reflected in creating and maintaining the competitive advantage on the market

    Impact of innovativeness on business performance in Croatian companies

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    The purpose of the research was to examine the relationship between innovativeness and business performance in Croatian export companies. The research involved 303 Croatian companies from the fields of manufacturing industry and information and communication technology. The research was conducted through a survey method during the last three months of 2016. The sampling method used for the purpose of this research was stratified random sampling, while regression analysis was used for data analysis. The structure of correlation between individual responses and individual groups of responses was analysed by canonical analysis and cluster analysis. The results show that there is a positive relationship between innovativeness and business performance in Croatian companies. The research has practical implications for Croatian companies in the ability to increase their efficiency and innovativeness. The empirical contribution was achieved by defining the direction and impact of innovativeness on business performance. The results offer theoretical and managerial implications. In the context of this research, it is likely that innovativeness and business performance influence a company’s innovative activities, which can be positively reflected in creating and maintaining the competitive advantage on the market


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    The purpose of the research was to determine whether there is a positive relationship between entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and innovation in Croatian export companies. The sampling method used for the purpose of this research was stratified random sampling, and regression analysis was used for data analysis. The structure of correlation between individual responses and individual groups of responses is analysed by canonical analysis and cluster analysis. Data was collected from 303 Croatian companies using a questionnaire with a response rate of 35.31%. The results confirm that there is a positive relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and innovativeness in Croatian companies. In the context of this research, it is likely that the entrepreneurial orientation associated with the innovative activities of the company can be positively reflected in the creation and maintenance of a good business climate and the strengthening of competitiveness in the international market.Svrha istraživanja bila je utvrditi postoji li pozitivan odnos između poduzetničke orijentacije i inovativnosti u hrvatskim izvoznim poduzećima. Za potrebe istraživanja koristi se trostupanjski stratificirani slučajni uzorak, a za analizu podataka korištena je regresijska analiza. Struktura korelacije između pojedinačnih odgovora i pojedinih skupina odgovora analizirana je kanonskom analizom i klaster analizom. Podaci su prikupljeni od 303 hrvatska poduzeća pomoću upitnika sa stopom odgovora od 35,31%. Rezultati potvrđuju da postoji pozitivna povezanost između poduzetničke orijentacije i inovativnosti u hrvatskim poduzećima. U kontekstu ovog istraživanja, vjerojatno je da se poduzetnička orijentacija povezana s inovativnim aktivnostima poduzeća može pozitivno odraziti u stvaranju i održavanju dobre poslovne klime te jačanju konkurentnosti na međunarodnom tržištu


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    In today\u27s dynamic, uncertain and heterogeneous environment, innovativeness is the foundation for the survival and prosperity of every company. The aim of the research was to examine the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation, learning orientation, innovativeness and business performance in companies. Data was collected from 303 Croatian companies using a questionnaire, with a response rate of 35.31%. The sampling method used for this research was stratified random sampling, and for data analysis canonical analysis and cluster analysis were used. In the context of this research it is likely that entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation and learning orientation will have a positive effect on the company’s\u27 innovation activities, causing business performance to likely increase their competitive advantage on the market

    Stavovi menadžera hrvatskih hotela prema sustavima upravljanja okolišem: percipirane koristi i prepreke

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    Researchers have pointed out significant adverse environmental impacts of the hotels and suggested environmental management systems (EMS) as a solution for identifying, managing and mitigating those impacts. EMS are adopted by the top management members based on perceived benefits and implementation barriers. The purpose of this study is to explore the attitudes of general managers from Croatian hotels about perceived benefits of and barriers to EMS implementation. Data was collected with online questionnaires from April to June 2021. Sample included 32 general managers, representing hotels from Istria, Kvarner, North, Central and South Dalmatia. Collected data was analysed using descriptive statistics. Croatian hotel managers perceive improved reputation and sustainable resource governance, followed by cost reductions as the main benefits of EMS. Administrative burden, lack of human resources and lack of knowledge are perceived as the most significant barriers for managers of hotels with implemented EMS, while implementation costs, lack of human resources and infrastructure changes are perceived as considerable barriers by managers from hotels without EMS. The results of this study provide an insight about the perceived benefits and barriers of EMS in Croatian hospitality sector contributing to the field by testing the findings of previous research in different context.Literatura ukazuje na značajne negativne utjecaje hotela na okoliš i predlaže sustave upravljanja okolišem (EMS) kao rješenje za prepoznavanje, upravljanje i ublažavanje tih utjecaja. EMS usvajaju članovi najvišeg menadžmenta na temelju percipiranih prednosti i prepreka implementaciji. Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je istražiti stavove generalnih direktora hrvatskih hotela o prednostima i preprekama implementacije EMS-a. Podaci su prikupljeni online upitnicima od travnja do lipnja 2021. U istraživanju su sudjelovala 32 generalna direktora, predstavnika hotela iz Istre, Kvarnera, sjeverne, srednje i južne Dalmacije. Prikupljeni podaci analizirani su deskriptivnom statistikom. Hrvatski hotelijeri kao glavne prednosti EMS-a vide poboljšanu reputaciju i održivo upravljanje resursima, a zatim i smanjenje troškova. Administrativni teret, nedostatak ljudskih resursa i nedostatak znanja percipiraju se kao najznačajnije barijere za menadžere hotela s implementiranim sustavom upravljanja okolišem, dok se troškovi implementacije, nedostatak ljudskih resursa i promjena infrastrukture percipiraju kao značajne barijere za menadžere hotela koji još nisu uspostavili takav sustav. Rezultati ove studije daju uvid u percipirane prednosti i prepreke sustava upravljanja okolišem u hrvatskom hotelskom sektoru pridonoseći ovom području testiranjem rezultata prethodnih istraživanja u različitom kontekstu

    Povezanost inovativnosti s izvoznom sposobnosti i poslovnom uspješnosti poduzeća

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    Zanimanje za istraživanje povezanosti inovativnosti s izvoznom sposobnosti i poslovnom uspješnosti poduzeća proizlazi iz potrebe za što bržim gospodarskim rastom. U hrvatskom je gospodarstvu situacija krajnje složena uz nisku stopu rasta BDP-a, deficit vanjskotrgovinske razmjene, visoku razinu vanjskog duga i druge okolnosti. Navedeno zahtijeva velike promjene u ekonomskoj politici Republike Hrvatske, a zbog važnosti međunarodne razmjene za gospodarski razvoj zemlje, povećanje izvozne sposobnosti hrvatskih poduzeća jedna je od važnijih determinanti dugoročnoga gospodarskog rasta. Stoga je znanstveno opravdano i utemeljeno istražiti povezanost inovativnosti, posebice njezinih dimenzija, s povećanjem izvozne sposobnosti i uspješnosti poslovanja poduzeća. Cilj ovoga rada je ispitati mijenja li se model povezanosti inovativnosti i njezinih dimenzija s izvozom, uspješnosti poslovanja u razdoblju 2016. – 2019. u hrvatskim poduzećima. Pri obradi podataka provedena je analiza kovarijance i regresijska analiza. Rezultati pokazuju da ne postoji statistički značajna razlika između inovativnosti i izvoza u 2016. i 2019. godini. Isto tako, utvrđeno je da ne postoji statistički značajna razlika između povezanosti inovativnosti s uspješnosti poslovanja u 2016. i 2019. godini. Rezultati ovoga istraživanja imaju značajne teorijske i praktične implikacije

    Entrepreneurial, market and learning orientations in measuring innovativeness

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    Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi postoji li pozitivna povezanost između: poduzetničke orijentacije i inovativnosti; tržišne orijentacije i inovativnosti te orijentacije na učenje i inovativnosti. Jednako tako, nastojala se ustanoviti pozitivna povezanost između inovativnosti i uspješnosti poslovanja, osnovnih obilježja tvrtke i inovativnosti te pozitivna povezanost između inovativnosti i izvoza. Ovaj rad također definira izravni utjecaj specifičnih orijentacija na inovativnost te njihov utjecaj na uspješnost poslovanja kao i smjer i utjecaj inovativnosti na uspješnost poslovanja. U istraživanju su sudjelovale 303 hrvatske tvrtke iz područja prerađivačke industrije i informatičko-komunikacijske tehnologije. Istraživanje je provedeno metodom anketiranja tijekom posljednja tri mjeseca 2016. godine. Za dokazivanje hipoteza koristila se neparametrijska statistika. Složeniji međuodnos varijabli utvrđen je multivarijatnim statističkim metodama. Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju da postoji pozitivna povezanost između poduzetničke orijentacije, tržišne orijentacije i orijentacije na učenje, inovativnosti te uspješnosti poslovanja. Nadalje, rezultati pokazuju da postoji pozitivna povezanost između inovativnosti i izvoza. Nije potvrđena pozitivna povezanost između osnovnih obilježja tvrtke s inovativnosti. U kontekstu ovog istraživanja, vjerojatno je da poduzetnička orijentacija, tržišna orijentacija i orijentacija na učenje utječu na inovativne aktivnosti tvrtke, što se može pozitivno reflektirati u stvaranju i održavanju dobre poslovne klime.The aim of the research was to establish whether there is a positive relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and innovativeness, between market orientation and innovativenesss, and between learning orientation and innovativeness. Furthermore, the research analysed the positive reltionship between innovativeness and business performance, between basic characteristics of a firm and its innovativeness, and between innovativeness and export. The research also sought to define what specific elements in the orientations impact innovativeness and business performance, and what impact do different forms of innovativeness have on business performance. The population of the data collection sample consisted of 303 Croatian firms from the fields of manufacturing and information and communication technology. A survey research was conducted in the last three months of 2016. To prove the hypotheses a nonparametric statistics was used. A more complex interrelation among variables was established by a multivariate statistical methods. The findings of the research proved a positive relationship between the entrepreneurial, market and learning orientations of the firms, innovativeness, and business success. The results also show that a positive relationship exists between innovativenes and export. A positive relationship between basic characteristics of a firm and its innovativeness was not established. In the context of this research it is probable that entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation and learning orientation positively influence the innovation activities of a firm, thus maintaining a good business climate

    Entrepreneurial, market and learning orientations in measuring innovativeness

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    Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi postoji li pozitivna povezanost između: poduzetničke orijentacije i inovativnosti; tržišne orijentacije i inovativnosti te orijentacije na učenje i inovativnosti. Jednako tako, nastojala se ustanoviti pozitivna povezanost između inovativnosti i uspješnosti poslovanja, osnovnih obilježja tvrtke i inovativnosti te pozitivna povezanost između inovativnosti i izvoza. Ovaj rad također definira izravni utjecaj specifičnih orijentacija na inovativnost te njihov utjecaj na uspješnost poslovanja kao i smjer i utjecaj inovativnosti na uspješnost poslovanja. U istraživanju su sudjelovale 303 hrvatske tvrtke iz područja prerađivačke industrije i informatičko-komunikacijske tehnologije. Istraživanje je provedeno metodom anketiranja tijekom posljednja tri mjeseca 2016. godine. Za dokazivanje hipoteza koristila se neparametrijska statistika. Složeniji međuodnos varijabli utvrđen je multivarijatnim statističkim metodama. Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju da postoji pozitivna povezanost između poduzetničke orijentacije, tržišne orijentacije i orijentacije na učenje, inovativnosti te uspješnosti poslovanja. Nadalje, rezultati pokazuju da postoji pozitivna povezanost između inovativnosti i izvoza. Nije potvrđena pozitivna povezanost između osnovnih obilježja tvrtke s inovativnosti. U kontekstu ovog istraživanja, vjerojatno je da poduzetnička orijentacija, tržišna orijentacija i orijentacija na učenje utječu na inovativne aktivnosti tvrtke, što se može pozitivno reflektirati u stvaranju i održavanju dobre poslovne klime.The aim of the research was to establish whether there is a positive relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and innovativeness, between market orientation and innovativenesss, and between learning orientation and innovativeness. Furthermore, the research analysed the positive reltionship between innovativeness and business performance, between basic characteristics of a firm and its innovativeness, and between innovativeness and export. The research also sought to define what specific elements in the orientations impact innovativeness and business performance, and what impact do different forms of innovativeness have on business performance. The population of the data collection sample consisted of 303 Croatian firms from the fields of manufacturing and information and communication technology. A survey research was conducted in the last three months of 2016. To prove the hypotheses a nonparametric statistics was used. A more complex interrelation among variables was established by a multivariate statistical methods. The findings of the research proved a positive relationship between the entrepreneurial, market and learning orientations of the firms, innovativeness, and business success. The results also show that a positive relationship exists between innovativenes and export. A positive relationship between basic characteristics of a firm and its innovativeness was not established. In the context of this research it is probable that entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation and learning orientation positively influence the innovation activities of a firm, thus maintaining a good business climate

    Entrepreneurial, market and learning orientations in measuring innovativeness

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    Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi postoji li pozitivna povezanost između: poduzetničke orijentacije i inovativnosti; tržišne orijentacije i inovativnosti te orijentacije na učenje i inovativnosti. Jednako tako, nastojala se ustanoviti pozitivna povezanost između inovativnosti i uspješnosti poslovanja, osnovnih obilježja tvrtke i inovativnosti te pozitivna povezanost između inovativnosti i izvoza. Ovaj rad također definira izravni utjecaj specifičnih orijentacija na inovativnost te njihov utjecaj na uspješnost poslovanja kao i smjer i utjecaj inovativnosti na uspješnost poslovanja. U istraživanju su sudjelovale 303 hrvatske tvrtke iz područja prerađivačke industrije i informatičko-komunikacijske tehnologije. Istraživanje je provedeno metodom anketiranja tijekom posljednja tri mjeseca 2016. godine. Za dokazivanje hipoteza koristila se neparametrijska statistika. Složeniji međuodnos varijabli utvrđen je multivarijatnim statističkim metodama. Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju da postoji pozitivna povezanost između poduzetničke orijentacije, tržišne orijentacije i orijentacije na učenje, inovativnosti te uspješnosti poslovanja. Nadalje, rezultati pokazuju da postoji pozitivna povezanost između inovativnosti i izvoza. Nije potvrđena pozitivna povezanost između osnovnih obilježja tvrtke s inovativnosti. U kontekstu ovog istraživanja, vjerojatno je da poduzetnička orijentacija, tržišna orijentacija i orijentacija na učenje utječu na inovativne aktivnosti tvrtke, što se može pozitivno reflektirati u stvaranju i održavanju dobre poslovne klime.The aim of the research was to establish whether there is a positive relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and innovativeness, between market orientation and innovativenesss, and between learning orientation and innovativeness. Furthermore, the research analysed the positive reltionship between innovativeness and business performance, between basic characteristics of a firm and its innovativeness, and between innovativeness and export. The research also sought to define what specific elements in the orientations impact innovativeness and business performance, and what impact do different forms of innovativeness have on business performance. The population of the data collection sample consisted of 303 Croatian firms from the fields of manufacturing and information and communication technology. A survey research was conducted in the last three months of 2016. To prove the hypotheses a nonparametric statistics was used. A more complex interrelation among variables was established by a multivariate statistical methods. The findings of the research proved a positive relationship between the entrepreneurial, market and learning orientations of the firms, innovativeness, and business success. The results also show that a positive relationship exists between innovativenes and export. A positive relationship between basic characteristics of a firm and its innovativeness was not established. In the context of this research it is probable that entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation and learning orientation positively influence the innovation activities of a firm, thus maintaining a good business climate


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    Entrepreneurship has become an important academic field leading to a growing interest of scientists in the study, development and evaluation of entrepreneurial competencies of young people. Business based aspects of entrepreneurial competencies relate to the development of personality traits, student skills that influence one\u27s personal development for successful entrepreneurs. The main purpose of this paper is to examine the entrepreneurial competencies of students during their studies and how they relate to their socio-demographic characteristics. The research was conducted in November 2019 on a sample of 172 respondents and included first-year undergraduate students of business economics and undergraduate studies of digital marketing at institution of higher education. The results of the research show a positive statistically significant correlation between all entrepreneurial competencies of students. Statistically significant differences in entrepreneurial competencies according to the gender of students were found. And finally, statistically significant differences in entrepreneurial competencies between undergraduate students of business economics and undergraduate studies in digital marketing were shown. It is expected of students with a higher degree of management competencies attending entrepreneurial education more capable of becoming future entrepreneurs. The primary contribution of this paper is to point out the need to increase students\u27 awareness of the positive impact of entrepreneurial education programs that contribute to the development of such competencies.Poduzetništvo je postalo važno akademsko područje koje dovodi do sve većeg interesa znanstvenika za proučavanje, razvoj i ocjenu poduzetničkih kompetencija mladih. Poslovni aspekti poduzetničkih kompetencija odnose se na razvoj osobina ličnosti, studentskih vještina koje utječu na nečiji osobni razvoj za uspješne poduzetnike. Glavna svrha ovog rada je ispitati poduzetničke kompetencije studenata za vrijeme studiranja i kako su povezane sa njihovim socio-demografskim obilježjima. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 172 ispitanika u studenom 2019. godine, a obuhvaćeni su studenti prve godine preddiplomskog studija poslovne ekonomije i preddiplomskog studija digitalnog marketinga na visokim učilištima. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da postoji pozitivna statistički značajna povezanost između svih poduzetničkih kompetencija studenata. Utvrđeno je da postoje statistički značajne razlike u poduzetničkim kompetencijama prema spolu studenata. I na kraju, prikazane su statistički značajne razlike u poduzetničkim kompetencijama između studenata preddiplomskog studija poslovne ekonomije i preddiplomskog studija digitalnog marketinga. Očekuje se da će studenti s višim stupnjem upravljačkih kompetencija koji pohađaju poduzetničko obrazovanje smatrati se sposobnijima da postanu poduzetnici u budućnosti. Primarni doprinos ovog rada jest ukazati na potrebu povećanja svijesti studenata o pozitivnom utjecaju poduzetničkog obrazovanja koji doprinose razvoju takvih kompetencija