7 research outputs found

    Ways to Deads

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    This work tries to show the status of a major Argentine film director Lisandro Alonso in the context of Argentine and world cinema and reflect on narrative questions of his work. Based on the analysis of the film "Los Muertos" this work tries to keep track of procedures the director is working with while building up the drama in his films. The analysis focuses on viewer's experience of drama and the individual elements of film language creating this experience

    "Magical Crisis" - a dramatic model for stories of "supernatural harm"

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    Práca zhrňuje základné problémy tvorby naratívu v pionierskom umení - Virtuálnej realite

    Selection of the ceramic collection from Jerusalem Hill

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    Jerusalem Hill (Jeruzalemberg, Jeruzalemský Vrch) is an important archaeological site in Slovakia, lying in Kežmarok city in the Spiš region. It is mainly of Iron Age date, specifically, Púchov culture. The pottery assemblage from the site is particularly abundant. Remains from Jerusalem Hill include fragmentary jugs with handles decorated with one or two animal heads; parallels are known from several fortified settlements in the Spiš and neighbouring regions. Recently, Jerusalem Hill was excavated in 2013. The paper offers some preliminary results of the archaeological research, in particular selected ceramic shapes from Jerusalem Hill, coming from the different localities and different excavations (including an earlier salvage dig and the most recent, as yet unpublished project carried out in 2013). The site is placed in context with other Hallstatt and Pre-Púchov and Púchov culture hillforts in this region (Spiš), taking into account however the trans-regional nature as wel

    Ways to Deads

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    Táto práca sa snaží ukázať postavenie významného argentínskeho režiséra Lisandra Alonsa v kontexte argentínskej a svetovej kinematografie a rieši otázky naratívnosti jeho diela. Na základe analýzy filmu Mŕtvi sa táto práca snaží sledovať, akými postupmi pracuje Lisandro Alonso v budovaní dramatična vo svojich filmových dielach. Analýza sa zameriava na skúmanie dosahovania prežitku drámy u diváka a jednotlivé prvky filmovej reči, ktoré tomu slúžia

    "Magical Crisis" - a dramatic model for stories of "supernatural harm"

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    Thesis summarizes basic problems of working process of narrative in pioneer art - virtual reality