8 research outputs found

    Practical Application of Satellite-Based SAR Interferometry for the Detection of Landslide Activity

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    AbstractAfter two decades of SAR satellite operation, their data, processed by interferometric techniques (InSAR), allows for a sensitive detection of terrain movements. Various projects have risen towards the detection of landslide activity and thus possibility of early warning system based on SAR data. The ability of InSAR techniques to detect a slope stability is limited and depends on slope orientation, movement rate, vegetation cover and temporal and spatial image resolution. This paper presents common issues found in past projects of the team of authors observing landslides using available satellite SAR data processed by various InSAR techniques. It is demonstrated that in some cases the basic differential InSAR combining only two images provides more valuable information compared to advance multi-temporal InSAR techniques.The paper aims at providing guidelines for maximal successful detection of landslide activity and to introduce pros and cons of the InSAR method, which often discussed in geology and geophysics circles. We prove the potential of techniques using satellite-based InSAR to identify creeping movement of structures built at moving slopes and the limited possibility to detect movements at moderately vegetated slopes by using especially the L-band or a combination of winter-season SAR and other images within very short temporal difference. It is possible to overcome misinterpretation of results by proper understanding of InSAR source phase component at slopes, including phase distortions due to SAR geometry, vegetation movement (vegetated mass movement) and atmospheric pressure changes correlated with height differences

    Yenigediz (Kütahya) bölgesinin neotektonik ve sismotektonik özellikleri.

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    Erdoğmuş-Yenigediz graben is one of the major structural elements of Akşehir-Simav Fault System (ASFS), which is a major extensional structure in the southwestern Anatolian extensional neotectonic province (SWAEP). It is about 6-10-km-wide, 15-km-long and approximately ENE-trending and is actively growing structure as indicated by the 1970.03.28 (Mw= 7.2) Gediz earthquake. The graben is characterized by two distinct units, separated by an angular unconformity: (i) Miocene-middle Pliocene Arıca formation and (ii) Plio Quaternary Erdoğmuş formation. The former unit commences with a basal conglomerate above the basement rocks and is composed mainly of coal-bearing continental and lacustrine sediments with lava flows and pyroclastics, particularly common in the middle parts of the sequence. The volcanics are dated at 18.4 ± 0.1 Ma (Ar-Ar mica ages). They record evidence for two deformation phases as suggested by twosets of overprinting slickenlines, intense folding, thrust and strike-slip faulting. The Erdoğmuş formation commences with terrace conglomerates and is composed mainly of travertines, older and younger alluvial deposits, fan-apron sediments and the recent axial graben floor sediments. Kinematic analysis of the graben-bounding normal faults, growth faults within the graben-infill and those deforming the sediments are consistent with three distinct phases of deformation: (i) Miocene middle Pliocene extensional phase, (ii) interveining NE SW contractional phase and (iii) Plio-Quaternary extensional phase. The data also suggests a distributed stress field and a multi-directional recent extension in predominantly NNE–SSW, E–W and NE–SW directions. This is also consistent with available focal mechanism solutions for the region. The graben therefore has an episodic evolutionary history with two extensional phases and an intervening short-term contraction, as described in many different parts of the SWAEP. The latter phase of extension is considered as the part of Neotectonic regime, which therefore commenced by the Late Pliocene.Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra

    Elmalı havzası (Antalya) ve yakın çevresinin neotektonik ve morfometrik özellikleri

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    Elmalı Havzası, Antalya iline yaklaşık 120 km uzaklıkta bulunan Elmalı ilçesi ve birçok köy yerleşiminin bulunduğu, güneybatı Türkiye’nin genişlemeli neotektonik bölgesi içinde yer alan güncel depolanma alanlarından biridir. Bu tür alanlar temel kayalardan güncel çökellere kadar olan süreci kaydetmeleri nedeniyle jeolojik tarihçenin anlaşılması için önemli veriler sunmaktadır. Bu nedenle, havzaya güncel şeklini ve özelliklerini kazandıran yapıların tespiti ve değerlendirilmesi deformasyon fazlarının elde edilmesi amacıyla kullanılmaktadır. Bu amaca yönelik olarak; (a) çalışma alanına ait 1/25.000 ölçekli jeolojik harita ve yapılara ait verilerin ortaya konması, (b) havza kenarını sınırlayan faylara ait aktivite ve deformasyon bilgisinin araştırılması, (c) bölgede meydana gelebilecek ortalama 6.5 büyüklüğünde bir deprem sonucunda maksimum yer sarsıntı miktarı (peak ground acceleration), ve (d) sayısal yükseklik modeli kullanılarak havzaya ilişkin morfometrik analizlerin sonucunda havzayı kontrol eden tektonik yapılar araştırılmıştır. Bu çalışmadan ve önceki çalışmalardan elde edilen verilerin birlikte değerlendirilmesi sonucunda ortaya çıkan sonuçlar, Elmalı Havzası’nın çok sayıda deformasyon yapısına ve aktif faylara sahip olduğunu göstermektedir. Ayrıca, morfometrik indeksler havzanın batı sınırının doğu sınırına göre daha yüksek oranda yükselim hızına sahip olduğunu ortaya koymuştur.

    Integration of structural, hydrogeological and thermal remote sensing data for the determination of geothermal capacity A case study of the Edremit (Balıkesir) Basin

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    Basins formed on active strike-slip faults are important prospect areas for geothermal energy exploration since the crust gets thinner in these areas and tectonic structures provide favorable conditions for heat-fluid circulation and transport. The Edremit (Balıkesir) Basin holds a great promise for the discovery of new geothermal energy sources. The objective of the recent study is to evaluate the geothermal capacity of the Edremit Basin utilizing tectonic, geological, and hydrogeological studies, combining remote sensing (land surface temperature-LST, hydrothermal alteration, and multi-temporal InSAR (MT-InSAR) assessments). We present structural literature data and the results of field mapping, which revealed the geometry, kinematics, and dynamics of structural features, geological units as geothermal system components, thermal and cold water chemistry, and thermal infrared remote sensing analysis. For the purpose of assessing new targets and recent geothermal capacity, these data are combined and evaluated. According to the outcomes of the study, the fault pattern in the Edremit Basin is generated by N-S extension, which produced E-W dominant striking normal faults with a heritage of paleostructures oriented in various directions. According to remote sensing analyses, the primary LST regions in the basin are defined by the active faults. Therefore, a high sodium sulfate ratio recorded in the chemical analyses of the water samples indicates a deep circulation and high possibility for the presence of thermal water. Consequently, our findings are consistent with the work to include thorough field geology surveys, structural patterns, LST, and water chemistry to refined exploration process

    Geological analysis of Çınarcık basın and surroundings: tectonic and palaeoclimatic properties, Eastern Marmara

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    Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü tarafından inşa ettirilen ve 2017 yılı başında denizlerimizde çalışmaya başlayacak olan MTA Araştırma Gemisi (Turkuaz) birçok alanda bilimsel çalışma yapabilme yeteneğine sahip ve ülkemizin önemli değerlerinden biri olacaktır. Bu nedenle hem ulusal hem de uluslararası bilimsel çalışmalar için gerekli hazırlıklar yapılmaya başlanmıştır. Bu amaçla 2017-2018 yılları arasında gerçekleştirilmesi planlanan ve test deneme çalışmaları ile eş zamanlı yürütülecek olan söz konusu proje üç önemli çalışma planından oluşmaktadır. Bunlar; (1) Doğu Marmara’da bulunan Prens Adaları civarından alınacak karotlar sayesinde şelf alanına ait paleoiklimsel koşulların araştırılması, (2) Doğu Marmara’da bulunan Çınarcık Havzası içinde KAFS’nin yayılımının tespit edilmesi için K-G ve D-G yönde sismik profiller alınarak aynı zamanda deniz tabanı morfolojisinin çıkarılması ve (3) Çınarcık Havzası depolanma merkezinden alınacak karotlar sayesinde sismo-türbiditlerin ve eski depremlere ait izlerin araştırılması hedeflenmektedir. Bu kapsamda 2016 yılı sonunda projenin hedeflerinden ilki olan Prens Adalar bölgesinden 12 adet, yaklaşık 20-100 m su derinliklerinden, her biri 1,5 m uzunluğunda karot örnekleri MTA Selen Araştırma Gemisi ile alınmıştır. Bu karotlardan 12 tanesi Çok Sensörlü Karot Loglayıcı (MSCL) ve 4 tanesi ITRAX cihazı ile İTÜ, EMCOL Laboratuvarında analiz edilmiştir. Bunun yanında yine MTA Araştırma Gemileri (Selen ve Turkuaz) ile sismik veriler toplanacak ve bölgenin yapısal özellikleri belirlenmeye çalışılacaktır. Son olarak, MTA Araştırma Gemisi’nin (Turkuaz) hizmete girmesine müteakip 2017 yılı içinde Çınarcık Havzası depolanma merkezinden derin karotlar alınarak eski depremlere ait kayıtların araştırılması planlanmaktadır. Kurultay katılımcılarına proje kapsamında şu ana kadar yapılmış olan literatür çalışmaları, Prens Adaları civarından alınan ve analiz edilen karotların ilk bulguları ve yapılması planlanan çalışmalar hakkında ayrıntılı bilgiler sunulacaktır.The MTA Research Ship (Turkuaz), which was built by the General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration and will start to work in our seas at the beginning of 2017, has the ability to carry out many scientific studies and it will be one of the important values of our country. For this reason, required preparations have been started making for both national and international scientific studies. For this purpose, the project which is planned to be applied between 2017-2018 years and will be carried out simultaneously with the test trial works consists of three important remarks. These are; (1) to investigate the paleoclimatic conditions of the shelf area due to the cores to be taken from the Prince Islands area in the Eastern Marmara, (2) limited seismic profiles were taken in N-S and E-W direction to define the propagation of the KAFS in the Çınarcık Basin in the Eastern Marmara and sea floor morphology will be determined, (3) it is also aimed to investigate the seismo-turbidites of the previous earthquakes by using the cores to be taken from the depocenter of the Çınarcık Basin. In this context, 12 cores with approximately 20-100 m water depth, 1,5 m in length were taken from the Prince Islands area which is the first step of project with MTA Selen Research Ship. 12 of these cores were analyzed with Multi-Sensor Core Logger (MSCL) and 4 of them were analyzed with ITRAX in ITU, EMCOL Laboratory. In addition, a limited number of seismic data are collected with the MTA Research Ships (Selen and Turkuaz) and will continue to work again when weather conditions are favorable. Furthermore, it is planned in 2017 to apply the studies belonging to previous earthquakes by taking deep cores from the depocenter of Çınarcık Basin after the coming of MTA Research Ship (Turkuaz). For participants of Congress, detailed information about the literature studies, preliminary results of the core analyses around Prince Islands area and future plans will be provided