12 research outputs found

    Inadvertent Injection of Sodium Hypochlorite to Oral Mucosa

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    It is important to carefully use sodium hypochloride(NaOCI) in its clinical applications. Non-careful use of cytotoxic agents(NaOCI,etg) may cause serious complications. In this case report, a treatment approach to paresthesia and tissue necrosis after inadvertent injection of 1% NaOCl solution into oral mucosa is presented.. Pain, edema, loss of sensation, redness on the cheek, and difficulty in swallowing was seemed during the patient’s clinical examination. The patient was experiencing severe pain and a burning sensation during injection. The patient was administered intraoral drugs,such as antibiotics (amoxicillin 1000 mg two times per a day for two week),alpha lipoic acid (300 mg one times per a day for one mounth), and debridement of oral mucousa .Consequently, re-epithelialization of necrotic tissue was observed in the 3rd month. All symptoms disappeared completely in the 6th month

    Boyun Ağrılı Benign Paroksismal Pozisyonel Vertigo Hastalarında Servikal Manipülasyon Tedavisinin Etkisi

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    Objective: Recurrence is common in the treatment of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) with an Epley maneuver. Methods such as manipulation are also effective in treatment. The study was aimed to determine the effect of cervical manipulation added to the Epley maneuver in treatment of patients with BPPV who has cervical lordosis and neck pain. Material and Methods: Patients diagnosed with BPPV who has flattened cervical lordosis with at least level 6 neck pain in VAS and over 18 years of age were included in the study. Patients were stratified into two groups according to age and gender. In the first and control examination one month later, cervical manipulation was performed in addition to Epley maneuver to the first group (combined therapy), and only Epley maneuver to the second group. Patients were examined with video-head-impulse test (VHIT), the severity of neck pain determined with VAS and symptoms were questioned with the vertigo symptom scale (VSS) prior and after treatment. Results: There was no difference between the groups in terms of VAS-pain, VSS and VHIT parameters before treatment (p? 0.05). While there was no difference in vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) gains between the study groups (p? 0.05), there was a significant difference in terms of VSS and VAS-pain (p = 0.01), after treatment. When compared by pathological VHIT findings, there was a significant difference in terms of improvement in favor of the combined treatment group after treatment (p = 0.02). At intragroup comparisons, VSS, VAS-pain, values were significantly decreased after treatment in both groups (p=0.01). While intragroup pathologic VHİT findings were considered before and after treatment, there was no significant difference in improvement after treatment in the Epley group (p?0.05). Contrarily difference was significant in the combined treatment group (p=0.01). Conclusion: Epley and manipulation therapy are more successful when applied together.Amaç: Benign Paroksismal Pozisyonel Vertigo (BPPV) tedavisinde Epley manevrası ile tedavide nüks sıklıkla görülmektedir. Manüel tedavi gibi yöntemler de tedavide etkilidir. Bu çalışmada servikal lordozda düzleşmenin yanısıra boyun ağrısı olan BPPV hastalarında Epley manevrasına eklenen servikal manüel tedavinin tedavi başarısına etkisini saptamak amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmaya BPPV tanısı konulan, VAS‘da en az 6 düzeyinde boyun ağrısı tarifleyen, servikal lordoz düzleşmesi saptanan 18 yaş üzeri hastalar alındı. Hastalar yaş ve cinsiyet açısından benzer iki gruba ayrıldı. İlk muayene ve bir ay sonraki kontrolde birinci gruba (kombine tedavi) Epley manevrasına ilaveten servikal manipülasyon, ikinci gruba ise sadece Epley manevrası uygulandı. Hastalara tedavi öncesinde ve sonrasında video-head-impulse test (VHİT) testi yapıldı, VAS ile boyun ağrısı şiddeti, vertigo semptom ölçeği (VSÖ) ile semptomlar sorgulandı.. Bulgular: Gruplar arasında tedavi öncesindeki VSÖ, VAS-ağrı, VHİT parametreleri açısından fark yoktu (p? 0.05). Tedavi sonrasında çalışma grupları arasında vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) kazançlarında fark bulunmazken (p? 0.05), VSÖ ve VAS-ağrı açısından anlamlı fark vardı (p=0.01). Grupların patolojik VHİT bulguları açısından karşılaştırmasında tedavi sonrasında kombine tedavi grubu lehine iyileşme açısından anlamlı fark vardı (p=0.02). Grupiçi karşılaştırmalarda her iki grupta da VSÖ, VAS–ağrı, değerleri tedavi sonrasında anlamlı azalmış bulundu (p=0,01). VOR kazançları açısından tedavi öncesi ve sonrası grup içi karşılaştırmalarında fark yoktu. Tedavi öncesi ve sonrasının patolojik VHİT bulguları grupiçi karşılaştırmalarında Epley grubunda tedavi sonrasında anlamlı fark yoktu p? 0.05). Aksine kombine tedavi grubunda ise tedavi sonrasında anlamlı fark saptandı (p=0.01). Sonuç: Epley ve manipülasyon tedavisi birlikte uygulandığında daha başarılı olmaktadır

    Inadvertent Injection of Sodium Hypochlorite to Oral Mucosa

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    It is important to carefully use sodium hypochloride(NaOCI) in its clinical applications. Non-careful use of cytotoxic agents(NaOCI,etg) may cause serious complications. In this case report, a treatment approach to paresthesia and tissue necrosis after inadvertent injection of 1% NaOCl solution into oral mucosa is presented.. Pain, edema, loss of sensation, redness on the cheek, and difficulty in swallowing was seemed during the patient’s clinical examination. The patient was experiencing severe pain and a burning sensation during injection. The patient was administered intraoral drugs,such as antibiotics (amoxicillin 1000 mg two times per a day for two week),alpha lipoic acid (300 mg one times per a day for one mounth), and debridement of oral mucousa .Consequently, re-epithelialization of necrotic tissue was observed in the 3rd month. All symptoms disappeared completely in the 6th month

    The Epidermoid Cyst Containing Free Teeth in The Maxillary Sinus

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    Epidermoid cysts (EC) are the most common tumors of the skin. They are usually asymptomatic and small-sized. They are more common at young ages. They grow slowly and are painless. The wall of EC is covered with epidermis-like epithelium. EC are rarely seen in sinuses. In our case, a 16-year-old female presented with complaints of swelling and headache that started from the left eye and extended to the upper lip. A biopsy was performed at another hospital of the patient who had previously received medical treatment but had no complaints. A cystic mass containing teeth was observed in the left maxillary sinus on imaging. The cystic mass was excised along with the wall. Pathological results supported the diagnosis of EC. Treatment of EC are surgical and recurrence rates are low. Although many masses are observed in the sinonasal region, epidermoid cysts are rare. It is important to distinguish epidermoid cysts from malignant masses that exhibit expansile growth characteristics. Keywords: Headache, epidermoid cyst, maxillary sinu

    Idiopathic Orbital Inflammatory Syndrome: Pseudotumor Orbita

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    The idiopathic orbital inflammatory syndrome (pseudotumor orbita) is an unexplained disease that mimicsthe complications of acute rhinosinusitis. Intense polymorphic lymphoid infiltration develops with inflammation. The masses in the orbita can be seen by 5% to 8%. It can cause nonspecific orbital symptoms, such as proptosis and swelling on eyelids. In our case, the patients presented to the eye outpatient clinic with swelling complaint and acute atopic conjunctivitis treatment was initiated but the patients who did not regression complaints were submitted. The patient’s magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed bilateral lateral rectus muscle thickening. Idiopathic orbital inflammatory syndrome (pseudotumor orbita) responded to the steroid treatment. Idiopathic orbital inflammatory syndrome (pseudotumor orbita) is benign, but can be confusedwith sinusitis complications with high morbidity and mortality

    The Epidermoid Cyst Containing Free Teeth in The Maxillary Sinus

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    Epidermoid cysts (EC) are the most common tumors of the skin. They are usually asymptomatic and small-sized. They are more common at young ages. They grow slowly and are painless. The wall of EC is covered with epidermis-like epithelium. EC are rarely seen in sinuses. In our case, a 16-year-old female presented with complaints of swelling and headache that started from the left eye and extended to the upper lip. A biopsy was performed at another hospital of the patient who had previously received medical treatment but had no complaints. A cystic mass containing teeth was observed in the left maxillary sinus on imaging. The cystic mass was excised along with the wall. Pathological results supported the diagnosis of EC. Treatment of EC are surgical and recurrence rates are low. Although many masses are observed in the sinonasal region, epidermoid cysts are rare. It is important to distinguish epidermoid cysts from malignant masses that exhibit expansile growth characteristics. Keywords: Headache, epidermoid cyst, maxillary sinu

    Wegener Granulomatosis: Operated Nasal Septal Perforation

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    Wegener’s granulomatosis is an idiopathic necrotizing granulatous vasculitis that can hold small and medium arteries, upper respiratory tract, lung and kidney involvement. It’s an ANCA associated vasculitis. c-ANCA positivity is considered very sensitive. In our case, a 40-year-old female patient was admitted to our hospital with complaints of nasal bleeding and crusting. The patient was operated due to idiopathic nasal septal perforation, was seen saddle nose deformity and 3x4 cm in size perforation in anterior septum and 1x2 cm in size perforation in posterior septum. Nasal biopsies of the patient with C-ANCA positivity were taken and the result of pathology came in harmony with Wegener’s granulomatosis. The patient was directed to the related clinic for the treatment of Wegener’s granulomatosis. Wegener Granulomatosis, which enters the diagnosis of idiopathic nasal septal perforation, is a disease that should be kept in mind

    Bilateral Nasoalveolar Cyst Causing Nasal Obstruction

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    Nasoalveolar cysts, non-odontogenic in origin, are soft-tissue lesions of the upper jaw, are derived from nasolacrimal canal epithelium, and are mostly unilateral but sometimes bilateral. Another theory about its etiology is that it occurs because of embryonic fissure cysts. These lesions are thought to be developmental. They can cause swelling and nasal obstruction in the upper lip, alar area, and palate. In this case report, we discuss the role of nasoalveolar cysts in nasal obstruction and how they can be bilateral. A 31-year-old female patient visited our clinic with complaints of nasal obstruction and swelling in front of the nose for 2 years. An anterior rhinoscopic examination revealed a mass and stenosis in both nasal vestibules. Computed tomography revealed a mass-like nasoalveolar cyst in the inferior alar region. Under general anesthesia, a 1-cm mass from the right side and a 2-cm mass from the left side were excised, which were pathologically confirmed as nasoalveolar cysts. Nasoalveolar lesions are rare and mostly unilateral. Bilateral nasoalveolar cysts should be considered in the differential diagnosis of nasal obstruction

    Wegener Granulomatosis: Operated Nasal Septal Perforation

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    Wegener’s granulomatosis is an idiopathic necrotizing granulatous vasculitis that can hold small and medium arteries, upper respiratory tract, lung and kidney involvement. It’s an ANCA associated vasculitis. c-ANCA positivity is considered very sensitive. In our case, a 40-year-old female patient was admitted to our hospital with complaints of nasal bleeding and crusting. The patient was operated due to idiopathic nasal septal perforation, was seen saddle nose deformity and 3x4 cm in size perforation in anterior septum and 1x2 cm in size perforation in posterior septum. Nasal biopsies of the patient with C-ANCA positivity were taken and the result of pathology came in harmony with Wegener’s granulomatosis. The patient was directed to the related clinic for the treatment of Wegener’s granulomatosis. Wegener Granulomatosis, which enters the diagnosis of idiopathic nasal septal perforation, is a disease that should be kept in mind

    Does melatonin alleviate ototoxic effect caused by administration of cisplatin?

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    Aim: In this study, it was aimed to experimentally investigate the protective effects of melatonin in the cisplatin-induced ototoxicity. Material and Methods: Ten Wistar-albino rats were included in the study. Two equal groups were generated randomly as cisplatin and melatonin groups. Rats’ underwent Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) and Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emission (DPOAE) testing before the drug administration and the results were recorded. Both tests were repeated 72 hours after the cisplatin administration in all rats. Results: Significant difference was found between the I-IV interval values before the treatment and after the treatment both in cisplatin and melatonin group. As well as the significant difference in hearing threshold value changes, statistically, significant differences in ABR-I and ABR-IV interval variations were also seen between the cisplatin and melatonin groups. A statistically significant decrease was found between the initial and final control SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) levels within the cisplatin group in the evaluations at 2000Hz, 3000Hz and 4000Hz. Statistically, significant differences were observed between SNR levels when the melatonin group was compared with the cisplatin group. Conclusion: Melatonin appears to reduce cisplatin-induced ototoxicity in rats. Although, the use of supplementary therapies targeting to reduce the toxic effects in clinical studies is still a controversial point