126 research outputs found

    Improving the near-field transmission efficiency of nano-optical transducers by tailoring the near-field sample

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    Despite research efforts to find a better nano-optical transducer for light localization and high transmission efficiency for existing and emerging plasmonic applications, there has not been much consideration on improving the near-field optical performance of the system by engineering the near-field sample. In this work, we demonstrate the impact of tailoring the near-field sample by studying an emerging plasmonic application, namely heat-assisted magnetic recording. Basic principles of Maxwell's and heat transfer equations are utilized to obtain a magnetic medium with superior optical and thermal performance compared to a conventional magnetic medium

    Circularly polarized optical spots beyond the diffraction limit

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    Plasmon resonances of a prolate spheroid nanoparticle illuminated by a focused beam

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    The interaction of a radially focused beam with a prolate spheroidal nanoparticle is particularly important because it has the potential to produce strong nearfield electromagnetic radiation. Strong and tightly localized longitudinal components of a radially polarized focused beam can excite strong plasmon modes on elongated nanoparticles such as prolate spheroids. In this study, near field radiation from a prolate spheriodal nanoparticle is investigated when it is illuminated with a radially polarized focused beam of light. Nearfield radiation from the nanoparticle is investigated in the absence and presence of metallic layers

    Polarization aspects of near-field radiation from nanoscale subwavelength apertures

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    It is demonstrated that a square nanoaperture can mediate polarized diffractionlimited radiation into nanoscale optical spots with the same polarization. A rectangular nanoaperture can convert linearly-polarized diffraction-limited radiation into circularly and elliptically-polarized nanoscale optical spots

    Patterned medium for heat assisted magnetic recording

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    Heat assisted magnetic recording (HAMR) a potential solution to extend the limits of conventional magnetic recording. In HAMR, the heating of the recording medium is achieved with a near-field optical transducer. Although the literature suggests novel transducers, there is little consideration of the optical and thermal aspects of the magnetic medium. In this letter we suggest a recording medium that provides a significant enhancement in optical absorption and localized heating. The thermal profiles of the proposed medium and the conventional medium are compared using finite element method solutions of Maxwell’s and the heat transfer equations

    Birefringent and dichroic behaviour of plasmonic nano-antennas

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    Birefringence and dichroism of plasmonic nano-antennas are investigated. We demonstrate that birefringent and dichroic behaviour of a cross-dipole nanoantenna is due to a length difference, and a relative plasmonic enhancement of the antenna particles, respectively

    Interaction of radially polarized focused light with a prolate spheroidal nanoparticle

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    The interaction of a nanoparticle with light is affected by nanoparticle geometry and composition, as well as by focused beam parameters, such as the polarization and numerical aperture of the beam. The interaction of a radially focused beam with a prolate spheroidal nanoparticle is particularly important because it has the potential to produce strong near-field electromagnetic radiation. Strong and tightly localized longitudinal components of a radially polarized focused beam can excite strong plasmon modes on elongated nanoparticles such as prolate spheroids. In this study, near field radiation from a prolate spheriodal nanoparticle is investigated when it is illuminated with a radially polarized focused beam of light. Near-field radiation from the nanoparticle is investigated in the absence and presence of metallic layers. It is shown that the interaction of a radially polarized focused beam with a prolate spheroidal nanoparticle can be enhanced by creating images of monopole charges using metallic layers. In addition, it is also observed that the presence of a metallic layer shifts the resonance of the prolate spheroid toward longer wavelengths. Dipole, quadruple, and off resonance field distributions for particles with different sizes and aspect ratios are presented when they are illuminated with a radially focused beam of light

    Enhancing spectral reflection through controlled phase distribution using doped polar-dielectric metasurfaces

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    Controlling the phase distribution of wavefronts using optical metasurfaces has led to interesting optical properties and applications. Here, we explore the control of phase distribution through polar-dielectric metasurfaces composed of doped SiC nanosphere arrays. We investigate the impact of doping concentration on the optical properties of SiC nano-spheres. Our results indicate that increasing the doping of SiC nanoparticles influenced electric dipolar resonances, whereas it did not change the dipolar resonances. Using this concept, we numerically studied the extension of this idea to form metasurface arrays of single, dimer and linear trimers of the doped SiC nano-spheres. Using different doping schemes, we studied the improvement of the reflectivity at frequencies greater than the longitudinal optical phonon frequency

    Surface roughness effects on the broadband reflection for refractory metals and polar dielectrics

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    Random surface roughness and surface distortions occur inevitably because of various material processing and fabrication techniques. Tailoring and smoothing the surface roughness can be especially challenging for thermomechanically stable materials, including refractory metals, such as tungsten (W), and polar dielectrics, such as silicon carbide (SiC). The spectral reflectivity and emissivity of surfaces are significantly impacted by surface roughness effects. In this paper, we numerically investigated the surface roughness effects on the spectral reflectivity and emissivity of thermomechanically stable materials. Based on our results, we determined that surface roughness effects are strongly impacted by the correlation length of the Gaussian surface. In addition, our results indicate that surface roughness effects are stronger for the materials at the epsilon-near-zero region. Surface roughness effects are stronger between the visible and infrared spectral region for W and around the wavelength of 12 mu m for SiC, where plasma frequency and polar resonance frequency are located