27 research outputs found

    Critical entropies for magnetic ordering in bosonic mixtures on a lattice

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    We perform a numeric study (worm algorithm Monte Carlo simulations) of ultracold two-component bosons in two- and three-dimensional optical lattices. At strong enough interactions and low enough temperatures the system features magnetic ordering. We compute critical temperatures and entropies for the disappearance of the Ising antiferromagnetic and the xy-ferromagnetic order and find that the largest possible entropies per particle are ~0.5kB. We also estimate (optimistically) the experimental hold times required to reach equilibrium magnetic states to be on a scale of seconds. Low critical entropies and long hold times render the experimental observations of magnetic phases challenging and call for increased control over heating sources.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Superfluid-Insulator and Roughening Transitions in Domain Walls

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    We have performed quantum Monte Carlo simulations to investigate the superfluid behavior of one- and two-dimensional interfaces separating checkerboard solid domains. The system is described by the hard-core Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian with nearest-neighbor interaction. In accordance with Ref.1, we find that (i) the interface remains superfluid in a wide range of interaction strength before it undergoes a superfluid-insulator transition; (ii) in one dimension, the transition is of the Kosterlitz-Thouless type and is accompanied by the roughening transition, driven by proliferation of charge 1/2 quasiparticles; (iii) in two dimensions, the transition belongs to the 3D U(1) universality class and the interface remains smooth. Similar phenomena are expected for domain walls in quantum antiferromagnets.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures; references added, typo corrected in fig

    Quantum Phases of Dipolar Bosons in Bilayer Geometry

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    We investigate the quantum phases of hard-core dipolar bosons confined to a square lattice in a bilayer geometry. Using exact theoretical techniques, we discuss the many-body effects resulting from pairing of particles across layers at finite density, including a novel pair supersolid phase, superfluid and solid phases. These results are of direct relevance to experiments with polar molecules and atoms with large magnetic dipole moments trapped in optical lattices.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum magnetism and counterflow supersolidity of up-down bosonic dipoles

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    We study a gas of dipolar Bosons confined in a two-dimensional optical lattice. Dipoles are considered to point freely in both up and down directions perpendicular to the lattice plane. This results in a nearest neighbor repulsive (attractive) interaction for aligned (anti-aligned) dipoles. We find regions of parameters where the ground state of the system exhibits insulating phases with ferromagnetic or anti-ferromagnetic ordering, as well as with rational values of the average magnetization. Evidence for the existence of a novel counterflow supersolid quantum phase is also presented.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Effective spin physics in two-dimensional cavity QED arrays

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    We investigate a strongly correlated system of light and matter in two-dimensional cavity arrays. We formulate a multimode Tavis–Cummings (TC) Hamiltonian for two-level atoms coupled to cavity modes and driven by an external laser field which reduces to an effective spin Hamiltonian in the dispersive regime. In one-dimension we provide an exact analytical solution. In two-dimensions, we perform mean-field study and large scale quantum Monte Carlo simulations of both the TC and the effective spin models. We discuss the phase diagram and the parameter regime which gives rise to frustrated interactions between the spins. We provide a quantitative description of the phase transitions and correlation properties featured by the system and we discuss graph-theoretical properties of the ground states in terms of graph colourings using Pólya's enumeration theorem

    Glide and Superclimb of Dislocations in Solid 4^4He

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    Glide and climb of quantum dislocations under finite external stress, variation of chemical potential and bias (geometrical slanting) in Peierls potential are studied by Monte Carlo simulations of the effective string model. We treat on unified ground quantum effects at finite temperatures TT. Climb at low TT is assisted by superflow along dislocation core -- {\it superclimb}. Above some critical stress avalanche-type creation of kinks is found. It is characterized by hysteretic behavior at low TT. At finite biases gliding dislocation remains rough even at lowest TT -- the behavior opposite to non-slanted dislocations. In contrast to glide, superclimb is characterized by quantum smooth state at low temperatures even for finite bias. In some intermediate TT-range giant values of the compressibility as well as non-Luttinger type behavior of the core superfluid are observed.Comment: Updated version submitted to JLTP as QFS2010 proceedings; 11 pages, 6 figure