1,840 research outputs found

    Random soups, carpets and fractal dimensions

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    We study some properties of a class of random connected planar fractal sets induced by a Poissonian scale-invariant and translation-invariant point process. Using the second-moment method, we show that their Hausdorff dimensions are deterministic and equal to their expectation dimension. We also estimate their low-intensity limiting behavior. This applies in particular to the "conformal loop ensembles" defined via Poissonian clouds of Brownian loops for which the expectation dimension has been computed by Schramm, Sheffield and Wilson.Comment: To appear in J. London Math. So

    Fast simulation of new coins from old

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    Let S\subset (0,1). Given a known function f:S\to (0,1), we consider the problem of using independent tosses of a coin with probability of heads p (where p\in S is unknown) to simulate a coin with probability of heads f(p). We prove that if S is a closed interval and f is real analytic on S, then f has a fast simulation on S (the number of p-coin tosses needed has exponential tails). Conversely, if a function f has a fast simulation on an open set, then it is real analytic on that set.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/105051604000000549 in the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Channel Uncertainty in Ultra Wideband Communication Systems

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    Wide band systems operating over multipath channels may spread their power over bandwidth if they use duty cycle. Channel uncertainty limits the achievable data rates of power constrained wide band systems; Duty cycle transmission reduces the channel uncertainty because the receiver has to estimate the channel only when transmission takes place. The optimal choice of the fraction of time used for transmission depends on the spectral efficiency of the signal modulation. The general principle is demonstrated by comparing the channel conditions that allow different modulations to achieve the capacity in the limit. Direct sequence spread spectrum and pulse position modulation systems with duty cycle achieve the channel capacity, if the increase of the number of channel paths with the bandwidth is not too rapid. The higher spectral efficiency of the spread spectrum modulation lets it achieve the channel capacity in the limit, in environments where pulse position modulation with non-vanishing symbol time cannot be used because of the large number of channel paths

    Accidentul vascular cerebral recurent la pacienții tineri

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    Department of Neurology no. 1, Nicolae Testemitanu SUMPh, Diomid Gherman Institute of Neurology and NeurosurgeryBackground. According to the studies, approximately 10% of ischemic strokes occur in people aged less than 50 years. The risk of recurrent stroke in young stroke survivors varies from 9.4% in the next 5 years, up to 19.4% in the next 20 years. Objective of the study. To analyze the symptomatology presented by young patients (<50 years) with recurrent stroke, and to compare them, with clinical signs presented by people of the same age category, with the first-ever stroke. Material and Methods. A retrospective analysis of 1687 medical records of patients with ischemic stroke was performed from January 2018 to December 2019. 56 patients (≤ 50 years old) were included in the study. Risk factors, clinical signs, neuroimaging were analyzed - all of these were stratified by the presence of recurrent stroke criteria. SPSS Statistics, Version 25.0 was used. Results. The cohort study consisted of 2 groups: the first group- patients with the first-ever stroke (46); the second one– patients with recurrent stroke (10). The frequency of clinical signs between these two groups was compared: speech disorders (30.0% vs. 37.0%); sensitivity disorders (20.0% vs. 13.0%); cranial nerve damage (20.0% vs. 15.2%); paresis/ plegia (90.0% vs. 65.2%); bulbar syndrome (20.0% vs. 28.3%). Changes on cerebral CT: leukoaraiosis (30.0% vs. 28.3%); old infarcts on imaging (80.0% vs. 6.5%, t = 5.29, ˂0.001); Doppler Ultrasound of intra and extracranial arteries: stenotic atherosclerosis (42.9% vs. 40.5%); vertebral artery hypoplasia (42.9% vs. 32.4%). Conclusion. Recurrent ischemic stroke in young patients has more variable symptoms, with a more unfavorable prognosis if compared with the first ever stroke in the same category of patients. So, it requires the establishment of recurrence risk factors and an efficient secondary prophylaxis.Introducere. Conform studiilor efectuate, aproximativ 10% dintre accidentele vasculare cerebrale ischemice apar la persoanele cu vârsta sub 50 de ani. Riscul de AVC recurent la pacienții tineri variază de la 9,4% în primii 5 ani, până la 19,4% în primii 20 de ani. Scopul lucrării. Analiza simptomatologiei prezentate de pacienții tineri (< 50 ani) cu AVC recurent, prin compararea clinicii date, cu clinica prezentată de persoanele de aceeași categorie de vârstă cu AVC primar. Material și Metode. A fost efectuată analiza retrospectivă a 1 687de fișe medicale ale pacienților cu AVC ischemic, din ianuarie 2018- până în decembrie 2019. 56 de pacienți (≤ 50 ani) au fost incluși în studiu. Au fost analizați factorii de risc, semnele clinice, neuroimagistica – toate fiind stratificate după criteriul prezenței AVC-ului repetat. A fost utilizată Statistica SPSS, Versiunea 25.0. Rezultate. Studiul a constat din 2 grupuri: primul – AVC primar depistat (46 de pacienți) și grupul II – AVC repetat (10 pacienți). A fost comparată frecvența semnelor clinice din cadrul AVC-ului repetat și primar: tulburări de vorbire (30.0% vs 37.0 %); tulburări de sensibilitate (20.0% vs 13.0 %); afectarea nervilor cranieni (20.0% vs 15.2 %); prezența parezei/plegiei (90.0% vs 65.2 %); sindrom bulbar (20.0% vs 28,3 %). TC cerebrală leucoaraioza (30.0% vs. 28,3 %); focare vechi (80.0% vs 6,5%, t=5.29, ˂0.001). Dopplerografia vaselor intra- și extracraniene: ateroscleroza stenozantă (42,9% vs 40,5%); hipoplazia arterei vertebrale (42,9% vs 32,4%). Concluzii. Accidentul vascular ischemic recurent la pacienții tineri prezintă o clinică mai vastă, cu prognostic mai nefavorabil comparativ cu cea din AVC-ul primar, ceea ce necesită stabilirea factorilor de risc de recurență și a unei ulterioare profilaxii secundare

    Storytelling in Project Heart to Heart: A Means to Bridge Generational Gap in Post-1965 Filipino Immigrant Families

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    As we share our experiences with others, we also explore its meaning to ourselves and to whomever it is being shared with. This is how stories are told. Most families usually develop a body of stories that is passed on from one generation to the next generation. These stories are used to preserve the family member\u27s identity, history, and values. The stories touch not only our past experiences, but also influences our present and links it to the future. This study explored the Filipino American families\u27 experiences of storytelling as a means of bridging together past, present, and future experiences of grandparents, parents, and children. What was the significance of listening to others\u27 life experiences? What meaning came about from these stories? How did three generations view their own experiences in regards to bridging a possible gap between each other? Through a qualitative study approach, I carried out a series of in-depth interviews for exploring grandparents, parents, and children\u27s experiences of storytelling and understanding related to bridging their past, present and future. All the adult participants are post-1965 immigrants. The data suggests that the grandparents and parents have similar Filipino familial values. They are also resilient in adapting to a new and very different culture. Parents still can relate to the grandparents\u27 life stories, but the children already have found it difficult. Despite this, the grandparents, parents, and children were able to understand each other\u27s world more by listening to stories from each other\u27s generations. All three generational groups recognized their responsibility of passing on their stories to preserve the Filipino heritage. The study provided a 3 Generational Link Model that demonstrates the interdependence of the three generation in preserving their Filipino culture. In addition, a Five-Step Model illustrating Effects of Intergenerational Storytelling emerged from the data analysis

    Eléments d'éclairage sociologiques sur la fibromyalgie : du problème public à l’expérience vécue

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    Il s’agit d’abord d’explorer les conditions de l’émergence et de la diffusion de la fibromyalgie ainsi que les controverses qui ont animé le monde médical à son propos. Il s’agit ensuite de rendre compte de l’expérience des patients, de leur relation avec les professionnels de santé ainsi que des principales difficultés qu’ils sont susceptibles de rencontrer, avant et après le diagnostic
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