4 research outputs found

    Analysis of poisonings in patients up to 18 years old hospitalized in the Clinical Department of Toxicology and Cardiology in Stefan Wyszyński Regional Specialist Hospital in Lublin in 2022

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    Introduction and purpose: Poisoning in children and adolescents remain a serious medical, psychological and social problem. The aim of the study was to analyse poisonings in patients up to 18 years old admitted to the Clinical Department of Toxicology and Cardiology in Stefan Wyszyński Regional Specialist Hospital in Lublin in 2022. Material and method: The research was retrospective. Medical records of 120 cases of poisoning in patients up to the age of 18 were analysed. Results: In the studied period 120 patients from 13 to 18 years old were hospitalized due to intoxication,  84 (70%) of them were female and 36 (30%) of them were male.  Majority of  cases came from urban areas (69,2%). The most frequent causes of poisonings were medicaments (55%), drugs (29,2%) and alcohol (28,3%). The intentional intoxications were found in 113 (94,2%) cases, 45 (39,8%) of them were suicide attempt. Mental diseases were found in 71 (59,1%) cases, the most common one was depressive disorder. There were no deaths in the researched group. Conclusions: Because of the relevance of child patients poisoning young people should be provided with psychological care. Female teenagers must get special kind of support. The availability of child psychiatrists and psychologists is still too poor. Prohibition of selling alcohol to minors should be enforced stricly. It seems that acces to OTC drugs is way much too easy for people. There is a necessity of parents’education about children poisoning

    Alcohol in minors - a harmless fad or a serious problem?

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    Introduction and purpose: Alcohol has been known for centuries. In recent years, awareness of the effects of its consumption has been growing and acceptance of the drink has been declining. Despite this, there is an increase in young alcohol consumption and a decrease in the age of alcohol initiation. In this work, the problem of alcohol consumption by minors will be reviewed based on the evaluation of hospitalizations in the Clinical Department of Toxicology and Cardiology of the Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski Regional Hospital in Lublin in 2022. The aim of the study is to draw attention to this important, although often downplayed, problem. Material and method: The study was retrospective in nature. It used an analysis of the records of 120 intoxications in people under the age of 18, from which a group of alcohol-poisoned people was distinguished, consisting of 37 cases. Results: Hospitalization of 7 patients aged 13 to 18 years was reported due to alcohol intoxication. Of these, 22 (59.5%) female and 15 (40.5%) male patients were singled out. Most were urban residents 29 (78.4%). Isolated alcohol intoxication was the cause of 18 hospitalizations(48.6%). The remaining cases were accompanied by drug intoxication 11 hospitalizations (29.7%) and drug intoxication 8 hospitalizations (21.6%). All analyzed intoxications were intentional, of which 9 (24.3%) were suicide attempts. In 14 cases (37.9%), patients were burdened with mental illness, the most common of which was depressive disorders. There were no deaths in the study group. Conclusions: Alcohol should be forbidden and unacceptable in the family and young people's environment. Parents and young people should be made aware of the harmful effects, psychological, social and health consequences of its consumption

    Premenstrual syndrome - theories and facts - something everyone should know

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    Premenstrual syndrome (PMS- Premenstrual Syndrome) is a group of cyclic somatic or psychological symptoms occurring during the luteal phase of the cycle and disappearing with the onset of menstruation. The purpose of this work is to draw attention to this important but often underestimated problem, trace its pathomechanism and identify treatment methods. The interaction of many factors and predispositions is responsible for the occurrence of PMS/PMDD (PMDD- premenstrual dysphoric disorder). One of the most important is ovulatory cycles and cyclically repeated changes in ovarian hormone secretion- fluctuations in progesterone, estradiol and prolactin levels during the various phases of the cycle. The association of emotional disturbances, severe stress and disturbances in the neurotransmitter system of the central nervous system, as well as many other factors, mentioned in the article below, is described. Various methods are used to treat PMS/PMSS, ranging from less to more invasive, including lifestyle changes, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and pharmacotherapy and surgical treatment.  Currently, SSRIs-serotonin reuptake inhibitors-are considered the main therapy, as well as hormonal treatment-the two-pill. A review of the literature shows that PMS/PMDD is a real problem that reduces quality of life and has a negative impact on family and social relationships. Increased public awareness and interest by physicians of many specialties in this problem will enable faster diagnosis and implementation of effective therapy, thereby minimizing the negative social impact

    Alcohol in minors - a harmless fad or a serious problem?

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    Introduction and purpose: Alcohol has been known for centuries. In recent years, awareness of the effects of its consumption has been growing and acceptance of the drink has been declining. Despite this, there is an increase in young alcohol consumption and a decrease in the age of alcohol initiation. In this work, the problem of alcohol consumption by minors will be reviewed based on the evaluation of hospitalizations in the Clinical Department of Toxicology and Cardiology of the Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski Regional Hospital in Lublin in 2022. The aim of the study is to draw attention to this important, although often downplayed, problem. Material and method: The study was retrospective in nature. It used an analysis of the records of 120 intoxications in people under the age of 18, from which a group of alcohol-poisoned people was distinguished, consisting of 37 cases. Results: Hospitalization of 7 patients aged 13 to 18 years was reported due to alcohol intoxication. Of these, 22 (59.5%) female and 15 (40.5%) male patients were singled out. Most were urban residents 29 (78.4%). Isolated alcohol intoxication was the cause of 18 hospitalizations(48.6%). The remaining cases were accompanied by drug intoxication 11 hospitalizations (29.7%) and drug intoxication 8 hospitalizations (21.6%). All analyzed intoxications were intentional, of which 9 (24.3%) were suicide attempts. In 14 cases (37.9%), patients were burdened with mental illness, the most common of which was depressive disorders. There were no deaths in the study group. Conclusions: Alcohol should be forbidden and unacceptable in the family and young people's environment. Parents and young people should be made aware of the harmful effects, psychological, social and health consequences of its consumption