15 research outputs found

    Dynamics of the modified Kibble-\.Zurek mechanism in antiferromagnetic spin-1 condensates

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    We investigate the dynamics and outcome of a quantum phase transition from an antiferromagnetic to phase separated ground state in a spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate of ultracold atoms. We explicitly demonstrate double universality in dynamics within experiments with various quench time. Furthermore, we show that spin domains created in the nonequilibrium transition constitute a set of mutually incoherent quasicondensates. The quasicondensates appear to be positioned in a semi-regular fashion, which is a result of the conservation of local magnetization during the post-selection dynamics

    Double universality of a quantum phase transition in spinor condensates: the Kibble-\.Zurek mechanism and a conservation law

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    We consider a phase transition from antiferromagnetic to phase separated ground state in a spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate of ultracold atoms. We demonstrate the occurrence of two scaling laws, for the number of spin fluctuations just after the phase transition, and for the number of spin domains in the final, stable configuration. Only the first scaling can be explained by the standard Kibble-\.Zurek mechanism. We explain the occurrence of two scaling laws by a model including post-selection of spin domains due to the conservation of condensate magnetization

    Spinor condensate of 87^{87}Rb as a dipolar gas

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    We consider a spinor condensate of 87^{87}Rb atoms in F=1 hyperfine state confined in an optical dipole trap. Putting initially all atoms in mF=0m_F=0 component we find that the system evolves towards a state of thermal equilibrium with kinetic energy equally distributed among all magnetic components. We show that this process is dominated by the dipolar interaction of magnetic spins rather than spin mixing contact potential. Our results show that because of a dynamical separation of magnetic components the spin mixing dynamics in 87^{87}Rb condensate is governed by dipolar interaction which plays no role in a single component rubidium system in a magnetic trap

    Nonadiabatic quantum phase transition in a trapped spinor condensate

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    We study the effect of an external harmonic trapping potential on an outcome of the nonadiabatic quantum phase transition from an antiferromagnetic to a phase-separated state in a spin-1 atomic condensate. Previously, we demonstrated that the dynamics of an untrapped system exhibits double universality with two different scaling laws appearing due to the conservation of magnetization. We show that in the presence of a trap, double universality persists. However, the corresponding scaling exponents are strongly modified by the transfer of local magnetization across the system. The values of these exponents cannot be explained by the effect of causality alone, as in the spinless case. We derive the appropriate scaling laws based on a slow diffusive-drift relaxation process in the local density approximation