29 research outputs found

    Finite element modelling of bended laminate channel beams.

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    Education and training of fisheries personnel for Asian, African and Latin American countries in Poland

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    The effectiveness of fishery development depends on the ability to apply the latest technological achievements. In this situation, the development of fisheries in individual countries must take into account, regardless of the condition of fish resources and their consumption traditions, also the technical potential and professional training of fishermen. It is related to the system and organization of education and research. The study presents the principles of the Polish fisheries education system educating specialists at the professional level, in technical schools, at maritime colleges and universities, with the specification of fields and specializations of education, as well as titles and qualifications obtained after graduation. The number of foreign specialists educated in various types of schools in Poland is also given, along with examples of positions currently held by some graduates in scientific and economic institutions of their countries and international organizations. Forms of advice and assistance in the organization of fishing education in various countries by Poland are presented. The study also presents a proposal for further training of fishing staff in Poland. Taking into account the conditions of a given country, its needs and the level of education, various forms of training were presented directly in the countries concerned. Regardless of the typical training activities, the achievements and offers of technical services that Poland can perform in the field of training, organization of education, construction of schools and research laboratories and conducting scientific research were also presented

    Application of hydroacoustic techniques to exploitation of biological resources of the sea

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    The paper discusses application of hydroacoustic methods in fishing techniques, with a particular reference to exploitation of biological resources of the sea. Application of hydroacoustic methods in exploitation of living marine resources is considered with respect to the following areas:- determination of marine environmental parameters,- determination of the nature and behaviour of fish shoals and fish resource assessment,- determination of fishing gear performance parameters and magnitude of catch,- application of hydoacoustic techniques in ichthyology

    Role of war in social life. Part I - war in pre-modern historical thought

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    Autorzy na wstępie przedstawiają dwie przeciwstawne tendencje w rozumieniu natury i roli wojny w społeczeństwie: po pierwsze, zjawiska te są osadzone w naturze ludzi i ludzkości (oznacza to, że bez wojny nie ma człowieka, kultury i cywilizacji, jego życia i społeczeństwa oraz państwa, a więc wojna jest naturalna i konieczna do życia); po drugie, wojna nie jest osadzona w naturze ludzi, jest wypaczeniem w życiu wspólnotowym ludzi i w relacjach między nimi; oznacza to, że jeżeli wojny występują, to są wyrazem degradacji człowieka i społeczeństwa. Te tendencje są obserwowane w odwiecznej dyskusji o wojnie i autorzy pokazują wiele przykładów takiego postrzegania wojny.At the beginning the authors present two opposing trends related to the understanding of the nature and the role of war in society: first, that these phenomena are embedded in the nature of human beings and humanity (which means that without war there is no human being, culture and civilization, its life, society or state, so war is natural and necessary for life); second, war is not embedded in human nature, is a distortion in community life and relations between people; this means that if wars occur, they show the degradation of human beings and society. These trends are observed in the eternal debate on war and the authors show numerous examples in which war is perceived in this way

    Assessment of the fish shoal abundance from the net sounder and vertical sounder records

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    The geometric parameters of fish shoals were determined according to the echogrammes of sounded fish shoals. For analyses used the material collected between 17.12.1972 and 25.02.1973 by m/t "Kantar" at Georges Bank fishing grounds. The analysed echogrammes relate to fishing of mackerel

    Changes in mesh sizes of cod-end netting of trawls used by the trawlers type B-18 during their exploitation

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    The present paper describes studies on changes in mesh sizes of the cod-end netting of trawls used by the B-18 type freezing trawlers belonging to the Deep Sea Fisheries Company (PPDiUR) "Odra" in Świnoujście. Measurements of the mesh sizes were taken from 6 cod-ends of bottom and pelagic trawlers, using a Polish Longitudinal-force mesh gauge. It was shown that a significant increase of .mesh sizes in the trawl cod-ends occurred during the trawl exploitation. Meshes of the upper part of trawls subjected to the greater deformations. Detailed results of investigations are given in Table 2 and 3

    Role of war in social life (part II - trends in contemporary science)

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    Autorzy podejmują próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie o to, czy słuszne jest wiązanie walki zbrojnej z istotą wojny, a konfliktu zbrojnego z jej przejawem i, wreszcie, czy wojna jest dużym konfliktem społecznym? W próbie tej skłaniają się ku konstatacji propagowanej przez filozofię bezpieczeństwa, która głosi, że istotę wojny słuszniej jest wiązać z analitycznym rozróżnieniem takich czynów prostych (dokonanym przez Tadeusza Kotarbińskiego), jak czyny konserwacyjne i dekonstrukcyjne, z ich złożeniem. W przekonaniu autorów pozwala to na traktowanie metody wojennej, wykorzystywanej z użyciem różnych sił i środków, jako nieodzownej dla życia społecznego, jego przetrwania i rozwoju oraz doskonalenia.The authors attempt to answer the following questions: Is it appropriate to combine armed struggle with the nature of war? Is war is a big social conflict? In their deliberations the authors agree with the theses of security philosophy, according to which the essence of war should be associated with the distinction (according to Kotarbiński) of simple deeds, such as conservation deeds and deconstructive deeds. It is the authors’ opinion that this approach better shows the essence of war than the concepts combining it with violence or civil strife. This allows one to see war, and more specifically, the methods of warfare, used with a variety of assets, as in-dispensable to social life, its survival, development and improvement