8 research outputs found

    Kolekcje i dane przyrodnicze Instytutu Biologii, Biotechnologii i Ochrony Środowiska Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach

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    The development of collections and databases in the field of animate nature at the University of Silesia is closely related to the over 50-years history of the development of biology at this university. Along with the development of the organizational structure, initially the Institute of Biology, and then the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection (from 2020, the Institute of Biology, Biotechnology and Environmental Protection - IBBiOŚ), botanical and zoological research teams were formed, which as part of the conducted research, as well as individual interests of researchers, have been collecting specimens and data that constitute research and documentation material. These collections come mainly from research conducted in the Upper Silesia region, but over time they were enriched with collections gathered in other regions of the country, Europe and the world. These collections are of great scientific and didactic value. According to the idea of modern scientific collections, the purpose of their activity is not only to collect and store collections, but to make this information available and disseminate to a wide group of interested recipients in Poland and around the world. As part of the IMBIO project, a total of 90,500 records will be made available from botanical and zoological collections, making it possible to use the resources of the IBBiOŚ UŚ collection at a distance

    Strength properties of furniture corner joints constructed with different wooden connectors and wood-based materials

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    Strength properties of furniture corner joints constructed with different wooden connectors and wood-based materials. The aims of this study were to determine the influence of the type of invisible wooden connectors on the strength in glued corner joints for chipboard and MDF, the most popular boards in box furniture. Three variants of connectors arrangement were considered: variant I - with the use of 4 wood grooven beech dowels, Variant II - with the use 2 beech Domino pins, Variant III - connectors mixed arrangement. Experiment results indicated that samples prepared using joining with dowels provided the highest strength values of all variants (F=1169 N for MDF panel, F= 617 for chipboard panel). Moreover, it has been observed that the corner connection with Domino pins is the type of connection with the lowest strength. It is worth noting that the above tendency was observed in both types of wood-based panels. The influence of the material also turned out to be a statistically significant factor in the analysis of joint strength. The use of MDF panel increased the strength values ,by 47% of the dowel joint, by 36% of the Domino pins and 34% of the connectors mixed arrangement, compared to their use in chipboard.Właściwości wytrzymałościowe narożników meblowych z zastosowaniem różnych łączników drewnianych i materiałów drewnopochodnych. Celem pracy było określenie wpływu rodzaju niewidocznych łączników drewnianych na wytrzymałość połączeń klejonych narożników konstrukcji mebli skrzyniowych dla płyty wiórowej i MDF, materiałów najczęściej stosowanych przy tego typu meblach. Rozważono trzy warianty rozmieszczenia łączników: wariant I - z wykorzystaniem 4 kołków bukowych ryflowanych, wariant II - z wykorzystaniem 2 kołków bukowych Domino, wariant III - układ mieszany łączników. Wyniki eksperymentu wykazały, że próbki połączone na kołki wykazały najwyższe wartości wytrzymałości ze wszystkich wariantów (F=1169 N dla płyty MDF, F= 617 dla płyty wiórowej). Ponadto zaobserwowano, że połączenia narożne z kołkami Domino wykazywały najniższą wytrzymałość. Warto zauważyć, że powyższą tendencję zaobserwowano dla obu płyt drewnopochodnych. Wpływ materiału okazał się czynnikiem istotnym statystycznie. Zastosowanie płyty MDF zwiększyło wartości wytrzymałościowe (o 47% w przypadku połączenia kołkowego, o 36% przy łącznikach Domino i o 34% przy układzie mieszanym) w porównaniu z ich zastosowaniem w płycie wiórowej

    A human quality control system in furniture manufacturing – a pilot study

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    A human quality control system in furniture manufacturing – a pilot study. The article presents the results of pilot studies in which an attempt was made to check what the subjectivity of visual inspection looks like during the control of MDF delamination process in the milling process. 100% match of assessors’ scores was obtained only with low (VB = 0–0.08mm) and high (VB = 0.3–0.33mm) tool wear. In addition, the impact of gender on the results was significant. Women rated items less restrictively. Based on the results obtained, one can expect a problem with subjectivity when using a single-person human quality control system.Kontrola jakości przez człowieka w produkcji mebli - badanie pilotażowe. W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań pilotażowych, w których podjęto próbę sprawdzenia jak wygląda problem podmiotowość kontroli wzrokowej podczas kontroli procesu delaminacji MDF w procesie frezowania. Stuprocentową zgodność ocen sędziów otrzymano jedynie przy niskim (VB=0–0,08mm) oraz wysokim (VB=0,3–0,33 mm) zużyciu narzędzia. Ponadto wpływ płci na wyniki okazał się istotny. Kobiety oceniały przedmioty mniej restrykcyjnie. Na podstawie otrzymanych wyników można spodziewać się problemu z subiektywnością w przypadku zastosowania jednoosobowego systemu kontroli jakości przez człowieka

    The use of the Krippendorff’s coefficient in determining intra-rater reliability in human visual quality control of furniture manufacturing processes

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    The use of the Krippendorff’s Coefficient in determining intra-rater reliability in human visual quality control of furniture manufacturing processes. The article presents the results of research on the effectiveness of human visual quality control of furniture manufacturing processes. The aim of this experiment was to check the inter-rater reliability of three elements: the judge, the instruction of which the quality of individual objects made of laminated MDF was determined and the quality assessment by a human. The Krippendorff’s Coefficient was used as a measure of visual control effectiveness. The results of the experiment showed that the use of human visual quality control of furniture manufacturing processes can be a good solution. The values of all three coefficients K1, K2 and K3 gave alpha> 0.8, which is considered a guarantee of high compliance. Therefore, the tested judge turned out to be reliable and competent, the instructions were clear and sufficient, and the figures obtained were reliable. It turned out that the Krippendorff’s Coefficient values differ depending on the number of categories (for two categories K2 = 0.904, K3 = 0.902; for three categories K1 = 0.849). The way the categories were created did not affect the stability of the assessment. The alpha coefficient can undoubtedly be considered a good, convenient measure of monitoring the reliability of the measurement system, because by giving a specific numerical rating, it allows one to control the effectiveness of implemented improvement actions.Wykorzystanie współczynnika Krippendorffa do określania wiarygodności oceny ludzkiej w wizualnej kontroli jakości procesów produkcji mebli. W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań skuteczności ludzkiej wizualnej kontroli jakości procesów produkcji mebli. Eksperyment miał na celu sprawdzenie wiarygodności ocen wg. trzech elementów: wiarygodności oceniającego sędziego, instrukcji na podstawie której określano jakość poszczególnych przedmiotów wykonanych z laminowanej płyty MDF oraz oceny jakości przez człowieka. Jako miarę skuteczności kontroli wizualnej zastosowano współczynnik Krippendorffa. Wyniki eksperymentu pozwolił stwierdzić, że zastosowanie ludzkiej wizualnej kontroli jakości procesów produkcji mebli może być dobrym rozwiązaniem. Wartości wszystkich trzech współczynników K1, K2 oraz K3 dały alpha > 0,8, co uznaje się za gwarancję wysokiej zgodności. Sędzia JD okazał się, więc osobą rzetelną i kompetentną, zaproponowana instrukcja jasna i wystarczająca, a otrzymane dane liczbowe wiarygodne. Okazało się, że wartości Krippendorff’s Coefficient różnią się w zależności od ilości kategorii (dla dwóch kategorii K2=0,904, K3=0,902; dla trzech kategorii K1=0,849). Sposób tworzenia kategorii nie wpływał na stabilność oceny. Współczynnik alpha można niewątpliwie uznać za dobrą, wygodną miarę monitorowania wiarygodności systemu pomiarowego, gdyż dając konkretną ocenę liczbową, pozwala kontrolować skuteczność wprowadzanych działań doskonalących

    Constraint-based algorithm to estimate the line of a milling edge

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    Each practical task has its constrains. They limit the number of potential solutions. Incorporation of the constraints into the structure of an algorithm makes it possible to speed up computations by reducing the search space and excluding the wrong results. However, such an algorithm needs to be designed for one task only, has a limited usefulness to tasks which have the same set of constrains. Therefore, sometimes is limited to just a single application for which it has been designed, and is difficult to generalise. An algorithm to estimate the straight line representing a milling Edge is presented. The algorithm was designed for the measurement purposes and meets the requirements related to precision

    Experimental Verification of a Highly Simplified, Preliminary Machinability Test for Wood-Based Boards in the Case of Drilling

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    In contrast to metalworking there are no standardized or (at least) generally accepted, relative machinability tests for innovative or less known wood-based panels. The most reliable testing procedures are based on the use of a specialized, accurate system for measuring cutting forces and on conducting all tests in conditions that are similar to real industrial conditions (machine tool, cutting parameters etc.). However, the need for a more simplified testing procedure has often been voiced—not all scientists specializing in wood-based materials development have a machine tool comparable to one that can be found in a real furniture factory and piezoelectric force sensors at their unlimited disposal. To meet this need, the highly simplified, preliminary machinability test for wood-based boards in the case of drilling was developed and tried. The results of experimental research suggest that the simplified way of testing of relative machinability of wood-based boards (i.e., testing based on the photoelectric measurement of the time needed to make a 10 mm deep hole under constant feed force) can be a useful substitute of standard machinability testing procedure (based on accurate cutting forces measurements carried out in the standard industrial conditions). When verifying the simplified testing procedure, samples from each of the three basic groups of wood-based materials of substantially different internal structures (fiberboard, particleboard, and veneer boards) were tested. The relationship between significantly reliable and highly simplified machinability indexes turned out to be at a satisfactory level (R2 = 0.97 for particleboards and R2 = 0.95 for fiberboards or boards made of veneer or solid wood). The use of a simplified procedure can be especially pragmatic in case of any preliminary testing of innovative wood-based boards during the material development work

    Detection of ‘Orange Skin’ Type Surface Defects in Furniture Elements with the Use of Textural Features

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    Part 5: Industrial Management and Other ApplicationsInternational audienceThe accuracy of detecting the orange skin surface defect in lacquered furniture elements was tested. Textural features and an SVM classifier were used. Features were selected from a set of 50 features with the bottom-up feature selection strategy driven by the Fisher measure. The features selected were the Kolmogorow-Smirnow-based features, some of the Hilbert curve-based features, some of the maximum subregions features and also some of the thresholding-based features. The Otsu thresholding and percolation-based features were all rejected. The images of size 300×300300\,\times \,300300×300 pixels cut from the original, larger images were treated as objects. There were three quality classes: very good, good and bad. In the cross-validation process where the testing sets consisted of 90 and the training sets of 910 objects the accuracies ranged from 90% to 98% and the average accuracy was 94%. The tests revealed that more research should be done on the choice of features for this problem

    Textural features based on run length encoding in the classification of furniture surfaces with the orange skin defect

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    Textural features based upon thresholding and run length encoding have been successfully applied to the problem of classification of the quality of lacquered surfaces in furniture exhibiting the surface defect known as orange skin. The set of features for one surface patch consists of 12 real numbers. The classifier used was the one nearest neighbour classifier without feature selection. The classification quality was tested on 808 images 300 by 300 pixels, made under controlled, close-to-tangential lighting, with three classes: good, acceptable and bad, in close to balanced numbers. The classification accuracy was not smaller than 98% when the tested surface was not rotated with respect to the training samples, 97% for rotations up to 20 degrees and 95.5% in the worst case for arbitrary rotations