24 research outputs found
Oxidative-antioxidant imbalance and impaired glucose metabolism in schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is a neurodevelopmental disorder featuring chronic, complex neuropsychiatric features. The etiology and pathogenesis of schizophrenia are not fully understood. Oxidative-antioxidant imbalance is a potential determinant of schizophrenia. Oxidative, nitrosative, or sulfuric damage to enzymes of glycolysis and tricarboxylic acid cycle, as well as calcium transport and ATP biosynthesis might cause impaired bioenergetics function in the brain. This could explain the initial symptoms, such as the first psychotic episode and mild cognitive impairment. Another concept of the etiopathogenesis of schizophrenia is associated with impaired glucose metabolism and insulin resistance with the activation of the mTOR mitochondrial pathway, which may contribute to impaired neuronal development. Consequently, cognitive processes requiring ATP are compromised and dysfunctions in synaptic transmission lead to neuronal death, preceding changes in key brain areas. This review summarizes the role and mutual interactions of oxidative damage and impaired glucose metabolism as key factors affecting metabolic complications in schizophrenia. These observations may be a premise for novel potential therapeutic targets that will delay not only the onset of first symptoms but also the progression of schizophrenia and its complications
Determinants of schizophrenia endophenotypes based on neuroimaging and biochemical parameters
The relationship between the level of anterior cingulate cortex metabolites, brain-periphery redox imbalance, and the clinical state of patients with schizophrenia and personality disorders
Forms of aggression in women experiencing violence in their intimate relationships
Cel pracy: Por贸wnanie rodzaj贸w ekspresji agresji wyst臋puj膮cych u kobiet, kt贸re do艣wiadczy艂y r贸偶nych form przemocy i u kobiet, kt贸re nie zg艂asza艂y przemocy w relacji z partnerem
Metoda: Nasilenie i spos贸b regulacji agresji zmierzono za pomoc膮 Inwentarza Psychologicznego Syndromu Agresji (IPSA) Gasia. Informacje na temat r贸偶nych charakterystyk
przemocy (rodzaj, czas trwania) zebrano za pomoc膮 stworzonego wtym celu kwestionariusza.
Zbadano 60 kobiet w wieku od 19 do 59 lat. Trzydzie艣ci z nich doznawa艂o ze strony swojego
partnera trwaj膮cej co najmniej rok przemocy: fizycznej (86%; n = 26), psychicznej (96%,
n = 29) i seksualnej (16%, n = 5). Trzydziestoosobowa grupa por贸wnawcza (kobiety bez
do艣wiadcze艅 przemocy) zosta艂a w艂膮czona do badania na zasadzie tzw. doboru wi膮zanego
pod wzgl臋dem wieku, wykszta艂cenia i d艂ugo艣ci trwania zwi膮zku.
Wyniki: Kobiety, kt贸re do艣wiadczy艂y d艂ugotrwa艂ej przemocy w relacji, nie r贸偶ni艂y si臋 od
kobiet, kt贸re nie relacjonowa艂y akt贸w przemocy ze strony partnera pod wzgl臋dem nasilenia
agresji, ch臋ci odwetu czy nat臋偶enia jawnej agresji. Natomiast znacz膮co r贸偶ni艂y si臋 one pod
wzgl臋dem poziomu autoagresji, zar贸wno emocjonalnej, jak i fizycznej. Kobiety, kt贸re do艣wiadczy艂y przemocy ze strony partnera, cz臋艣ciej kierowa艂y swoj膮 agresj臋 na siebie lub wyra偶a艂y
j膮 w formie ukrytej (wrogo艣膰), natomiast rzadziej wyra偶a艂y agresj臋 w formie po艣redniej.
Wnioski: W艂a艣ciwa diagnoza zjawisk wyst臋puj膮cych w relacjach, wspomagana systematycznie prowadzonymi badaniami nad zjawiskiem wiktymizacji, mo偶e dostarczy膰 wiarygodnych danych pomocnych przy projektowaniu strategii przeciwdzia艂ania przemocy i leczenia
os贸b z takimi do艣wiadczeniami.Objectives: To compare ways to express aggression in women who experienced various
forms of intimate partner violence and in women without such history.
Methods: The severity and ways of regulating aggression were assessed with the
Inventory of Psychological Syndrome of Aggression (IPSA) by Ga艣. Information about
various characteristics of violence (type, duration) was collected with a specifically designed
questionnaire. Altogether 60 women were assessed, aged 19-59. Among them, 30 were in relationships characterized by partner violence, which lasted at least one year and included
physical abuse (86%, n=26), psychological abuse (96%, n=29) and/or sexual abuse (16%,
n=5). Thirty women without experiences of violence in their relationships were included as
control group, matched by age, educational level, and relationship duration.
Results: Women with experience of long-term violence in relationships did not differ
from the control group regarding the severity of aggression, desire to retaliate or the severity
of explicit aggression. However, they obtained significantly higher scores in the dimensions
of emotional and physical autoaggression, as well as of hostility. On the other hand, they
expressed indirect aggression less often than women with no history of partner violence.
Conclusions: A proper diagnosis of intimate partner violence-related phenomena in relationships, aided by a systematic research on the occurrence of victimization, may provide
valid data which could prove helpful in designing strategies for preventing violence and
providing an appropriate treatment for women with such experiences
Transformation and operation of a uniform psychiatric ward dedicated to COVID-19 patients during the pandemic
Cultural factors in the operation of transnational corporations
Niniejsza praca przedstawia wp艂yw czynnik贸w kulturowych na dzia艂anie korporacjitransnarodowym ze szczeg贸lnym uwzgl臋dnieniem wybranych przedsi臋biorstw. Poni偶sza analiza mia艂a nacelu wskazanie specyfiki ich dzia艂alno艣ci. Opisany zosta艂 r贸wnie偶 wp艂yw kultur narodowych na funkcjonowanie analizowanych organizacji.This work presents the influence of cultural factors on the operation of corporationstransnational with particular emphasis on selected enterprises. The following analysis took onto indicate the specifics of their activities. The influence of national cultures on functioning of the analyzed organizations
Unemployed disabled people in the labour market on the exmple of Krakow
Celem pracy by艂o przedstawienie i om贸wienie problemu bezrobocia ze szczeg贸lnym uwzgl臋dnieniem os贸b niepe艂nosprawnych w krajach Unii Europejskiej, a tak偶e w Polsce oraz Krakowie. Pierwsze trzy rozdzia艂y teoretyczne zawieraj膮 og贸lne informacje dotycz膮ce zjawiska bezrobocia oraz os贸b niepe艂nosprawnych. Rozdzia艂 empiryczny prezentuje wyniki przeprowadzonych bada艅. Zosta艂 przeprowadzony wywiad z Kierownikiem Dzia艂u Obs艂ugi Os贸b Niepe艂nosprawnych z Grodzkiego Urz臋du Pracy w Krakowie oraz ankieta w艣r贸d niepe艂nosprawnych mieszka艅c贸w Krakowa. Z bada艅 wynika, 偶e opinie na temat sytuacji bezrobotnych os贸b niepe艂nosprawnych na krakowskim rynku pracy s膮 bardzo podzielone. Wyst臋puj膮 r贸偶nic臋 mi臋dzy odpowiedziami ankietowanych oraz Kierownik Dzia艂u Obs艂ugi Os贸b Niepe艂nosprawnych. Sytuacja niepe艂nosprawnych na krakowskim rynku pracy na przestrzeni lat polepszy艂a si臋, natomiast niezb臋dne jest podejmowanie kolejnych dzia艂a艅 w zakresie wi臋kszej aktywizacji zawodowej os贸b znajduj膮cej si臋 w trudniej sytuacji na rynku pracy.The aim of the paper was to present and discuss the problem of unemployment with particular emphasis on disabled people in the countries of the European Union, as well as in Poland and Krakow. The first three theoretical chapters contain general information on the phenomenon of unemployment and people with disabilities. The empirical section presents the results of the research. An interview with the Head of the Disabled Persons Service Department at the Grodzki Labour Office in Krakow and a survey among the disabled residents of Krakow was conducted. Surveys show that opinions on the situation of unemployed disabled people in the Krakow labour market are very fragmented. There is a difference between the respondents' answers and the Disability Service Department Manager. The situation of the disabled on the Krakow's labour market has improved over the years, but it is necessary to take further steps to increase economic activation of people in a more difficult situation on the labour market