54 research outputs found

    Výroční zpráva 2022

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    Podklady připravili: Naďa Haščáková, Jaroslava Samešová, Lenka Masaříková, DiS., Ing. Igor Kopetschke, Bc. Kateřina Grulišová, Monika Remešov

    Výroční zpráva 2020

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    Podklady připravili: Naďa Haščáková, Jaroslava Samešová, Lenka Masaříková, DiS., Ing. Igor Kopetschke, Bc. Kateřina Grulišov

    UNIKNI TUL - Únor 2024

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    Housing Estate - Courtyard Chabařovická

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    Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na revitalizaci vnitrobloku Chabařovická a přiléhajících předzahrádek v sídlišti Ďáblice v Praze. Záměrem návrhu je vytvoření parkové úpravy ve vnitrobloku, zlepšení jeho průchodnosti a prosvětlení. Navržený prostor je určený k rekreaci a nabídne více možností volnočasových aktivit. Pro větší pohodlí je ve vnitrobloku nově umístěn altán k posezení a jako ochrana před náhlou nepřízní počasí.The bachelor’s thesis focuses on the revitalization of the courtyard Chabařovická and the front gardens around its perimeter in the housing estate Ďáblice in Prague. The goal of the landscape design is to create a park-like courtyard, improve its pedestrian permeability and illumination. The newly designed space is intended for the recreation and offers more possibilities for leisure-time activities. In the courtyard, there is a newly designed gazebo for people to sit down or take shelter in case of sudden bad weather

    UNIKNI TUL - Červenec / srpen 2022

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    UNIKNI TUL - Listopad 2022

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    Proposal of a process layout of a two-floor building as a townhall with a kindergarten and a medical four territory.

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    The goal of my thesis was to work out a proposal of a process layout of a two-floor building as a townhall with a kindergarten and a medical four territory. The project documentation corresponded with the project documentation for building license. It was a typified object, it means without particular placement in terrain, which is likely to be repeatedly used in the process of building-up. There were two versions of the process layout suggested in the first phase. One of them was chosen and finished up to its final form, with help of the supervisor of the thesis. The townhall and the medical four territory is to be found in the first ground in the final version. There are two separate kindergartens in the second floor. The project respected law Nr. 183/2006 Sb. about land-use planning and a building act, its notices and valid norms

    UNIKNI TUL - Březen 2023

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    UNIKNI TUL - Březen 2022

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    Plakát Sociální sítě

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