31 research outputs found

    L’autonomisation des universitĂ©s nationales au Japon : l’impact de la rĂ©forme de 2004

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    In April 2004, the national universities, which used to be state facilities under the jurisdiction of MEXT (ministry in charge of education), were incorporated and became national university corporations (NUCs). The NUCs now enjoy greater autonomy vis-Ă vis the government and are expected to develop their strategies and to take the initiative in a more relevant and efficient manner so as to improve education and research. From 2008 to 2009, the NUC were institutionally evaluated by the evaluation committee in MEXT. The results of this evaluation were published in March 2009, judging that the performances of the NUCs were globally very satisfactory. However, it is also true that the numerous problems have been observed regarding the system and operation of the NUCs and that criticism of the reform is shared by many practitioners and stakeholders. After a brief presentation of the Japanese higher education system and the reform of national universities, this article will synthesise the results of the institutional evaluation, then it will expose present problems concerning the NUCs, and finally it will provide some insights into problems and challenges stemming from the reform.En avril 2004, les universitĂ©s nationales, qui Ă©taient un service du MEXT (ministĂšre chargĂ© de l’éducation), ont Ă©tĂ© constituĂ©es en Ă©tablissements autonomes de droit public (institutions universitaires nationales : IUN). DĂ©sormais, les IUN jouissent d’une autonomie Ă©largie et sont censĂ©es dĂ©velopper leur stratĂ©gie et prendre l’initiative de maniĂšre plus pertinente et efficace pour une meilleure qualitĂ© de l’enseignement et de la recherche. De 2008 Ă  2009, les IUN ont Ă©tĂ© institutionnellement Ă©valuĂ©es par le comitĂ© d’évaluation du MEXT. Les rĂ©sultats de cette Ă©valuation ont Ă©tĂ© rendus publics en mars 2009, jugeant que les performances des IUN avaient Ă©tĂ© globalement trĂšs satisfaisantes. Toutefois, il est aussi vrai qu’on a observĂ© de nombreux problĂšmes relatifs au systĂšme et Ă  la mise en opĂ©ration des IUN, et que les critiques contre cette rĂ©forme sont multiples. Cet article a pour objectif, aprĂšs une brĂšve prĂ©sentation du systĂšme d’enseignement supĂ©rieur japonais et de la rĂ©forme des universitĂ©s nationales, de synthĂ©tiser les rĂ©sultats de l’évaluation institutionnelle, de prĂ©senter les problĂšmes concernant les IUN et enfin de fournir des Ă©lĂ©ments de rĂ©flexion sur les enjeux et les dĂ©fis de cette rĂ©forme.ƌba Jun. L’autonomisation des universitĂ©s nationales au Japon : l’impact de la rĂ©forme de 2004. In: Ebisu, n°43, 2010. pp. 83-120

    Some Trace-Element Data on Pliocene Basaltic Rocks from Two Districts in Hokkaido

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    Trace elements Rb, Sr, Zr, Y, Cu, Ni, Zn, Co, and Pb are recorded from basaltic rocks of the Kitami-Monbetsu district of east Hokkaido and the Takikawa-Fukagawa Basin and Kabato Mountains of central-west Hokkaido. Those of the former district, although petrologically similar to some from the latter district, show a different distribution of trace elements. In particular Zr and Zn are higher, and Rb and Sr are lower in the eastern basalts. Other slight differences are suggested. The reason may be an initial abundance variation

    Theory of flow through profiles with large camber and thickness arranged in cascade with small pitch chord ratio

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