9 research outputs found

    Different pressure behavior of GaN/AlGaN quantum structures grown along polar and nonpolar crystallographic directions

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    High quality GaN/AlGaN multiquantum well (QW) structures were grown by ammonia molecular beam epitaxy along the (0001) polar and (11 2̄0) nonpolar directions. Each sample contains three QWs with thicknesses of 2, 3, and 4 nm as well as 10 nm Al0.30Ga0.70N barriers. The measured photoluminescence (PL) spectrum consists of three peaks originating from the radiative recombination of excitons in individual QWs. In the nonpolar sample, the energy positions (EPL) of the observed peaks are separated because of the quantum confinement effect, whereas in the polar sample an additional redshift is induced by the quantum confined Stark effect. The dependence of EEPL on QW width was used to estimate the built-in electric field magnitude in the latter sample to be about 2 MV/cm. Hydrostatic pressure studies of the PL in both samples gave qualitatively different results. In the polar sample, the pressure shift of EPL, dEPL/dp decreases significantly with QW width. The important finding is derived from the observation of a QW width independent dEPL/dp in the nonpolar sample. It shows that for GaN/Al0.30Ga0.70N, the quantum confinement remains practically independent of the applied hydrostatic pressure. This result reveals that in the polar sample, the variation in dEPL /dp with the QW width is due to the pressure-induced increase in the built-in electric field Fint. Thus, a more quantitative analysis of the latter effect becomes justified. We found that the Fint increases with pressure with a rate of about 80 kV (cm GPa)-1. © 2009 American Institute of Physics

    Magnetoluminescence Studies of GaN:Fe

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    We report on magneto-optical studies on iron doped GaN crystals grown using hydride vapor phase epitaxy method on bulk GaN substrate. The investigated samples showed an intensive 1.3 eV luminescence band, characteristic of Fe3+\text{}^{3+}(d5\text{}^{5}) center in GaN. A high quality of the investigated samples allowed us to observe a well-resolved fine structure of intracenter transitions between 4\text{}^{4}T1\text{}_{1}(G) and 6\text{}^{6}A1\text{}_{1}(S) states, consisting of four sharp no-phonon lines. All the observed no-phonon lines showed pronounced splittings in magnetic field. From the analysis of the magneto-optical data, the structure of split 4\text{}^{4}T1\text{}_{1}(G) multiplet in the magnetic field applied along c-axis of GaN crystals was established

    Magnetoluminescence Studies of GaN:Fe

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    We report on magneto-optical studies on iron doped GaN crystals grown using hydride vapor phase epitaxy method on bulk GaN substrate. The investigated samples showed an intensive 1.3 eV luminescence band, characteristic of Fe3+\text{}^{3+}(d5\text{}^{5}) center in GaN. A high quality of the investigated samples allowed us to observe a well-resolved fine structure of intracenter transitions between 4\text{}^{4}T1\text{}_{1}(G) and 6\text{}^{6}A1\text{}_{1}(S) states, consisting of four sharp no-phonon lines. All the observed no-phonon lines showed pronounced splittings in magnetic field. From the analysis of the magneto-optical data, the structure of split 4\text{}^{4}T1\text{}_{1}(G) multiplet in the magnetic field applied along c-axis of GaN crystals was established

    High Resistivity GaN Single Crystalline Substrates

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    High resistivity 104\text{}^{4}-106\text{}^{6} Ω cm (300 K) GaN single crystals were obtained by solution growth under high N2\text{}_{2} pressure from melted Ga with 0.1-0.5at.% of Mg. Properties of these crystals are compared with properties of conductive crystals grown by a similar method from pure Ga melt. In particular, it is shown that Mg-doped GaN crystals have better structural quality in terms of FWHM of X-ray rocking curve and low angle boundaries. Temperature dependence of electrical resistivity suggests hopping mechanism of conductivity. It is also shown that strain free GaN homoepitaxial layers can be grown on the Mg-doped GaN substrates

    Optically Pumped Laser Action on Nitride Based Separate Confinement Heterostructures Grown along the (11¯20) Crystallographic Direction

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    The intention of this work is to discuss and report on our research on nonpolar laser structures grown on bulk GaN crystal substrates along the (11¯20) nonpolar direction. The main advantages of such nonpolar structures are related to the elimination of the built-in electric fields present in commonly used systems grown along the polar (0001) axis of nitride crystals. We demonstrated the optically pumped laser action on separate confinement heterostructures. Laser action is clearly shown by spontaneous emission saturation, abrupt line narrowing, and strong transversal electric polarization of output light. The lasing threshold was reached at an excitation power density of 260 kW/cm2\text{}^{2} for a 700μm long cavity (at room temperature)

    Optically Pumped Laser Action on Nitride Based Separate Confinement Heterostructures Grown along the (11¯20) Crystallographic Direction

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    The intention of this work is to discuss and report on our research on nonpolar laser structures grown on bulk GaN crystal substrates along the (11¯20) nonpolar direction. The main advantages of such nonpolar structures are related to the elimination of the built-in electric fields present in commonly used systems grown along the polar (0001) axis of nitride crystals. We demonstrated the optically pumped laser action on separate confinement heterostructures. Laser action is clearly shown by spontaneous emission saturation, abrupt line narrowing, and strong transversal electric polarization of output light. The lasing threshold was reached at an excitation power density of 260 kW/cm2\text{}^{2} for a 700μm long cavity (at room temperature)

    Blue Laser on High N2\text{}_{2} Pressure-Grown Bulk GaN

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    In this note we report briefly on the details of pulsed-current operated "blue" laser diode, constructed in our laboratories, which utilizes bulk GaN substrate. As described in Ref. [1] the substrate GaN crystal was grown by HNPSG method, and the laser structure was deposited on the conducting substrate by MOCVD techniques (for the details see Sec. 2 and Sec. 4 of Ref.~[1], respectively)