26 research outputs found

    Current trends in computer linguistics and problem of the machine translation of Arabic

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    The aim of this paper is to present some problems concerning the machine translation of Arabic in the context of the chosen NLP theories and their evolution. First attempts of electronic machine translations in Europe started only a little more than fifty years ago. It is enough time to perceive some aspects of the evolution? Although a lot of the concepts are still valid, the situation in A.D. 2012 is quite different than even twelve years ago. We still see useful old works of N. Chomsky, D. Cohen, but CFG seems to be supported with some new theories which also have got some disadvantages. Some interesting problems occur in the process of automatic translation when the number of grammatical cases is smaller in the source language than that in the output language.The aim of this paper is to present some problems concerning the machine translation of Arabic in the context of the chosen NLP theories and their evolution. First attempts of electronic machine translations in Europe started only a little more than fifty years ago. It is enough time to perceive some aspects of the evolution? Although a lot of the concepts are still valid, the situation in A.D. 2012 is quite different than even twelve years ago. We still see useful old works of N. Chomsky, D. Cohen, but CFG seems to be supported with some new theories which also have got some disadvantages. Some interesting problems occur in the process of automatic translation when the number of grammatical cases is smaller in the source language than that in the output language

    Zapalenie płuc wywołane przez Pneumocystis jiroveci u chorego we wczesnym okresie po przeszczepieniu nerki

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    The article presents a case of interstitial pneumonia caused by Pneumocystis jiroveci (PJ) in a patient shortly after kidney transplantation (KTx), who did not receive routine prophylaxis with sulfamethoxa­zole/trimethoprim (SMX/TMP). At first the patient re­ported non-specific symptoms: malaise, dyspnoea on exertion, dry cough and fever. On subsequent days the status of the patient quickly deteriorated with dyspnoea at rest, hypoxemia and ground-glass opacity in both lungs. Since there was clinical sus­picion of PJ pneumonia (PCP), the patient received empirical treatment with high doses of SMX/TMP, high-dose steroids and reduced dosages of immu­nosupressive drugs. During treatment side effects were observed — skin rash and oral mucosa le­sions, therefore symptomatic treatment was admin­istered and the treatment with SMX/TMP was con­tinued. The positive outcome of the treatment in our patient proves that PCP should be suspected in ev­ery patient after organ transplantation with interstitial lung changes and empirical treatment should be ad­ministered until microbiological confirmation of PCP. The occurrence of PJ in the presented case confirms the need of prophylactic treatment with SMX/TMP within the early period following KTx

    Complex interactions of cellular players in chronic Graft-versus-Host Disease

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    Chronic Graft-versus-Host Disease is a life-threatening inflammatory condition that affects many patients after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Although we have made substantial progress in understanding disease pathogenesis and the role of specific immune cell subsets, treatment options are still limited. To date, we lack a global understanding of the interplay between the different cellular players involved, in the affected tissues and at different stages of disease development and progression. In this review we summarize our current knowledge on pathogenic and protective mechanisms elicited by the major involved immune subsets, being T cells, B cells, NK cells and antigen presenting cells, as well as the microbiome, with a special focus on intercellular communication of these cell types via extracellular vesicles as up-and-coming fields in chronic Graft-versus-Host Disease research. Lastly, we discuss the importance of understanding systemic and local aberrant cell communication during disease for defining better biomarkers and therapeutic targets, eventually enabling the design of personalized treatment schemes

    Soluble CD147 (BSG) as a Prognostic Marker in Multiple Myeloma

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    CD147 (basigin, BSG) is a membrane-bound glycoprotein involved in energy metabolism that plays a role in cancer cell survival. Its soluble form is a promising marker of some diseases, but it is otherwise poorly studied. CD147 is overexpressed in multiple myeloma (MM) and is known to affect MM progression, while its genetic variants are associated with MM survival. In the present study, we aimed to assess serum soluble CD147 (sCD147) expression as a potential marker in MM. We found that sCD147 level was higher in MM patients compared to healthy individuals. It was also higher in patients with more advanced disease (ISS III) compared to both patients with less advanced MM and healthy individuals, while its level was observed to drop after positive response to treatment. Patients with high sCD147 were characterized by worse progression-free survival. sCD147 level did not directly correlate with bone marrow CD147 mRNA expression. In conclusion, this study suggests that serum sCD147 may be a prognostic marker in MM

    Kultura popularna jako przestrzeń edukacyjna

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    Istotną kwestią dla współczesnego humanisty pozostaje zagadnienie dotyczące kondycji kultury w epoce (po)nowoczesności. Dominującą obecnie kulturę popularną, którą cechuje nadmierna elastyczność czy dynamizm autor interpretuje w opozycji do kultury wysokiej. W (po)nowoczesnym społeczeństwie to standardy kultury popularnej determinują charakter przestrzeni edukacyjnej. Młodzi ludzie w popkulturze zdają się szukać przede wszystkim przyjemności, która w sposób bezpośredni i pośredni wpływa na poziom edukacji. Następstwem tego zjawiska jest sukcesywny spadek poziomu wykształcenia (edukacji), co w efekcie prowadzi do pauperyzacji idei uniwersytetu. W kulturze i edukacji komunikowanie odgrywa bardzo ważną rolę. Jednak najbardziej niepokojące jest to, iż tradycyjne komunikowanie wykorzystujące klasyczne medium - słowo mówione nie ma zbyt wielkiego wpływu w procesy: kształcenia i wychowania. Obecnie najważniejszy jest przekaz medialny. Istnieje ryzyko, że rolę edukatora zajmie komputer.      The important issue for a contemporary humanist has been the condition of culture in the post-modernity age. The author puts the currently dominant pop culture, that is too flexible and dynamic, on the opposite site to the high culture. In the postmodernity the pop culture standards determine the character of education space. Young people are looking mostly for enjoyment in the pop culture, what influences directly and indirectly the level of education. The result of this phenomenon is ongoing decrease of the level of schooling (education), what comes to the pauperization of the idea of an university. The communication is very important in the areas of culture and education. The most alarming is that the classical communication medium – vocal word, does not have enough influence to both very important processes: education and upbringing. Currently the most important is media coverage. There is a risk that the role of educator will be taken by computers


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    Franciszek Urbańczyk (1900-1976) is not very popular, however a very important pioneer of polish andragogy. He mainly focused on the education of adults. He claimed that the reflection of adults’ education should expose skills, habits and competences of adult students. F. Urbańczyk made a very strong statement that education process initiator should always follow up-bringing purposes. In his thesis he focused a lot on historical context of this issue. This point of view clearly showed him the role of the permanent education in human development. It's worth to mention that the educator has made a border line between two ideas: learning and education when the subject is an adult person. The significant role in his educational theory is the problem of motivation of adults’ education