42 research outputs found

    The history of Ostroleka's Voluntary Fire Brigade in the given period 1881–1914 – selected issues

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    W 2009 roku Ochotnicza Straż Pożarna w Ostrołęce świętować będzie 128-lecie powstania. Organizacja ta stanowi najstarsze stowarzyszenie społeczne w Ostrołęce. Artykuł ten jest próbą przedstawienia historii drużyny, jej założycieli oraz pierwszych lat działalności od momentu powstania aż do wybuchu I wojny światowej. Omówiono też początkowe problemy orkiestry OSP Ostrołęka i zaprezentowano trudności w zgromadzeniu sprzętu pożarniczego oraz związane ze stosunkami polsko- żydowskimi w straży pożarnej na przełomie XIX i XX wieku.In 2009 Ochotnicza Straż Pożarna in Ostrołęka is going to celebrate the 128th anniversary of existence. The organization works in the city and is the oldest social organization in Ostrołęka. This article is an attempt to show the history of the fire team and its founders. It will also describe the organization’s activity from the moment of its establishment until the outbreak of First World War. The article also touches the initial problems of orchestra OSP in Ostrołęka. The author also presents the difficulties with collecting the fire brigade equipment and Polish-Jewish relations at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries

    A Comparative Study of Friction and Wear Processes of Model Metallic Biomaterials Including Registration of Friction-Induced Temperature Response of a Tribological Pair

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    Nowadays, metallic alloys are extensively used in wear-related biomedical applications. However, it was shown that one of the factors which may contribute to the premature implant failure is the temperature effect caused by the sliding action between the bearing surfaces. Nevertheless, there are not many papers where the wear-related temperature phenomena of biomedical alloys are discussed. Thus, in our paper, we present findings from the tribological tests of the model metallic biomaterials—316L steel, CoCrMo alloy and Ti gr. 2. In our study, the temperature alterations induced by the wear action of the examined materials were analyzed. According to the findings, the temperature response of the biomedical alloys is tribological pair dependent. While the mass loss of the tribological pair 316L–316L steel was the slightest, at the same time the temperature increase was the greatest. Based on the presented findings, further analyses in friction-induced temperature response of biomedical alloys is recommended

    Narration and intertextuality in short stories: Jorge Luis Borges' Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote and Gustaw Herling-Grudziński’s The Tower.

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    Płaszczyzną porównania utworów Borgesa i Herlinga-Grudzińskiego jest ich konstrukcja narracyjna, opierająca się na intertekstualnej obecności innych tekstów oraz ich roli w kształtowaniu fabuły opowiadań. W opowiadaniu J. L. Borgesa ,,Pierre Menard, autor Don Kichota” jest to ,,Przemyślny szlachcic don Kichot z Manczy” Miguela Cervantesa, natomiast w przypadku ,,Wieży” Gustawa Herlinga-Grudzińskiego - ,,Trędowaty z miasta Aosty” Xaviera de Maistre. Jako podstawową metodologię i punkt wyjścia do analizy budowy światów przedstawionych wykorzystuję narratologię w teorii Mieke Bal. Istotny element pracy stanowi próba umiejscowienia opowiadań wobec poetyki modernistycznej i postmodernistycznej. Praca podzielona jest na dwie części: dotyczącą utworu Jorge Luisa Borgesa oraz Herlinga-Grudzińskiego. Każda z nich wymaga poruszenia osobnych zagadnień, takich jak kwestii tożsamości narratora wobec biografii autora lub znaczenia tekstu włączonego dla reprezentowanego eksperymentu myślowego. W obu opowiadaniach istotny jest motyw pisania/czytania o funkcji kreacyjnej oraz figura pisarza/czytelnika. Celem pracy jest opracowanie prezentowanych modeli intertekstualnej obecności tekstu włączonego.Vital to the comparison of Borges’ and Herling-Grudziński’s short stories is uncovering their narrative structure. This structure is based on the intertextual presence of other works and their role in shaping the fabulas of the texts. In Jorge Luis Borges’ short story ,,Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote,” the work that is present is Miguel de Cervantes’ ,,The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha,” whereas in the case of Gustaw Herling-Grudziński’s ,,The Tower” it is Xavier de Maistre’s ,,The Leper from Aosta.” I use Mieke Bal’s theory of narratology as the fundamental methodology and starting point for the analysis of the settings’ construction. The essential part of this paper attempts to embed the short stories into a comparitory context of modern and postmodern poetics. This paper is divided into two main parts: first is an analysis of Jorge Luis Borges’ work and second is of Grudziński’s. Each of them requires an introduction of different contexts: the relationship between the identity of the narrator and the biography of the author as well as the importance of the embedded text in the represented thought experiment. Both works represent the motif of writing/reading as a creative act and the figure of the author/reader within the text. This paper aims to develop models for analysis of embedded texts in intertextual literature

    Parent-child communication with an early childhood child in a divorce crisis in parental retrospection

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    W niniejszej pracy poruszam tematykę komunikacji rodzica z dzieckiem w wieku wczesnoszkolnym w sytuacji doświadczenia przez rodzinę kryzysu rozwodowego. Prezentowane zagadnienie jest niezwykle istotne dla praktyki pedagogicznej. Specjaliści, którzy podejmują pracę z dzieckiem z rodziny rozwodowej powinni posiadać odpowiednią wiedzę dotyczącą wpływu sytuacji kryzysowej jaką jest rozwód na funkcjonowanie psychospołeczne wychowanka a także jego całego systemu rodzinnego. Celem niniejszej pracy była próba ustalenia jak przebiega komunikacja rodzica z dzieckiem w wieku wczesnoszkolnym w sytuacji doświadczenia przez rodzinę kryzysu rozwodowego w retrospekcji rodziców. W celu szczegółowego omówienia przedstawionego zagadnienia w części teoretycznej przedstawiłam zagadnienia związane z funkcjami rodziny w wybranych ujęciach teoretycznych, sposobami komunikacji przyjmowanymi przez system rodzinny, potrzebami rozwojowymi dzieci w wieku wczesnoszkolnym oraz charakterystyką sytuacji kryzysowej jaką jest rozwód opiekunów. Badania zostały przeprowadzone wśród rodziców, którzy doświadczyli kryzysu rozwodowego w okresie nie krótszym niż rok od dnia przeprowadzenia badania. Do ich przeprowadzenia wykorzystano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego z wykorzystaniem wywiadu i analizy dokumentów zastanych. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań ustaliłam, że sposób komunikacji jaki podejmuje rodzic w relacji z dzieckiem w wieku wczesnoszkolnym wpływa na sposób zrozumienia sytuacji kryzysowej przez dziecko.In this work I explore the topic of communication between a parent and an early childhood child when the family is experiencing a divorce crisis. The issue presented is extremely relevant to pedagogical practice. Professionals who work with children from divorcing families should have adequate knowledge of the impact of a divorce crisis on the psychosocial functioning of the child and the whole family system. The purpose of this study was to attempt to determine how parent-child communication takes place in early childhood when the family experiences a divorce crisis in the parents' retrospective. In order to discuss this issue in detail, in the theoretical part I presented issues related to the functions of the family in selected theoretical approaches, the ways of communication adopted by the family system, the developmental needs of early school-age children and the characteristics of a crisis situation such as divorce of caregivers. The research was conducted among parents who had experienced a divorce crisis within a period of not less than one year from the date of the survey. They were conducted using a diagnostic survey method with an interview and analysis of found documents. As a result of the research, I found that the way a parent communicates in their relationship with their early childhood child influences the way the child understands the crisis situation

    Registration of RGB-D images: comparison of pairwise registration variants

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    W dwuczęściowym artykule skupiono uwagę na problemie rejestracji chmur punktów. W pierwszej części omówiono kluczowe komponenty systemu V-SLAM uzupełnione przykładowymi algorytmami i rozwiązaniami stosowanymi w tych komponentach. W poniższej, drugiej części omówiono różne rodzaje wariantów algorytmu ICP, atrybuty punktów oraz operujące na nich metryki. Następnie omówiono metodykę badań oraz przedstawiono wyniki porównania wybranych wariantów wzajemnej rejestracji.The two-part article focuses on the problem of registration of point clouds. The first part briefly discussed the main components of V-SLAM systems and presented the main steps of the ICP (Iterative Closes Point) algorithm. In the following, second part of the paper, we analyse and compare diverse variants of the ICP algorithm. In particular, we discuss different attributes of points along with operating on them metrics that the ICP can employ. Finally, we present the research methodology and discuss the results of comparison of selected variants of ICP

    Effect of Plasma Nitriding Process Conditions on Corrosion Resistance of 440B Martensitic Stainless Steel

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    Martensitic stainless steels are used in a large number of various industrial applications, e.g. molds for plastic injections and glass moldings, automotive components, cutting tools, surgical and dental instruments. The improvement of their tribological and corrosion properties is a problem of high interest especially in medical applications, where patient safety becomes a priority. The paper covers findings from plasma nitrided AISI 440B (PN-EN or DIN X90CrMoV18) stainless steel corrosion resistance studies. Conventionally heat treated and plasma nitrided in N2:H2 reaction gas mixture (50:50, 65:35 and 80:20, respectively) in two different temperature ranges (380 or 450°C) specimens groups were examined. Microscopic observations and electrochemical corrosion tests were performed using a variety of analytical techniques. As obtained findings show, plasma nitriding of AISI 440B stainless steel, regardless of the process temperature, results in reduction of corrosion current density. Nevertheless, applying thermo-chemical process which requires exceeding temperature of about 400°C is not recommended due to increased risk of steel sensitization to intergranular and stress corrosion. According to the results, material ion nitrided in 450°C underwent leaching corrosion processes, which led to significant disproportion in chemical composition of the corroded and corrosion-free areas. The authors suggest further research into corrosion process of plasma nitrided materials and its degradation products

    Surface modification ofaisi440b stainless steel and its influence on surgical drill bits performance

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    The development of modern invasive surgery is highly dependent on the performance of surgical instruments, understood as long-term efficiency arising from high resistance to wear and corrosion. In order to maintain sufficient reliability, surgical cutting instruments are often made of martensitic stainless steels. Nevertheless, the use of ferrous alloys in medical applications is still a concern due to their questionable corrosion and wear resistance. To extend their bioconipatibility, improve stability in variable environmental conditions, improve ease of handling, and maximize their performance, diffusion layers and coatings are applied to the surface. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of TiN and diamond-like carbon (DLC) surface modification on the performance of surgical drill bits, that is. wear and corrosion resistance, measured in model and field tests. Based on the findings presented, DLC layers can be recommended as anti-wear and anti-corrosion coatings for surgical drill bits

    Effect of heat treatment and plasma nitriding on corrosion resistance of 440B martensitic stainless steel

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    Reliability and durability assurance poses a serious challenge for surgical instruments manufacturers. Hard working conditions, such as intermittent contact with body fluids and hard bone tissues, as well as necessity to undergo frequent sterilisation processes, induce constant research into solutions capable of ensuring high wear resistance while maintaining satisfactory imperviousness to corrosion. Plasma nitriding is marked as the modern corrosion resistance improving method suitable for surgical instruments steels. The paper pre-sents findings from the heat treated and plasma nitrided AISI 440B (PN EN or DIN X90CrMoV18) steel corrosion resistance studies. Three conventionally heat treated (quenched with tempering in 250, 390 or 605°C) and three additionally plasma nitrided in N2:H2 reaction gas mixture (50:50, 35:65 and 20:80 ratio, respectively) specimens groups were examined. Furthermore, the authors evaluated the effect of machining - polishing and sandblasting - on investigated steel corrosion resistance. Microscopic observations and electrochemical corrosion tests were performed using a variety of analytical techniques. Results showed that, in comparison to conventional heat treatment, plasma nitriding of 440B stainless steel does not significantly affect its corrosive characteristics as far as the uniform nitride layer over the entire detail surface is obtained. The layer heterogeneity results in intensification of corrosion processes, making the material even more susceptible to corrosion than after conventional heat treatment, and contributing to severe, visible even with the unaided eye damages development