13 research outputs found

    Effect of ageing process on fungiform papillae density

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    Received: 2017-01-09 | Accepted: 2017-02-24 | Available online: 2017-06-20http://dx.doi.org/10.15414/afz.2017.20.01.31-35Ageing is accompanied by physiological changes in the human oral cavity. These include potential reduction of the fungiform papillae (FP) density which has been associated with impaired taste acuity. Because the studies have demonstrated either contrary or non-significant evidences, we decided to verify the hypothesis about FP reduction and ageing. Total of 150 human living subjects aged 19–87 years participated in the study. The tongues were stained with blue food dye, quantification area with 10 mm diameter was defined, and images of the tongues were captured with digital camera. The number of FP has been scored on each photo by five individual scorers according to a decision tree. The scoring was accomplished in ImageJ open source program using a cell counter plugin. The mean FP density value within all subjects was 18.02 ±15.95 FP per cm-2, the lowest and the highest values were 0.25 ±0.57 FP per cm-2 and 65.00 ±1.66 FP per cm-2 of the tongue tip, respectively. Based on age, the subjects were divided into categories with 6.0 increasing step, in order access effect of ageing on FP densities. Age categories were significantly different in mean FP densities as determined by Welch's F (8, 22.04) = 28.81, P < 0.01). The Games-Howell post hoc test revealed that participants aged 18–24 years had significantly higher FP densities than subjects aged more than 48 years. High degree of intra-groups variance was observed, which could reflect in non-significant differences between the other age groups. Nevertheless, the results were sufficient to support the hypothesis that FP quantity diminish with age.Keywords: fungiform papillae, density, tongue, ageingReferences ADDINSOFT. (2016) XLSTAT: Analyse de données et statistique avec MS Excel. 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    Determination of selected species texture processed cheese and processed products different batches under different conditions keep them for eating quality

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    V práci sme hodnotili textúru tavených syrov a tavených výrobkov. Výrobky sme mali uchované tak, ako sa predpokladá, že ich uchovávajú a používajú bežní spotrebitelia. To znamená, že od zakúpenia výrobkov uplynie istá doba, ktorú sme zahrnuli do našich podmienok testovania. Analýzy textúry pomáhajú pri poskytovaní základných metód a vysvetleniu postupov analýz, taktiež poskytujú typy na začatie nových testov alebo skúmanie nových výrobkov a teda skúmanie rozdielov produktov podľa špecifických požiadaviek. Taktiež senzorické panely zohrávajú dôležitú úlohu pri hodnotení potravinárskych výrobkov, použitie textúrnych analyzátorov odstraňuje ľudské chyby a skúšky, ktoré vykonávajú sú konzistentné a presné. Analýzy textúry pomáhajú výrobcom analyzovať a sledovať textúrne vlastnosti svojich výrobkov. Zo získaných výsledkov môžu výrobcovia upraviť hlavné faktory ako sú vlastnosti mlieka pri výrobe syrov a taktiež môžu upravovať výrobné postupy na funkčné vlastnosti syrov. Splnením základných požiadaviek si zachovávajú syry svoje vlastnosti a funkčnosť.In this work we evaluated the texture of processed cheese and processed products. The products we have retained as it is assumed that they kept and used by ordinary consumers. This means that the product purchased certain period has elapsed, we included in our test conditions. Texture analysis help provide the basic methods and explaining procedures for analysis, also provide for the initiation of new types of tests or review new products and therefore be dealt with differences in the products according to specific requirements. Sensory panels also play an important role in the evaluation of food products, but the use of texture analyzer eliminates human error and tests carried out are consistent and accurate. Analysis of texture help manufacturers monitor and analyze the texture characteristics of their products. From the producers can modify the product key factors such as characteristics of the milk into cheese and can also modify manufacturing processes to the functional properties of cheese. Fulfilling the basic requirements to maintain their properties and cheese functionality

    Determination of selected species texture processed cheese and processed products different batches under different conditions keep them for eating quality Stanovenie textúry vybraných druhov tavených syrov a tavených výrobkov rôznych šarží za rozdielnych

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    Abstract In this work we evaluated the texture of processed cheese and processed products. The products we have retained as it is assumed that they kept and used by ordinary consumers. This means that the product purchased certain period has elapsed, we included in our test conditions. Texture analysis help provide the basic methods and explaining procedures for analysis, also provide for the initiation of new types of tests or review new products and therefore be dealt with differences in the products according to specific requirements. Sensory panels also play an important role in the evaluation of food products, but the use of texture analyzer eliminates human error and tests carried out are consistent and accurate. Analysis of texture help manufacturers monitor and analyze the texture characteristics of their products. From the producers can modify the product key factors such as characteristics of the milk into cheese and can also modify manufacturing processes to the functional properties of cheese. Fulfilling the basic requirements to maintain their properties and cheese functionality. Keywords: analysis, cheese, properties, texture Abstrakt V práci sme hodnotili textúru tavených syrov a tavených výrobkov. Výrobky sme mali uchované tak, ako sa predpokladá, že ich uchovávajú a používajú bežní spotrebitelia. To znamená, že od zakúpenia výrobkov uplynie istá doba, ktorú sme zahrnuli do našich podmienok testovania. Analýzy textúry pomáhajú pri poskytovaní 25


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    <div><span style="font-size: small;"> <table style="height: 286px;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="664" align="left"><tbody><tr><td height="286" align="left" valign="top"><p>Deer (Cervidaei) belong to the most important species used as farmed animals. We focused on assesing the genetic diversity among five deer populations. Analysis has been performed on a&nbsp;total of 183 animals originating from Czech Republic, Hungary, New Zealand, Poland and Slovak Republic. Genetic variability were investigated using 8 microsatellite markers used in deer. Statistical data of all populations we obtained on the basis of Nei statistics, using by POWERMARKER 3.23 programme. Graphical view of relationships among populations and individuals in the populations was obtained using the Dendroscope software. Molecular genetic data combinated with evaluation in statistical programmes could lead to a&nbsp;complex view of populations and diffrences among them.<br /><br /><strong>doi:10.5219/172</strong></p></td></tr></tbody></table> <br /></span></div

    Genetic diversity and relatedness among seven red deer (Cervus elaphus) populations

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    <table style="height: 357px;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="498" align="left"><tbody><tr><td height="357" align="left" valign="top"><p>Deer (<em>Cervidae</em>) recently belongs to the most important species. The aim of presenting study was evaluation of genetic diversity and relationship within and among seven red deer populations from different origins - Czech Republic, Hungary, hybrids Hungary x New Zealand, Lithuania, New Zealand, Poland and Slovak Republic. This study was conducted to determine the levels of genetic variability and relationships among deer populations from a total of 637 animals originating from seven countries Czech Republic (50), Hungary (35), Hungary x New Zealand hybrids (67), Lithuania (26), New Zealand (82), Poland (347) and Slovak Republic (30).&nbsp; We used the hair bulbs as a source of DNA.&nbsp; In total, 213 alleles were observed from the 10 loci surveyed. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 11 (IOBT965) to 35 (T156, RT13). Genetic diversity and relatedness among red deer populations has been performed on a total of 637 animals. A panel of&nbsp;10 microsatellite markers used in deer were optimized. On the basis of this panel of microsatellites we were investigated genetic variability and relationships by using statistical and graphical programmes. We evaluated how close populations are to each other and their genetic admixture. Molecular genetic data combined with evaluation in statistical programmes could lead to a complex view of populations.&nbsp; <strong></strong></p></td></tr></tbody></table> <br /

    Determination of the species specificity of the primers for the detection of chicken and turkey meat by realtime PCR method

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    The aim of this work was to use TaqMan Real-Time PCR for quantitative authentication of chicken and turkey meat. To meet this purpose, a specific pair of primers and TaqMan probe was used. The test was aimed at identifying the reaction cycle of turkey and chicken meat using by two sets of primers. With first set of primer designed for chicken we obtained the following results: Cp = 16.18 for 100% chicken DNA Cp = 29, 18 100% turkey DNA It was also amplified DNA of pig that exceeded the detection threshold fluorescence intensities in the 31.07 cycle (Cp = 31.07). Using primers designed for turkey we obtained the following results Cp = 31.16 for 100% CHDNA, Cp =16.18 100% TDNA. It was also amplified the 100% DNA of rabbit in 31.63 cycle (Cp = 31.63) and deer in cycle 32 (Cp = 32). The DNA of all other animal species was amplificated after more than 35 cycles (Cp &gt;35). It follows that the second detection primer pair is specific enough to unrelated species of animals by 30 cycles of the reaction. Species authentication based on DNA analysis from this perspective overcomes all the shortcomings of proteins. At present, DNA analysis use different types of PCR. Is the most progressive Real-time PCR, which is suitable for the specific use of detection (primers and TaqMan probe). The TaqMan Real-time PCR is within the sensitivity and specificity, clearly one of the best methods for identifying the species of chicken and turkey meat. The specificity of this method, however, depends primarily on the specificity of the primers and TaqMan probe. The 30 cycle reaction was chosen by us as the threshold for specificity using primers for authentication chicken and turkey meat.<br /


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    The need for identification of fishery products in food is currently ongoing issue for both consumers and producers of food. Consumer interest is driven in one&nbsp;the healthy diet, which prefers fish products, as an indispensable ingredient&nbsp;food and on the other hand, is a potential allergen causing health problems in humans&nbsp;allergic to fish protein. Allergy is a phenomenon that significantly affects human health, as well as overall life expectancy of an individual.&nbsp;The large number of fish species are known to trigger allergic reactions directly&nbsp;food intake or inhalation of fumes only, depending on the sensitivity orgamizmu. Large&nbsp;quantity of fish allergens are proteins from the stock protein to enzymes.&nbsp;Methods used for species identifications of fish in food products are PCR sequencing, multiplex PCR, PCR-RFLP, PCR-SSCP, RAPD, real-time PCR.&nbsp;doi:10.5219/25</p

    Detection of Changes in Total Antioxidant Capacity, the Content of Polyphenols, Caffeine, and Heavy Metals of Teas in Relation to Their Origin and Fermentation

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    Tea (Camellia sinensis) is widely sought for beverages worldwide. Heavy metals are often the main aims of the survey of teas, given that the use of agricultural fertilization is very frequent. Some of these may affect the content of bioactive compounds. Therefore, in this study, we analyzed fermented and non-fermented teas of a single plant origin from Japan, Nepal, Korea, and China, and described mutual correlations and changes in the total antioxidant capacity (TAC), and the content of polyphenols (TPC), caffeine, and heavy metals in tea leaves, in relation to the origin and fermentation process. Using UV-VIS spectrophotometry and HPLC-DAD, we determined variations in bioactive compounds’ content in relation to the fermentation process and origin and observed negative correlations between TAC and TPC. Heavy metal content followed this order: Mn &gt; Fe &gt; Cu &gt; Zn &gt; Ni &gt; Cr &gt; Pb &gt; Co &gt; Cd &gt; Hg. Given the homogenous content of these elements in relation to fermentation, this paper also describes the possibility of using heavy metals as determinants of geographical origin. Linear Discriminant Analysis showed an accuracy of 75% for Ni, Co, Cd, Hg, and Pb, explaining 95.19% of the variability between geographical regions

    Blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) and Kamchatka Honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea var. Kamtschatica) Extract Effects on Technological Properties, Sensory Quality, and Lipid Oxidation of Raw-Cooked Meat Product (Frankfurters)

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    Oxidation is one of the most prevalent factors responsible for meat product deterioration. Due to their potential health risks, commonly used synthetic antioxidants are beginning to be frowned upon by customers. The industry is searching for a natural replacement. In our study, we incorporated blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) and Kamchatka honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea var. Kamtschatica) extracts into raw-cooked meat products (frankfurters) as natural antioxidants. We observed that both extracts at concentrations of 3 mL&middot;kg&minus;1 were able to significantly (&alpha; = 0.05) postpone lipid oxidation in our samples, with results comparable to vitamin C (0.5 mg&middot;kg&minus;1) addition. Moreover, we did not observe negative effects of the extracts on the product&rsquo;s color, pH, or textural properties. Negative results were reported in the sensory evaluation of honeysuckle addition samples. This could have been caused by the natural strong and bitter taste of honeysuckle, which was transferred to the extracts and, subsequently, into the meat product