30 research outputs found

    Customer Dissatisfaction Index and Its Improvement Costs

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    The paper gives description of customer dissatisfaction index (CDI) that can be used as reliability level characterizing factor. The factor is directly joined with customer satisfaction of power supply and can be used for control of reliability level of power supply for residential customers. CDI relations with other reliability indices are shown. Paper also gives a brief overview of legislation of Latvia in power industry that is the base for CDI introduction. Calculations of CDI improvement costs are performed in the paper too

    Estimation of Economical Validity of Usage Remote Operated Disconnectors for 110kV Switchgear Schemes from Optimal Reliability Level Point of View

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    The paper gives results of technical and economical calculations performed for estimation of validity of usage remote operated disconnectors for most commonly used 110kV switchgears from optimal reliability level point of view. Paper contains description of performed technical calculations – calculations of 110kV switchgear schemes’ reliability level depending on type of disconnectors installed, and economical calculations, that are related with additional costs of Transmission System Operator and changes in total customer costs of power supply interruptions

    Selection of Schemes of Switchgears for New 110kV Substations

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    Attīstoties pilsētai jāattīstās arī elektrotīklam. Tīkla attīstībai jābūt pakļautai noteiktiem principiem, lai nākotnē būtu iespēja apmierināt elektroenerģijas pieprasījumu ar pēc iespējas mazākiem kapitālieguldījumiem. Lielās pilsētās augstsprieguma tīkls attīstās daudzmaz līdzīgi – parasti ap pilsētu cenšas veidot augstsprieguma tīkla loku, vai pat vairākus lokus. Bez loka bieži vien ir sastopamas diagonāles starp mezglu apakšstacijām, kā arī augstsprieguma līniju dziļie ievadi pilsētas centra rajonos. Būvējot jaunas apakšstacijas vai veicot rekonstrukcijas, jācenšas izmantot optimālāko 110kV sadalietaises shēmu, ņemot vērā kā tehniskos, tā arī ekonomiskos aspektus. Viena no prasībām ko izvirza elektrotīkliem ir elektroapgādes drošums. Kā zināms elektroapgādes drošums un kapitālieguldījumi ir cieši saistīti savā starpā. Prognozējot apakšstacijas slodzi un izrēķinot sadalietaišu darbnespējas varbūtības ir iespējams izvēlēties piemērotāku apakšstacijas shēmu. Šajā darbā ir izrēķinātas četru dažādu 110 kV apakšstaciju sadalietaišu shēmu darbnespējas varbūtības. Aprēķini pierādīja divkopņu shēmas augstāku drošuma līmeni salīdzinot ar citām apskatītajām sadalņu shēmām

    Evaluation of Customer Costs of Reliability with Time-variable Loads and Outage Costs

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    The paper deals with time-variable loads and outage costs usage for evaluation of customer costs of reliability (CCR). In the paper there is given justification of need to use time variable values of loads instead of average constant load when calculating CCR. Paper presents an approach for evaluation of CCR based on evaluation of effect of interruptions occurring at distribution network level

    Customer Dissatisfaction Index and its Improvement Costs

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    Nowadays electricity market is changing: electrical power producing companies are being separated from transmission and distribution companies. Electrical energy producing companies are participating in electricity market, while transmission and distribution companies are regulated by some government institutions. In such situation companies under regulation can try to diminish their costs by rendering bad quality services. In such situation it is very important to define some criteria that will insure good quality of power supply. Unfortunately in legislation of Latvia there are no any parameters that would regulate reliability of power supply. In present legislation there is mentioned only one parameter that partly affects reliability – in legislation there is mentioned that any power supply interruption should be eliminated in 24 hours. Nowadays to quantify the reliability of a distribution network different indices are used. Most commonly are used – SAIFI, SAIDI, CAIDI and EENS. Disadvantage of the most existing indices is that they quantify system averages, but they don’t express feelings of customers that go through power supply interruptions and because of that we can’t express how a customer experiences the reliability of supply. In the paper there is described Customer Dissatisfaction Index. Usage of Customer Dissatisfaction Index (CDI) can help us to understand how a customer experiences the reliability of power supply. . After the introduction of the index, CDI value reduction costs are calculated. At the last part of the paper some possible ways of application of CDI and the results of calculation of CDI value reduction costs are discussed

    Apakšstaciju energoapgādes drošuma novērtēšana

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    Šajā rakstā īsi aplūkota apakšstaciju elektroapgādes drošuma problēma. Darbā ir dotas galveno drošumu ietekmējošo lielumu aprēķina formulas un paskaidrots darbnespējas stāvokļa varbūtības aprēķina princips objektu dažāda veida izvietojumiem. Raksta otrajā daļā dota elektroapgādes drošuma līmeņa noteikšanas metodika par pamatu ņemot ekonomisko efektivitāti, un ir aprakstīti tādi elektroapgādes drošuma uzlabošanas paņēmieni kā kopņu sekcionēšana, automātikas pielietošana un drošākas tīkla shēmas izvēle. Raksta trešajā daļā dota darbnespējas varbūtības aprēķina metodika vienai un divām 110 kV apakšstacijas vidsprieguma sekcijām. Veicot divu sekciju darbnespējas varbūtības aprēķinu tika apskatīti divi varianti – kad sekcijas pieslēgtas vienam vai diviem dažādiem transformatoriem. Trešajā daļā tiek arī aprakstīta apakšstaciju darbnespējas varbūtības atkarība no dažādiem faktoriem – apakšstacijas izvietojuma 110 kV tīklā, apakšstaciju skaita starp barošanas centriem un no barojošo līniju garuma. Jautājums par apakšstaciju skaita un izvietojuma starp barošanas centriem ir aktuāls lielpilsētās jo apakšstaciju blīvums pilsētu rajonos ir daudz lielāks nekā lauku rajonos. Savukārt līniju garuma jautājums ir aktuāls tieši lauku rajonos, kur attālumi ir lielāki nekā pilsētās

    SmartGen Report 1A. Part A, Part B, Part C

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    Atskaite par projekta "Efficient identification of opportunities for Distributed Generation based on Smart Grid Technology. SmartGen" Latvijas partnera pirmā gada darba rezultātiem. Projekta atskaite sastāv no 3 daļām: 1) SmartGen Report 1A, Part A Overview (8 lpp.); 2) SmartGen Report 1A, Part B Case studies (24 lpp.); 3) SmartGen Report 1A, Part C SGT-models (13 lpp.)

    Estimation of Reliability Related Costs and Their Affect on Choosing Substation’s High Voltage Switchgear Scheme

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    Calculations of reliability level for some typical HV switchgear schemes is performed in the paper. Calculations of reliability parameters were performed taking into account unscheduled faults of elements of switchgears and also scheduled maintenance works. In the work there are defined substations with typical load (Typical Substations). The definition of typical substations was based on analysis of geographical allocation of loads from different sectors. Methodology for estimation of customer costs of reliability, based on share of load sectors and subsectors in electrical energy consumption, is proposed in the paper with the aim to find customer non-supply costs for substation with high accuracy. Case study included in the paper shows how reliability related costs depend on switchgear scheme type, nominal power of transformers, geographical allocation of substation and shows how to choose optimal HV switchgear scheme for HV/MV substation. It also shows significance of methodology for estimation of customer non-supply costs proposed in the paper

    Customer Dissatisfaction Index and its Improvement Costs

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    The paper gives description of customer dissatisfaction index (CDI) that can be used as reliability level characterizing factor. The factor is directly joined with customer satisfaction of power supply and can be used for control of reliability level of power supply for residential customers. CDI relations with other reliability indices are shown. Paper also gives a brief overview of legislation of Latvia in power industry that is the base for CDI introduction. Calculations of CDI improvement costs are performed in the paper too