3 research outputs found

    The Role of Cholecystokinin in the Gastroprotective Effect of Apelin Against to Ischemia/Reperfusion-Induced Injury

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    WOS: 000453220100032…Akdeniz UniversityAkdeniz University [TDK-2015-593]Akdeniz University, Scientific Research Project No: TDK-2015-593

    Zaštitni učinak dokozaheksaenske kiseline na želudac muških C57BL/6 miševa s Parkinsonovom bolešću izazvanom s MPTP

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    The purpose of this study was to detect gastric changes in Parkinson’s disease induced by 1-methyl-4-phenyl- (MPTP), and to investigate the protective effect of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) against these changes in mice. The mice were divided into 4 groups (n=10 in per group) as control, DHA, Parkinson and DHA+Parkinson groups. DHA was administered by gavage for 30 days. On the 23rd day of gavage treatment, the animals of the Parkinson and DHA+Parkinson groups were intraperitoneally injected with MPTP. Seven days after the injection of MPTP, their locomotor activity, bradykinesia and rotarod performance were measured. Tyrosine hydroxylase expression in substantia nigra and the apoptotic index, the concentrations of tumor necrosis factor-α and histamine, and the number of mast cells in the stomach were evaluated. Administration of DHA significantly prevented the reduction in motor functions (P<0.001) and nigral TH neurons (P<0.05), and apoptosis (P<0.05), and an increase in TNF-α concentration (P<0.01) in the stomach. An increase in the number of mast cells in the stomach wall was observed in PD (P<0.001). DHA prevented the increase in the number of mast cells (P<0.05) and the histamine level (P<0.01) due to PD. As a result, MPTP administration in mice caused changes in the stomach as well as impairment in motor functions, and DHA was observed to reduce these changes.U radu je istražen zaštitni učinak dokozaheksaenske kiseline (DHA) na želučane promjene u muških miševa s Parkinsonovom bolešću (PD), izazvanom 1-metil-4-fenil- (MPTP). C57BL/6 miševi su podijeljeni u četiri skupine (n = 10 po skupini): kontrolnu skupinu, skupinu DHA, skupinu Parkinson i skupinu DHA + Parkinson. DHA je primjenjivana pomoću sonde 30 dana. Dvadeset treći dan životinjama u skupinama Parkinson i DHA + Parkinson intraperitonealno je injiciran MPTP. Sedam dana poslije primjene MPTP-a izmjerena je lokomotorna aktivnost, bradikinezija i proveden rotarod-test. Procijenjeni su ekspresija tirozin-hidroksilaze (TH u substantia nigra), apoptotički indeks, koncentracije faktora tumorske nekroze alfa (TNF-α) i histamina te broj mastocita u želucu. Primjena DHA znakovito je prevenirala smanjenje motoričkih funkcija (P < 0,001) i TH neurona (P < 0,05) te apoptoze (P < 0,05), a povećala koncentraciju TNF-α (P < 0,01) u želucu. Porast broja mastocita u želučanoj stijenci utvrđen je u skupinama s PD (P < 0,001). DHA je prevenirala porast broja mastocita (P < 0,05) i razine histamina (P < 0,01) zahvaljujući PD-u. Zaključeno je da primjena MPTP-a u miševa uzrokuje promjene u želucu i motoričkim funkcijama te da DHA utječe na smanjenje tih promjena