1,920 research outputs found

    Examination of Preschool Teachers' Opinion on Alternative Assessment

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    This research intended to determine the alternative assessment methods used by the preschool teachers and their opinions, knowledge and competencies related to these methods. The research group of the study comprised of 10 kindergarten teachers working in Konya province during the 2017-2018 academic year in Turkey. The data obtained through the semi-structured interview form were evaluated by descriptive analysis. As a result of the research, it has been understood that preschool teachers have benefited from play-based assessment in order to gain concrete information in recognizing and evaluating the children through play. In the portfolio assessments, they have different opinions and applications in using the information and activities in the portfolio. In the program-based assessment, teachers assess children within the framework of training plans through a variety of forms, but teachers claimed that it is not effective to use the program-based approach to assess the aims and achievements of the program and the development of students. Moreover, it has been stated that the dynamic assessment approach is a new and unknown approach to the teachers, and the applications on this approach are limited. Teachers have found themselves unsatisfied in implementing alternative assessment approaches, but it has been understood that teachers are willing to develop themselves


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    The current study investigated parenting styles with respect to various demographics. The study sample was made up of 235 preschoolers aged 48-72 months attending to 2 state-funded preschools in İstanbul. Demographics Form and Parenting Attitude Scale were used for the data collection. The scale was completed by the parents. Independent sample t-test was used for the data with a normal distribution. The results showed that parenting styles did not differ by child gender, the number of siblings, maternal age, education and working status, and paternal age and working status. The results also indicated that parents tend to be more protective and permissive towards their first-born children and that the fathers younger than 35-years-old had a more democratic style compared to the fathers who were 36 and older. Longer preschool attendance was associated with less overprotective and less democratic parenting attitudes.  Article visualizations

    Investigation of the Relationship between Children's Prosocial Behaviour and Self-Regulation Skills

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    This study aimed to investigate the relationship between children's prosocial behavior and self-regulation skills. To collect the data of the study, demographic information form developed by the researcher was used for the demographic information of children, the prosocial behavior sub-dimension of the social behavior scale was used for the prosocial behavior, and the self-regulation skills scale was used for the self-regulation skills of the children. The collected data were analyzed by independent sample t-test, Pearson’s product moment correlation analysis and simple linear regression analysis in a computer package software. As a result of the research, while the self-regulation and prosocial behaviors of children differed according to gender and age of children, the situation of the children whether they have siblings and duration of the pre-school education did not make any significant difference. According to these results, girls' self-regulation and prosocial behavior scores were higher than that of boys and 6 years of age children’s scores were higher than that of 5 years of age children. While there was a moderate positive significant relationship between self-regulation skills and prosocial behavior, it was concluded that the prosocial behavior of children predicted self-regulation skills at the level of 11%

    Investigation of the Relationship of Physical and Relational Aggression of Preschool Children with Temperament Characteristics

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    Çocuğun hayatında sürekli hale gelebilecek saldırganlık yönelimi ve saldırganlık davranışının temeli okul öncesi dönemde başlamaktadır. Bu dönemde çocuk saldırganlık yönelimi göstermekte ve bunu kalıcı hale getirmektedir. Çocukların saldırgan davranışlar göstermelerinde çocukların mizaçsal özellikleri de bir risk faktörüdür. Mizaç biyolojik temelli bir özelliktir. Yürümeye başlayan çocuğun saldırgan davranışında, çocuğun zor mizacı ve zayıf sosyalleşme ortamları önemli rol oynar. Çocukta zor bir mizaç; sert, tutarsız ve olumsuz sosyalleşme davranışlarını ortaya çıkartır ve bu davranışlar agresif veya yıkıcı davranışlara dönüşebilir. Saldırgan davranışlar üzerinde etkili olan mizaç, bireyler arasında farklılık gösteren ve biyolojik etkilerle ortaya çıkan duygusal ve davranışsal özelliklerdir. Bununla birlikte, erken çocukluk müdahaleleri bu riskleri önlemede etkilidir. Bu çalışmada çocukların fiziksel ve ilişkisel saldırgan davranışları ile mizaç özellikleri arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemek amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemini İstanbul’da resmi iki anaokulunda okul öncesi eğitime devam eden 48-72 ay arasındaki 231 çocuk oluşturmuştur.Araştırmada veriler “Kişisel Bilgi Formu”, “Sosyal Davranış Ölçeği” ve “Çocuklar İçin Kısa Mizaç Ölçeği” kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Araştırmanın sonucuna göre cinsiyet ve yaş fiziksel saldırganlıkta anlamlı farklılık oluştururken, kardeş sayısı, okula devam süresi anlamlı farklılık oluşturmamıştır. İlişkisel saldırganlıkta ise yaş ve kardeş sayısı gruplar arasında anlamlı farklılık oluştururken cinsiyet ve okula devam süresi anlamlı farklılık oluşturmamıştır. Saldırganlığın mizaç özellikleri ilişkisinde ise fiziksel saldırganlık ile sebatkarlık mizaç özelliği arasında negatif yönde hafif düzeyde, tepkisel mizaç özelliğiyle pozitif yönde hafif düzeyde anlamlı ilişki, İlişkisel saldırganlık boyutunda ise ritmiklik ile ilişkisel saldırganlık arasında negatif yönde hafif düzeyde anlamlı ilişki bulunmuştur.The basis of the aggression orientation and aggression behavior that may become permanent in the child's life begins in the preschool period. During this period, the child shows a tendency towards aggression and makes it permanent. Temperament traits are also a risk factor in children's aggressive behavior. Temperament has its roots in biology. The difficult temperament and poor socialization environments of the child play an important role in the aggressive behavior of the toddler. A difficult temperament in the child; it reveals harsh, inconsistent and negative socializing behaviors, and these behaviors can turn into aggressive or destructive behaviors over time. Temperament that has an effect on aggressive behavior is emotional and behavioral traits that differ between individuals and appear with biological effects. However, early childhood interventions are effective in preventing these risks. This study investigated the relationship between children's physical and relational aggressive behaviors, and temperament characteristics. The sample of the study consisted of 231 children between 48-72 months who continue preschool education in two public kindergartens in Istanbul. Data collection tools were "Personal Information Form", "Social Behavior Scale" and "Short Temperament Scale for Children". Data were analyzed by nonparametric tests. In results, gender and age differed significantly in physical aggression, while the number of siblings and duration of pre-school education did not. In relational aggression, age and number of siblings differed significantly, while gender and duration of preschool education did not. For aggressiveness and temperament characteristics of the children, there was a low negative correlation between physical aggression and persistence temperament, while there was a low positive relationship with physical aggression and reactive temperament. In relational aggression dimension, a low negative correlation was found between relational aggression and rhythmicity

    Investigation of Self-Efficacy Beliefs of Preschool Teachers in Terms of Certain Variables

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı farklı kurumlarda okul öncesi öğretmeni olarak görev yapan öğretmenlerin öz yeterlik inançlarının cinsiyet, yaş, mesleki deneyim ve çalışılan kurum türü değikenine göre farklılaşıp farklılaşmadığını ortaya koymaktır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu Konya il merkezinde görev yapan 108 okul öncesi öğretmeni oluşturmuştur. Çalışmada veri toplama aracı olarak araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen “Demografik Bilgi Formu” ile Tepe ve Demir (2012) tarafından geliştirilen beşli likert “Okul Öncesi Öğretmenlerinin Öz-yeterlilik İnançları Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın verileri SPPS paket programı kullanılarak bağımsız gruplar t testi ve tek yönlü varyans analizi ile (ANOVA) analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucuna göre okul öncesi öğretmenlerinin özyeterlik inançlarının cinsiyet, yaş, mesleki deneyim ve çalışılan kurum türü değişkenine göre anlamlı farklılaşmadığı bulun- muştur Bu araştırmada elde edilen sonuçlar alanyazında yapılan araştırmalarla benzer sonuçlar ortaya koymuştur. Bundan sonra yapılacak çalışmalar için değişik branşlarda çalışma grupları ile farklı değişkenlerle çalışmaların yapılması ve nitel verilerle desteklenerek derinlemesine analizler yapılması önerilebilir.The aim of this study is to determine whether the self-efficacy beliefs of teachers who work as preschool teachers in different institutions differ according to factors gender, age, professional experience and the type of institution. The study group consisted of 108 preschool teachers working in the city center of Konya. Data collection tools were “Demographic Information Form” developed by the researcher, and “Self-efficacy Beliefs Scale of Preschool Teachers” developed by Tepe and Demir (2012). The data of the study were analyzed by independent samples t test and one way variance analysis (ANOVA) using SPPS package program. According to the results of the study, it was found that the self-efficacy beliefs of pre-school teachers did not differ significantly according to gender, age, professional experience and the type of institution studied. Results of this study overlaps with the literature. For future studies, it can be suggested to conduct studies with different working groups in different branches with different variables, and in-depth analyzes supported by qualitative data are required

    Investigation of Childhood Games in the Lives of X, Y, Z Generations

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    Oyun, çocuğun sağlıklı gelişmesi ve öğrenmesinde önemli bir role sahiptir. Teknoloji ve dijitalleşmenin gelişmesi insan yaşamında birçok değişikliğe yol açmıştır ve farklı kuşaklarda çocukların oynadığı oyunlar bu değişimden etkilenmiştir. Bu çalışmada da belli bir kuşakta doğmuş ve çocukluğunu o kuşağın içinde geçirmiş bireylerin oyuna bakışlarını, oynadığı oyunları, oyun oynadığı mekanları ve materyalleri inceleyerek kuşakların oyun benzerlik ve farklılıklarının incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Nitel araştırma yönteminden durum çalışması deseni ile yapılan araştırmanın çalışma grubunu 2018- 2019 eğitim öğretim yılında eğitim gören okul öncesi öğretmenliği bölümü öğrencileri ve aile bireyleridir. Çocukluğunu 1960-1980 yılları arasında geçirmiş büyükanne ve büyükbabalar X kuşağını, çocukluğunu 1980-2000 yılları arasında geçirmiş anne ve babalar Y kuşağını, çocukluğunu 2000 yılından sonra geçirmiş öğrencilerin kendileri Z kuşağını oluşturmuştur. Veriler araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen açık uçlu soruların yer aldığı form ile toplanmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucuna göre X kuşağı oyunu çocuk işi ve çocuğun ihtiyacı olarak görürken, Y ve Z kuşağı eğlendirici faaliyet olarak tanımlamıştır. X, Y, Z kuşaklarının üçünde de saklambaç ve mendil kapmaca tercih edilen oyunları oluştururken Z kuşağının oyun tercihleri arasında bilgisayar oyunları ve televizyon izlemek gibi aktivitelerin de yer aldığı görülmüştür. X ve Y kuşağının oyun materyallerinde çamur, toprak, taş, çubuk, sopa gibi doğal malzemeler bulunurken Z kuşağında doğal oyun materyallerin yerini oyuncaklar, bebekler, boya kalemleri gibi endüstriyel ve yapay oyun materyalleri yer almıştır. X ve Y kuşağının oyun alanlarını açık alanlar, Z kuşağının oyun alanlarını kapalı alanlar oluşturmuştur.Play has an important role in the healthy development and the learning of the child. The development of technology and digitalization has led to many changes in human life. Type of plays children are involved from different generations has been influenced by this change. This study was carried out to examine the perceptions and experiences of people from different generations (X, Y, and Z Generations) about their childhood plays in terms of types, materials, and playgrounds they preferred in their childhoods. In this research, case study which is one of the qualitative research methods was used. The data were collected from the pre-service early childhood education teachers, their parents, and their grandparents throughout the 2018-2019 academic year. X generation includes the people lived their childhoods during the 1960-1980 years. Y generation includes the people lived their childhoods during the 1980-2000 years. Z generations includes the people lived their childhood since 2000 years. Data was collected via semi-structured interview form developed by the researcher. According to the results of the study, while generation X evaluated the play as child’s work and the need of the child, generation Y and Z defined it as entertaining activity. While hide and seek, handkerchiefs were the most preferred plays in all three generations, it was seen that generation Z was involved in activities such as computer games and watching television. While the play materials of generation X and Y were natural materials such as mud, soil, stones, sticks, sticks, industrial, Z generation mentioned from artificial play materials such as toys, dolls, crayons. While the X and Y generations choose open playgrounds, it seen that the Z generation prefers indoor playgrounds more

    Paramedian Forehead Flap in Large Nasal Skin Defects: Twenty-years’ Experience

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    Objective:Skin cancers occur most commonly in the head and neck region where the nose is the most commonly affected unit. The nose is the part of the face that is most exposed to trauma, sunlight, and other environmental factors. From the aesthetic and functional point of view, reconstruction of the defects occurring after skin cancer removal creates a great challenge for the surgeon. In this retrospective study, we present the success rates achieved in the past 20 years with paramedian forehead flaps used for repairing large defects of the nose.Methods:The study included 62 patients who underwent paramedian forehead flap due to nasal skin tumor [basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)] in Ege University Faculty of Medicine Otolaryngology Department between 2000 and 2020. Data on follow-up time, patients’ age and gender, defect sizes, and tumor types were obtained retrospectively from patient files, histopathologic examination results and patient photographs. Additional diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and coronary artery disease that could affect flap success, were noted.Results:Out of 62 patients 29 (46.8%) were female and 33 (53.2%) were male. Their mean age was 61.4 (range: 46–88) years. Mean follow-up period was 125.6 (8–244) months. Of the 62 patients 33 (53.2%) were operated on for BCC and 29 (46.8%) for SCC. Four patients (6.5%) had recurrences during their follow-up. There was no loss of the paramedian forehead flap.Conclusion:Paramedian forehead flap is a reliable option in the reconstruction of larger defects of the nose even in smokers and elderly patients who have comorbid diseases

    Butterfly Cartilage Tympanoplasty Long-term Results: Excellent Treatment Method in Small and Medium Sized Perforations

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    Objectives The aim of this study was to evaluate and report the long-term results of the butterfly cartilage tympanoplasty. Short-term and long-term hearing outcomes were compared according to age and perforation location as well. Methods Ninety-three patients who were diagnosed with noncomplicated chronic otitis media and underwent microscopic transcanal butterfly cartilage tympanoplasty due to anterior, posterior, and central tympanic membrane perforation were included. Age, gender, follow-up time, pre- and postoperative pure tone audiometry thresholds (both air and bone conduction), pre- and postoperative air-bone gaps (ABGs), if any residual perforation was noted. Results At the end of the follow-up period, successful closure occurred in 88 of 93 patients and success rate is 94.6%. In all patients, including those with residual perforations, the mean preoperative bone conduction threshold was 15.9 dB (range, 5 to 50 dB) among all groups whereas mean air conduction threshold was 36.4±15.1 dB (range, 10 to 90 dB) preoperatively and 28.8±14.3 dB in 6th month follow-up and 24.9±14.1 dB 24th month follow-up. Preoperative mean ABG was 22.1±7.1 dB (range, 5 to 40 dB) whereas 13.3±5.9 dB 6 months after surgery and 11.9±5.5 dB 24 months after surgery. There was a significant difference between pre- and postoperative ABG in both 6th and 24th month follow-up (P6 mo-24 mo<0.05). Furthermore, preoperative mean air conduction differed significantly from postoperative 6th and 24th month follow-up mean air conduction thresholds (P<0.05). Conclusion We suggested that butterfly cartilage tympanoplasty can be safely performed in small, moderate, and even large perforations, as the hearing outcomes and successful closure rate are similar to those of other surgical methods. Moreover, it can be performed under local anaesthesia and it has low complication rates

    Determination of Students' Perception of Value Through Metaphors

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    Öğrencilerin değer kavramına yönelik algılarının metaforlar aracılığıyla belirlenmesini amaçlayan bu çalışma metaforik çalışma olup nitel bir araştırmadır. Veri toplama ve yorumlama sürecinde nitel araştırma yöntemleri desenlerinden biri olan olgubilim deseni kullanılmıştır. Araştırma çalışma grrubu ölçüt örnekleme yöntemi ile belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen veriler için içerik analizi yapılmıştır. Bu araştırmanın çalışma grubu, Konya il merkezinde 2016-2017 eğitimöğretim yılında ilkokul, ortaokul ve lisede eğitim gören 897 öğrenciden oluşmaktadır. Katılımcıların 569’u (%63) kız, 327’si (%37) erkek öğrencilerden oluşmaktadır. Ayrıca, katılımcıların 79’u (%9) ilkokul öğrencisi, 338’i (%38) ortaokul öğrencisi, 480’i (%53) lise öğrencileridir. Veri toplama aracı olarak, açık uçlu maddelerden oluşan “Değerlerle İlgili Kavram Çağrışım Formu” kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizi sonucunda yedi tema elde edilmiştir. Bu temalar; Devamlılığının sağlanması açısından değer, Eğitimin yapıtaşı ve eğitim açısından önemli bir unsur olarak değer, Hayata yön veren bir unsur olarak değer, İnsanların yaşamına etki eden bir unsur olarak değer, Kıymet taşıyan bir unsur olarak değer, Önem arz eden bir unsur olarak değer, Tutum ve davranışlara yön veren unsur olarak değer elde edilmiştir. Araştırmada lise öğrencilerinin sıklıkla metafor ürettikleri temaların ilkokul ve ortaokul öğrencilerinin en sık metafor ürettikleri temalarla aynı temalar olduğu görülmektedir. Değer kavramına yönelik algının, ilkokul ve ortaokulun devamında lise yıllarında da öğrenci algısının genel olarak değişmediğini gösterir niteliktedir. Öğrencilerin değerleri hayata yön veren unsur, kurallar bütünü olarak değerlendirdikleri bulunmuştur. Değer ile ilgili yapılan tanımların araştırmanın sonucunu desteklediği, değerin hayata ve insanların yaşamına etki ettiğine yönelik temaların birbirini tamamladığı ve açıkladığı görülmektedir. Ayrıca, metafor tabanlı öğretim etkinliklerin soyut kavramların ve değerlerin öğretilmesinde oldukça etkili olduğu söylenebilir. Bu bağlamda ebeveynlerinden destek alarak değerler eğitiminin önem verildiği ve değerlerin aşılandığı okullara devam eden öğrencilerin ruh sağlıklarının da iyi olması beklenmektedir.This study aims to determine students’ perceptions on the concept of value through metaphors and is a metaphorical study and a qualitative research. Phenomenology was employed for the process of data collection and interpretation. Criterion sampling method was employed while detecting the participants. The data was analyzed using content analysis. The study group of this study includes 897 students studying at primary, secondary and high schools in the province of Konya during 2016-2017 academic year. 569 (63%) of the participants were female students while 328 (37%) of them were male. In addition, 79 (9%) of the participants were primary school students, 338 (38%) were secondary school students and 480 (53%) were high school students. As the data collection tool, a from titled as “Concept Associative Form of Values” consisting of openended items was used. As a result of the data analysis, seven themes were produced. These themes include the following: Value in terms of ensuring continuity, Value as an important element and milestone of education, Value as a life-directing element, Value as an element affecting people's lives, Value as an element that holds value, Value as an element that is of importance, Value as an element directing attitudes and behaviors. The results showed that the themes on which high school students produced metaphors are the same as the ones elementary and secondary school students did. The results also showed that students’ perception of value does not change when they move from elementary and secondary schools to high school. It was found out that the students perceived values as life-directing elements and a body of rules. It was also seen that the definitions of value supported the results of this research. The themes related to the effect of value on life and people's lives have explained and matched with one another. In addition, metaphor-based teaching activities can be said to be very effective in teaching abstract concepts and values. In this context, it is expected that the mental health of the students who study in schools where parents are involved, and values are considered essential will be good

    Design, Performance, and Calibration of the CMS Hadron-Outer Calorimeter

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    The CMS hadron calorimeter is a sampling calorimeter with brass absorber and plastic scintillator tiles with wavelength shifting fibres for carrying the light to the readout device. The barrel hadron calorimeter is complemented with an outer calorimeter to ensure high energy shower containment in the calorimeter. Fabrication, testing and calibration of the outer hadron calorimeter are carried out keeping in mind its importance in the energy measurement of jets in view of linearity and resolution. It will provide a net improvement in missing \et measurements at LHC energies. The outer hadron calorimeter will also be used for the muon trigger in coincidence with other muon chambers in CMS