17 research outputs found

    Integrating 3D Printing Technologies into Architectural Education as Design Tools

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    3D printing technology offers the chance to produce very small-scale, complex forms that could help to improve educational materials for architectural design. In this age of technological advances, architectural education needs to integrate modern teaching methods that could enhance students’ visual perception. This research thus examined the impact of computational design modeling and 3D printing technology on the spatial cognition of architecture students. It starts with the premise that the use of the 3D printed models will support design logic and improve the deep understanding of spatial perception among students. Thirty architecture students were asked about a designed project realized for the purpose of this study. They were presented both a project designed via computer modeling software and a printed model of the same project. The outcomes indicate that the use of 3D printing gave better results in the development of students’ spatial abilities. The findings also confirm that adopting this technology in the development of teaching tools will enhance students’ spatial perception and extend beyond the seamless materialization of the digital model which can continuously inform design ideation through emerging perception qualities

    Body, dance and abstraction for spatial and structural comprehension in the first year of design education

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    The first year of design education is essential for students as it is their initial interaction with the design process. Awareness of the body through dance has the potential to reveal bodily experience in space. Abstraction of embodied experience contributes to realising the significance of the body and its analytical dimension for spatial and structural design. This study investigates the impact of embodied experience and abstraction on the architectural design process and the outcome through correlation and regression analysis. We observed that increasing awareness of the space through bodily movement and its drawn representation positively impacted students’ success in architectural design. Also, the measures related to space and structure mainly advanced students’ success in the final design. However, the association of the abstraction process with the final design remained limited. The study’s contribution is the systematic and statistical evaluation of the relationship between body, movement, abstraction and architectural design by constructing a set of measures from various stages of the design studio. We hope our research will provide a basis for the upcoming discourse

    Initial Practices for Abstraction of Body and Space in Design Education

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    The relationship between space and human occurs through the actions performed with the body. The abstraction study as an exploration of the body is one of the significant practices for first-year design students. However, there are not enough investigations for design students regarding body, space and basic design principles. This paper aims to explore the potentiality and limitations of the body-abstraction process by comparing the impact of two different educational models on students' perception and improvement. The applied methodology includes comparing two design processes of the basic design course depending on parameters: Given example, source of the video, type of movement, the number of the selected-used scenes, mode of sketching, the method for production, requested outcome, the scale of the study, the material of models and critique of the video. The results present that the activation of the body through mental practice, drawing and modelling stages is critical to understand its abstract and spatial capabilities. The realisation of the potentials in the relationship between body and abstraction in spatial perception would enable us to create an advanced design process addressing more original concepts

    Body, dance and abstraction for spatial and structural comprehension in the first year of design education

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    The first year of design education is essential for students as it is their initial interaction with the design process. Awareness of the body through dance has the potential to reveal bodily experience in space. Abstraction of embodied experience contributes to realising the significance of the body and its analytical dimension for spatial and structural design. This study investigates the impact of embodied experience and abstraction on the architectural design process and the outcome through correlation and regression analysis. We observed that increasing awareness of the space through bodily movement and its drawn representation positively impacted students’ success in architectural design. Also, the measures related to space and structure mainly advanced students’ success in the final design. However, the association of the abstraction process with the final design remained limited. The study’s contribution is the systematic and statistical evaluation of the relationship between body, movement, abstraction and architectural design by constructing a set of measures from various stages of the design studio. We hope our research will provide a basis for the upcoming discourse

    Gömülü kaninlerin transmigrasyon insidansının belirlenmesi

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanı amacı gömülü kanin dişler arsında transmigrant kanin insidansının belirlenmesi ve transmigrant kanin dişlerinin değerlendirilmesidir. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu çalışmada Ankara Üniversitesi Ağız, Diş ve Çene Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalında 2012 yılında tarafımızdan gömülü kanin diş sebebiyle muayene ve tedavi edilmiş 121 hastaya ait (36 erkek, 85 kadın) klinik ve panoramik radyografi görüntüleri retrospektif olarak analiz edilmiş ve transmigrant kanin içeren vakalar yaş, cinsiyet, pozisyon, lokalizasyon,tedavi protokolleri ve sınıflama açısından istatistiksel olarak değerlendirilmiş ve görülme sıklığı belirlenmiştir. Bulgular: 4 hasta veri eksikliği nedeniyle çalışma dışı bırakılmıştır. 117 hastada 146 kanin dişinin içerisinde 3 ü üst çene (1 erkek, 2 kadın) 10’u alt çene(2 erkek, 8 kadın) de olmak üzere 13 (3 erkek,10 kadın) tek taraflı transmigrant kanin bulunmuştur. Ortalama yaş 32.38 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Alt çenede görülenlerde Sınıf 1(%50) en sık rastlanılan pozisyon olmuştur. 8 dişin tedavisi çekim ile yapılırken 5 dişin tedavisinde takipyapılması uygun görülmüştür.. Gömülü kaninler arasında transmigrasyon görülme insidansı %8.90 olup bu oran üst çenede %2.52 olarak bulunmuşken alt çenede %37.03 olarak belirlenmiştir.Sonuçlar: Transmigrasyon görülme insidansı alt çenede üst çeneye oranla istatistiksel olarak anlamlı derecede yüksektir (p<0.05). Diş hekimlerinin yalnızca klinik muayene ile tespit edilemeyecek transmigrasyon ile karşılaşabileceklerinin farkında olmaları ve radyografik muayenelerini ihmal etmemeleri gerekmektedir.Anahtar Kelimeler: transmigrasyon; gömülü kanin; alt çene; üst çen

    The Concept of Urban Space Quality*

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    Especially during the last decade, in parallel with the technological and scientific developments in the world, empirical researches have been conducted on the livability in urban spaces, people’s quality of life and the development of the urban space quality, together with a general questioning of the concept of urbanization. The results of these researches are presented as research reports. Urban space is the main tool integrating a city. Urban spaces are shared by the city-dwellers and various users, and serve as the environment in which they convey and relearn cultural accumulation. Moreover, in the context of defining the urban environment (the formation of the image regarding that city), city-dwellers acquire the experience of being a city-dweller as a consequence of their cultural identities, individual development and interaction with each other in these spaces. In cities or urban places, the practical and theoretical problems experienced with respect to public spaces are mostly methodological since it is not exactly known what is meant or understood by “public spaces”. The problem of understanding this complication can be solved not by evaluating the social, political, functional, and aesthetic issues randomly, but by the experts’ clear presentation of the solutions related to their research. In this study, in parallel with the developments in the world, the parameters of space quality to be used were determined for the urban spaces (squares and streets) in our country to be redesigned and renewed in the context of the quality of space

    Railroad Buildings of Eskişehir: Challenges and Opportunities for Industrial Heritage

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    While railways are considered as a sign of development for countries, the railway structures are part of the industrial heritage of cities and comprise some of the most important urban public places. In Turkey, the Eskişehir railway buildings, constructed between 1886 and 1894, are at the west of the main railroad between the Enveriye and Eskişehir stations. They are also public places having strong resonance in the collective memory. Because of the fast development in technology, they face the threat of losing their function. Conservation of former industrial structures requires, first and foremost, identifying and documenting the distinctive features that makes them cultural heritage sites. It is a shared responsibility between public institutions and sectors to identify and protect the distinguishing features of industrial heritage sites. With this awareness, at the Anadolu University Architecture Department, integrated student work focused on the Railroad Roundhouse—built in 1896—and Staff Housing Quarters—built in the early 20th century—which are part of this district and embody a series of urban problems, was carried out over four academic semesters. This study focuses on historic railway buildings in the Eskişehir railway district that is known for its urban problems. An exhibition combining these student works was opened at the Railcar Repair Facility on 16 November 2017. This exhibition showcased the student involvement in history of Eskişehir and increased public awareness of cultural heritage


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    Amaç: Yıldırım düşmesi kişide hayati tehlike oluşturmasının yanı sıra ciddi odyovestibüler hasara sebep olabilir. Biz bu çalışmada yıldırım düşmesine bağlı oluşan akustik travma nedeniyle kliniğimize başvuran olguyu sunmayı amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: 36 yaşında erkek hastada 5 gün önce açık alanda yaklaşık 1,5 metre yakınına yıldırım düşmesi sonrasıoluşan sağ kulakta şiddetli çınlama, işitme azlığı, baş ağrısı şikayetleri ile kliniğimize başvurduBulgular: Hastanın yapılan fizik muayenesinde her iki timpanik membran ve dış kulak yolu doğal olarak izlendi.Yıldırımın elektriksel etkisiyle sağ kol dirsek bölgesinde giriş ve çıkış deliği bulunan ikinci derece yanıkizlendi. Saf ses odyogramda, sağ kulakta 1 kHz ve 4 kHz işitme eşiklerinde sırası ile 40 dB ve 50 dB kayıp,sol kulak 4 kHz işitme eşiğinde 30 dB kayıp izlendi. Hastaya sistemik steroid tedavisi başlandı. Hastanınsol kulak işitme kaybı düzeldi ancak sağ kulakta istenilen düzeyde düzelme saptanmadığı için hastahiperbarik oksijen tedavisine (HBOT) yönlendirildi. 10 seans HBOT sonrası sağ kulak 1 kHz ‘deki kayıpnormal sınıra, 4 kHz ‘deki düşme 40 dB’e geriledi. Takibinin 1. ayında hastanın uğultu şikayeti ve işitmeazlığı şikayetleri geriledi.Sonuç: Yıldırım çarpmasıyla acil servise gelen hastaların genel sistemik muayenelerinin yanı sıra odyovestibülermuayenelerinin de dikkatli ve hızlı bir şekilde yapılması oluşabilecek hasarın erken tanı ve tedavisindeuygun bir yaklaşım olacaktır.</p


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    Amaç: Yıldırım düşmesi kişide hayati tehlike oluşturmasının yanı sıra ciddi odyovestibüler hasara sebep olabilir. Biz bu çalışmada yıldırım düşmesine bağlı oluşan akustik travma nedeniyle kliniğimize başvuran olguyu sunmayı amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: 36 yaşında erkek hastada 5 gün önce açık alanda yaklaşık 1,5 metre yakınına yıldırım düşmesi sonrasıoluşan sağ kulakta şiddetli çınlama, işitme azlığı, baş ağrısı şikayetleri ile kliniğimize başvurduBulgular: Hastanın yapılan fizik muayenesinde her iki timpanik membran ve dış kulak yolu doğal olarak izlendi.Yıldırımın elektriksel etkisiyle sağ kol dirsek bölgesinde giriş ve çıkış deliği bulunan ikinci derece yanıkizlendi. Saf ses odyogramda, sağ kulakta 1 kHz ve 4 kHz işitme eşiklerinde sırası ile 40 dB ve 50 dB kayıp,sol kulak 4 kHz işitme eşiğinde 30 dB kayıp izlendi. Hastaya sistemik steroid tedavisi başlandı. Hastanınsol kulak işitme kaybı düzeldi ancak sağ kulakta istenilen düzeyde düzelme saptanmadığı için hastahiperbarik oksijen tedavisine (HBOT) yönlendirildi. 10 seans HBOT sonrası sağ kulak 1 kHz ‘deki kayıpnormal sınıra, 4 kHz ‘deki düşme 40 dB’e geriledi. Takibinin 1. ayında hastanın uğultu şikayeti ve işitmeazlığı şikayetleri geriledi.Sonuç: Yıldırım çarpmasıyla acil servise gelen hastaların genel sistemik muayenelerinin yanı sıra odyovestibülermuayenelerinin de dikkatli ve hızlı bir şekilde yapılması oluşabilecek hasarın erken tanı ve tedavisindeuygun bir yaklaşım olacaktır.</p