20 research outputs found

    Peach Breeding Studies in Turkey and the Evaluation of Peach and Nectarine Hybrids

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    Peach (Prunus persica [L.] Batsch) is widely cultivated due to its easy adaptability to different ecological conditions, early fruit set and a long period of harvest. Peach cultivation extends along 30–45° North and South parallels of latitude. Around 21,638,953 tons of peaches are produced in an area of 1538,174 ha across the world. Turkey ranks sixth with a production of 637,573 tons/year in 29,092 ha area. Early fruiting habit and correlative characteristics of peaches encouraged fruit breeders to study on this fruit species. The main aims of the study are new cultivar or rootstock breeding, resistance to diseases, late ripening season, fruit quality improvement, fruit shape changes, new tree shapes, and low chilling cultivars. Breeding studies have been carried out at the Department of Horticulture at the University of Cukurova since 1990s. In these, peach and nectarine breeding programs with different aims such as late ripening, quality improvement, Sharka resistance, and low chilling cultivars were studied. In this chapter, some of the results on late ripening peach and nectarine breeding program have also been presented

    Volatile Compounds of New Promising Dried Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) Genotypes

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    Turkey has rich wild apricot populations and all Turkish apricot cultivars were previously selected among wild apricots. On this background for apricot breeding, six new late flowering dried apricot genotypes were taken under study, along with wide spread cv. 'Hacihaliloglu'; all genotypes were examined in terms of volatile compounds using Headspace-Solid Phase Micro Extraction - Mass Spectrometry (HSSPME/GC/MS) techniques. The most important volatiles of apricot genotypes were aldehydes, alcohols, esters, terpenes, ketones and acids. Among these compounds, ethanol, hexanal, 3-carene, squalene, acetic acid, tetradecaonic acid, pentadecaonic acid, octadecaonic acid, n- hexadecaonic acid and 1-hdroxy-2-propanone were present in all genotypes studied at certain levels. In general, total concentrations of aroma compounds were higher in some promising genotypes under study than within 'Hacihaliloglu' cultivar, except total alcohol compound (53.33%). Volatile compounds, particularly esters, were the major contributors to fruity, floral and pleasant fruit flavours. The highest esters' compound contents were detected in 'N95' (9.2%) and 'N57' (2.18%) genotypes, while 'Hacihaliloglu' had 1.61% ester compounds. Lacton (γ-decalactone) was a key aroma compound of apricot. γ-decalactone was detected ranging between 0.4-1.13% in all genotypes, except cv. 'Hacihaliloglu'. The hereby obtained results showed that the volatile composition depended largely upon the apricot genotypes, moment of harvest, growing conditions and cultural applications that may all affect fruit quality. These results represent valuable starting points for apricot breeding programs

    Effects of Different Colored Net Cover on 'Galaxy Gala' Apple Fruit Quality and Photosentetik Parameters

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    Son yıllarda küresel ısınmanın etkileri ile güneş ışınım değerleri artış göstermektedir. Bu artışa paralelolarak farklı ılıman iklim meyve türlerinde kalite parametrelerinin korunması için ek önlem alınmasıgereksinimi ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmada 'Galaxy Gala' elma çeşidinde siyah, beyaz, kırmızırenkli net örtü sistemlerinin meyve kalite ve fotosentetik parametreleri üzerine etkileri incelenmiştir.Derim öncesi ağaçlarda yaprak sıcaklığı (°C) ve fotosentetik aktiviteler (fotosentez hızı (PN), stomaliletkenlik (gS), transpirasyon (E), yaprak su tüketüm etkinliği (WUE), klorofil miktarı (SPAD) vequantum verimi (PSII)) üzerine etkileri incelenirken, derim sonrasında meyve eti sertliği (kg), SudaÇözünebilir Kuru Madde miktarı (%), titre edilebilir asit miktarı (%), nişasta değişimleri ve meyvekabuk rengi (oh) ölçülmüştür. Elde edilen bulgular ışığında farklı renkte net örtü sistemlerininsıcaklığı azaltarak dolayısı ile gölgeleme ve meyve kalite fotosentetik parametreleri üzerine pozitifetkilerinin olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu etkiler net uygulamaları ile ilişkilendirilmiştir. Çalışmasonucunda siyah netin sıcaklığı en çok azaltan (10.3oC) örtü olduğu, bunun yanısıra güneş yanığınıbüyük oranda önlediği saptanmıştır. Renklenmeye etkisi bakımından en iyi sonuç beyaz örtüden(50.75oh) elde edilmiştirSolar radiation has been increased with global warming recently. Temperate zone fruit productionstarted to need some more precautions because of the increased solar radiation. The effects of black,white (pearl) and red color nets on fruit quality and photosynthetic parameters of 'Galaxy Gala' applecultivar were exemined in this research. The leaf temperature (oC) and photosynthetic parameters wasmeasured at preharvest period whereas fruit flesh firmness, total soluble solids (TSS), titratableacidity (TA) starch scale and fruit peel color (h) determined at harvest. End of the experiment resultsshowed that the temperature was reduced by using different colored net. AlsoIt was determined thatpositive effects on fruit quality and photosynthetic parameters (photosynthetic rate (PN), stomalconductivity (gS), leaf transpiration rate (E), leaf water use efficiency (WUE), SPAD, quantum yield(PSII), and leaf temperature) which also related with net aplications. The experiment results indicatedthat black net gave the best result reducing the tempereature (10.3oC) so depending on these results toprevent sunburn is defined that 86%. In terms of fruit peel coloration impact, white net showed thatbest result with 50.75o


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    WOS: 000386746100062The study was carried out at the experimental area of Pozanti Agricultural Research and Application Center in Adana at 2012 and 2013. Ten years old Francoise peach trees grafted on GF-677 rootstock were used as experimental material. The aim of the present study was to reduce multiple pistil formation usually occurred in early ripening peach cultivars grown in subtropical regions. The high temperatures during flower differentiation are influenced the occurrence of multiple pistil in peaches. Black colored net which had the feature to shade 55%, white colored net with the feature to shade 30%, kaolin and their combinations were applied for the control of high temperatures. The combination of kaolin and black shading system with 55% of light transmission application decreased the temperatures 7.05 degrees C in the flower buds. As a result, the combination of kaolin and black shading system was found to be the best application on decreasing multiple pistil formation for about 68.75% and followed by white net with kaolin application with 62.50% reduction rate compared with control. The results showed that, black shade net with kaolin treatment significantly (P < 0.05) reduced the multiple fruit formation percentages and positive effects were observed on the leaf gas exchange parameters (photosynthetic rate (PN), stomatal conductivity (gS), leaf transpiration rate (E), leaf water use efficiency (WUE), SPAD, quantum yield (PSII) compared with the control plants

    Performances of some sweet cherry cultivars (Prunus avium L.) under the subtropical climatic conditions and researches to the solution of multiple pistil.

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    TEZ8160Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2010.Kaynakça (s. 181-192) var.xxi, 193 s. : res., çizelge ; 29 cm.This study was carried out at the experimental areas of Pozantı Agricultural Research and Application Center both in Adana and Pozantı during 2006 and 2008. The performances of (Na-1, Early Van Compact, Bing Spur, Lapins and Cristobalina) cherry cultivars grown in subtropical regions were investigated and reducing of double fruit formation usually seen in subtropical regions, was aimed. The same cultivars in Pozantı except Cristobalina were tested for performance comparison. Among the factors that affecting the performances of the cultivars such as dormancy (chilling requirement, growing degree hours, growth regulators (ABA and GA3), fertilization biology (In vitro pollen viability, germination ability, polen production and percentage of normal pollen), phenological and pomological characteristics were determined. Cultivars showed significant differences depending on the years, regions and the climatic changes Flower bud differantation in Adana was determined by stereo microscope and photografted. Morphological differentiation period in cherries initiate June and continued until the end of July, beginning of August. Shading system with 55% of light transmission decreased the temperature 1.9 on 3.1 oC degrees. As a result of reduction in temperature double pistil formation was decreased for about 60.89%- 27.81%. Also, the temperatures over 30 oC increased double fruit formation during the differentiation period.Bu çalışma 2006-2008 yılları arasında Pozantı Tarımsal Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi'nin Adana ve Pozantı'da bulunan deneme alanlarında yürütülmüştür. Bu çalışmada, subtropik bölgelerde yetiştiriciliği yapılan bazı kiraz çeşitlerinin (Na-1, Early Van Compact, Bing Spur, Lapins ve Cristobalina) performansları incelenmiş ve genellikle subtropik bölgelerde sık görülen ikiz meyve oluşumunun örtü sistemi kullanılarak önlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Performans incelemesinde karşılaştırma yapabilmek için Pozantı'da bulunan deneme alanında yer alan aynı çeşitler (Cristobalina çeşidi hariç) kullanılmıştır. Çeşitlerin performansına etki eden kriterlerden; dinlenme (soğuklama, sıcaklık toplamı, büyüme düzenleyicilerden ABA ve GA3, döllenme biyolojileri (In vitro şartlarda çiçek tozu canlılık ve çimlenme yetenekleri, çiçek tozu üretim miktarları ve normal çiçek tozu yüzdeleri) ile fenolojik ve pomolojik özellikleri saptanmıştır. Çeşitlerin performansları yıllara ve bölgelere gore (Adana-Pozantı) iklimsel değişikliklere bağlı olarak farklılık göstermiştir. Adana'da çiçek tomurcuklarının farklılaşma zamanı stereo mikrosop kullanılarak saptanmış ve fotoğrafları çekilmiştir. Kiraz çeşitlerinde morfolojik ayrım periyodu haziran ayında başlamış ve temmuz sonu ağustos başına kadar devam etmiştir. Kullanılan örtü sisteminin (%55 geçirgen) hava sıcaklık değerlerini 1.9 ile 3.1 oC arasında azaltmıştır. Sıcaklık değerlerindeki bu azalmanın sonucu olarak da tüm çeşitlerde %60.87 -%27.81 arasında değişen oranlarda çift pistil oluşumunu azalttığı saptanmıştır. İkiz meyve oluşumunda ayrım periyodu döneminde 30 oC'nin üstündeki sıcaklıkların büyük etkisinin olduğu saptanmıştır.Bu çalışma Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi tarafından desteklenmiştir. Proje No: ZF2006D29

    Şeftalilerde dinlenme mekanizmasına ilişkin araştırmalar

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    TEZ3390Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1999.Kaynakça (s. 51-55) var.vi, 55 s. ; 30 cm.

    Studies on the relationship of cold hardiness and carbohydrate level in peaches

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    Araştırma, iki farklı ekolojiye sahip olan Adana ve Pozantı'da yürütülmüştür. Pozantı'da Fairtime ve Flavorcrest çeşitleri, Adana'da bu çeşitlere ek olarak Springcrest çeşidi materyal olarak kullanılmıştır. Şeftalilerde yapılan bu çalışmada 27.10.997 tarihinden başlamak üzere her ayın 27'sinde alınan çeliklerde soğuklara dayanıklılık testi ve karbonhidrat analizleri yapılmıştır. Genel olarak tomurcuklar asil dinlenme döneminde soğuğa daha dayanıklı olarak saptanmış ve bu dayanıklılık oranı Pozantı'da daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Ocak ayı tüm çeşitlerde ve her iki bölgede toplam şeker içeriğinin en yüksek, nişasta içeriğinin en düşük olduğu ay olarak saptanmıştır. İndirgen şeker ise kasım ayında en yüksek, şubat ayında en düşük oranda bulunmuştur.This study was carried out under two different ecological conditions in Adana and Pozantı. Fairtime and Flavorcrest cultivars in Pozantı, besides these cultivars, also Springcrest cultivar in Adana was used as plant material. These study was carried out to investigate the cold resistance test and carbohydrate analysis were done on the cuttings taken every 27th of each month from September 27th, 1997. Generally, the buds were found to be more resistant to cold temperatures during main dormancy period and resistance was higher in Pozantı. Total sugar content was the highest and starch content was the lowest in January in both areas and in all cultivars. Reducing sugar content was the highest in November and the lowest in February


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    WOS: 000298100700006There are several wild almond species in Turkey included Amygdalus orientalis (Mill.), Amygdalus turcomanica (Lincz.), Amygdalus fenzliana (Fritsch) Lipsky, Amygdalus trichamygdalus (Hand.-Mazz.) Woronow, Amygdalus arabica (Olivier), and Amygdalus webbii (Spach). These species offer a great value for the almond improvement; we studied the pollen viability, germination ratio and pollen yield for seven genotypes of A. orientalis, seven genotypes of A. turcomanica all growing under natural conditions in Southeastern Anatolia (Gaziantep and Sanliurfa provinces, Turkey). Almond cultivars (Prunus dulcis [Mill.] D. A. Webb) obtained from Pozanti Agricultural Experimental Station, Cukurova University, were also used in the experiment. The pollen viabilities of various almond genotypes were determined by 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) and fluorescein diacetate (FDA) tests. At the end, pollen germination ratios were established according to Petri dishes method in vitro conditions (1% agar + 0, 10, 15 and 20% sucrose) while pollen yield was estimated with hemacytometric methods. The results indicated that pollen viability ratios were close to each other in both methods for the genotypes A. orientalis and A. turcomanica. Pollen germination ratios were found to be dependent on the sucrose content as well as on the genotypes used. The pollen of almond cultivars showed similar germination ratios in all of the sucrose concentrations while those pollens of A. orientalis and A. turcomanica genotypes displayed higher germination ratios in 10% sucrose. The number of anthers in one flower was higher in cultivars whereas the number of pollen grains was lower in other almond species. While the number of pollen grains in one flower was relatively high in A. orientalis genotypes, pollen quality was high in all the three species under research. The results suggested that these two species, namely A. orientalis and A. turcomanica could be employed for future almond breeding programs

    Determination of grafting times and methods of walnut under Adana ecological conditions

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    Bu çalışma, Ç.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü Araştırma ve Uygulama Parsellerinde yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada "Yalova 1" ceviz çeşidine (Juglans regia L.) ait 1 yaşlı ceviz çöğürleri anaç ve "Amigo" ceviz çeşidine ait gözler ise çeşit olarak kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada 1 Şubat 2004 tarihinde 1 yaşlı tüplü ceviz çöğürlerine dilcikti aşı yapılmış ve 15 Mart 2004 tarihine kadar 25°0C'de ısıtmalı odada bekletilmiştir. Ayrıca fidan üretim parselinde bulunan 1 yaşlı ceviz çöğürlerine de 1 Şubat 2004, 1 Mart 2004, 1 Nisan 2004,1 Mayıs 2004,1 Haziran 2004,15 Haziran 2004 ve 1 Temmuz 2004 tarihlerinde Yongalı göz aşısı yapılmıştır. 3. aşı yöntemi olan Yama aşı Şubat ve Mart aylarında ceviz çöğürlerinin kabuk vermemeleri nedeniyle 1 Nisan 2004, 1 Mayıs 2004, 1 Haziran 2004, 15 Haziran 2004 ve 1 Temmuz 2004 tarihlerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yapılan aşı zamanları ve yöntemlerinin tamamı için aşı tutma oranı (%), fidan elde etme oranı (%) ve ortalama fidan uzunluğu (cm) değerleri 1 Ekim 2004 tarihinde belirlenmiştir.This study carried out at the orchards of Horticultural Department of Agricultural Faculty. In this study Yalova 1 walnut cultivar (Juglans regia L) was used as rootstock while Amigo cultivar was used as cultivar whip and tangue grafting was applied to one year old walnut seedlins on 1' st of February 2004 and kept in controlled room at 25°C until 15 March 2004. Also, chip budding was applied to the one year old walnut seedlings on 1'st of February, 1'st of March, 1'st of April, 1st of May and 1st of June 2004. Third budding method of patch budding couldn't done in February an March since the bark was not splitting . Bud take rate (%), percentage of nursery plants (%), and plant length (cm) values of all budding applications were determined in 1 st of October 2004